Survivors aren't allowed to have good perks any longer. We're just here for 4k power fantasies.



  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    Obviously you must think pig is leagues ahead of nurse based on statistics. If not then u just got urself into a double standard

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    😂 we have it so easy as Survivors that perks aren't even necessary, just icing on the cake.

    I'll agree that most perks don't change how Survivor can be played, but I chalk that up to gameplay being as basic as possible for the casual players.

    Really though, just about any perk you choose only adds additional benefits that are in no way required to best the killer. As the meta stands, the top picks are perks that give free info or bail you out of your own mistakes.

  • SkootSkoot
    SkootSkoot Member Posts: 11

    For the love of God. "It's only game. Why you have to be mad?" Seriously, why does the game have to be survivor or killer sided? Learn from your losses and celebrate your wins. If you are frustrated, put the game down for a bit and come back to it later. Going into the game with a negative mindset is what kills you, not the killer (or if you play killer, the survivors escaping is not the problem). It's ok to lose.

    Also, as someone who plays survivor and killer, I have to disagree with you on some things. When I play killer, as long as the match is good (breaking pallets, gens, hooks, hits, etc.) I usually let the last survivor escape and still end up with 24k bloodpoints at LEAST. Most of the time it's survivors that ruin the game by killing themselves on the hook when they realize they're losing. At which point, I need to make up for those lost bloodpoints and kill the rest of the team.

    I understand that I'm not representative of all killers but it's unfair of you to say that all killers are bloodthirsty for a 4k. I'm not unless I'm against a particularly toxic SWF. I just want to enjoy the game and bloodpoints aren't free.

    I also don't agree with you when you say that the devs favour the killers and their "4k fantasies". Remember when nurse used to be able to blink 7 times? They listened to the survivors and nerfed her to hell. Why do you think DS became a perk? They listened to the survivors when they asked for a counter to tunnelling. My point is that the devs listen to survivors just as much as they listen to killers. They care about both sides.

    Finally, playing killer is not easy. Where tf did you get the idea that playing killer is easy? Before you say "ThE sTaTs ToLD mE", try playing a round of nurse for the first time. Try playing a round of demo or literally ANY killer for the first time. You can't just jump into killer and expect to know exactly how to play like you can for survivor. Survivors aren't specialized like killers are in that all the survivors are the exact same when they have the same perks. Killers have to work with and around their ability.

    The last thing I want to bring up is that even if you die as survivor, as long as you got chased, did a couple of gens, got hit a couple times, and saved a teammate from the hook, you still get a decent amount of bloodpoints. Death doesn't necessarily equal a loss, y'know.

    From my experience (as a survivor and a killer) the worst thing that can happen in a game is for a survivor to DC or kill themselves on hook. It completely shifts the game in an instant. If Bubba is facecamping, gen rush the ######### out of him. If you're the one hanging, either accept that you're likely going to be the sacrifice so that your teammates get out of hope your team is brave enough to get you down with Bubba right there. Killers like that are ######### but all you can do is decide what YOU can do about it.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Just thought I'd point out how hypocritical your statement here is. You apparently, and a lot of others that mainly play killer and come here for the echo chamber, say both sides have issues that need to be addressed.. and then continue by saying survivor players basically have no right to complain about anything because it's harder to play killer.. that's how you see it, and you have every right to believe what you want based on your experience, but that doesn't mean anyone who's opinion differs is inherently wrong.

    Instead of listening to complaints and trying to legitimately figure out what's really wrong and how things could be made better, you complain that they just don't know how to play like so many people do to squash dissenting opinions (because that at all helps the game get better for everyone involved, right?). That any survivor ever that has any qualms at all is just bad at the game, not that there are legitimate issues that need to be resolved. Every last one. Come on, man, at least be honest.

    News flash, but not everyone sees it that way. In fact a lot of people, myself, included, find playing killer to be generally easier and definitely more rewarding (literally) save for those times, that are few and far in between, where you face a decently coordinated SWF which aren't as common as y'all act like they are. In fact altruism typically cripples them.

    There are far too many variables to say, objectively, that one side is better off than the other, yet y'all come here to perpetuate that killer is the hardest role in the game, consistently. I'd beg to differ and say solo que survivor is, but I digress.

    A killer can have a game where the survivors do 0-1 gens because they're getting face camped/tunneled by a killer with insta down abilities in a dead zone, yet somehow even though almost nothing happened the killer makes 23k+ BP where the most a survivor makes is 5k. I use this example because it literally JUST happened, and it consistently happens.

    In fact, every single game since the update with the new killer, people have been increasingly scummy for no reason. A lot of games ending up with a 4k at 4-5 gens because of insta downs, ya know, like getting iri huntress five times in a row just to get a doctor with the new killers insta down perk (which is atrocious given the size of his terror radius, encompassing some maps) and a Ghostface with insta expose addons and you know how breaking him out always goes, because it doesn't build up so all he has to do is dip for half a second and you can't expose him. 🙄

    Also is it just me or is there something wrong with stuns, more so than before? A lot of people are reporting stuns not actually stunning whether it be locker or pallets. Half the time you get a stun and get hit after they get stunned from the opposite side of the pallet. I played killer and pallets that should've stunned me slid off my face like hot butter. I even got blinded perfectly while picking up a survivor and it didn't make me drop her. Let me guess, you're going to say stuns not working as intended is just part of the update and people need to 'just get better and never use any resources in the game 🤪'

    There's never been a better time to be a killer.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Maybe because you sound just like you come from the other extreme end of the spectrum yelling the same "hurr durr" but from the other side?

    And pls if you want to make a stat based reality you would need reliable stats. But kills on a 3k hours killer against less than 200hour survivor teams both in red ranks is counted the same as when both sides have similar skill. Ranks as the point of comparison have lost their value with the change to rank reset and the loss of old ruin keeping lower skill people from reaching red ranks to easy.

    Also if you want use stats then you would need to make nurse easier to play to buff here from here was below 50% but you also don't want to lower her skill floor while lowering her skill ceiling and power to compensate.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    "I'm currently not doing very well, therefore this game is dying and the devs are making one side OP."

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    I mean, Survivors are not getting good Perks, this is correct. And considering how some people on these Forums throw a tantrum each Chapter when a new Survivor Perk is released where they think it is OP (this Chapter: Fast Track and Smash Hit, both already dont see any use), you can also say that they are not allowed to have good Perks.

    However, Survivors only being in the game to feed Killers Kills - nah, that is going too far. Survivor gameplay is fine, Gens are a bit boring, but personally, I dont mind that. The only thing that makes Survivor gameplay miserable are some Killers, like old Legion. Or, recently, Iri Head Huntress, Stridor Spirit, stacking multiple Slowdown Perks (especially as Freddy)... but the Survivor gameplay per se is fine.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342
    edited April 2021

    I think that is a little bit too easy of an answer to say "well maybe your just bad at the game"? I am a red rank survivor and have been playing the game now for maybe four months and can tell you the rate that killers are winning now as compared to when I first entered the red ranks maybe three months ago are astounding. I play 3-4 hours a night and play with many two and three man teams and can tell you I have went from winning 7-8 games a night to maybe one or two. Now, I am good enough to handle my own in the game and I know the players I play with are damn good and yet we are still losing far more than ever before?? For me, over the last couple of months, that's hundreds of games with thousands of players who are all red rank,,,they cant ALL be bad at the game? So, I am honestly confused as to where these SWF teams and dope survivors out there who are dominating the game because I havent seen anything like that. Not saying they dont exist but I dont think it is as prevalent as some killer mains are making it out to seem. This is not even talking about survivors who play solo like me,,,its way worse!! Also, I dont think the game is any harder and as a survivor I even agreed with the new DS so its not that me and other players skill level has decreased or a reliance on the perks/add on's that maybe have been nerfed. I play the same as I did four months ago and would like to think my skill level has actually increased.

  • YukariTheAlpaca
    YukariTheAlpaca Member Posts: 184

    Survivor "gameplay" is in the toilet because survivors in of themselves are just skins. If each survivor had some sort of unique ability, it could warrant the large quantity of perks that don't really affect survivor gameplay. Once you learn one survivor, you learn them all. It's the number one reason that survivor is so easy to play compared to playing killer. Don't get me wrong, survivors are still the power role by a large margin, but that is due to the atrocious map and overall time balance. If your killer does not have a good mobility tool in their kit then you are likely to lose due to the ability to quickly swap targets and apply pressure. If survivors happen to be skillful and coordinated, not even slugging will help you, as the time it takes to rotate and apply pressure to another survivor would have resulted in the original slug getting up. All in all, the core issue with this game is the core itself; It's too basic. If all killers without a mobility tool had some kind of standard mobility tool, the skill ceiling between them would be much closer together. If survivors had different abilities like killers do; than survivors would be more fun to play AND have a higher skill ceiling.

    TLDR; Game is boring because it's too basic and easy.

    (Someone literally programmed a bot to play this game because of how basic it is.)

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Yeah survivor would escape more at low ranks and the game would lose any killer player getting stomped for the first 20 hours because all killer are on nurse difficulty, great idea.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    I can't wait until they remove survivor perks altogether and give killers extra perk slots with base kit infinite aura reading. Now that's BALANCE!!!

  • lostboy
    lostboy Member Posts: 89

    Yes you’re right. This is why survivor queue times are long and players like me who main killers quit a long time ago 😊

  • HotHillbilly
    HotHillbilly Member Posts: 1

    You are absolutely correct. I don't even kill anymore. It's no fun. I down everyone twice and let them go. It's too easy.

    And now a new killer with 60 knives? He can injure and down you from a distance without even chasing you if you're in an open space.

    The devs released the stats that survivors only escape 11% of matches. That means 89% of matches are 4k.

    What I don't get is... You need 4 survivors for every killer, so why are they always only appeasing the killers?

    I learned how to be a 4k killer back before they started this campaign. I was ok with DS and MoM. I was okay with gens and toolboxes.

    If I got 4k then, anyone can with practice. But killers don't want that. I've seen killers cry on here it's survivor biased when they got 4k because they had to work for it.

    What they want is to be invincible and just wreck 4 people.

    That's not what this is.

    I wish the devs would release an uncensored version of this game with all the original abilities and let us choose which we want to play.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I mean if the survivors you go against teabag you at the exit, is because you let them get to the exit in the first place.

    Maybe you just suck as killer?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Basically this. People in this forum are always complaining about sweaty 4 men SWF, when that is less than 20% of the playerbase. Why are perks being nerfed because of less than 20%?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    At tournament level, a win for a killer is a 2K when the community perceives a 2K as a tie. I'd like to see some perk changes to shake up the meta and maybe change how the game is played. This could give killers more of an edge as previous survivor strategies will be risky and open way for new unique builds.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think the Dead By Daylight community embodies the proverb "The grass is always greener on the other side."

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    In solo play its was an issue as well. Ds was being weaponised by competent solos to push gens. Strategies as simple as move to a gen with a large amount of progression killer moves to stop them they hop in a locker killer grabs survivor from locker ds trigger prolonged stun period resets killers progress granting other survivor teamates time to heal or push gens. If you ignore them you let th get the gen and your still at a lose lose.

    Frankly i always find the whole ds brings a uniqie experiance makes no sense. Stuning a killer and gaining more second chances isn't some next level example of skilled gameplay. Comparatively well time head ons, excellent use of pebble or maoe use of iron will to shake a killer is far more impressive. Even timeing dead hard to prolong chases is way more impressive. The hit skill check to gain extra hook state perk.

  • Laro
    Laro Member Posts: 5

    Falling for a thread by OP with a name like "Ascended4Head" OMEGALUL

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Sluzzy copycat SMH

  • CoolerSphinx
    CoolerSphinx Member Posts: 22

    I play both survivor and killer and I can tell you that it is definitely not killer sided. I always have to sweat extra hard as a killer unless I'm facing brain dead survivors. As a survivor, I normally breeze through.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    You would get put at a rank that's appropriate for your skill level.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Please lost these "nerfs" because the only one I see is the ds one

    the maps are rebalance changes

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    I think bbq should be like distortion have 3 tokens and then disappears after 3 uses like distortion seems fair to me since y'all said you use it for bps but I call bs on that. I can get to rank 1 as killer with no crutch perks like bbq. I dont camp or tunnel either and still get 3 to 4k every match

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    So you are gonna attempt to remove the incentive to leave the hook?

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    Killers camp(proxy) either way even at red ranks. Bbq definitely needs to be like distortion 100% if I have 3 tokens to block bbq, it should only have 3 tokens. Not gonna change my mind. They've need way too many survivor perks for this game to be even. At least on F13 we can defend ourselves and even kill Jason. I'm tired of seeing ppl ######### about swfs u can dodge lobbies as killer not hard to hit the B or O buttons. I also think they need to make it since we see killers perks they shouldn't be able to see what items are being brought in

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    You know what would be a great idea one day it should be reversed that killers mains can't play anything but survivor and survivor mains can't play anything but killer. It sounds like one of hell deal to me

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited April 2021

    You've never played with BBQ if you think it's a strong perk that requires tokens.

    1. It's easily counterable via lockers, or being close to the killer, or any perk that makes you undetectable. You can also hide behind gens as they mask your aura.
    2. It gets killers away from the hook. (anti-camp)
    3. It gets killers hooking each survivor. (anti-tunnel)
    4. It gets survivors thinking about how exposed they are when the killer is finished hooking someone else.

    It's literally the healthiest perk in the game.

    Tip: if you see Distortion losing tokens when people get hooked, you will know that killer is running BBQ. Then, next time someone gets hooked, you will know to jump in a locker or make sure you're within 40 meters. Or, if you're in a SWF, and you've used up your tokens, you can strategically offer yourself up as the decoy while everyone else hides, so that your team mates can go for the rescue. That's the purpose of Distortion.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    This will never be a bad idea, but most people already play both anyway. There's nothing stopping you from picking up a killer.

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    Like I said I'm a rank 3 killer and dont use bbq it takes no skill in using an aura reading perk. I've gone matches with no perks on as killer and still walk away with 4ks. Some killers are way too easy to use. Plus I've seen so many rank 1s using bbq with iron maiden so pretty much lockers are useless and u can hide behind gens anymore bc the auras are different from the gens.

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    I've even seen killers camp with bbq so you answer is invalid about anti camping.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Nothing can solve poor play if the player wants to play poorly.

    Ultimately most people run BBQ for the bloodpoints, which requires hooking each survivor once. Camping won't get you there..

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,503

    I miss the LOL button :(

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    And i can get to rank 1 as survivor without any perks and be just fine

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    No? If you're referring to comms there are times where swfs aren't using any. For example two solos who enjoyed playing with one another enough to invite one another to keep playing, no comms involved apart from pre/post game messages.

  • killerscry2
    killerscry2 Member Posts: 7

    Dude NoED needs to go. Literally rewarding ######### killers at the end of the game for sucking the whole game and allow them to one hit everyone.

  • killerscry2
    killerscry2 Member Posts: 7

    I completely agree. Take away some of these aura reading perks and actually have them track survivors. Never should the killer see the survivors aura or at max for 2 seconds only bc they have so much other sruff to use to track survivors but that would be "too hard"

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    If the killer sucked, why didn't any of the survivors have time to do totems?

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    If you think the game is survivor sided you should try looking at the stats, the guys right. The last official stats showed the killer with an above 60% winrate. I'm red ranks both sides and can say with certainty that killer is easier and the only reason survivor gameplay is remotely fun is because you can play with friends. All the perks are boring as ######### because only a few are actually good and you don't have much to shake your kit up with if you don't want to screw your teammates over (or more commonly, get screwed over by your teammates)

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    There just needs to be more perks that punish camping and tunnelling IMO. I keep encountering tunnelling in my games and whether it's happening to me or a team mate, it makes the game not fun and I actually just don't want to play anymore if it keeps going like this.

    I know everyone keeps complaining about it and then people say it's a legitimate strategy and there are already counterplay against it, but you know what - if a killer goes after me/teammate to the exclusivity of all others despite trying to block, draw them away etc - it's just not a fun experience. When a game isn't fun, you stop playing.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907
  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Have you ever looked at the stats? If so how are they balanced? Baseless arguments are constant with you

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    Counter: find friends or join a discord

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    I'd be fine with that, or maybe some sort of addon to make her easier. The reason her kill rate is the only low kill rate is because she's so hard to play so only the upper echelon of players do good with her, survivor is not hard to play.