Would you like a survivor perk that *at least partially* counters the Exposed status effect?

With the rise of Wraith, Undying + Devour Hope, and Starstruck, would you be interested in a perk that is meant to address these in any way? Assuming it's 'balanced,' it seems like a great time to introduce or rework a perk that deals with being Exposed. It feels like an empty space right now in a world of redundant perks. We have anti-tunneling, anti-camping, and anti-slugging, but no anti-instadowning. I can also see an argument that all Exposure perks are healthy for the game and discourage camping and tunneling, so maybe they aren't making counters on purpose.
What do you think?
We already have soul guard BT and MoM but i wont mind another one tbh
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There's always room for something like this in the form of a perk. If you ask me it would be rather niche anyhow, to bring a perk just to counter Exposed- also they would need to be very careful with making a perk like this as there are certain killers who's power is all about exposing the survivors like Myers and Ghostface.
Idk, I'm on board with it because I think it would be pretty interesting and new survivor perks have been really boring/bad lately.
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All exposed-type killer perks require an action or condition to be met before the killer can one-shot. For example, Devour Hope is probably the hardest one-shot type killer perk to get to activate, but it's also the most risky.
If survivors can have access to a perk that just negates the exposed status effect, it makes the associated perks even less viable to use. Why bother using Devour Hope if they can just ignore it with a new perk?
Plus, if the survivor perk is bad, no one will use it. But if it's good, the above problem exists.
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Those perks already exist, they are called BT, MoM, and DH. Oh and soulguard.
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I actually forgot about them. I could see them, especially Myers, being the reason they don't introduce such a perk. That made me realize they might never do so.
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Nothing will counter the "Exposed" status effect as good as No Mither does 😤
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Honestly I kind of wish something countered the endurance effect, even if it was rare. Tbh I think anything that is always a one hit down should Trump endurance
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No mither already does this :)
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If it's a soft counter, as in it reveals auras or gives an action speed boost or something, sure. If it's a hard counter, as in negates the Exposed status or gives you a Haste effect, absolutely not.
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I wouldn't mind one that effects exposed status perks by either giving you a small speed boost (like 3 or 4%) or something like that. I also would prefer it only relates to perks and not powers, since that would be way too intense lol!
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I'm not against it, anything to shake up the eternal meta.
If this perk replaces on of those, go for it
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How does Dead Hard counter exposed?
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Isn't Dead Hard countered BY exposed and not the other way around?
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Vigil could be buffed to counter exposed status effects with a duration. 20% less time on Haunted Grounds, Star Struck, Ghost Face Mark, etc.
Wouldn't be overpowered and still have a useful niche.
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Devilish Deal:
Your desperation to to survive against insurmountable odds has lead you to striking up a precarious deal with the Entity.
Whenever you are struck by the killers Basic Attacks while afflicted by the Exposed Status Effect, Devilish Deal will trigger and grant you the Endurance Status Effect instead of being put into the dying state. When Devilish Deal is triggered, one of your other perks, picked at random, will be Marked by Devilish Deal and deactivated for the remainder of the trial.
Devilish Deal can only be triggered up to a maximum of 1/2/3 time(s) per Trial.
If Devilish Deal has been Triggered its maximum amount of times when you are struck while in the Exposed state, you will be put into the dying state.
If Devilish Deal has been Triggered its maximum amount of times when you are hooked, You will be sacrificed regardless of which hook phase you would normally enter.
I Just came up with this off of the top of my head.
Simply put, You get a maximum of 3 chances to ignore The Exposed effect, but once that's used up, it's game over. This could potentially wipe out the overall effectiveness of most Exposed Status perks, add-ons, or abilities, since it gives you complete immunity from the Exposed mechanic, but the trade off is less second chance or escape perks, and an instant sacrifice once its used up. Given that most killers will Expose you only once or twice per match though, The question is... would you be willing to make this deal?
Improved the wording of this perk concept to better flesh out the effect and fall in line with how other perks are written.
Post edited by TWiXT on2 -
I could see it happen if such a perk had limited uses and some conditions to be met for it to activate.
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Yeah if the conditions are more like MoM or deliverance, and not just something that automatically happens.
Otherwise they could remake no mither into something where you start healthy but the first hit that would one shot you perma-breaks you instead.
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Yeah if the conditions are more like MoM or deliverance, and not just something that automatically happens.
Otherwise they could remake no mither into something where you start healthy but the first hit that would one shot you perma-breaks you instead.
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Ghost Face can work better without Exposing, and Myers has add-ons that stop hi getting to Tier III, which are pretty powerful. So I wouldn't say they're powerless without the Exposed status.
One possibility for an anti-exposed perk could be something like:
Once per trial, if you are exposed and healthy, the first hit that would put you in the dying state will instead injure and give you the deep wound status.
Not quite a powerful as an endurance, as it's only for a single hit. Could even get a token system for safe unhooked instead of being once per trial.
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So bubba can camp even better?
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Action speed boost while being exposed let's go
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i don't understand the argument that it can't be a perk because it counters certain killers. there's loads of perks that counter certain killers. urban evasion counters pyramid head and hag, does that mean urban evasion has to go? what about spine chill countering myers and ghostface?
i'd like to see a perk that gains tokens somehow, maybe every time a generator is repaired or each time you cleanse a totem. something finite. any time you would be put into the dying state from healthy, you consume a token to become injured with a deep wound instead. a low token cap like 2 would prevent you just stacking a bunch of tokens specifically to beat noed at the end, and maybe the perk goes on cooldown when you return to healthy. it could also exhaust you, but ignore exhaustion the same way adrenaline does.
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I know a buff for vigil talked about a lot was any thing that used a exposed timer vigil would tick down quicker. So your exposed for less time from like haunted grounds or make your choice.
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Yeah the Bubba thing is the only bigger issue with the idea tbh but outside of that I think it's still a good idea
Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on0 -
Couple people already posted great perk ideas that incorporates OP suggestion. I’m convinced it’s possible and not difficult to include.
However, I’m always positive BHVR would lazily implement it and make it too powerful or too restricted or...of course...let it come out too powerful, so that you will buy, and then hard nerf it.
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Perhaps the developers can unbind the Exposed status effect from the Killers whose powers have it as their core mechanic. Oni, Billy, Bubba, IH-Huntress, and other Killers can instantly down without the Exposed status effect, so the developers could change Shape and Ghost Face so that they just straight-up instant down in T3 / when the Survivor is Marked instead of applying the Exposed status effect.
This could go hand-in-hand with a UI change to better show or signal when the Survivors are vulnerable to an instant down without the Exposed status effect.
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Maybe they could make a perk that will hide the survivors aura when normally shown for the duration of the exposed status effect? Wouldn't be too broken in normal circumstances.
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Only if killers get a perk to counter Endurance.
On a side note, an anti-exposed perk combined with SC would destroy stalking killers easily.
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Not sure what wraith has to do with exposed.
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We already do. It's called Dead Hard.
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That only protects you when you're already injured and being Exposed doesn't even matter. The power of the Exposed status is to reduce the amount of hits survivors take before going down from 2 to 1. Dead hard doesn't do Jack against the Exposed status.
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Even if the devs make a perk to counter expose most survivors wont run it. Look at the buff to small game. Great idea to counter noed but most dont want to take off their meta perks.
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Devour is only hard to get if Survivors actually do their bones. If they ignore them, it's rather easy on many killers to hook and just run away to get the required distance for the totems. Honestly, sometimes Devour is too easy to get ranked up to Exposed and I think it needs to be looked at, imo.
As for the perk - it could be limited so there is still some use. Something like 'the first time you would be place under Exposed status, you are not' and then the perk goes inactive (or inactive with a timer, but that'd be pushing it making things irrelevant.