DS Nerf - Was it needed?

DS nerf was NOT AT ALL needed. It was survivors' only ticket to survival against tunneling and consecutive hooking with 60 seconds. And now it is gone if you repair, cleanse, heal, etc. Now more killers will enjoy tunneling, calling themselves pro killers and add to the toxicity.
How about the Devs do something meaningful for a change and resolve the tunneling and camping issue? Do you think low rank players enjoy getting tunneled and camped?
Also what next? Gen repair nerf or surv sprint speed nerf? Killers need to up their gameplay and strat, not have everything spoonfed by the game. And I say this as a killer myself. It disgusts me to see killers come crying here requesting for surv nerfs.
Great, now if you don't get tunnelled, you don't need to use DS!
If you do get tunnelled, you get to use DS!
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Or maybe survivor need to get better?
If you rely on a perk to carry you, you are Just bad. Same was when ruin got nerfed and undying and soms goes for ds.
Stop blaiming "tunneling" you die Just git gud.
If you die thanks to REAL tunnel then new DS shouldnt affect you
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Imagine needing DS when you play Survivor. 🤔
"Do you think low rank players enjoy getting tunneled and camped?"
What "low rank survivors" have Laurie, have her leveled high enough for DS, have it on their main(s) & are able to use it consistently?
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Yep If you rely on a perk too carry you You are Just bad. Ds nerf was needed
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Yes. Yes it was.
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I would also reduce the duration to 30 seconds
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On the contrary OP, this is a horror game, the killer should be the one with an advantage and the survivors should be the ones who have to up their gameplay to win.
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But... new DS has no difference in how it functions if you're being tunneled compared to old DS. It's just as effective anti tunnel wise. The change exclusively nerfed using it agressively as a tool of temporary immunity.
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DS definitely needed changes. It'll still stop tunnelling, which is what they want the perk to do anyway, so...I really don't see a problem with the nerf. Just jump in a locker if the killer's targeting you and DS is up like always.
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"DS Nerf-Was it needed?
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Of course it was needed it was poorly designed. Now we survivors have a 60 second anti tunneling perk, that is very good. It's still a very strong perk.
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Was it needed? Absolutely.
Should they have compensated us by making there be an obsession every game? They probably should have tbh.
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Only thing that needs changIng is an obsession in every lobby
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Do you think low rank killers enjoy getting genrushed?
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I'm going to completely disagree and say for sure that DS change was needed, the perk was being abused badly - survivors are not meant to have that ability in game, and now they have to play more strategically.
I've played with the new DS and it's been useful on the occasions that I have been tunneled - it extends the chase time, which is all you can hope for really because if a killer really does want to tunnel you and get you out of the game, that's their choice and it's basically up to the survivor to play their best with the tiles at hand to extend that chase as long as possible.
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So while you were being tunneled and hooked within 60 seconds, you also had time to do gens, clense, heal, etc? Gotta have some safety or the game is no fun?
You weren't being tunneled, you call everything tunneling, you need a safe space. If you want to repair in complete safety, maybe try Car Mechanic Simulator? This is a game about trying to escape a killer, try it, you might like it.
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Real tunneling is getting tunneled through both hook stages. Can you tell me how DS is gonna help the tunneled survivor when it can only be used through one?
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Tunneling. I don´t think the word means, what you think it means.
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Not to pile on here, but as a Killer main who plays both sides I'm still getting use out of the perk as a survivor against tunnelling killers while SWFs (and solos) that I play against are less able to abuse it for 60 seconds of invulnerability.
Overall a very healthy change and despite being 'nerfed' I'm going to continue using DS as my one second-chance/insurance perk to discourage naughty killer behavior.
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Oh I know exactly what it means.
Survivor gets hooked, unhooked, killer goes for them, downs them, gets hit with DS, survivor goes down, gets hooked, unhooked, killer goes after the same survivor again.
Can you explain how that isnt tunneling?
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Yes it was needed. Why should you be invincible for 60seconds every hook if killers wish to avoid it. How about you just get better and not let perks carry you.
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At a certain point that's just playing the game. I'm already punished by getting hit with Ds and getting into another chase at that point I know you don't have any protection and I can get you out of the game, what's wrong with that.
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So going for the unhooked survivor the first time is tunneling, the second time it isnt? Definitions don't work like that. Both times it was tunneling.
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yes, next question
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Absolutely, it's a great change.
However, Borrowed Time should also be changed to not be so situational so that it can step in as tunnel protection against all killers. It should be changed to work based on the killer being within 32 meters of the hook rather than terror radius.
There's no reason for Tinkerer/Freddy/Ghost Face/(insert random undetectable or oblivious perk) to just ignore BT.
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And DS works once. At some point, skill has to come into play.
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Where is the skill in tunneling?
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I'll say it again, that's just playing the game. There are only 4 survivors and i have to chase and kill somebody, if i know a survivor is weak im going to exploit that.
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DS is an anti-tunnel perk, not a tunneling immunity perk. It gives you 1 extra chance to escape from a tunneling killer.
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A streamer I like said, "I don't run DS anymore. Because when you need it, those are the games you don't enjoy nor want to stay in anyway."
Makes sense to me. Tunneling killers are going to tunnel. Die and move to the next game. And DS is still a good perk, just can't be abused. It really changes nothing for me, as I use it. I always heal with a fast medkit as soon as I can anyways. So like I said, give me ten seconds then game on....
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The survivor doesn't have to be weak because tunneling is easy even against good survivors.
It's like saying face camping is just playing the game. Yea, you're playing the game, but there are things that should make it less viable.
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Didn't mean weak in any other way aside from "they just used ds so i don't have to worry about getting hit again". Sure "tunneling" is good against even good survivors but they'll make sure they take you on a long chases whenever they have the chance to do so, because they're good.
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Why would tunnelling take any less skill than not tunnelling?
You're still chasing a survivor, you're still getting the hooks... no?
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Tunneling is a direct result of the gen speed. If killers had enough time for 12 hooks, then they wouldn´t tunnel. But when 2 or 3 gens get finished by the first hook, the killer doesn´t has time for anything else.
Also, tunneling someone out creates pressure on the other 3 survivors. If a killer tries to hook everyone once before going for the second hook, then its a guaranteed lose for the killer.
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I feel like you're baiting but lets be real it was needed. 60 seconds of immortality was absolute rubbish. I think only toxic survivors are mad about this change
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That’s exactly what I had commented in several discussions. Let the killer kill you and find another match
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
If you have time to repair a gen or heal, you obviously aren'tt geting tunneled anymore, or not? I mean what is your definition of tunneling?
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You just successfully described why it needed a nerf.
DS still works btw, just no more abuse as you stated.
I don't run ds or any other second chance perks on survivor.
I run to loops and pallets, in fact not relying on them has improved my game and allows me to have fun with other perks.
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I like the fact that you titled your thread with a question that was actually rhetoric.
But yeah, no, it was needed, and MORE nerf need to be done still. They NEED to make it turn off if you get in locker, this is a textbook example of no counter strategy that needs to go.
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DS needed its nerf because it wasn't being used/seen as an anti-tunnel perk, but a perk that gave you 60s of unhindered progress. That, and demanding every killer do a mental countdown before being able grab/pickup a survivor. This sounds odd until you realize that if a Killer proceeded to chase/hook another teammate in less than 60s, they would be punished for going back to you despite giving you the leeway to have gotten away or healed. Which meant survivors didn't need to heal and instead focus generators/unhook the person they just hooked, since being grabbed would just punish the killer for no reason even remotely close to "tunneling". Lastly, this now means if an entire team is using DS, thats 4 MENTAL TIMERS they have to keep track of to avoid being stunned for playing too well. Which, is stupid as hell.
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Yeah, it got nerfed hard. Only being able to use it after getting unhooked is a HUGE unneeded nerf. Even if you were trying to hook the obsession, you could still juggle them to the hook to completely deny them DS, which is adequate counterplay. What are those killer mains at BHVR going to do next, remove infinites?
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I mean skill doesn't come into play if you are getting tunneled off a hook immediately. Or am I misunderstanding you?
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If you DS me and i catch you again despite that 5s stun and the distance you gain that is skillful on my end. I've seen survivors run killers for 5 gens so if you can't keep me from getting you again then that's on you.
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get teamate with BT
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Solo Q exists.
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And guess what my dude?
Solo Q is composed of people, just like you, that can bring their own build.
Do you have BT or Kindred on your build? If so good, you are doing your part for the team and should hope the rest will do the same, if not then you are part of the problem.
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And guess what my dude?
There's a lot of people who farm you off the hook.