Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback on PROPOSAL for Object of Obsession



  • Member Posts: 30
    edited February 2021

    Yes. It's called Object of obsession for a reason. Kind of like Blood Pact deactivates if you are the obsession. In OoO if you're not the obsession you don't have that "Link" to the killer so you can't see them. It only makes sense for it to be that way. Otherwise they can just change the name to some other name that makes more sense.

    Killers also have perks that become "dead" for the rest of the game in case their timer runs out or in case they are hex perks, they are broken most often than not quickly, before they can give the killer any value. So it's only fair.

    Edit: Also, Laurie comes with DS which makes you the obsession either at the beginning or after you stab them. So even if you're not the obsession, you can become the obsession later in the match.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I like the base idea but the 3-second aura reveal for the killer every X amount of time feels unnecessary. Both are already benefiting equally from the perk by seeing each other whenever the killer would see the survivor. Seeing as this is a survivor perk, why would the survivor be punished for using the perk by having his/her aura revealed to the killer every once in a while, it makes no sense to me.

  • Member Posts: 784

    A lot of people use the current OoO to attempt to bait the killer into chasing them. If you remove the part where they show their aura to the killer, then it removes a good part of why people used it in the first place. They WANT to be seen so they are chased.

  • Member Posts: 619

    The change seems fun, I would run this as a solo. I don't think the obsessions aura should just be shown, if multiple people are running it then I think it'll be more balanced if everyone running it auras are shown.

  • Member Posts: 134

    With this OoO you may as well make it a killer perk. OoO is said to be broken in SWF because apparently every mouse/keyboard imput is forwarded to all survivors. When playing SWF WITHOUT OoO, there is always some1 that is being chased or has vision on the killer, calling out where the killer is just happens by multiple person instead of 1. OoO is a very good perk when playing solo as it gives info on when you can go for an unhook or where some1 is getting chased (which is all information SWF also have WITHOUT the perk).

    The only reasons what gives OoO a stronger advantage in SWF is at the start of the trial: calling out where and which killer it is, and calling out trapper for setting up traps. Swf without OoO will know where and which killer it is a few moments later (and from there they just communciate between eachother where the chase is happening or where you see the killer.)

    It would be sad to nerf a perk that gives alot info when playing solo.

    A good !!!NERF!!!, sorry, i ment, a good CHANGE would be to disable the perk at the start of the trial which will prevent early callouts/traps setups

  • Member Posts: 37

    that's a good idea and is obviously design in thought to be synergized with sole survivor.

    But it would become useless outside that synergy since no one would want to be revealed every 30 seconds, that would become a meme perk.

    Object of Obsession:

    as it it but the killer revealing last for 3/4/5 seconds and the perks goes on cooldown for 1seconds/meter distance with the killer when revealed;

    but reveal you for 6/9/12 seconds to the killer.

    also if you are the obsession reveal the killer for3/4/5 seconds to other survivor and reveal you to them for 6/9/12 seconds.

    that would still synergize well with sole survivor and be way more useful without being broken. If within 12m of the killer he would be permanently be revealed to other survivors but you gonna be most likely be in a chase.

    Now those effects, should be matter for futur new perks instead...

    -Reveal the killer when you are revealed (survivor perk)

    -Reveal the Obsession for 3 seconds every 40/35/30 seconds (KILLER PERK)

    -Reveal the survivors to whom you are revealed (killer perk)

    that could be 3 news perks for future chapter content.

  • Member Posts: 105

    It's ok, but it kinda takes away what I assume the main use for sole survivor was and that was to use OoO a little easier as the match progressed. but no one uses that anyway so whatever I suppose

  • Member Posts: 6

    Looks great, thanks devs!

  • Member Posts: 23

    This change makes alot more sense than the old OoO.

  • Member Posts: 172

    I like it. Could make perks like Nemesis begin to see use so as to change the obsession to a player that doesn't have Object.

  • Member Posts: 85

    OoO and Sole Survivor do work together. Unfortunately they made a mistake when last tweaking Sole Survivor to cause it to be perma lit up when just 1 person is dead. Sole Survivor blocks the aura reading extending from the survivor's position for each dead survivor, not from the outer range which I dislike. Before they made the change, Sole Survivor used to lit up when it was working, blocking the aura reading, so that you would know it was safe to look. When both are tier and token 3m they used to lit up together indicating you can see them far away, but they can't see you at all. They do work together.

  • Member Posts: 85

    Yes it would, so long as the killer wasn't Undetectable by the wording of OoO.

  • Member Posts: 918

    It sounds a lot better than what we have now, but it also sounds incredibly powerful revealing every aura reading perk the killer has to the survivor. Making it a better and more desirable perk might have people running it more often which won't help relieve the aggravation killers have towards the perk.

    Lets address the two biggest issues players have with the perk:

    1) Overpowered in SWF because 3 survivors get the benefits of the perk (information on killer location) with none of the downsides (having your aura revealed)

    2) It has been abused more than almost any other perk by toxic players over the years.

    I actually think the second one is the bigger deal as it's what causes much of the frustration. Certain people that run this perk are class clowns, often just manchildren screaming for attention like a child would. Sometimes as killer you can ignore these survivors, but it becomes harder to do so when they run Object as it creates a solid link between you and the troll player. It's harder to ignore them because there's a big shiny aura on your screen everytime you turn around, tbagging you from a safe distance and calling out your every move to their swf friends.

    You know how much frustration killers have with toxic swf and this perk, you really need to break that link between the killer and the survivor. Trolls who are only out to antagonize other players and ruin the game for them shouldn't be enabled in doing so and given a way to force the killers attention onto them. Your game is severely lacking in people playing killer and it's going to be interesting to see if you have the courage to make changes that players want in order to keep the remaining killers.

    Again this sounds better than what we have now but it also sounds like a strong perk that would be run quite often by multiple survivors in a trial. Your post doesn't make it clear but does the aura reading ONLY apply to the obsession? in which case it might not be as bad, but if other survivors get the same effect at a different distance like currently then it could still be problematic.

    I think the part about revealing the killers aura everytime they see yours should go, as that would reveal any aura reading perks the killer has and that's going to be too powerful in a 4 man group.

    Also the perk needs to be distance based not terror radius based because it completely ruins Freddy, imagine you're trying to mindgame a survivor around a loop just as the aura shows and they see you. It will probably happen a fair few times. Just make it outside x meters and this will fix the Freddy problem.

  • Member Posts: 628

    Would Scratched Mirror Myers still be viable? He's Undectable, but there's the Aura reading aspect.

  • Member Posts: 785

    Overpowered perk which needed some nerfs. Deserved.

  • Member Posts: 6,831

    Seems like a reasonable change. I say go for it!

  • Member Posts: 0
    testing dbd update

  • Member Posts: 609

    I hope it gets changed. Right now it feels like a perk for noob whimps.

    A perk that lets you keep eyes on the killer all the time? C'mon, only desperate cowards would want to do that

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Killers location will be revealed to you every 60 seconds for 3 seconds. Increase killer aura reading abilities for yourself by 25%. For obvious reasons the perk will have to charge for 60 seconds when the game starts.

    Unlike aura reading, killers location is not affected by undetectable status.

  • Member Posts: 271

    I personally do not like it as it is better now. I would suggest making this for public games and keeping the old object for customs. I don't want a second rework on my second favorite perk now that you guys are screwing over ds.

  • Member Posts: 482

    The new OoO would have to let the surivivor see the killer even if they're undetectable for the nerf to have redeemale qualities, as almost half the killers are stealth killers with aura revealing add ons and the old OoO would at least let you know which way the stealth killer was coming from.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Make it so that if you arent obsession, you wont see killers aura when seen by their aura reading perk.

    Instead, the perk will just lights up like spine chill to let you know you are being seen by aura reading perk.

    So being the obsession will have the most benefit for survivor and killer wont be read by everyone with OoO when they use Nurses calling or something.

    Otherwise the changes to this perk are fine by me

  • Member Posts: 15

    I think it should be that every time the killer hooks anybody else other than the obsession, then the killers aura with be revealed for 4/5/6 seconds with a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds for every use. It also rewards you with 50%/100%/150% bonus bloodpoints in the boldness category. Just a dbdm gamer..

  • Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2021

    nice idea for the perk but perks should not work like that (to be more clear they teach in balance courses that you shouldn't do that, since it's not under the control of the players in a certain way, to say it simple only players should have the control of the game, so the devs would never implement a perk that works like that, I hope at least, it would be a rookie mistake), I like the idea and design behind this perk but right now it's a bad perk that gives too much power to players (even if it's actually a mediocre perk) and that it's just annoying and frustrating for killers and it really needs some tuning

    It can be a fun Perk, I'm a killer main and from time to time having a survivor that wants to take the pressure out of teammates and be the focus of my attention can be a fun challenge especially when you play with obsession perks yourself

    from the wiki:


    supernatural bond links you to the Killer.

    If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your Auras to each other.

    This effect applies only if you are outside of the Killer's Terror Radius

    As the Killer's Obsession, this effect applies to a maximum range of 56/64/72 metres. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 44/56/64 metres.

    Increases the odds of being the Obsession.

    The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.


    ok, it's pretty simple so I'll just jump to the changes, it's just the bare essential to make this perk actually balanced and at least nice to have in a game:

    • maximum range fixed to 64 meters, minimum range is 24 meters and outside of the terror radius
    • the aura reveal lasts 2/4/6 seconds for the survivor and 10 seconds for killer
    • the "aura reveal effect" for the survivor is the Aura-Flare-ups, the killer just see the survivor aura as before
    • the perk has a cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds, starting after the 10 seconds of aura reading of the killer
    • If the killer sees your aura the perks automatically trigger ignoring the remaining cooldown if any
    • your aura appear as yellow for the killer (or any different colour, you are connected to the killer and he can feel it, he knows that you know you are seeing him, and it's more clear when the player uses the ability)
    • If you are not the obsession the perk is deactivated, if you get hooked you become the obsession if you are not already


    more about auras:

    Now, a little overture: you have a great advantage over the killer by knowing his position (but not that he's doing) and the killer knows where you are and can track you effectively; if you are using this perk you really want to be chased by the killer and being his focus for the match, you become the strongest survivor but you risk more than anyone in doing so

    I think that It would be really immersive to play against a player with a perk like that, using Barbecue and Chilly and knowing that he knows that I'm coming for him to prepare it, using A Nurse's Calling and let him know the time's up, or letting him panic a little bit more every time a generator is completed with Ranchor knowing the killer have the upper hand and when the last gen pop playtime is over

    Post edited by Amelio on
  • Member Posts: 44

    This is great. Please add in game.

  • Member Posts: 132

    This perk is free wallhacks for SWF.

    And that is what it is used for 99% of the time.

    It should just be deleted from the game and be done with it.

    This change does nothing.

    At least make it fair for both sides.

    Make OoO Aura reveal the killer for the object only (they will still cheat by having coms all the time) at all times and make all survivors aura reveal for the killer at all times.

    That would be fair. Both sides would have full information. No, killers would still have to deal with thier ######### POV and it would still destroy Trapper and Hag for the low cost of one perk.

    I would still prefer this abomination of a perk gone completely.

    It's like permanent wallhacks are a bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    45 seconds is a long time. the information wont always be accurate and i dont see how they could remove it cuz its a teachable perk

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    i really like this change. it makes it a decent solo queue perk & makes it easier to get lauries adept cuz the current ooo hinders you so much

  • Member Posts: 44

    Perfect change and actually new interesting mechanic introduced. Now you really can feel like being killers obsession cause you have no control over aura reading while having ability to discover what perks the killer uses. Can't be toxic, is usefull. 10/10 rework

  • Member Posts: 53

    This seems like a much better change. It gives it more use and gets much less irritating for both the killer and the survivor. Seems like a much more synergized perk as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I love this rework idea. Hope you guys go through with it.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Just leave the perk. If this perk gets reworked there will be another perk that takes its place that people dont like.

    please make a bare bones mode where there are no perks or add ons

  • Member Posts: 737

    Personally I like OoO as it is right now, a high risk, high reward type perk, but it is extremely broken against certain killers. Id rather just see Trapper have an undetectable phase when setting up, which is broken when he is seen by survivors (like ghostface but with a much quicker reveal) or enters a chase and that he reneters passively after being out of sight for awhile.

  • Member Posts: 21

    I love that this perk is getting a rework, as a OOO user I personally think this perk was broken against poor Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 848

    this sounds like a good idea, and it would be cool that you could see the killer as long you know how to chase and try to find the killer, but watch out. The killer could find you instantly.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Why they just dont change it to "whenever you and the killer face the same direction your auras are revealed to each other"

  • Member Posts: 49

    Just don't do it. Keep it as it is. No need to nerf a high-risk perk.

  • Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2021

    object shouldnt let stealth killers be able to see survivors if survivors cant see stealth killers

  • Member Posts: 588

    I think it should work like this: You start the game with 1/2/3 stacks and you can press a button to consume a stack and you see the killers aura and the killer sees you for 5/8/10 seconds, you leave no scratch marks for 5/7/10 seconds, you can still see the killer even if they are undetectable, and each time a generator is completed you get another 1/2/3 stacks

  • Member Posts: 242

    please get rid of the 30 second aura seeing and increased action speed the first part is fine on its own

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,593

    Thanks everyone for your feedback on this.

    As this is now being put into the PTB for testing, I will close this thread. Look forward to reading your feedbacks once you've had a chance to test things out on the PTB.

    Thanks again for all your input.

This discussion has been closed.

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