The Spirit: Problem? Or problem?



  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Her power is just fundamentally broken. Being able to ignore chase mechanics completely and having the best or second best mobility

    She needs a Freddy style rework

  • Meg_Main
    Meg_Main Member Posts: 28

    Gotta go with problem. Not so much in the character, but the developers' continued overwhelmingly mediocre design of killers. For the past year, we have gotten nothing but B, MAYBE low A killers but nothing more. I guess BHVR is still trying to uphold the ancient prophecy and order of the three only viable and consistent killers and high ranks. The Pillarmen, of Dead By Daylight. Hag, Spirit, and Nurse. When was the last time we got an objectively good killer. Think with me.

    March 2021:Trickster? Bad. Somewhat fun.

    December 2020: Twins? Not viable either. Or fun to play against and as.

    September 2020: Blight? Fun to play as, but immediately forced to play the M1 game when you go against somewhat competent survivors in high ranks. Also, console blight. Pure masochism.

    June 2020: Pyramid Head? He's good, not meta but not Trickster, but simply unfun to play as unless you bring double range addons and I'm All Ears. Even then it's simply satisfying to get those hits but it's not really fun for either side.

    March 2020: Deathslinger. The Satan of Dead By Daylight, at least in survivor perspective, and understandably so. Not particularly fun to play as, or against. Same thing as Pyramid Head, satisfying moments, but won't really work if the survivors are competent or if you time poorly.

    December 2019: Oni. Decently good, definitely an A tier, but has many draw-backs. For one, his power must be earned, most efficiently done so by hitting two healthy survivors and absorbing a couple of orbs, too. One you have his power, it is usually a complete aids-baby to use, unless you bring good addons. Hits take some percentage of your remaining power and even with high mobility, it is still a gamble on whether or not you will find survivors. God forbid, you play console Oni. You aren't really getting any downs in a timely manner in that case.

    September 2019: DemoNation. Very mediocre. Epitome of Jack of All, Master of None. Average chase pressure, average map control. Overall, he is too telegraphed. He lets survivors know when he misses a hit, lands a hit, teleports, literally does anything. His undetectable is basically useless when you realize his steps are gargantuan. Overall very mediocre, gets overwhelmingly destroyed by good SWFs with good communication.

    June 2019: Ghostface. He's not really fun to play as, or against. Honestly just a Myers without the swag and significantly weaker. When a Michael tiers up you feel the butthole clench and once you are in the edges of his terror radius you tense up. Ghostface doesn't really have that kind of fear instilled into the survivor and his addons are also rather weak, especially compared to those of our resident stalking father. If you can loop him efificiently, you are fine. You are also probably fine if you are on Coldwind or something.

    March 2019: Plague. This killer is revered as the owner of the D tier in most tier lists. The fact that your power only lasts 60s, and can be completely negated by the survivors, is not an equation for a good killer. Inconsistency in her power and dedicated servers means you have to bring Vile Emetic and get survivors into corners to puke on them just to be successful. I think she is in desperate need of a rework, but her addons are mostly fine. Maybe just a potency tune-up.

    December 2018: Legion. Must I say anything? Basically a Plague in terms of power reliance. The fact that this "totally scary killer oooo" is based on hitting you once and then running away, I think makes him unintimidating and his power utterly ineffective when survivors don't heal. Even good Legion players aren't really good users of Feral Frenzy (not because they are bad, but because the power is.), just generally good killers.

    September 2018: Spirit. Like the messiah of Dead By Daylight, but evil. I cannot count a day where I have browsed these forums and not seen a single "shpirit op! beehavyur plees nurf!!" post. Power is pretty good, although all spirit players are about 60/40 good players/bots. Pretty strong killer, although basically universally hated by all survivors.

    If we calculate the time between Spirit's release and the time of this release, it has been a whopping TWO YEARS and SIX MONTHS,(and still counting) ever since we have gotten a meta-creating/joining killer. I say still counting because we are yet to get another Fun Police killer.

    TL;DR: spirit is not the problem, it is BHVR's design that is. it has been two years and six months (and still counting) since we have gotten a spirit-level killer. The game has been out for almost 5 years, and there are still only like 3 killers which are viable in high ranks unless you trained in a remote monastery with Tibetan warriors in the art of hatchet-throwing or something.

  • Zora_sauce
    Zora_sauce Member Posts: 8

    I think nurse is balanced, the reason she's a really good killer is because with hours and hours of practice she becomes one of the best killer in the game for sure.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah I just feel her reward for the skill is too much.

    For example blight takes similar if not more skill but can’t win every game in like 4 minutes

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You're trying to loop a killer that can teleport straight to you. Looping won't save you against Nurse because she has different chase mechanics. You want to break line of sight and make her guess your position. You can even see where she's going, so you can quickly be on your way to another line of sight blocker to make her guess on her second blink if she lost the 50/50 on the first one.

    Failing both blinks will make Nurse have to wait a lengthy cool-down while you make distance and block line of sight. Using DH and-or Iron Will can help out a lot — most survivors use DH to begin with and Iron Will is pretty strong as well. You probably disagree because you don't see the effects it has on the receiving end, but not being able to hear survivors can mean a huge difference.

    Each killer has different chase mechanics — trapper can delete loops, yet he's fine because you just have to be aware of his trap locations or disarm him. Nurse can end chases if you keep letting her get line of sight on you, meaning you should make yourself scare during a chase more than prioritizing pallets and loops. Fake directions and make her guess, she been reworked to be fair, if you still have trouble, it's honestly just a practice problem. I'm not good against some killers either, I have my fair share of complaints, but ultimately, it's just me not playing well enough.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Her power is all about the Mindgames and Reads??? Also what happened to the First nerf she got? Where the only thing Survivors complained about was her having a collision during Phase Walk.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Nothing needs to be done to her. She's fine. Annoying? Yes. But whatever they do to her she'll end up being incredibly boring or incredibly annoying unless they just completely change her character to where she basically isn't the Spirit which is something they won't and shouldn't do. There is not much you can do. She's not OP either. Just super strong. Like Nurse.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    'Part of that is probably because I see her maybe one time for every 50 Tricksters.'

    What game are you playing and can I join? xd