Please stop buffing killers... Better yet, revert the buffs



  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    You're better off lost than here, that's for sure @_@

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Earlier in this thread, I commented about the continuing exodus of people who play killer in the game and the long survivor wait times to get games.

    THE problem facing the game isn't OP killers, irritating survivor perks like DH or the prior incarnation of DS (which despite the OP's claim, was not a healthy perk in its previous form), or any number of other issues people moan about here on a regular basis (i.e. NOED, the Haddonfield map, etc.). It's not even bugs, as much as those plague the game.

    It's poor matchmaking, the gap in fun between playing survivor with your friends and killer alone (I'm enjoying the former far more than the latter these days myself), and what happens when there are simply too many people playing one side of the game than the other, and what that does to wait times to get into matches.

    If that isn't addressed -- and across the board nerfing of all things one role or the other is NOT the answer -- then this game will slowly, subtly, be on the road to dying. Right now, despite how easy the OP wants to believe one role is over the other, the number of people playing that role is shrinking. Survivor wait times have only been getting worse, not better -- and as much survivor as I play, I see that on a continual basis.

    If you want to see what ends up being the eventual death knell of DBD, it'll be when one side won't have an opponent to go against anymore. When that happens, bots or AI won't be the answer, and this game will end up dead.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    But I thought killer was so easy that you didn't need perks or add-ons to win??

    After your nurse comment it's obvious you're just a troll tbh.

  • TumbleElf
    TumbleElf Member Posts: 48

    I can partially agree with this, but survivors can be pretty powerful too.

    brand new part, ds+Unbreakable is just powerful especially if half the squad is running it.

    maybe killer is just feeling really easy now, but survivors are still pretty powerful.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Sorry, you've confused me a bit with this statement:

    "Demogorgon's teleport only you can cancel it, it can't be removed by survivors, and you don't have to run over to a gen to place it"

    So in order:

    A) Demo's teleport can't be cancelled by survivors. True. Most killer's powers can't be cancelled by anyone but the killer themselves. As a Survivor I can't cancel any killer's power. Yes, some can be dodged or avoided in one way or another but the vast majority of those are damaging abilities and Demo's teleport does not cause damage

    B) Demo's teleport can definitely be removed by survivors once you've activated a portal. Okay you get one free teleport but thereafter they can demolish it - and you don't get any info from a portal you haven't activated so there's a strong incentive to activate them.

    C) You do have to run over to wherever you want to place a portal (though directly beside a gen may not be the best strategy)

    So I'm afraid your sentence doesn't make sense to me.

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399
    edited April 2021


  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    If 3-4 survivors escape at red ranks, I do not think you can pip. Hell, I’ve even depiped with a 4k multiple times

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    Sluzzy is that you?

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    You escaped 76 of your 100 games as a solo queue survivor in red ranks? Meanwhile the devs released stats showing all killers in red ranks bar nurse had over 60% killrate.

    You should post a compilation video or something cause a 76% winrate as a solo is pretty damn impressive, one could even say unbelievable.

  • Clubs
    Clubs Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2021

    At ranks 1-2 most killers get bodied by survivors. Killer is not too easy for most people. There are realistically only a handful of people in the world that can jump into a game with any killer and get a 4k with bad perks.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited April 2021

    The problem with this statement is the very nature of it moves the goal post. Let's say that someone takes you up on your offer and beats 4 red ranks, you would simply respond with. Well those red ranks were bad survivors and I can point out all the mistakes they made so that doesn't count. Even if you then take it further and show 4 rank 1 survivors, let's say you rake them over the coals and they depip. You would just claim they weren't even rank 1 to begin with.

    In addition to this, your win condition is literally the most extreme example of a win condition, which is to get 12 hooks. Is that the standard you hold yourself to when you play killer? If you get any less than 12 hooks do you consider that a loss?

    You are a shining example of what it means to have cognitive bias. If you give me a very specific definition of a video that would change your mind, I'll upload that video.

  • BeardedScrub
    BeardedScrub Member Posts: 28

    Some of you don't understand. You've been red rank, and moved to purple after each reset and you go back to red. When you are at the bottom teammates leave you on hooks CONSTANTLY. You will die on 1st hook. You will be tunneled without any teammates running borrowed time. No teammates run kindred, so you have to use Kindred just to get your teammates to go for saves. Without comms solo survivors crouch and never save you. They won't leave gens. Or they all leave gens and run in the same direction like idiots.

    This is the problem the OP is talking about. Red ranks is one thing: you are playing with very capable survivors. Yes Freddy and Spirit are op, outside of that, the game is balanced towards survivor in red ranked swfs..

    But when it comes to solo q, especially with bad matchmaking, you can have 4 great games like I did where you carry the team, lead in points, you work on gens and heal 24/7... But you still die half of those games and the other 4 games you die on 1st hook... Most of you don't understand solo q life

  • thelegitboss
    thelegitboss Member Posts: 8

    Yeah I found the Wraith to be way too OP now. It's so hard to escape him. DS they should tweak that and allow it to be used after both hooks

  • HR_Helios
    HR_Helios Member Posts: 189

    I'm a rank one killer and have been maintaining rank one for over a year. And you do have easy games. But you also have really rough games. I've had games where I give the last survivor hatch cause they didn't do a gen. And I have games where it's down to the wire and I barely 3k-4k. I also have games where I make some mistakes and get outclassed. This is how rank 1 should be. I should feel challenged but also have chill games. And that's what I get. The games fare from perfect but some killers really do need buffs. Like my boy demo.

  • B1akN3ss
    B1akN3ss Member Posts: 17

    Everyone seems to forget there are many factors to how a game is played

    who the killer is and how they use them

    who the survivors are and how they play (sometimes a bad team can be more lethal than a strong killer)

    if survivor teams are SWF( 2 to 4) or solo

    players knowledge of the game (

    what perks are used (4 killer perks /16 survivor perks max)

    is there anything that counters certain perks or powers ?

    what items and add ons used

    and what offerings

    a lot of things can change the game

  • royxiong09
    royxiong09 Member Posts: 4

    I agree. Whenever I play as the killer, I always manage to not lose a point. It’s either I kill all survivors or 3 survivors. Killers hit range is way too far.

  • awsome_predator
    awsome_predator Member Posts: 35

    Hope all these guys who saying killer easier now as every patch are getting buffed should play the trickster as he the newest so must be the best go get adept achievement at rank 1 with him as it must be so easy lol I also love fact the start of this post is this game is so easy as killer now I win by tunneling lol this game is now easy for survivor just do gens have 1 chase and game over I wouldn't use pip system as proof of a win anyway as like u say tbf to survivor if they just do gens hide from killer won't get a pip even though they escape which kinda sucks but that's the emblem system whole issue with game is all they need to do is have a clear wind draw lose that we all see as is it pip is it how many u kill or is it points? In fairness pips for killer seem easier but not always the case, and as for kills as u see of multiple what we classas good streamers they can get 4ks main of time by tunnel or 1 hooking all fair enough tactics but not very entertaining at times but hey ho, yet if u look at points that shows who has actually worked for there points I have seen games where all survivors escape have a measley 15k bloodpoints and killer at 25+k points And vice versa that they don't escape but out point a camp killer which shows again who has done the work in that match. All behaviour need to do is make a clear point what's a win a draw or loss then players can finally see who really wins the match then we can see what's balanced and not

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 243

    Cleanse a totum to weaken killer. To weaken survivor????

    Loop after loop on terrible killer maps.

    Add dead hard and sprint burst to name just a couple of survivor favorites.

    Spine chill to nullify to stealth killers.

    Tool boxes, med kits etc.

    Killer is easier. What a load of tosh!!!

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    sure, but also revert the nerfs too so we have 5 chain blink nurse, insta-saw billy and prayer beads spirit again so you can know real pain.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    It depends what survivors you get if they are in a team.

    I come across Red ranks all the time they are a full lobby with friends or a team of two.

    I am rank 10 killer and I am seeing more red ranks in my games. usually they all escape anyway and some are toxic and give me a hard time. but that is fine, as long as i get my blood points and enough of them they can do whatever they please and escape.

    also do not have many hours as many.. just over 100.

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 97

    European server. The only times you have to wait for survivor games is after dinner until midnight (and its a very short wait time). During the whole day and night the survivor queues are instant. Evening is only time when there is just a little bit wait.

    So yeah being a survivor on EU server very nice if you think about queue times.

  • Hulksmash6565
    Hulksmash6565 Member Posts: 12

    I feel it is easier as killer. But I dont think survivors that only gen jockey and that hide from the killer the whole much should get more bp... imo I believe the survivor who has been looping the killer while gens are getting popping should be rewarded more. It's a lot harder to loop the killer than popping a gen. I really feel like they should nerf spine chill and urban tbh bc of some many pussies survivors that dont like to try and run the killer bc they dont wanna be hooked. I'm like 3 x 4= 12 so everyone cant take 2 hooks and be a team player not a goddamn individual. That's why I hate solo queuing bc too many non teammates worry about dying and not what's best for the team. Those players should play Minecraft imo

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    You are lucky than, I stay around rank 1-3 and I am shocked of all the crappy teammates I get. They are around my rank too.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    You're misunderstanding the comment. Those were all characteristics of Freddy's teleport (not Demogorgon's), making it a better version of Demogorgon's teleport. Demogorgon and the other killers were only mentioned as a reference to emphasize how strong Freddy is, as he has the same abilities as multiple other killers in a stronger form.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    I was going to say the exact same thing lol, I just chose not to waste my time. I probably could make the video he is asking for, but it wouldn't change anyone's mind. I would just get "oh well since you 4k'd them without OP perks then they obviously weren't good survivors, I said against good survivors" or "well clearly they're just boosted/got carried to their rank" or some ######### like that

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    I think you misinterpret what I meant about DS. I admitted that it probably needed to be nerfed - not because it's impossible to counter play against, but because the skill requirement required to play against it is probably too high to make people happy. I found ways to counter it in its original form, and as I said before it took a lot of careful attention and strategy and making one mistake could wind up costing you the game.

    Personally I enjoy that kind of gameplay. Yes, it was very intense and there were plenty of times I made a small mistake that would cost me the game, and that was usually pretty frustrating and I'd rage out a bit as a result. But that's also exactly what made the game so rewarding when I did outsmart the survivors and catch them all. The killer SHOULD feel enraged when the survivors make a narrow escape, and SHOULD end the game with a smirk on their face when they trick the survivors into all getting caught during endgame collapse because they thought DS would carry them through a super risky rescue mission. Nowadays I just feel bad for most of the survivors I play against because it's not even a fair matchup, and when they do manage to escape it doesn't even phase me anymore.

    However, I recognize that most players (even high rank killers) don't have the wit or creativity to adjust their strategy on the fly the way you had to to succeed against the old DS, and that probably made it too frustrating for most people. So yes, I do agree it needed a nerf, just not the nerf it got. Someone else in this thread mentioned the idea of only making it activate on the 2nd hook and I think that would have been a fine compromise (especially since it would make mori addons more meaningful the way they used to be).

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    How would it be reverse psychology? Are you even sure you know what that term means? Or do you really think that a forum post asking for killers to stop receiving buffs is somehow going to make the devs want to add more buffs for killers?

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    I said he needs to change up his perks, not I need to change up my perks.

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    Have you seen the state of the game?

    Broken Tomb challenges, afk/botting killers that punish survivors by wasting addons/offerings with no penalty, Stuns being worthless if the server has any type of hiccup. Killer using a VPN? Might as well DC and take the L or Suicide on hook.

    That % would be broken 99% of the time, I can assure you. BHVR has a really bad track record with coding. What needs to happen is people need to boycott buying DLC and the Battle Pass until they actually put some QOL into their game.

    Throwing a pallet only to get hit through it, or hit the killer with Headon and i'm hit before they get stunned, absolute garbage. My Solo queue has been a complete flipping headache over the last week.

    Crossplay was introduced because queue times were staggering and despite massive % off sales and humble bundles they cannot maintain a proper player level to keep queue times low.

    This isn't even about surviving the trial anymore. I'd sooner die 85% of the time than deal with the headache of their broken spaghetti code anymore. They need to fix their freakin' game, bottom line.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    Alright all you naysaying trolls... Y'all asked, and here it is:

    Now, for those of you who don't want to watch 4 hours of not-so-interesting game play (I personally wouldn't), I'll summarize the results below. But first, a few points that need to be made:

    • Someone earlier said something along the lines of "well if killer is too easy you should try playing one of the harder ones like Trapper or Pig." So I went with Pig. I stuck with the perks she had on from the last time I played her (over a year ago), making one swap from Thrill of the Hunt to Make Your Choice because it felt unfair stacking 3 hex totems. The other perks were The Third Seal (I honestly don't even know what Blindness does, I just didn't really have anything else to trade it for), Ruin (somewhat meta, but not anywhere near as popular as it used to be), and Surveillance. You can see from the video I'm not bullshitting about not playing the game much, as Pig (my first real main) still only has just over 1 page of unlocked perks at the start of the video (I buy more later on to avoid capping on BP).
    • I start out at rank 14. Yes, this is low. As I mentioned already, I only play this game casually/intermittently (making it all the more ridiculous that I'm able to win and rank up so quickly and easily), and my rank has decayed because I don't play much anymore, and when I do I avoid killer because I find it rather boring. By the end of the video I've gone up to rank 9 (averaging 6 pips/hour) and am seeing red rank survivors almost every match, including some rank 1s. Most of them I sacrifice, with a couple making hatch escapes.
    • People have said a lot of things like "well if you think killer is too easy you should play ______ using _______ for perks." This is roughly the logical equivalent of pitting me, a grown ass man, against a handful of 3rd graders in a game of basketball and saying "well if it's too easy for you then you should try only walking backwards or just play the game in a f**king wheelchair." Yes, that would make it more challenging for me and fair for my opponents, but it's a pretty bullshit excuse for the inherent balance issues and doesn't apply to everyone else or to me when I'm playing survivor. It's basically just refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
    • That said, I do have other ways that I handicap myself to make things more fair for survivors. These include:
      1. I never hook camp. Even if I'm down to 2 survivors with multiple gens left and I know they're gonna come for the desperate unhook attempt because it's the only chance they've got, I'll still play dumb and leave the area like I have somewhere else to be. Even if the exit gates are open and I have someone hooked, I'll still leave the hook knowing full well that I most likely won't stumble across a free kill and very likely risk losing a sacrifice by walking away (this actually happens once in the video). Hook camping just feels dickish to me, so I don't do it. This is also pretty much second nature to me now after having played against the original DS for so long, and I also do it to avoid the bloodpoint penalty for hook proximity. The only time you'll see me stick around after hooking someone is if I know another survivor is in the area trying to go for the unhook.
      2. I never tunnel. If given the choice, I'll always try to target a survivor who has been hooked the least or that didn't just get unhooked. The only time I go for someone who just got unhooked is if I simply don't know where any of the other survivors are and they're the only viable target, or if they've been taunting all game, or if 2 or more survivors run in the same direction and the recently unhooked one is closer and therefore the only one I can hit from my position in the chase.
      3. I don't slug for the sake of slugging. I always hook people immediately after downing them unless there is another survivor nearby that I want to start a new chase with or that I think is going to try to blind/stun me.
      4. I don't choose perks or killers that I think are overpowered or unfair. These include Barbecue & Chili, NOED, Freddy, "new" Nurse (double blink, not really new anymore), new Wraith (increased stealth speed), new Cannibal (increased chainsaw speed), Spirit, and lately Doctor even though he used to be my favorite killer (IMO he's just too strong now with Static Blast and not really fair to play). My standard build (which I don't use in this video because it doesn't really make sense for a stealth killer) is Unnerving Presence, Distressing, Ruin, and either Monitor & Abuse, Overcharge, or Huntress Lullaby for the 4th. It's certainly not the best build, but there's just something satisfying to me about seeing high rank survivors chain fail skill checks.
      5. I only use brown add-ons and wreaths in the video. I used to use none at all, but after stacking up such a large excess of them I've decided to equip something every game just to burn through the stacks that I have saved up (I do this on survivor too). They don't really have any meaningful impact other than netting me some extra BP (I don't even look at what the add-ons do, just equip them), and if I were to run real items the games would be even easier.

    The match summaries:

    1. Game 1. An absolute slaughter. Granted, these are pretty low rank survivors and I am ex-rank 1. 12 hooks, 4 kills, 2 gens, 2 pips
    2. Game 2. Another slaughter. 10 hooks, 4 kills, 1 gen, 2 pips
    3. Game 3. By this point I'm already bored and losing focus. I decide to play like a typical braindead killer and chase 1 guy for most of the match and ignore objectives, and his teammates actually capitalized on it by doing gens (honestly surprising, since most survivors barely touch gens). Ends up being a great example of how you can play killer like an absolute idiot, let 3 survivors escape, and still not lose any pips. If I played survivor like this I'd be the first one dead with a fat -1 pip and probably like 1500 BP to show for it. 7 hooks, 1 kill, 5 gens, 0 pips
    4. A "tie game" (2 kills) and my first match vs a red-ranked (3) survivor who escaped using a key he found in a chest to open the hatch. 9 hooks, 2 kills, 4 gens, 1 pip
    5. Another slaughter. 12 hooks, 4 kills (1 ragequit), 0 gens, 1 pip
    6. Not quite a slaughter, but still an easy win. Ended up giving hatch to the last survivor since she put up a good fight. 10 ("11") hooks, 3 ("4") kills, 3 gens, 1 ("2") pips
    7. Slaughter. 10 hooks, 4 kills, 0 gens, 2 pips
    8. You guessed it, another slaughter. They did manage to get some gens done, though. The very end of this match gets cut off because I hit the 2 hour mark which I guess is the longest Xbox Game Bar will record for. 10 hooks, 4 kills, 3 gens, 2 pips
    9. This game didn't get recorded because I didn't notice the recording had stopped. It was the 2nd, maybe 3rd game against a red-ranked survivor. I spread out my damage enough to make my last 4 hooks (out of 12) the 4 kills of the game (always choosing the least-hooked survivor I knew the location of, as mentioned above) and still get called a "tunnnnnellllerrrrrr" and put on blast by all 4 survivors in the post-game chat. Lol. Probably SWF? 12 hooks, 4 kills, not sure how many gens (2?), 2 pips.
    10. A slaughter. 11 hooks, 4 kills, 0 gens, 1 pip
    11. A slaughter, now in red-ranked survivor flavor. 12 hooks, 4 kills, 1 gen, 2 pips
    12. Another red-ranked survivor, another slaughter. 12 hooks, 4 kills, 0 gens, 2 pips (4 red emblems!)
    13. My one legitimate loss of the night. Couldn't get early pressure because the survivors I chased early on always found a pallet just in time and the rest gen rushed. 8 hooks, 1 kill, 5 gens, 0 pips
    14. A slaughter, but the last survivor (rank 2) found hatch moments before I did :( 10 hooks, 3 kills, 2 gens, 1 pip
    15. A close game against a really well coordinated survivor team who always had 1-3 people working on gens while the others kept me busy. Could have gotten away with 3 kills here but gave the last one up due to my aforementioned refusal to hook camp. One of the survivors was rank 1. 10 hooks, 2 kills, 5 gens, 1 pip
    16. Kinda felt bad for these guys. Rank 2 survivor present. 12 hooks, 4 kills, 3 gens, 1 pip (3 red + 1 silver emblems??? where's my 2nd pip?)
    17. These guys put up a good fight, especially the Nancy with the flashlight. Tried to make too many risky power plays though and ended up paying for it. Because you just can't do that ######### anymore with all the killer buffs/survivor nerfs :) Two red-ranked survivors present (rank 3 and rank 1). 12 hooks, 4 kills, 3 gens, 2 pips (4 red emblems)

    And that's where I decided to log off and have dinner.

    Now, let's review the stats, shall we?

    17 games

    180/204 potential hooks (avg 10.6/game, or 88%)

    57/68 potential kills (avg 3.4/game, or 84%)

    57/85 potential generators completed (avg 3.4/game, or 67%)

    4/17 exit gates opened, with 1 due to unlocked hatch and not gen completion (23%)

    11 escapes out of 68 survivors (avg 0.64/game, or 16%)

    24 pips in 4 hours of play, or 6pips/1.2ranks per hour

    9 red ranked opponents, despite starting all the way down at rank 14. I believe only 2 escaped, 1 by finding hatch right before I did and the other because I walked away/gave free unhook during endgame collapse

    Final "win ratio": 13 "wins"/2 "losses"/2 "ties"

    I should also point out there were several times during these games that I 100% should have been stunned by a palette but wasn't. Idk if that has to do with the "recent changes" to palettes that I've heard about (I have no idea what the actual changes were), but in any case it's kind of bullshit. Earlier this week there were even some games I managed to swing through a dropped pallet and still hit the survivor through it even though the palette was clearly down (with the audible slam heard) before I had finished my swing. And no, it's not lag—I have gigabit internet in a major metropolitan area and average around 30ms ping in most games.

    Now, before you start with the "This is bullshit!!! He's only rank 14!!!" let me just reiterate again for all you trolls. This is the first time I can remember playing killer in over a year, I did multiple things to handicap myself, chose a killer that people in this thread claimed was "weak", worthless addons, a mediocre perk build, and still managed to gain 5 ranks in just 4 hours of play with most games ending in 12 hooks/4 kills and gates not even close to open, AND I killed 7 of the 9 red-rank survivors I came across (including a couple rank 1s), and the 2 that got away were both pretty lucky escapes. Sure, it's not a bunch of 4/4 red-ranked premades using Discord that I went against, but these are the ranks and conditions that most people play under, and despite multiple self-imposed rules and handicaps, a "weak" killer, not using any cheap tricks or overpowered perks/addons I still dominated almost every match. There were only a few times in 4 hours of play that I didn't feel completely in control of the game or that the survivors had any chance of getting their gens done, let alone the gates open. You can't honestly tell me that's fair, balanced, challenging, or fun for the killer. It's more like playing basketball against 3rd graders.

    Will post more at higher ranks if I manage to get bored enough to keep climbing (:

    Post edited by Taijitu on
  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited April 2021

    Pig isn't hard, she has gen pressure built in & is kind of like Hag where she throws people off just by not being used to seeing her. I can do total washes with Pig, too. Try Trickster or Trapper.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    Bruh. You realize I could play literally any killer and somebody like you is gonna chime in with "that killer isn't even hard"? I couldn't have made it any more clear why I picked Pig. I can only appease one of you trolls at a time.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Bruh, but for real--Pig isn't hard. Most of the killers aren't hard, it's true, but your entire experiment is kind of stupid and pointless, because the problem with the game isn't the sorts of players you're being put up against at your current rank, it's the people who know how to exploit it. They can't do anything to make the game enjoyable against rank 1 survivors that have 3000hrs in the game & know how to run every tile and endlessly waste the killers time, and so they buff killers to make up for it. It's a band-aid cycle that makes yellow/green ranked survivors suffer, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    Alright "try an actual hard killer like Trapper" crowd. Added some more videos to the playlist. Btw, I have no idea where people got this idea from that Trapper is hard not really strong. And I haven't played Trapper even longer than I hadn't played Pig. You can see at the start that I still have Halloween event items on my bloodweb. (If I'm not mistaken, they're actually from Halloween 2019, not 2020.)

    1. Game 1. A win. Last survivor hatch escapes right before I get to it. 3 kills, 4 gens, 2 pips
    2. Game 2. Recording turned itself off and I kept getting an error when I tried to restart it. A shame too because this game was a great example of how the new thing where doors are blocked and can only be opened by killer really ######### the survivors (survivors kept running into the same room that had 2/4 exits blocked thinking they'd have more options but just ran into a dead end corner). Survivors find my Ruin totem less than a minute into the game and still lose. 4 kills, 1 gen, 1 pip
    3. Turns out the error was because I ran out of disk space. Deleted the Pig videos since they're on Youtube now and started again. Addons somehow got automatically unequipped and I forget to check them. Doesn't make a difference, you don't even need add-ons as killer anymore. 4 kills, 4 gens, 2 pips (4 red emblems)
    4. I get a super early basement hook, but then lose a ton of early-game pressure because I chose to chase a survivor knowing he would vault into a trap, but the trap didn't hit. Later in the game this happens again, this time on a reset from a trap that had already hit a previous survivor on the same vault (meaning it was in the right spot). It doesn't matter. Killer too OP. 4 kills, 1 gen, 2 pips (4 red emblems)
    5. Starts with S, ends with LAUGHTER. 4 kills, 3 gens, 2 pips (4 red emblems)
    6. I embarrass a pair of SWF Twitch streamers with matching outfits. Cute. One of them turns a tight corner and accidentally runs straight into the basement in the middle of a chase. Lol. And right after I turned on a basement challenge too (thanks Mr. Streamer). 4 kills, 1 gen, 1 pip

    Btw I've realized that the little dial next to the gen counter is not an accurate representation of how many hooks you have. So my hook count in the previous post is not accurate. It seems to tick up by itself sometimes, but it's not every time you make hook progress on a survivor because it doesn't always end at 12 when you 4 kill. Not really sure how it works but I'm not about to sit through all these videos and actually count how many hooks I got. Needless to say, I'm still getting plenty of hooks per game.

    So to sum up, that's 6 consecutive wins, only 1 escaped survivor out of 24 (a hatch escape), 0 exit gates opened, and 10 pips in a little over 1 hour of play. Same rules as before: no camping, no tunneling, no slugging without another survivor in the immediate vicinity, only brown items, non-meta perks, and a "weak" killer.

    Now, someone hit me with that "Trapper ain't even hard bro, try doing it with ______."

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Danoobiel
    Danoobiel Member Posts: 132


    Local rank 14 Pig, that dosen't play often, thinks killer is too easy.


    Call us back when you get the Trickster Adept and still honestly stand by your opinion.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    Check the last post. Guess you're the next "try it with _____" meme.

    I don't own Trickster and wasn't planning on buying him, but maybe I will just to make a point.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021


    Make sure to watch for the adept achievement at the end.

    PS I feel like you owe me reimbursement for this killer since I'm probably never gonna play him again.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    Anyone else wanna embarrass themselves or y'all wanna finally admit you're just not as good at killer as you think you are?

    I'll take silence as acquiescence.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Why didn't you show us the player ranks at the end?

    BTW why didn't you respond to my other post?

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited April 2021

    HOLD UP, ROFL. I WATCHED YOUR VIDEO. Are you seriously using THAT as evidence?

    1) Only one survivor on that entire team knew how to run, and even she wasn't that good and didn't make good use of loops--they must have been low level survivors. We don't know, because you cut off being able to see the ranks.

    2) Three gens were done before you even got your first hook.

    3) You didn't down a single person using your ability.

    4) Your entire win revolved around people literally accidentally running into you. That Meg especially.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    Idk what other post you're talking about.

    And yes, I didn't down a single person using my ability. Refer to my original post mentioning how killers are so overpowered now that they don't even need to use abilities anymore. Glad we at least agree on something.

    Nobody "accidentally" ran into me. I predicted their movement and cut them off.

    And yes, the man asked for Trickster adept and I gave him exactly that. You're really gonna flame me for doing exactly what he claimed was hard? On the first try, with brown addons, and with literally 0 experience with the killer or perks? Trolls gonna troll, I guess.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited April 2021
    • I see them now--but WOOF, how were those players those ranks? They move like actual bots. This might be more evidence that it's too easy to rank up as survivor than anything else. Totally believe that Meg was the lowest rank--however, see back to my point about survivors ranking up too fast.
    • No, lmao. You just clearly didn't know how to use his power and you m1-ed a bunch of potatoes that didn't run around pallets at all. Except Yui. Who nearly carried her team.
    • Lol, no. That Meg full on ran into you multiple times. You didn't outplay her on purpose.

    Edit, and here's my other post for you, which you skipped over:

    Bruh, but for real--Pig isn't hard. Most of the killers aren't hard, it's true, but your entire experiment is kind of stupid and pointless, because the problem with the game isn't the sorts of players you're being put up against at your current rank, it's the people who know how to exploit it. They can't do anything to make the game enjoyable against rank 1 survivors that have 3000hrs in the game & know how to run every tile and endlessly waste the killers time, and so they buff killers to make up for it. It's a band-aid cycle that makes yellow/green ranked survivors suffer, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    Refer to my previous posts predicting this outcome. You claim I can't do it on Trickster or Trapper, I post videos on Trickster AND Trapper. Now it's the next excuse - "those survivors weren't even good, I bet that's why you're hiding the rank". So we clear that up. Now it's the next excuse, "Wow those survivors are clearly boosted, you just got lucky."

    As I've already said, it doesn't matter how many videos I post. Trolls are never gonna admit when they're wrong lol.

    Oh, and if by "carried her team" you mean "used up all the palettes on the entire map," then yeah I guess she "carried." Three gens done before first hook might look to your inexperienced eye like Yui "carrying the team," but it was all part of the plan. Hence why it all fell apart so quickly after the first hook. Try to broaden your ideas about how to win and maybe someday you'll get your Trickster adept too.

    Post edited by Taijitu on
  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Stop ignoring half of my posts.

    Bruh, but for real--Pig isn't hard. Most of the killers aren't hard, it's true, but your entire experiment is kind of stupid and pointless, because the problem with the game isn't the sorts of players you're being put up against at your current rank, it's the people who know how to exploit it. They can't do anything to make the game enjoyable against rank 1 survivors that have 3000hrs in the game & know how to run every tile and endlessly waste the killers time, and so they buff killers to make up for it. It's a band-aid cycle that makes yellow/green ranked survivors suffer, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    What do you want me to say? There's nothing in that post for me to reply to. You claim that "there's nothing that can be done about it." I've already given dozens of suggestions of what can be done about it. You just refuse to acknowledge that I'm right.

    Are you asking me to spell out for you again what I've already said multiple times?

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited April 2021

    Hahahahha, OK, guy. I'm glad you're not a dev because your suggestions were ridiculous and would make the game infinitely worse.

    But go off, I guess. Write another essay even though you have very little understanding about what the problems with the game actually are--and they're not "KILLER 2 STRONG REVERT BUFF, NO 2 BLINK NURSE!!!!"

    BTW, I'm done replying because you're an actual wall.

    Edit: I saw your edit--I already have Trickster adept, guy. I got it on the first day he came out.

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54

    Yeah, sure, I have no idea what I'm talking about. That must be why every time you or someone else tells me "well if killer is so easy then go do _______" I go and do it and you're forced to come up with another excuse. But yes, please excuse yourself from the conversation now.

    One more troll slain. Who's up next?

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited April 2021

    Actually, I take it back--I AM replying again, now that I've really processed your edit.

    Oh, and if by "carried her team" you mean "used up all the palettes on the entire map," then yeah I guess she "carried." Three gens done before first hook might look to your inexperienced eye like Yui "carrying the team," but it was all part of the plan. Hence why it all fell apart so quickly after the first hook. Try to broaden your ideas about how to win and maybe someday you'll get your Trickster adept too.

    Because I really want to know; are you trying to say that playing killer is too easy, or that you're just so skilled and everyone else is just so inexperienced and bad that they can't perform as well as you do????? But killer is too easy?? You'd think if it was super easy that everyone would have a similar experience, regardless of skill.

    But here you are, bragging about your amazing skill and experience at killer and how it carried you to easy victories.

    If only we were all as good as you! So we knew how easy killer is!

  • Taijitu
    Taijitu Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2021

    Allow me to repeat myself again.

    When I first started playing killer, I was as bad as anyone else. I lost most games, and it was only through a great deal of trial and error that I learned the skills required to play killer correctly. As in any skill-based video game, I had to learn and practice to get good at the game. As one should have to.

    So yes, now that I have these skills which anyone else can also develop if they invest the requisite time and effort, I was able to learn how to play killer well enough to get to rank 1 before all the buffs. Was it hard? I guess. But challenge is what makes a game rewarding. Nowadays, there is no challenge anymore. People are able to step in as killer and reach red ranks without ever having to develop many skills or strategies and making tons of mistakes along the way. Whereas survivors can play flawlessly and still lose because the game is so skewed in the killers' favor.

    And that has nothing to do with me. There are tons of bad killers getting to red ranks right now because it is so easy and the balance is so skewed. They're just doing it by camping hooks and tunneling and running the best perks possible.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're apparently just the kind of gamer who loves playing whatever is overpowered so that he can win a lot without ever really being challenged. So how about let's flip the tables and see you get to rank 1 survivor by solo queuing in the current season since "killer isn't overpowered right now" and then maybe I'll take what you say seriously.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited April 2021

    You can't beat yourself off about being an amazing skillful killer with one hand, and then with the other post your stats on your games and say that you won all of these games so killer is easy. It's one or the other. Either it's a skillful role that you spent time perfecting your skills at, or you picked up killer and beat everyone's asses because killer is the easiest role in the game right now.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on