
  • Gatss
    Gatss Member Posts: 22

    A friend of mine

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    My experience:

    I have played only a few matches so far on each side. 24 hours isn't really that much for the little time I have available to play. And among those I played, unfortunately one game the killer was just farming.

    So, I took some time off from the game awhile ago because I was burnt out from rift grind and was rank 20 both roles not too long ago and still rather low ranks on both roles.

    First, killer. I usually play this very late in the evening/night. Around that time I pretty often get sweaty squads lately that are rank 15-19 (however they manage to do this) when I'm really just playing chill without tryharding or meta perks. With the groups I recently got, I was often getting about 1-3 hooks all game. Don't mind too much, rather wondering how they enjoy such games, but this just for reference to how it was before MMR.

    So I had to play Clown for a daily, I usually never play him and can't say I'm good with him. I had to wait unusually long for the time of day to get a match. The survivors were not that good and it wasn't a lot of fun as in "too easy if I had played seriously". I also don't like the "guess which locker someone's hiding in, otherwise you don't see anyone all game" play. Same repeated with a second Clown game, longer wait, rather easy game.

    I then switched to another killer I play more often (Pig) and got instant lobbies. The survivors were suddenly rank 1-3 and notably better than in the Clown games but in a good way, those were really fair and fun games with tons of hooks and plenty bloodpoints for everyone. They played bold as I like it, but it was nothing like the low rank sweaty e-sport teams I kept running into these last days, rather folks who like me also just played to have fun.

    This afternoon I played a few survivor games. I tend to avoid ranking up too high as long as I can, I don't have good experience with red rank teammates in solo queue when I was in red ranks myself, and with the "soft" rank reset it felt the red ranks got cluttered up more and more with not so good survivors. Since I was back at rank 20 only just recently, I'm currently at rank 12. These last days I played mostly with green/yellow rank players, with the odd matchmaking screwup here and there (e.g. rank 1 or rank 20 killers for a mid-rank group).

    So with MMR on, I got suddenly thrown as rank 12 survivor into all red rank lobbies, and this time with actually good teammates. I was delighted as my main hope for the MMR were to get better teammates more often in solo queue.

    So, overall a good experience for me, but as I said, I only played a few games due to time constraints. Unfortunately I can't play the remaining hours until it is switched off again. It would be interesting to have the MMR on for a longer time after any adjustments you may want to make.

  • dontpanic503
    dontpanic503 Member Posts: 58

    My experience with MMR so far:

    As survivor, played about 20 matches. For context, I'm a purple rank survivor, not great at running/looping, but decent. The first 10-12 games I played with MMR on I was put in survivor squads of mostly rank 17-20 survivors, and against similarly ranked killers, and my escape rate went way up. I think I only died in 2 matches. Then the game seemed to decide I was way more skilled, and the next two games I was immediately paired against rank 1 killers, and got stomped. After that, it eased off and started pairing me against green & purple rank killers, and with relatively evenly ranked survivors, and the games felt more balanced. So... my experience as survivor was that the games were the most balanced when I was matched with other players of relatively similar rank.

    As killer, played about 10 matches, and noticed little or no difference from before MMR was implemented. I'm a much worse killer than survivor, hovering between yellow & green ranks most of the time, but was still paired against survivor squads that are 4 purple or red rank players. (Which is consistent with normal matchmaking. It's a very common occurrence for me, at rank 12 or 13, to go against a rank 1 survivor and 3 others in red/purple.) That said, I got slightly more kills than I do most nights playing killer, so maybe the skill assessment was doing something right? It's possible it was pairing me against people who were ranked beyond their skill, since I did get more kills than usual. I did notice more outlier survivors, like 3 red & purple rank survivor with 1 brown rank survivor mixed in, but it's hard to draw many conclusions from so few games.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    lot of fun here

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I think MMR has been fantastic so far! I only played survivor but I got a lot of experience in solo and with one other person as an SWF.

    It worked amazingly well when I was playing solo. Most every survivor I was matched up with was very experienced and knew how to play the game well (I have 1,200 hours and am consistently rank 1 in the normal ranks). I've honestly had some of the most fun games i've had in a long time. That doesn't mean it was great all the time however, there were a few wacky games thrown in that had some less experienced players... I had a couple games where we just absolutely destroyed the killer because there was such a big skill gap between us. Most of the time I felt evenly matched with all players.

    My biggest problems came with SWF. I played maybe 5 or 6 games with my friend who has around half of my hours. There were some really rough games with him, i'm sure our differing data messed up the matchmaking quite a bit because it was all over the place. One game we had survivors and a killer who were brand new to the game and other times we had decent survivors with a really good killer. I definitely did not enjoy my time in SWF nearly as much as I did in solo. It felt much better than the normal ranks.

    Overall I am very excited for when MMR becomes permanent. My biggest problem with dbd is the current matchmaking system because it can be so hard to do well in games sometimes and it can honestly ruin the game. A common occurrence for me is games lasting only a few minutes because of our poor team composition. I even noticed that most PC players I matched up with either had really close to the amount of play time I have or have even more. I had so much fun playing the game yesterday.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    I only played a handful of matches last night with an swf teammate. We're both purple rank after reset.

    First two matches we didn't play normal, we were trying to do stun killer after reseting a pallet challenge so both died fairly quick but got it done after second match (yay!). Both matches the killer was yellow/brown rank, we had 1 red rank teammate and other was yellow/brown rank - they probably hated us because we were more focused on archive challenge than match itself.

    Third match we actually played to escape - I spent the match getting chased by a Leatherface, was hooked once between chases. Everyone escaped and no one else even got injured. Leatherface was yellow or brown rank, and again one teammate was red rank and other was yellow/brown rank.

    Next match was a rank 1 Deathslinger, same set up as previous matches for teammate ranks. The yellow/brown died fairly quick and we were only able to get 3 gens done before he killed rest of us.

    Overall I'd say it's not working. Each match I was getting two middle rank players, a high rank player, and a low rank player against either a high rank killer or low rank killer. If against high rank killer the low rank teammate is being carried by the team if they don't quickly get sacrificed. If low rank killer the higher rank survivors will just ruin their time because they can easily loop the killer. I know there are low rank players that don't belong in their ranks but the ones I was paired with/against didn't even have a teachable on their character and were all green/yellow perks. When mmr isn't turned on the low ranks I get paired with/against more often have p3 outfits with full load out of purple teachable perks and are able to hold their own against the higher rank players, it was odd I didn't get any of those players as either killer or survivor yesterday.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    BHVR needs to remove the ranks besides everyone name because as long as the number and color are there the feedback will only be about the rank.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Europe, Italy. I've been against super strong survivors. Literally. Super strong. MMR works, I don't know if perfectly. I didn't play as survivor at all, but as killer I've played since 3pm Italy time, and survivors were simply insane. I've got 2050 hours, played since Jenuary 2017, + tons opf knowledge and youtube videos and twitch streams.

    I trained myself a lot!

    Good work BHRV, keep it this way.

    But please do something for the gens speed. Even with Pyramid and tormenting people, I am forced to tunnel a lot, patrol the hook, and never go for chases.

    I was doing this strategy: Try to torment, hook in a place far from lockers so they can't use ds, avoid bt, cage, go to the cage, hook, dead.

    That's it, and gens were still going insanely fast against these survivors. Every match was like a SCRIM, I am not joking.

    Even when I somehow won, it was because I simply tunneled the last person to death, only him. No different chases.

    If I couldn't torment I was basically forced to tunnel and I knew I was gonna lose no matter what because the game foundation doesn't allow me to.

    That's my opinion, which I really believe into.

  • aerafield
    aerafield Member Posts: 47

    It's great!

    Just wanted to take a brief moment to say that the new MMR system is one of the BEST additions to the game by far.

    Usually I criticize DbD a lot, but this system works surprisingly well. I always hated how you constantly get put into matches with totally casual players even if you are a tryhard and win a lot. Both survivor and killer games felt really sweaty and I loved it

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Played a lot of survivor, teams had very good pairing and felt on par with my skill level. Killer was completely demoralizing with everyone playing at swf sweat squad level with even brown ranks running maxed meta perks, and that's on killers I literally never touch.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    I agree with this whole heartedly, i should be bullying babies all night, but its a casual game. I don't want meta squads all the time, like I did get. also I don't want babies. idk how you find the medium. For me it was a miserable sweat fest with my fav killer.

  • Avern
    Avern Member Posts: 5

    I tried playing as some killers I never normally play, to see how the system handled it. It handled it poorly.

    For reference, I quit playing ~6 months ago and only recently started playing again. Since coming back, I played mostly Blight (won a lot until I finally hit red ranks). I also played 2 games with Hag (DCs and suicides on hook in both games, so IDK if MMR would even count those), and a single game with Plague. I have ~340 hours in the game, mostly on Killer.

    So while SBM was turned on, I played some games with Billy (have barely touched him before, ever) and also my first ever match with the Twins. In both cases, queue times were much longer than I'm used to as the game waited to match me with complete beginners. My games consistently had 3-4 players who were brand new. Constantly running back into me instead of making distance, ignoring windows/pallets that they could easily reach, trying to hide in places where they were painfully obvious, etc. All the telltale signs of people with only a couple games under their belts, if even that. With the Twins, I got my Adept by playing as an M1 killer. Literally didn't release Victor until the match was already over. Easiest Adept I've ever gotten, despite being red-ranked at the time.

    How on Earth is this system supposed to work when a new killer releases? You'd have tons of experienced players looking to try out the new killer, all in the same queue hunting for a handful of newbies. You'd wait forever to finally get matched into a game, crush them mercilessly in the hopes it would bump your MMR up so you could actually try out the killer against opponents who at least know the basics, then go wait in another agonizingly long queue.. Meanwhile, how long would it take for experienced survivors to even encounter the new killer?

    Seems like a complete mess in this regard. If you can perform well with one killer, that does not mean you need to play literal first-timers to figure out how to use a new Killer's power.

    And frankly, if this system works at higher levels of play, I think that'll probably be garbage too. I'd basically never be able to use powerful add-ons for fear of it boosting my MMR too high and forcing me to play with players above my skill level. Same with playing powerful killers. And if I ever wanted to learn a new killer, I'd get to suffer through the newbie queue. This whole SBM thing seems misguided in a game as unbalanced and wonky as DBD. The ranking system never felt terribly off to me anyways. Usually got a nice mix of easy games, close games, and games where I get dumpstered. Between this attempt at SBM and the one back before I quit playing, it just seems like a downgrade.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    I played around 20 games. I played Spirit, Pyramid Head, Leatherface, Doctor, Plague and Oni. Every single game was an absolute brawl. I versed red ranks with DS, Unbreakable, Prove Thyself every single game, even on killer I don't really have much experience on. I understand that high skilled killers should be matched with high skilled survivor but in my honest opinion, killers don't really have the power to compete constantely. The only times I won was when I hardcore tunneled the first survivor I saw and that is not really fun for both parties. It is interesting to see how the new SBMM differ from player to player but in my experience I didn't enjoy my time. It also has nothing to do that I'm used to steam roll bad players, I love people who offer a good fight and take me out of my comfort zone but I just think that SBMM has no place in DBD. This game is not competitive despite what people is really not, deal with it. If this MMR gets live people will only see hardcore nurse and spirit mains so both parties won't enjoy their time. My solution would be to split the game into a Normal and Rank mode. As I said, if this goes live no one will have fun but that is just my opinion.

  • alberto20201980
    alberto20201980 Member Posts: 6
    The worst rank match I've ever seen. Horrible, unplayable very complicated SWF matches of red color against a rank 13 killer. Ridiculous was the most frustrating day of my life.

  • gigzz
    gigzz Member Posts: 9

    I Play this 24hours about "new mmr" and i say to you, this mmr will exterminate LOW TIER killers of the game, i pick my legion, and game put me againts 4 Men SWF (of tournament) of my country, and others very good survivor all the time, all matches, cause i'm good with legion, okay but... LEGION DON'T HAVE POWER TO FACE 4 MEN SWF or 4 Very good survivors behavior.

    It's funny play with: Plague / Myers / Doctor / Clown / Legion / Demogorgon and others, but if you say "you're good with this low tier killer, go and face this four very good survivors swf", its so wrong, i can be good with "X" killer or "Y" killer, but these killers DON'T HAVE power to face four very good survivors just cause i'm good with he, you can understand my point?

    Or we will only see Spirit / Nurse / Freddy and Billy, cause others killers are too weak to face four very good closed swf group, just cause the player are good with "legion".

    And i take 10 minute or more to found a match (with all killers)

    Please, don't change the Rank System, its good.

  • Prisjegarn
    Prisjegarn Member Posts: 1

    I played 2 games during the MMR test, none of which were any fun.

    I played Legion for my first one (went a build with no anti-gen perks to mess around and to do my sacrifice ritual) They sent me to Dead dawg, they did 1 gen, then they all died like flies because they never went for pallets or any loops, they just ran in a straight line out in the open. Turns out that 3 of them were grey ranks, so 3 people were around rank 17 and 1 red rank that died first hook because no one saved her.

    The 2nd game I played I was trying to learn Phead(Just started leveling him last weekend, probably have less than 10 games on him with very bad perks) It was on Rotten fields which I didn't mind, but I went against a full red rank swf where almost all of them brought a toolbox with good addons and they were all using adrenaline, unbreakable and DS.

    So the game where I played a killer I have good perks on, many hours played on and one of the few killers that I have actually prestiged, I get almost a full grey rank lobby with people that only had base game perks (they were using perks like Premonition, Lightweight and Small Game).

    And for the game where I played a killer that I have only played a handful of games on before, haven't even leveled to 30 with yet, I get full red ranks with good items, meta perks, people that know how to loop etc, we even had about 1-2k hours diffirence in playtime.

    I recently took a 2+ month long break from the game so I am currently rank 8 with killer and I have just under 1k hours on the game.

    (Wrote all of this before I realized that I could just send a screenshot of the first game to show ranks, perks and stuff like that)

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    Like it so far..

    I've got a mix of red ranks with lower ranked survivors, which levels the game..

    I've actually stopped the feel to tunnel with my weaker killers as it's more leveled..

    Some times high ranked will survive or lower rank will but is more fun not getting all gens popping at once or having every survivor to be an expert looper..

  • ble3kaudio
    ble3kaudio Member Posts: 100

    MMR is turned off and my games are loads better. I don't get any survivors below purple (I"m a Red Ranked Survivor Main) and all the killers have been red or purple tonight. Night and day difference from yesterday with the MMR turned on. I don't know why, but the MMR seems to make matchmaking much more unbalanced and frustrating.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I played killer yesterday and i am rank 14 and kept getting put with red ranks constantly.

    on my 2nd account i am rank 18 it was all with rank 1 players. i am just trying to level up my Freddy on my other account.

    as for survivor i had gotten into good games. the ranks were more the same level.

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    Reading through the other reactions to SBM just makes me think of how little people understand how SBM works, and how badly BHVR needs to explain it to the community.

    We also don't know what it takes into account (which we shouldn't) and how much data is has been fed to calculate SBM so far. At best case, it's been taking data since they initially planned, at worst it was live with everyone starting from base rating.

    I only played a handful of games on different killers/survivor and they were... fine? Not much difference from usual, so I didn't see anything to complain about. Got some escapes, some sacrificed, some 3/4ks, some 0/1ks.

    I just don't understand why people are complaining about having to sweat games with SBM though. If you don't want to sweat, don't. The worst thing that happens is you lose a match, your rating goes down, and the games get less sweaty. Just reeks of entitlement to me.

  • Sir_WAFFLZ
    Sir_WAFFLZ Member Posts: 45

    Here is the feedback- It doesn't work. Even if it did work it would suck. I don't want to get good at this game and play against or as Nurse and Spirit all day. The killers aren't strong enough to justify this system. I would think each killer would need a high skillcap and a lot of room to grow as a player, but if I play Legion at top MMR I'll just lose because I'm Legion. That isn't fun or exciting, and I don't think the community wants this change. So let's mix things up and listen for once BHVR huh?

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    my teammates arent potatoes anymore. i do occasionally get matched with sweatbag nurses but atleast my teammates arent the thing that gives me a headache

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    The point is if you're playing at top MMR and just lose because you're Legion, you won't stay at top MMR, and you'll stop losing.

    If the majority of the community can't get Legion into the same MMR range as Spirit, then Legion needs work and BHVR can see that more easily. There is no downside if BHVR commits to balancing killers after MMR goes into effect.

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    You're expecting it to adjust far too quickly. Even if you played for the entire 24 hours, you would still get some matches outside of your range. Good matchmaking with SBM requires A LOT of games. It should be a couple weeks at least to see real effect for MMR, that's the biggest issue with this test.

  • kfawn
    kfawn Member Posts: 13

    Background (almost 6k hours across a few different platforms)

    The proposed changes to matchamking have been very encouraging. These are probably the best changes to the game since I can remember and I say this as someone critical of the devolopers.

    For the first time ever I'm being matched with survivors who play similiarly to me. They understand the game well and make intelligent in game decisions. For 24 hours I didn't have to boost other survivors who have no idea what they're doing or just shouldn't be in my survivor lobby. Now killers can actually have challenging games instead of brainlessly 4king against mixed rank survivor teams.

    The Devs should understand that a lot of players are happy to wait in lobbys for better team mates. This is FINE and shouldn't be dismissed. At a high level the game should be more competitive. Even if the devs ignored this the players playing those games would not. The only difference is that the lobbies are mixed ranked instead of being based on similar skill ability. It isn't fun to go against an experienced killer with team mates who understand the game less. A lot of the playerbase do not play the game causally, I'm not sure why this is even controverisal at this stage in the games cycle. Getting team mates who match your skill is a central point of matchmaking and it has been ignored for years.

    Killers will complain because they are having challenging matches. No they are complaning because they are going up against survivors who are as good or better at the game then them. With MMR actually functioning like it did in the test killers won't be able to brainlessly 4k against survivors who make less mistakes. Most people don't realise that the devopers are trying to balanced the game for a 2k. These games should be sweaty and challenging, And if they're not you should lose MMR and be matched with lesser players. It's that simple. That's how MMR balances itself out.

    I doubt I'll be able to continue playing this game with solo team mates given how bad this mixed matchmaking system currently is.

    No one can rebut the points I've made about MMR being good and healthy for the game because the point of matchmaking is to put similarly skilled survivors in the same lobbies against killers on that MMR.

    Developers hurry up and turn on MMR again. Turn it on for a month or indefinitely.

  • kfawn
    kfawn Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2021

    Players should be allowed to feel good about being high MMR and having good matches. I reiterate the point about lobby times - they're fine if you're waiting for better team mates. Even if it's 10-15 minutes.

    Hopefully devs don't take years to turn MMR on.

  • Cokeign
    Cokeign Member Posts: 15

    Survivor Main Perspective

    After a few games, I felt that it had a decent balance!

    At first, I was so shocked to have a variety of ranks in one game. EX; 16, 12, 5, 8, & 3 (Mix Survivor & Killer). These were pretty much “???” for some: the non-healer, the give-up-on-hook, etc. Then the real fun began!

    Even if I saw some different ranks, they still had a similar *play style* method. I felt there was a pretty even match between killer and survivor: each getting high blood points. Even if some escaped, it was like death hooks for most!

    I thought it was cool, because I recently came back from a long couple months of not playing and I know how frustrating it can be to be back at Rank 10 playing with first timers trying to get back up to purple / red. I felt that some of the lower ranks I’d match with were very good players (or at least decent).

    I’m a decent player, on / off good skills but I have my bad times too 😂. Not a beginner, but no expert! Usually keep a rank 5/6 but I’ve been a 5/4 during the SBM and even today (a day after). I played almost ten hours to test it out. Hope this feedback helps at all!

  • Cokeign
    Cokeign Member Posts: 15

    I thought about this as well and I forgot to mention it. I really hope this update can stop those killers form purposely de-ranking to dominate over newer survivors.

    Even when I have to rank up after months of inactivity, I find those killers and they get even crueler when they find out I’m not just “new”!

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I played 5 or 6 games as Wraith. I’m decent with him so was expecting some hard matches. I 4k’d all of them but one I 3k’d because of hatch. I only thought one of the teams I played was good. They were more the type of squad that wanted to interact with the killer and prevent downed teammates from getting hooked. They got 4 gens done before I killed them but if they would have focused gens more they would have wiped the floor with me. It was an absolute blast going against them.

    I got a Myers daily to sacrifice 2 people. I don’t play him a lot because I just don’t feel like I play him well. I played good perks and add ons because I know he’s not a strong killer for me. I don’t like to camp and tunnel if I don’t have to. It took me 2 matches to get the daily done. Both teams focused gens and they flew fast. I had to tunnel and camp the 2 I killed because I wouldn’t have gotten any if I didn’t. Wasn’t expecting that strong of opponents.

    I played just a few survivor matches. I always play solo. I’m not as good at survivor as killer as I play a little more killer. The killers I faced quickly destroyed us. I wasn’t expecting MMR to place me against such strong killer players.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    For me it was very relaxed as a killer to the usual green ranks with red ranks suvivors but if I had gone as a survivor I would surely have played with green ranks which I would not have liked.

    You say that the ranks don't tell if you are really good but the reality is that if you notice a difference if your teammates are green ranks and the killer is rank 8, is that the teammates drop like flies and you with 4 engines left as they couldn't repair much, I don't think the new match is fair for survivor.

  • Hummer65
    Hummer65 Member Posts: 12

    MMR was decent enough that it's better than the current matchmaking system. Although, I feel if it's too accurate, it may get too competitive and that will only highlight the issues of imbalance within DBD.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Ino it was only on for supposedly one day but I've definitely noticed that it's been doing something the past 2 weeks. When I play with my mates who are a lower rank we are either getting rank 1 killers (my rank) or lower rank killers who are quite obviously pretty decent at the game.

    The night will start off with some average killers but after maybe 3/4 games there is a noticable change in how each killer plays.

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    All day I had time to play only 3 games for the killer, I played for Oni. The first game I got a strong team and they all were able to escape. In the next game i got too weak surviving and I did 4k. The last game ended with the kill of 2 survivors and the others had escaped. I don't know what will give this information, but let it be.

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    I kept getting paired with very low ranks as Killer.

    As survivor me and my friend would die to a rank 1 then be matched with a rank 15 next game. We would obviously win that game and then it would put us back with a rank 1 killer.. repeating cycle.

  • Khosrow
    Khosrow Member Posts: 7

    This game is going to be the next D1. I don’t think I will continue to play this game if I continue to see behavior from the devs like this. I don’t see the point in changing the matchmaking. People are praising it because some people are having a grand time, and others are being thrown into a torrent of misery. Lesson learned on another mans dime.

  • Khosrow
    Khosrow Member Posts: 7

    This is too inconsistent to leave in, and if you do then it is a shame. You shouldn’t trip over dollars to pick up pennies, and foresight is better than hindsight

  • Aluc4rt2007
    Aluc4rt2007 Member Posts: 3

    So i tried both sides and i cannot wait until you guy bring it live it is so much better. But then you will also see that there is a huge gap between survivor and Killer play. I hope you guys know that in the worst scenerio the survivors are done with their objectives in the half of the time a Killer can do( if you really go for 12 hooks which is nearly impossible)

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    I got either red ranks or 15-20, so I think it would be better if the tests lasted at least a week.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    This system's alright, I haven't been playing any PS4 games a whole lot recently, but as Ghostface I was matched up a lot against rank 5's with and rank 4's with a dash 9-12 here and there in each group, who are pretty good at the game.

    But yet I still 4k'd them. EVERY. SINGLE TIME. I literally 11 games in a row as my rank 9 Ghostface (rank reset pushed me back). It's confusing because I didn't pip much since the survivors were still really good, like the gens would be popping really fast, but then I down everyone and win, and none of us get more than 27,000 bp without offerings which is sad.

    I still the think the system's doing a pretty job skill-matching wise, it's why I', barely pipping and gaining bp, but at the same time, I also just won 11 games in a row (all 4k's), so idk, I'm open to hear suggestions.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213
    edited March 2021

    It worked brilliantly for me.

    I'm typically a high-purple/low-green rank in both Survivor and Killer.

    Killer for me is usually sweaty red ranks, which is not a fun experience. I feel forced to play Spirit or Freddy, and still get my ass handed to me by teabagging dwights.

    With the SBM turned on, I faced survivors of a more-or-less equal skill level. Fights were less sweaty, but still somewhat challenging. In about 5 or 6 matches, I got one group who were seemingly inexperienced, but the other 4/5 were very evenly matched, lost a couple, won a couple.

    I then switched to a killer I hadn't played before, Bubba. 1st match was brown ranks, too easy to just M1 everyone. 2nd match was yellows, and I had to actually work to figure out how to play Bubba. 3rd match a mix of yellows and greens and that's pretty much where I stayed for a couple more matches.

    Survivor was also better. I usually play SWF with friends who are red-green ranks, and we most often get sweaty rank 1 killers. With SBM on, it was more of a mixed bag, and the games felt fun and more or less equal in skill. We didn't all escape every game but we didn't get slaughtered by Blights and Nurses either.

    All in all, it seemed to work perfectly.

    Most of the complaints against it seem to be from red ranks. Maybe that just goes to show that red ranks aren't balanced...

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    So far my games have been consistent with equally skilled team. However I do get goobers from time to time.

  • rattatasense
    rattatasense Member Posts: 3

    hey i bought the game 2 days ago and have been playing killer a bit. my issue is that im being constantly matched against rank 1-10 survivors. This can't be fun for the survivors. what i think has happened is that yesterday i was in a few matches were survivors would intentionally get hit and downed and after a few matches of 4king the survivors the match making system must have thought i was way better than i am. at this point my only options are to uninstall the game or slug through way too many matches to count for the system to correctly match me against equally skilled players.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    LMFAO, this says more about you than says about the system tbh

  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163

    Longer test needed, I'd say leave it on for 1-2 weeks

  • DemoFrog
    DemoFrog Member Posts: 193

    I'm a Rank 12 Demo main. Most of the games I played were against 4 man SWF's composed of Purple and Red Rank, and playing survivor, I witnessed more clueless Rank 20 Baby Killers then I had ever seen before. The MMR made it a stomping ground for High-Ranks, and torture for Brown, Yellow and Green Ranks. It was awful. Never DC'ed more.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Oh, well this looks like 90% of my survivor matches. Difference is I'm red rank survivor, together with rank 20s and 10s who really have no clue what's going on, versus red rank sweaty tryhards. Repeat this all the time.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited March 2021

    Why would they even attempt an MMR System while leaving Playing Ranking in?

    Most players do not understand the Devs "Master Plan"™ here. They see themselves at Rank 16 getting stomped by a Rank 2 killer, think the game is broken and stop playing.

    What are they thinking?

  • Danoobiel
    Danoobiel Member Posts: 132

    Honestly, I liked it.

    I wasn't thrown in a blender to play against a SWF with at leat 2 red rank for once.

    I was rank 9 at the time.

    You know before Trickster.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    I had a great time with it.

    I'd never put any time into Deathslinger but I just happened to try him out while this was active and it put me in appropriately low ranked groups and let me actually learn how to play him and as I got better and got more wins the people I was matched with seemed to scale accordingly.

    Then when I switched back to one of my more regularly played killers I was again appropriately matched with higher ranked players more often than not.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    When i play as survivor, the killers are all so bad with non meta perks. My teammates seem to do gens a lot faster and have basic game senses, using meta perks and not useless perks like self care.

    When i play killer, there's 1-2 survivors each game with decent skill and the other 2 who are complete noobs

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