Survivors taking game hostage needs to be addressed



  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    That's not really holding a game hostage, it's just them playing so that they can have the highest chance of escaping (which is usually stealth).

    Try playing survivor; you'll pick up the survivor mindset, and with that invaluable asset you can predict the location of a survivor with frightening ease.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    This x100. But if you bring it up they will tell you "3-gen is a strat! they just want to win! that's vaild!!!!!!!!!" and defend their actions until their last breath.

    Sorry but if a killer is holding a 3-gen and refuses to commit to any chases after a long while then i'm stealthing as long as i can to try and make you miserable.

    I also have to laugh at everyone trying to scare people by saying "they can send a report and you'll get banned!!!!" as the likeliness of that happening is probably .4% and you're really not scaring anybody.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    "Try playing survivor"

    Pretty much every killer plays survivor. Nobody plays only killers.

    Even you have the survivor mindset, once survivors decide to hide in a locker without leaving any clues, it's pretty impossible to find, unless you keep opening every locker one by one.

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    Last year I reported this and a mod replied that its basically no different than a killer body blocking the basement preventing being unhooked. The only way to get through the killer is Dead Hard. Which none of it is bannable or even punishment worthy for BHVR to do anything about it.

    It is in fact, not bannable. Ask a mod. Been there, done that. BHVR will do nothing about this situation.

    Speaking of this situation, this typically only happens with solos. Even more so with crossplay players. I can't honestly say ive played against a SWF and they did this type of thing. I either got my teeth kicked in or didn't.

    Unfortunately, there's no real way to fix this issue because of how badly both survivors and killers would abuse the mechanic, like how every single killer was swinging 10 years early at pallets so they wouldn't get stunned... which is actual bug abuse but they sure didn't ban a single person for it lol

    I also suggested a fix for this after they introduced EGC and while it was ignored, i'm sure it would be abused in some way shape or form:

    When there are 2 survivors remaining and more than 2 generators left to be repaired, After 210s, the killers heartbeat is heard Globally. 30s after the heartbeat starts to be heard, if a generator is not completed EGC starts and the hatch becomes blocked.

    The scoring event is called The Impatient Entity.

    240s total is 3x the time it would take 1 survivor to repair 1 gen(which is 80s normally, no perks/items/addons)

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Play survivor until you can understand the survivor mindset. You won't need extensive cues if you can predict their locations.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    Did you even read?

    Every killer plays survivors lol

    Stop talking like there are killer mains which don't have survivor mindset. The point of discussion is how to prevent survivors from neglecting the game. Playing survivors is already a common sense which you don't even need to mention, because there is no such thing as "killer main".

    If survivors don't do objectives and decide to hide somewhere, it's pretty impossible to find or takes so much time to find, which is a waste of time and that's what the OP is saying.

  • FunCat
    FunCat Member Posts: 27

    What is the point to stay hidden for so long time?

    When it's over, it's over!

    Just try to do objectives and if u get caught, that's the game.

    you may loose rank but you can win the next match.

    It's not like if you will loose your own life.

    It's a game.

    i got 20 min wasted on midwitch map and i know for sure that it was to annoy me because all gens were at opposite and there was no progression at all.

    They switch lockers every min to avoid crows.

    My luck was that i got the omega blink and i finish to get one of the 2 remaining.

    And the last one was near the hatch and made noise to call me so he can teabag me before he get out.

    There is a lot (too much) of bad behavior in this game.

    So much hate.

    It's sad because this game can be so fun and it's a unique gameplay.

    I played it 2500 h.

    But i start to be bored by all the bugs and the bad attitude of lot of players and i think i will do like 100 of the 150 friends i made in this game, i will stop playing this game for ever.

    I did it for almost 2 years.

    And i think next time it will be forever.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I slept for most of it.

    I was super pissed at the time, but now it's nice to laugh at.

  • Kruxtix_TiTaN_
    Kruxtix_TiTaN_ Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2021

    After five minutes with no productivity from any survivor, I think The Entity should show some displeasure. I play survivor every day and rarely play killer, but even I know that this is something that should be addressed. Haven't seen it myself, but if that amount of time is passing, The Entity should lunge up from the ground and buckle survivors to the ground much like Trapper's Bear Traps would do. No injury, but it would force them to "Remove Ensnarement" over 6 seconds and scream on the spot. I think that would make it fair, because if I'm not doing anything it's because some other survivor deserves to die for a lack of team effort, working on gens, or having not been hooked while having gotten me hooked in the past. I'll take the chance of being chased if there's a 50% chance the killer will chase down that little rat instead.

  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    Of course they're not gonna touch gens, they know the game is lost and want the hatch points. You don't need perks to avoid that, you just need better tracking like observing disturbed crows in the environment (which is underrated), listening for footsteps and breathing. It's not a design problem, it's a human behavior reaction to what's happening. Also, are you not going to talk about how killers can take the game hostage such as creating lose/lose situations for survivors, they can slug out a survivor for 4 minutes, facecamp at 5 gens. Don't think the other side can't do it as well.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    stalling is a huge problem. one time i got slugged and crawled away with tenacity and it extended the game by 10 minutes. the killer wasnt mad in the postgame chat but most people would bust a nut over it. they should make it so if you hide in a locker or remain in the same tile for 60 seconds (unless you are doing an action) killers instinct should activate

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Did you even read?

    Play survivor more. It's not that hard to see.

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    I'm talking about game hostage: survivors not doing their objectives and only hiding FOR MINUTES, time enough to play another match or several matches.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I'm a survivor main and sick of this too. Idle crows for not working on a generator for 10+ seconds or not performing any other actions (i.e. searching a chest, cleansing a totem, etc.) after a 90 second duration seems fair.

  • Ribbles
    Ribbles Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2021

    Instead of a flat time limit, how about just starting a timer if they do not touch a gen in X minutes? And if it hits 0 they get killed by the entity similiar to end game collapse.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    ive Had survivors get salty that I killed two of their SWF buddies and just hid for a good long time. Then finally they found a key and left via hatch like a bunch of wimps.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Are you accounting for gen tapping resetting this timer? That is why I specifically mentioned they have to work on a gen for 10+ seconds in my comment.