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  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108

    I think the main issue with noed is that it gives a VERY powerful effect for no effort on the killers part. Noed essentially gives the killer free one-shot and a permanent play with your food stack because they are about to lose the game. This makes it unfair for the survivors in the game because they played all of their cards right. When survivors finish all of the generators and are fully healed, it is very frusterating when the killer just pulls out a noed and instantly downs a player.

    There is a good fix for noed however. Since the issue with the perk is that it punishes good survivors who outplayed the killer, noed should not affect these players. My idea of how to fix noed is the following:

    • You are only affected by the exposed status effect if you have been hooked at least once
    • Survivors are shown that they have the exposed status effect as soon as the exit gates are powered

    And boom, noed is fixed. It is not no longer unfair to the survivors who have won every chase against the killer, and noed won't take survivors by surprise when all of the generators are completed.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Tbh why dont killers just have noed in base kit and survivors have kindred or bond as base kit. This would technically be a nerf for noed because then survivors would always be prepared for it but then its not just a totem that ‘bad killers use as a free pass’

    But, by survivors being busy destroying totems the killers can then get some hits on them and gens are not progressing.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,143

    I play both sides too. The pallet's hit are the server's latency. Now if you played both sides you would know this. Noed doesn't activate until gens are done and one totem is still up. Run small game, detective hunch or even the maps.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    If when a trial starts every survivor touches a totem there’s only 1 remaining and they lost 10 seconds of genrush. When I do play solo survivor and NOED pops up I don’t blame the killer or the game, I blame my teammates. It’s on the survivor’s end, it’s not debateable, they have to do 5 totems which takes 10 seconds and for some reason they have been REFUSING to do so for 5 years, only to come here and say that NOED is wrong. Just do the bones.

    I do play solo survivor. I know it is harder because you can’t track them. And guess what, all the times NOED comes up I have repaired 3 gens and cleansed 3 or 4 dulls, made two or three saves etc, that’s simply because WHEN NOED activates it means at least 2 survivors in the trial don’t want to actually play the game.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited April 2021

    That's the point, teammates don't do bones in solo queue because there's no communication, meaning they don't know if doing one bone is enough or not, heck, they might see a destroyed bone and think their team is doing good when they aren't. You're expecting way too much from solo queue if you expect every survivor to do one bone and know when they are safe from the perk. Even if you figured out that you're safe from the perk, your teammates may not know that and might waste time looking for non-existent bones, giving the killer ample time. Solo queue doesn't have communication, and this is how much of a problem NOED is against solo queue — even worse, the killer might not be using the perk and will get value as if they are using it. Also, it's not just cleansing time, survivors have to search the map for 5 totems, which also take time. Some maps are ridiculous and you'll be practically throwing the game checking every crack and remember, if everyone is doing that — oh God, this game is over. That's why you see survivors ignoring bones altogether because deactivating NOED might cause more problems than it solves. It's not laziness.

    That's why people want a totem counter or change the perk to be more solo queue friendly (buffing it accordingly to compensate).

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Oh okay that’s fair. I get your point and I may agree, but you have to admit that is not what the op said and not what I was answering to. NOED is not in need of a nerf. As you said, it could use a rework. Fine by me.