Let Survivors Disarm Hag Traps

aarongai Member Posts: 155
edited November 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
Firstly, it doesn't make much sense how Survivors can stick their hands into bear traps and disarm them, but can't kick dirt over some mud triangles.

Secondly, the only ways to clear Hag traps is to run over them (which essentially gives the Hag a free hit on you), or to bring a flashlight, which has a finite amount of uses and is completely luck-based if you happen to both have one and be up against a Hag. If you're going to put traps in a game where you can't know who the killer is, allow all survivors to disarm those traps without needing a specific item since they can't prepare for that.

Thirdly, Hag traps are significantly harder to see than Trapper's traps, have a larger activation radius, and 10 max can be active at any time, so triggering them is easier and they can be spammed quite easily. The Hag's effortless trap setting yields huge rewards when triggered, being able to begin a chase right on a Survivor's ass, so shouldn't Survivors get to disarm them if they see them to help balance the effort / reward ratio of her traps?

Fourthly, the point of a trap is to spring it on an unsuspecting foe. If you see the Hag draw a trap, you should be able to disarm it because you know where it is now. Otherwise, you'll be crouching at 28% move speed the whole game trying to avoid a power that is virtually uncounterable unless you happen to be lucky and have a certain perk (Urban Evasion) or item on hand. When it comes to life and death, do you really want your fate to be chalked up to luck?

Finally, giving Hag 110% move speed doesn't necessarily make her balanced when her move speed is merely used to place teleportation modules all over the map. She'll wait for a trap to trigger, teleport, then use her absurd lunge range to land a hit. Then the injured survivor will run and if he happens to trigger another trap, Hag gets a down. If the Survivor doesn't trigger a trap, well she just took him out of the game for 16 or 32 seconds since they have to heal up now, and drawing another mud triangle only takes ~2 seconds, so it's extremely time efficient even with 5% lower move speed. The only other killer that can exert a similar amount of map pressure and quick chase times is Nurse, and her power straight up ignores the rules of the game.

So to solve the counterplay problem, I suggest giving survivors a 2 second disarm animation for Hag traps. While crouched and on top of a trap, they can smudge it with some dirt and boom, Survivors can now clear Hag traps in a way that doesn't screw them over and isn't tied to an item or perk. Trapping will then take an extra iota of thought for the Hag. And if it sounds imbalanced, maybe when a trap gets disarmed, it can glow bright purple or something for a second and fade away on Hag's HUD, showing someone disarmed it so setting it wasn't a total waste of her time.

I make this post as both a killer and survivor player. Playing Hag at Rank 1 is so braindead easy I get 4k every game because either everyone is paranoid and crouches everywhere slowing the game considerably, or they run into my traps and I go on a slugging spree. Placing traps in expected or unexpected areas doesn't matter, Survivors run into them all the same since they can barely see them, or they feel forced to trigger them because there's no other way to clear them besides a flashlight. 
Post edited by aarongai on


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    It's called a Flashlight and it's your friend once you find one in a chest since if you being on in with a Hag as killer they'll bring Franklin's. Disarming is a nice idea but it'd make Hag pretty much a free win and you can already disarm them by running over them when she's chasing someone.

  • jomanina
    jomanina Member Posts: 1
    You can crouch over them and they won't trigger. I think she needs less traps, reduce it to 8 at least.
  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    I think they work perfectly fine as is, aside from the whole shifting the camera toward her trap when it goes off, that crap is pretty annoying.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    use your crouch button.
    thank me later.

  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2018

    Brain dead easy? She's one of the more difficult characters to master. I don't know what you're smoking. Her traps are disarmed by flashlights, the most common item in the game at high rank play. She's countered by paying attention to where she is, because unless she's running mint rag or playing aggressively (which is rare) she can only defend one area of the map at a time.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    The hag doesn't need a nerf. She's perfectly balanced the way she is. As others have said, her traps can be disarmed with flashlights. If you really want to mess with a hag player, as soon as she picks up a survivor to carry them to a hook, the other 3 survivors should run around the map triggering as many traps as possible since she can't teleport while carrying a survivor. Trust me, it sucks going from having 10 traps placed to 3 traps in a few seconds and there really isn't anything the hag can do to stop this.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    She's countered by a basic game mechanic (crouching) and a basic item (any flashlight).
    Trigger traps you know of when she's picking someone up if you want to destroy them (and force the killer to waste more of their limited time resetting traps).

    She just got her cube and it made her okay to use. Don't try to Freddy her too. :(

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    @aarongai said:
    Firstly, it doesn't make much sense how Survivors can stick their hands into bear traps and disarm them, but can't kick dirt over some mud triangles.

    I am a Killer Main and it might surprise you to hear that I completely agree with you. It doesn't make sense. You're right - while we're at it, though, let's go over a few more things that make no sense:

    It makes no sense for any Survivor other than Jake Park to know how to repair a generator and for all of them to be able to repair at the same speed.
    Jake Park is specifically the kind of person who knows what to do with generators, but how does a botany enthusiast college student, a gambler, an athlete, a teacher, a timid office worker, a street artist, an eSports gamer, a musician, a suburban babysitter etc know what to do with generators?
    non-Jake Survivors should not be able to repair generators, at least not without having Jake walking them through it - also, I feel like a generator blowing up in their face should do more than just regress progression and give a notification to the Killer, it should actually hurt them.

    It makes no sense for there to be four people who are all the same person, in the same match (four Claudettes, for instance), when that person was not established as having multiple twins who came with them into the Fog.

    It makes no sense for any of the characters to have cosmetics - I mean, where did they even find a gypsy outfit just lying around!?

    It makes no sense for a Survivor to be run through with a chainsaw, remain in one piece and upon getting rescued from a hook or healed up, that same Survivor magically has full mobility and use of their limbs with no consequences or permanent damage.
    A Survivor who wasn't cut in half by something like that should at least have all kinds of scary damage - maybe even paralyzed for life from a severed spine.

    While we're on the subject, it also makes no sense for a Survivor to be hung from a meat hook that went through their shoulder - sometimes even lower in their chest (through where a lung or a heart might be) and be perfectly fine when taken off the hook.

    Healing in this game makes no sense, either. I'm sorry, you just had a hatchet go through your skull but somebody came over and gave you a 16-second massage and you're back to normal? While we're on the subject, how does any Survivor other than Claudette (and maybe one or two of the others) know what to do to give medical assistance to anyone? How do they do it without using a first aid kit? No sense at all.

    Why do Killers need to M1 hit Survivors twice? You'd think a machete going right in your shoulder would stay there or bring someone right to their knees. I'm sorry, what kind of sense does it make for a normal person to get hit with a hammer or an axe right in the head and not be a convulsing mess on the ground?

    Speaking of sense, why do pallets stun Killers? Especially if they weren't dropped directly on them? You know that thing that happens when you drop a pallet and a Killer is barely touching it's furthest corner but it somehow stuns them? What the hell happened there, did it stub his toe? Why would something like that even bother a monster like the Hillbilly or an actual undead slasher?

    What kind of sense does Dead Hard make? "I lunge forward, dipping my shoulder in an awkward dodge attempt" - and somehow that makes my hatchet pass through you!? What are you, Caspar the Friendly Ghost!? No, you can't magically permeate through solid objects in real life.

    Also, what kind of sense does the Entity make!? Oh, there's some mysterious magic space-satan kidnapping random people and making them play the same game over and over because it "feeds" from it? And Freddy Krueger exists as well, somehow?

    No sense, man. No sense at all.

    .........................................................................but on a serious note, and please don't take it as an offensive expression but "git gud". Flashlights and timing are things. The more you practice and play against the Hag, the more you'll realize what the weaknessed of her traps are and how and when to counter them.