Stats Confirm Killers OP! (Why That's Good & How to Stop Being Cruel to Survivors on the Forums)

As a Rank 1 Survivor main, I think these stats prove the game is in a healthy state. Survivors should lose more than half of the time. This preserves the terrifying nature of Killers and creates an atmosphere full of fear. Killers like to kill and Survivors like to be scared. Winning as Survivor is great, but I know the games I enjoy most are the ones where my heart is constantly beating out of my chest, win or lose.

So please, Killers on the forums, stop being cruel to us Survivors. Don't tell us to gitgud, cos there's a cap on how gud we can git so that you can also have an enjoyable game!

But this doesn't mean Survivors shouldn't get some quality of life upgrades, like giving us the Exposed notification when NOED activates instead of after the first insta-down ;)



  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649
    edited November 2018
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited November 2018
    scumrrado said:

    But this doesn't mean Survivors shouldn't get some quality of life upgrades, like giving us the Exposed notification when NOED activates instead of after the first insta-down ;)

    I don't disagree with this change, but something tells me you will be right back to "DS needs buff cause difficult skillcheck" and "Why not make all Killers move at 100% or less to make everything an infinite?" once given just an inch.
  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2018

    @PigNRun said:

    @scumrrado said:
    But this doesn't mean Survivors shouldn't get some quality of life upgrades, like giving us the Exposed notification when NOED activates instead of after the first insta-down ;)

    Were you the guy who complained about getting downed by NOED because he was taking a hit for someone? I cant tell you apart.

    No, that was someone in my thread about NOED lol Taking a hit is always a risk, as it should be.

    My point was that Survivors aren't notified if NOED activates and they become Exposed. It's the only time Survivors aren't notified of a status taking effect. Makes NOED insta-downs feel kinda cheap and rewards bad gameplay for both Killers and the remaining Survivors who were not insta-downed. It's an "oh #########" button for Killers who performed poorly that round so they can nab at least one free kill. To be fair, it only rewards Killers who performed poorly if Survivors didn't perform well enough to cleanse all totems. That makes the perk totally fair, if Survivors are notified when they become Exposed.

    With these stats in hand, I don't think it's asking too much to know when we are Exposed. It'd make NOED feel less cheap for Survivors and slow down the end game, which would be better for Killers.

    @Keene_Kills said:
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.

    True - I don't remember the time frame that these stats are from or if that was mentioned.

    Were there mass Survivor suicides during the Blight event...? I know there was farming, but after the farming was done Killers usually let Survivors escape (in my experience). If they didn't, we continued to play the game as normal, usually losing because we were hooked for free so many times. I guess that could deflate the stats, but I doubt this short event would make a drastic impact.

    @Mister_xD said:
    this game is not in a healthy state, as long as survivors can have literally god mode during the game.
    this issue is caused by the combination of looping and genrushing and is really frustrating to play against, as you will never catch said survivor.
    the fact remains, that a survivor on an equal skil llevel with the killer will beat the killer, even though this should not be the way it is. in a 1v1, the killer should have the upper hand and not the survivor, which is currently not the case (assuming both players play on the same skil llevel of course).
    imo its perfectly fine for a killer to get outskilled and defeated, but the way this game is atm, this isnt happening too much.

    I just don't understand how Survivors have God Mode when we lose more then 50% of matches...

    In a 1v1, Killers are balanced to have the advantage. That's why the Hatch exists and cannot be shut - because in a 1v1 rarely ever will a Survivor win.

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I don't disagree with this change, but something tells me you will be right back to "DS needs buff cause difficult skillcheck" and "Why not make all Killers move at 100% or less to make everything an infinite?" once given just an inch.

    OMG hahahahaha in hindsight, that 100% or less speed post is kind of embarrassing lol I take it back I swear! That was at a time where I had hardly played Killer. I didn't truly understand.

    I only went into the idea of buffing DS as a hypothetical because everyone else kept bringing it up. DS is fine how it is. Someone was trying to tell me the DS skill check is easy. I was arguing that it's not as easy as they claim. It turned into a rabbit hole lol

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    scumrrado said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    I don't disagree with this change, but something tells me you will be right back to "DS needs buff cause difficult skillcheck" and "Why not make all Killers move at 100% or less to make everything an infinite?" once given just an inch.

    OMG hahahahaha in hindsight, that 100% or less speed post is kind of embarrassing lol I take it back I swear! That was at a time where I had hardly played Killer. I didn't truly understand.

    I only went into the idea of buffing DS as a hypothetical because everyone else kept bringing it up. DS is fine how it is. Someone was trying to tell me the DS skill check is easy. I was arguing that it's not as easy as they claim. It turned into a rabbit hole lol

    Well then im not gonna hold these points against you from now on.
  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144


    People should know by now that there are a whole sea of unskilled survivors muddying the waters.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited November 2018
    "So please, Killers on the forums, stop being cruel to us Survivors. Don't tell us to gitgud, cos there's a cap on how gud we can git so that you can also have an enjoyable game!"

    Its actually the other way around, unless you are against the nurse.

    Killers capitalize to survivors mistakes not the other way around. If a killer play perfectly and a survivor play perfectly, the survivor win. In a 1v1 situation, which is crazy in a 4v1 game. The actual limit you talk about isn't for survivors but for killers since survivors dictate the clock the killer have during the march.

    You can apply pressure all you want but I they are efficient they will get a Huge advantage, just in the first two minutes in high rank 3-4 gens are popped. If you take the average time a killer spend to hit once a survivor which is around 30-40s at best makes it already around 1.2minutes. Not counting DS, safe spots that can prolong the chase, saves or losing the survivor after the first hit since I get a sprint burst and can hide.

    I lost count of the last one. Every time someone hit me I just hide and they won't find me easily and usually let me go since 2 gens popped. I heal up, go to a gen and the gates are already powered. Only around rank 10-4 this might take longer since people just wondering around or stay in the closet when I get chased (still don't know why. Dwight main?) 

    In conclusion I laughed when they showed that chart. They didn't said anything but they took it 7days before the reset. They never clarified it DC count as deaths, people derank especially before the reset and they endorse it and they know it but won't specify when showing the charts. They talked about """"""facts""''''"" since probably, they are used to just look data and not how people 'BEHAVE' (emphasis on this word) abusing the quit. How does the killer DC count or don't count in the chart, etc etc

    The only chart I see valid is the mori used based on the killer which is pretty predictable. Just the fact even there the sale haha I at third place cause she has devoted hope, which nobody uses because too risky and cleansed in the first 30s, shows how little they play their game and actually know about the game

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Malakir said:
    "So please, Killers on the forums, stop being cruel to us Survivors. Don't tell us to gitgud, cos there's a cap on how gud we can git so that you can also have an enjoyable game!"

    Its actually the other way around, unless you are against the nurse.

    Killers capitalize to survivors mistakes not the other way around. If a killer play perfectly and a survivor play perfectly, the survivor win. In a 1v1 situation, which is crazy in a 4v1 game. The actual limit you talk about isn't for survivors but for killers since survivors dictate the clock the killer have during the march.


    You say this as though survivors don't have to capitalize on killers mistakes?
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    These stats are lacking information.
    When have these stats been taken? Did the time include the blight event?
    Is this across all platforms? Can we get those splitted between Console and PC?
    Are DCs included as kills? (Oh, Doc, I don't play Doc -> DC) Are 3 men games included?
    And since survivor do not NEED to survive to "win" (pip) the stats are flawed to begin with.
    A lot of survivor take unnecessary risks, because death doesn't mean anything to them.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Wolf74 said:

    These stats are lacking information.
    When have these stats been taken? Did the time include the blight event?
    Is this across all platforms? Can we get those splitted between Console and PC?
    Are DCs included as kills? (Oh, Doc, I don't play Doc -> DC) Are 3 men games included?
    And since survivor do not NEED to survive to "win" (pip) the stats are flawed to begin with.
    A lot of survivor take unnecessary risks, because death doesn't mean anything to them.

    Devs did state a time frame of when the stats were gathered I forget what they stated though... I agree with you that the stats are so flawed especially if the blight event was included.... games where the killer should have only gotten a 1k but instead ended up with a 3k because survivors were greedy mainly because of end game issues 

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @Keene_Kills said:
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.

    Pretty sure at some point they mentioned it was over the last week. So that's not gonna count the Hallowed Blight.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    These numbers are still flawed.... the devs didnt take a large portion of time when collecting the data and the event even if it was a small portion of the event is still included and survivors didnt care about escaping they just wanted the flowers.... most times they would end up killing themselves... also matchmaking is horrible (i'm excited to see what changes the team is making).. until the team addresses end game and matchmaking I dont see these numbers really amounting to much.... this isnt because killer is finally the power role (killer is in a better spot then it was a few months back) this is because of matchmaking and newer players and events hindering the stats.... 
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    These stats don't support my opinions so the entire thing is flawed and proves nothing. 
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    The problem with that Graph is that it doesn't show what the 60% consists of:
    -Kills (mori) and legit Sacrifices
    -Hook suicides, intentional DC.
    -Legit DC due to Game or RL issues.

    Furthermore, does the graph include round where people didn't load in? aka 1-3 Survivor rounds?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Keene_Kills said:
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.

    Pretty sure at some point they mentioned it was over the last week. So that's not gonna count the Hallowed Blight.

    But the ranking after the event was totally messed up by the farming during the event.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited November 2018
    Nah, Killers aren’t really OP.

    The mass suicides from the Hallowed Blight event (so Survivors could get into another game quicker because you could only get one vial per game) and disconnects are being counted here. There’s also a lot of Survivors that aren’t that good yet, so of course Killers will have an easier time. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more DCs and suicides than actual sacrifices.

    5 upvotes for this. Shows you how killer sided this forum is.

    These slides are taken from the last 7 days, so jo the Hallowed Blight isn't counted in this at all.

    I meam look at this thread, once again we have a killer circle jerk. Where they run in to say "well it must be this" and they claims the devs are wrong because reasons.... Then they all rush in to upvote each other.

    This place has become an echo chamber. I'm not surprised a lot of survivors don't bother to post here.

    I mean I don't think the game is perfect. I think some maps are too large for some killers to have adequate map pressure.

    It's nice that the devs gave us the info. It is much appriciated. However I don't think it tells us quite enough for us to draw conclusions. The questions I'd like to know the answers to are...

    1) Are people right when they say disconnects are counted in these?

    2) Most importantly, whats the escape rate per killer?

    It's interesting that they showed us moris per killer but not escape rate per killer.

    Rank 4-1 escape rates per killer would be most interesting. Is everyone dying to Nurse and Billy and getting away from Freddy, Pig, LF etc? But then we'd need to take into account the sheer numbers of people who play nurse and billy in red ranks vs that minority who plays bottom tier killers kn red ranks.

    @Avariku yes that's exactly what I'm saying :lol:

    @Raptorrotas yes this is what we should be asking. I think we need more info on what the slides are showing. We should be asking for clarification, not immediately assuming the slides are wrong because....reasons.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    "Killersided forum" that's a funny claim.
    Strange thing is anything that is not a survivor echochamber is immediatly called "killersided", even if the survivor side can't bring any valid arguments. Just debunking their memes is already to much to take and can only be an indicator for a "killersided" forum; of course not that the survivor arguments are crap.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @Wolf74 said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Keene_Kills said:
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.

    Pretty sure at some point they mentioned it was over the last week. So that's not gonna count the Hallowed Blight.

    But the ranking after the event was totally messed up by the farming during the event.

    Rank hasn't meant much for a long time anyway, so this would barely make a diFFerence at all.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Keene_Kills said:
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.

    Pretty sure at some point they mentioned it was over the last week. So that's not gonna count the Hallowed Blight.

    But the ranking after the event was totally messed up by the farming during the event.

    Rank hasn't meant much for a long time anyway, so this would barely make a diFFerence at all.

    Than the whole graph is irrelevant to you and we could just take about a global killrate across all ranks.

    And there is a visible change in killrate as the ranks rise, so you can't tell me they are meaningless.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @Wolf74 said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Keene_Kills said:
    Doesn't that include mass suicide survivors from Blight event? I missed how long the time period was during the stream.

    Pretty sure at some point they mentioned it was over the last week. So that's not gonna count the Hallowed Blight.

    But the ranking after the event was totally messed up by the farming during the event.

    Rank hasn't meant much for a long time anyway, so this would barely make a diFFerence at all.

    Than the whole graph is irrelevant to you and we could just take about a global killrate across all ranks.

    And there is a visible change in killrate as the ranks rise, so you can't tell me they are meaningless.

    I just don't see how anything from the event would have done much, if anything, to these stats. Also never said Rank was meaningless, I said it doesn't mean much.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    And anyone who is not a biased, blind Survivor main knows that the stats are bullshit as they disregard any context whatsoever that contributed towards the results and that Killers actually are NOT overpowered. Most kills still happen due to the Survivors screwing up and not because the Killer played better than them.

    I still see way too many games that go from 3 escapes to 3 deaths due to overly altruistic late-game Survivors. Only because they can't possibly sacrifice one of their team mates and just call it a day and get out.

  • barricade133
    barricade133 Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2018
    My question is whether these stats are for a complete wipe or individual survivor's chances. That is my question. Most killers can get 1 or 2 i would think. But getting all 4 is a very different story depending on killer.

    Edit: as well as if this is for swf, solo or mixed groups.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @The_Crusader said:
    Wolf74 said:

    "Killersided forum" that's a funny claim.

    Strange thing is anything that is not a survivor echochamber is immediatly called "killersided", even if the survivor side can't bring any valid arguments. Just debunking their memes is already to much to take and can only be an indicator for a "killersided" forum; of course not that the survivor arguments are crap.

    No its just killer mains crying that everything is unfair to them, crying at the idea of any specific killer nerfs while asking devs to nerf every single thing survivors have.

    So you are not happy about killer doing the same thing that survivor did for almost 2 years?
    What do you think how we got at this point of unbalance?
    Survivor complained in the forum and got all the nerfs they asked for.
    Survivor just don't like real balance.
    Asymetrical balance has to be balanced 1 vs 4, but survivor want "balance" 1 vs 1.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    The main issues with that statistic that it probably includes everything like 3vs1 games, heavy laggy games, overaltruism, sandbagging, farming other survivors etc. Typical issues, you face as a survivor.
    The statstic would be more interesting, if it would be more detailed. like "how high is the survivor rate, if a killer camps and runs NOED" or survival rate of 3vs1 games etc.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Stats would be more relevant if survivor would actually need to survive.
    That way they coul dnot mess around so much.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited November 2018
    Wolf74 said:

    "Killersided forum" that's a funny claim.
    Strange thing is anything that is not a survivor echochamber is immediatly called "killersided", even if the survivor side can't bring any valid arguments. Just debunking their memes is already to much to take and can only be an indicator for a "killersided" forum; of course not that the survivor arguments are crap.

    No its just killer mains crying that everything is unfair to them, crying at the idea of any specific killer nerfs while asking devs to nerf every single thing survivors have.
    like your thread asking to Nerf hag?

    Or the constant threads about removing noed cuz you can't cleanse totems?

    Or threads asking to nerf bbq because isnt fair you have to hide behind a gen or just juke the aura reading?

    Or asking to Nerf x(insert killer) because you can't play against? Exactly like your hag thread. Let's remember what happened to Freddy

    Or how survivor perks should be strong as the killer ones like we are gonna live forever

    Yeah totally.. I athink some nerfs are dumb (vault change) just because they prefer so easy fixes than a huge balance. Like a decent map design instead of making unintuitive the vaults mechanic. But they are going in the right way step after step like for healing changes. The problem is they are kinda lazy for these things and keep nerfing the wrong things so won't face the huge problems that require more time to fix and a full team to look at
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Those stat are skewed since they includ game played during the hallowed blight event where survivor where mass suiciding after getting their vial because it was the fastest way to max the vial.

    I see a common thread with when they release kill rate stat.

    Last time they released some, it was after freddy release, wich was accompanied by a free weekend meaning a lot of new player that had no idea how to play the game.
    Those stat where used to justify the freddy nerf

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Wolf74 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Wolf74 said:

    "Killersided forum" that's a funny claim.

    Strange thing is anything that is not a survivor echochamber is immediatly called "killersided", even if the survivor side can't bring any valid arguments. Just debunking their memes is already to much to take and can only be an indicator for a "killersided" forum; of course not that the survivor arguments are crap.

    No its just killer mains crying that everything is unfair to them, crying at the idea of any specific killer nerfs while asking devs to nerf every single thing survivors have.

    So you are not happy about killer doing the same thing that survivor did for almost 2 years?
    What do you think how we got at this point of unbalance?
    Survivor complained in the forum and got all the nerfs they asked for.
    Survivor just don't like real balance.
    Asymetrical balance has to be balanced 1 vs 4, but survivor want "balance" 1 vs 1.

    There's nothing wrong with asking for changes you want but all too often I see people on here get insulting with people just for suggesting that maybe not everything is fun for survivors at the moment.
  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    @The_Crusader said:

    There's nothing wrong with asking for changes you want but all too often I see people on here get insulting with people just for suggesting that maybe not everything is fun for survivors at the moment.

    As if Killers enjoy getting Gen-Rushed?
    As if Killers enjoy getting their totem broken in 10 seconds after the match started?
    etc. etc.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    @Wolf74 said:
    Stats would be more relevant if survivor would actually need to survive.
    That way they coul dnot mess around so much.

    Yup, I can confirm that. Last game was against 3 toolboxes, I should have lost (one gen remaining, no one dead yet), yet I slayed them all because of late game camp. Like, they could easily do the last gen and 3 of them escape, but they chose instead to try to rescue no matter what.

    Survivors, this is not a coop game, you don't have to feel bad if you let your teammate die on hook if that means most of you will escape!

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    bendermac said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    There's nothing wrong with asking for changes you want but all too often I see people on here get insulting with people just for suggesting that maybe not everything is fun for survivors at the moment.

    As if Killers enjoy getting Gen-Rushed?
    As if Killers enjoy getting their totem broken in 10 seconds after the match started?
    etc. etc.

    No and nobody said you aren't allowed to express that, however my point is that killer mains here are ready to snap at any who dares to suggest anything to make the game more fun for survivors. There's no need for it.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Soren said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Stats would be more relevant if survivor would actually need to survive.
    That way they coul dnot mess around so much.

    Yup, I can confirm that. Last game was against 3 toolboxes, I should have lost (one gen remaining, no one dead yet), yet I slayed them all because of late game camp. Like, they could easily do the last gen and 3 of them escape, but they chose instead to try to rescue no matter what.

    Survivors, this is not a coop game, you don't have to feel bad if you let your teammate die on hook if that means most of you will escape!

    That's what I meant… I have a lot of games where an easy 3 escape turns into a 3 dead, because they play overconfident and cocky.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    @scumrrado said:
    But this doesn't mean Survivors shouldn't get some quality of life upgrades, like giving us the Exposed notification when NOED activates instead of after the first insta-down ;)

    A QoL upgrade would be no Exposed notification at all.
    You said Survivors want and should be scared, right?
    What's scary about knowing what Perk the Killer uses?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Survivor is much easier than killer IMO. The only exception is being that first survivor caught simply because you are the most at the killer's mercy. If the killer decides to camp or tunnel you, then the only way you can escape is if you are good in a chase. Most survivors are bad in a chase hence why they die fast. But ones that are good in a chase can waste a lot of the killer's time. Most survivors are also very altruistic to the point that they make bad saves instead of doing gens. Good survivors, the ones that are not most survivors, will indeed have the edge over the killer most of the time.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Just the last 2 matches as survivor.
    1. First victim put to sleep, another DCd ("I don't play Freddy") 3 survivor with 5 gens left = 3 kills plus the DC
    2. First victim screams, another DCd ("I don't play Doctor") 3 survivor with 5 gens left = 3 kill plus the DC

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    @Wolf74 said:
    Just the last 2 matches as survivor.
    1. First victim put to sleep, another DCd ("I don't play Freddy") 3 survivor with 5 gens left = 3 kills plus the DC
    2. First victim screams, another DCd ("I don't play Doctor") 3 survivor with 5 gens left = 3 kill plus the DC

    If people constantly DC on certain Killers, they will never learn to play against them.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    bendermac said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    There's nothing wrong with asking for changes you want but all too often I see people on here get insulting with people just for suggesting that maybe not everything is fun for survivors at the moment.

    As if Killers enjoy getting Gen-Rushed?
    As if Killers enjoy getting their totem broken in 10 seconds after the match started?
    etc. etc.

    No and nobody said you aren't allowed to express that, however my point is that killer mains here are ready to snap at any who dares to suggest anything to make the game more fun for survivors. There's no need for it.
    I can swap the roles in that sentence and have the same point as you

    Nice try tho
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited November 2018
    I'd be curious how many of these survivor deaths come from NOED alone. Literally every killer takes it. I see games go from 0-2 hooks all game, and then turn into 2 solid kills due to NOED as the other survivors wont unhook while thats active.
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2018

    It also doesn't take into account that high rank survivors don't always necessarily utilize the power that they have. I've played against rank one survivors that are morons and will hook swarm like twits, for the sake of the argument, we have to assume that the survivors are bringing in meta perks, are aware of map layout, (where the strongest loops are, where pallets spawn, where totems spawn) juking tactics, etc. and know when to go in for the save verses when to focus on the objective. If all four survivors are well versed in all these areas, the killer stands no chance. The percentage of survivors that fit all these criteria I would say is about 1/3 of high rank players, hence the skewed statistics.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    There are more survivors disconnecting. Because there are always higher rate of survivors playing. Plus some other survivors are more prone to disconnect when others do it. Killers by pure equation of lobbies have to be the 20% lobby base. So the killer player base has to be around that percentile or would make for slow killer lobbies.
    I think this is start but it needs broader information to come to any confirmation. 

    I do believe both sides need quality of life changes. Still think alot to more to do for killers but i would like to see something badly for survivors also. Like maybe something that implemented there old tatics into a rare offering. Would also like them given another item just to change things up.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2018

    They said 50% of survivors don't survive a trial. That means a Killer got a 2k. And considering you can pip up without surviving pretty easilly... i'm wondering why people think that means the killer is OP. Should the game be 100% of survivors escaping? Or 75%? Cause that's your only other 2 options.

    @The_Crusader said:
    I'd be curious how many of these survivor deaths come from NOED alone. Literally every killer takes it. I see games go from 0-2 hooks all game, and then turn into 2 solid kills due to NOED as the other survivors wont unhook while thats active.

    Actually most good killers don't take it. I don't know others reasons for not taking NOED, but mine is thus: I don't plan on the gates being powered.

    Post edited by SmokePotion on
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    and yet I still survive in 80% of my games as a solo survivor.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @bendermac said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Just the last 2 matches as survivor.
    1. First victim put to sleep, another DCd ("I don't play Freddy") 3 survivor with 5 gens left = 3 kills plus the DC
    2. First victim screams, another DCd ("I don't play Doctor") 3 survivor with 5 gens left = 3 kill plus the DC

    If people constantly DC on certain Killers, they will never learn to play against them.

    I know, but they count as "kills" for the escaperatio and their mates left with 3 people and 5 gens to go will most likely get killed also.
    That is messing up the stats a lot.