DS NEEDS a buff now

Every game so far I've been camped to second stage and then tunneled off the hook. The stun timer does nothing and there seems to be no incentive not to just eat it anymore - especially if you have a ranged attack or any kind of map mobility.
Edit 1: Not looking for it to be what it was again. Just a minor buff. If its meant to be anti-tunnel now then make it anti-tunnel and punishing to killers that tunnel.
Edit 2: Didnt rely on it before. Never actually used it outside of Lauries adept achievement or challenges, but seems like every killer I've faced since the update has now camped and tunneled.
Edit 3: Obvi coordinated teammates running BT and bodyblocking or rushing gens would help. This issue is mainly with solo queue and seems to have hurt solo-queue massively now.
No it doesn't.
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Solo queue has been even more torturous since the change
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You should switch your avatar profile pic to this:
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everything you described as a problem there stayed the same as before the nerf.
neither was the stun timer reduced, nor is it in any way affecting killers to a point where it would be more worth it eating the DS / camping the hook than before.
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No it does not.
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A little hard to begin a chase when youre downed before your feet touch the ground from the unhook animation...
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that's your teammates' fault for farming you, not the game.
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Ever heard of bt? I hear its a good perk.
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They need to make it actually anti tunnel. Someone can get unhooked, tunneled, stuns the killer with DS, gets downed, get hooked, unhooked, and it's free tunnel.
Make it activate twice per match, both unhooks.
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I mean if its a huntress thats waiting from a far or if the killer has camped you almost to death theres not much else they can try I guess?
I just think that for what is now an anti-tunnel perk it should be more punishing if you bring it - considering you literally cant do anything else with it anymore. Let it activate two times (for if they manage to get you unhooked) and maybe increase the stun to actually be punishing. If youre downed under a hook and get a ds stun, 9 times out of 10 you wont make it to cover before the killer has downed you again.
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um no. that would break the game.
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Make it proc when you equip it and I wouldnt have a problem. I cant control solo queue players i'm afraid.
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And every game I've played ended up with 2+ survivors escaping while nobody needed to use DS even once.
Maybe you and you teammates need to gid gut and rely less on a perk that allowed you to cheese your obj.
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Just because you don't like it it doesn't mean it would break the game.
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This! 100% this! If its now meant to just be an anti-tunnel and not an anti-momentum perk anymore - at least make it punishing to the killer for tunneling!
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For the record, I never actually brought DS before the change. But it seems now to be mandatory.
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generators already get done at ludicrous speeds.
if all 4 survivors have ds, that's potentially 8 stuns for the killer.
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Yea maybe if all you go against is SWF, which isn't a the reality.
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I almost never use it and get a lot of obsession-less games yet I rarely or even almost never get tunneled. It's mainly because I can loop most of red ranks killers for decent amount as a lot of them are potatoes.
Unfortunately not as potatoe as my teammates.
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Nyactually.... you're invinicible before you touch the ground.
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It just got nerfed, and for a very good reason.
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Nothing in this scenario is related to the DS changes. ‘No incentive to eat it anymore...’ actually now there is an incentive not to tunnel but rather to wait until the survivor progresses the game so you don’t have to eat the DS.
Stun timer didn’t change as well. Your killer would have played the same way with old DS, he just doesn’t care.
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That didnt take long
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I'd like to see BT buffed to offset the DS change (make it based on killer proximity rather than terror radius) but the DS change was very much needed imo.
Granted, I'm still an advocate for built-in anti-tunnel mechanics without needing to bring perks.
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Wild idea - you can go for other Survivors. I know, shocking, eh? Took me over 5000 hours in DBD to come to this conclusion, happy to share my experience here.
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I would not say it needs a Buff NOW, but I hope that at some point they increase the Anti-Tunnel aspect. Like, DS can be a big middlefinger for a tunneling Killer, I am totally fine with that.
Like, hide Scratchmarks or Bloodtrails for like 10 seconds when using DS. Or increase the timer to 90 seconds or even 2 minutes so it does not go down while chasing.
Since Survivors with DS cannot progress the game anymore without losing their DS immediatly, it is totally fine to punish tunneling Killers harder than currently.
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there should be no timer on DS, it should deactivate when doing things, sure, but the timer is dumb af, do the devs think the killer will only try to tunnel someone for a minute?
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I mean, the game allowing it is at fault. It's punishing you for an action you dont have any control over.
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No, it doesn't. Being camped wouldn't have been the same before or after the change to DS. The Perk still works when you get tunneled off the 2nd Hook, so I'm not sure what your issue is here.
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2 years of DS abusing wasn't enough for you ?
Or let me guess: you never play killer, so you can't understand ?
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Don't tunnel then
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How do you suppose they should fix it? Not allow you to unhook a survivor if the killer is too close? Would just encourage camping. If your teammates are going to go for an unsafe unhook, that's on them, it's unfortunate that y'all have to pay the price, but that's how being on a team works.
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I can't wait for every survivor to enjoy their 120 seconds of invincibility to the fullest
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Just don't tunnel, "killermain".
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Okay, now I get it you were being sarcastic...
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I wasn't. If you think DS still leaves a survivor invisible after the nerf, you aren't playing the same game as everyone else. They literally cant do anything or it will deactivate.
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They still can take killers attention or bodyblock for other teammates, trying to bait out a locker ds - generally be annoying.
There's this weird thing both with this forum and dbd subreddit: changes being proposed can be absolutely broken, but people will actually be serious about it
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Nah, transfer the damage hit to the unhooker should be enough.
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This is absolutely mandatory that it's reversed. Everybody is getting tunneled out of the game with literally 5 generators left. Now higher tier killers can remove you without any worry or caution.
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If you didn't rely on it before why would you want a buff? Things like that doesn't make sense to me. But no it doesn't need buff. Now it's still anti tunnel you just can't sit on a gen in front of a killer.
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Never needed it before because the fear of it put most killers off. The nerf made it significantly less desirable compared to other perks so killers are just playing like its not in play because it's likely not. And if it is? It's a very short stun anyway so why not eat it and continue the tunnel?
I'd it's meant to be an anti-tunnel perk now it needs to be more punishing to tunnelling killers.
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No it doesn't
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So take the agency away from the killer due to the Survivor's bad play? I don't think that's a good idea.
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Idk maybe we will have to see how the new DS plays. But everyone knows old ds was a problem. And a stun is a stun no matter how short it can change the pressure of the game. For now though just wait for how the new DS goes.
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Well I doubt it needs a "buff," it just needs massive structural changes. Starting with reverting its recent changes and balancing all of those niche situations where it just becomes useless.
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No, in fact, it would allow the killer to guarantee the unhooker to be injured even if there is a bt
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But that’s something he has no control of.
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It doesn't punish the Killer?
How is a FIVE second stun in any way, shape, manner, or form NOT a form of punishment?
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I don't think that's a fitting punishment. If a killer is going out of their way to ruin the game for someone and remove that person from the game, and that person is bringing a perk to specifically aid them in that given situation that literally does nothing else and will deactivate if that survivor does ANYTHING other than be tunnelled, that perk better do something hella godlike and ensure they actually escape. Hell at this stage I'd be cool if after the stun the entity teleports the survivor to a random locker.