

  • MobBarley
    MobBarley Member Posts: 6

    Facing red ranks as a new killer yay fun

  • SnowMiser
    SnowMiser Member Posts: 39

    If you're balancing MMR out of two kills two escapes, you are balancing the game around the killer losing *every single game.*

    A win is four kills. Not three kills and hatch, not twelve hooks, four kills. The game only ends because of the killer completing their objectives when they kill all four. That's how winning works.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Mixed bag. Sometimes I'll get Survivors who are VERY clearly outmatched by either me when I'm playing as Killer or by the Killer when I'm playing as Survivor. I'm not talking like simple mistakes either, I'm talking like obviously inexperienced playstyles.

    Also, the punishment of "losing" seems to be overboard. I die/no pip once to a good Killer and suddenly I'm in a game next match where I can loop the Killer for 3-5 minutes.

  • bin_genji
    bin_genji Member Posts: 3

    I’ve played a good 30 matches of both killer and survivor. survivor is balanced for the most part. i usually hover around 3-6 and i occasionally get a couple yellow-browns but usually it’s a fair game against a red or purple rank killer. killer on the other hand... incredibly unbalanced for me. i’ve been 6-12 this whole test and i always verse atleast 2 or 3 red ranks with a purple rank. it’s incredibly bad for killer but survivor it works.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    While the brief time that this version of Matchmaking was active, I tried to play as many matches as I could. I will start saying that I'm not a Killer main and I only play occasionally for Rift Challenges or Daily Rituals.

    My rank at the time was 15 if I recall correctly and I found the empairment system to be at its most atrocious in a while. I do understand it was intended as the data was collected and processed for the betterment of it. Nonetheless, I was paired with Survivors way above my level that mostly made the game insufferable through the majority of the matches. There were some that provided a same-level of skill that I have, but the vast majority were just as unenjoyable as they could be.

    The very few times I played Survivor, I was initially paired with Killers way underneath my level and it slowly seemed to adjust until I had normal matches.

    In the overall perspective, I must point out I play as Deathslinger and I know not many people chose him as their to-go Killer. So, perhaps, the data was limited and other Deathslingers play way better than me. I do believe this new matchmaking could be an improvement to finally set up the differences between people who insist in playing in a ruthlessly competitive mode and those who are more casual and just want to have fun.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    While active, I certainly played more survivor than killer, but both sides I was paired pretty well I thought. We had 1 or 2 matches where we all escaped, but mostly it was a mix of escapes and deaths. Killer side, It was a bit hit and miss, but I don't think I ever got completely crushed, as I often do without MMR. There were certainly 4 escape matches, but with a few people on death hook, so not as bad as it sounds.

    Many people are using the end result as an indicator of how balanced the match was; if all 4 survivors escape but are on death hook; that seems like it was a good match to me. Likewise, if you 4k but all gens were repaired when last survivor was killed, again, a good match.

    Bad match making is getting 1-2 hooks before everybody gets out, or being crushed at 5 gens.

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