The Pig needs a rework, here's what to do

The Pig can be a lot of fun, but she's a bit of a mess. Due to her slowdown power, she does very well against survivors who aren’t good at looping, hence the high kill-rate, but she's also one of the worst chase killers in the game and she has only basic mobility, making her very weak against strong survivors. Her RNG is also pretty unreliable. Reworking her is complicated, as she has a complex power and she’s in a tricky situation where her floor is solid but her ceiling is too weak.
Rework her stealthing and Ambush mechanic. It doesn't entirely make sense as it is mechanically, and reworking it allows for far greater potential:
- Make her stealthing similar to Ghost Face's so her stealth and her Ambush can be used while standing and while crouching. It doesn't make a lot of sense to have to crouch down before you dash after someone. The controls should be similar to Ghost Face’s as well.
- Make the movement speed 3.9m/s for standing and 3.6m/s for crouching. This gives her somewhat better mobility while stealthing, although not crouching will make her far easier to spot.
- She should take 1s to sheath her weapon and enter stealth before she can Ambush, and her Terror Radius should fade out like usual.
- Rework the Ambush animation for when it is initiated while standing and add a new stealth-walking animation.
- Allowing interrupts during stealth would be nice.
- While this is really just raising her POV and tweaking her controls and animations, which would make her power’s mechanics a lot better, if you really want to avoid reworking this, then just make her crouch faster and move faster while crouched, and delay the unsheathing noise when she stands up.
The above rework to her stealthing already buffs her Ambush by making it possible to see over loops and allowing her to crouch faster, but it could still use a couple buffs:
- Increase Ambush duration to 2.5s.
- Decrease successful Ambush cooldown to 2s and increase missed Ambush cooldown to 3s. This will reward players who use her Ambush well and punish those who don't.
Rework the traps. Right now, there are too many ways for the survivors to work around her traps and the RNG is too inconsistent. They need to be more reliable:
- Make Traps activate immediately unless Endgame Collapse has already started. They should still pause in the same situations as usual, and they should deactivate if Endgame Collapse is initiated by the Hatch being closed given 5 generators are not completed. This prevents survivors from repairing generators with traps on and makes the traps consistently useful throughout the trial.
- Make trap RNG similar to Trapper's: 10%, 25%, 50%, then 100% removal odds. This reduces the likelihood of getting traps off at the first box, but increases the likelihood it happens before the fourth box. Adding an extra box should affect these odds.
- Increase the trap timer by 30s (buff Tampered Timer accordingly, by 15s). This is a debuff to make up for some of the buffs, and will also help give less-experienced survivors ample time to remove their traps.
All add-ons that don't increase her trap slowdown need to be reworked. More stealth (movement speed) and Ambush (duration, charge time, cooldown) add-ons and another extra trap add-on would be very helpful. Status effect add-ons should also be changed to apply effects with an Ambush hit instead of with Traps.
Buff Amanda's Letter to keep all traps and boxes, and increase the range to 24m. Make Amanda's Secret a 12m version of this which reduces stealth movement speed by 0.1m/s. Wraith gets to see nearby survivors and move over 50% faster with just a Very Rare add-on, so there's no reason why Pig's versions should be so much weaker. These add-ons will make her Ambush far more useful and versatile, and experienced Pig players will make the best use of them.
Pig shouldn't be able to see her boxes at all. Other than that I agree she should get buffed.
Yesterday I had a match against a pig which went as following:
She tunneled one guy, put trap on him, hooked him, proxy camped, hooked guy got unhooked, she followed him so his trap was still ticking but couldn't go to a single box causeshe was still following him, she downed hi again when he tried to remove it, got gooked again. Rinse and repeat after the 2nd unhook. She ended up doing this twice in the same match. So a 2k in the end.
While I agree that she probably get punished for playing like that by depipping, I am sure the player didn't give a #########. I see way too many pig players play exactly like that,with their only goal to make the game miserable for 1 or 2 people.
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Pig shouldn't be able to see her boxes at all.
No thanks. Pig seeing where the boxes are is a meaningful part of her kit. Taking arguably the single worst Killer add-on in the game, making it even worse, and then making all Pigs have to use it is a bad idea. Bad Pigs being bad Pigs is not a good reason to do that.
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Not sure where you're finding Pigs like that, I rarely ever encounter Pigs besides myself, and most aren't anything worth mentioning. I do agree that she has a tunneling issue though with her traps. Perhaps traps could pause when she is within 12m instead of just in chase?
I think knowing where her boxes are is an important part of her gameplay because it allows you to catch trapped survivors in vulnerable spots if you're a smart Pig. I don't mean tunnelling, just predicting where trapped survivors may go. I'd give it up in a heartbeat to give her all the buffs I've listed though.
I think all killers have one way or another where they can be scummy if they really want to though. My main concern with Pig is buffing her while maintaining a healthy skill curve for both low and high end players
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That would be awkward and doesn't fit with how they've went about designing other killers. I'm fine with the movement speed debuff, traps and ambush are my issue
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@MandyTalk Lol what did you edit?
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I don't get pigs who tunnel people with an active trap on their head like what's the point of it at all if you're just gonna hook them to the point they die on hook. I understand trying to push them off the box when they try to get it off. I had a piggy who tunneled me through the bt hit and the ds stun while I had an active trap on and I ended up dying on the hook.
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I use Pig competitively and these traps force survivors to go to vulnerable areas of the map and make them susceptible to being snuck up on. I don't tunnel much but there is some use to it. A kill is the best slowdown in the game at the end of the day