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Ascensions Blights j-flick video



  • Member Posts: 396

    ok, while we are in the process of removing unintended mechanics, can we please remove streched res, window tech, 360's, trap buffering with BT and hit priority when unhooking, too? pretty please? with sugar on top!

  • Member Posts: 173

    Oh I did. Twice in fact. I just failed to see the point... *gasp* because there wasnt any.

  • Member Posts: 5,785
  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Oof tell me about it, in EU I keep going against this specific nurse player with 7k hours in mostly her who plays with stretched res so they have built in Shadowborn. Theyre a nice guy and pretty wholesome, but man it sucks they abuse that stuff.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Blight was already strong without it. He doesn't need j-flick. Plus, it's incredibly unfun and takes the skill away from Blight.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited April 2021

    I love how the argument of some here is that "I'm not gonna watch the video, but the Jflick is uncounterable."

    You don't have a place to argue about something that you're not actually going to properly look into. The comments here show the exact issue with the entire argument against Jflicks, which is ignorance.

    There's no thought put into the argument against them besides "It's an exploit = It's bad, it should go, and it's uncounterable." The lack of effort in looking at the topic from any other angle than that is the most boring way of thinking imaginable.

    You won't actually address points from the counterargument. Why?

  • Member Posts: 827

    The j flick is bullshit

  • Member Posts: 92

    Its an unfair advantage for those with high-sensitivity input devices and should be patched. The same way spinning in place at high sensitivity should be patched (again, unfair advantage + animation looks glitchy as hell).

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    1. That's not a trade. You're just limiting PC players and then benefitting console players (which should happen, console Blights need a lot of help with the controls they're given!). That's just 1 downside for PC players, then 1 upside for consoles.
    2. You don't have to trade. There's no point in trading here. Consoles and PC players are not some opposing sides. At the end of the day, we're all just players on different platforms with different controls. Benefit consoles. Don't take stuff away from PC in turn.
  • Member Posts: 640

    Because they have no strong counter argument. They basically parrot the "devs said it's not intended" and "the devs said they're removing it", despite the facts these are the same devs who thought pallet and flashlight saves were always intended to work during ANYTIME of the pick up animation. That was quickly reverted.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    That's all I hear. I'm seeing nothing but parroting and people plugging their ears for no reason. It seems like people don't actually want to argue against the counterargument, they're just repeating the same arguments every single ######### time the topic comes up lol.

  • Member Posts: 640

    Yeah. Like you said, their whole argument is based on ignorance. They think J-flicks are uncounterable where there is video evidence of survivors countering J-flick in youtube videos and on stream (the survivors playing during Otz's tier stream even said so, live on twitch, as they were versing a J-Flicking Blight).

    It honestly sounds like laziness on the survivor's part. With each new killer released over the years survivors had to adapt to new mechanics and playstyles. Suddenly, however, Blight comes along and some vocal survivors are simply not interested in adapting. Just shut it down, no if's, and's, or but's about it. They want Blight to be played in a certain way, even though they're not the ones playing Blight.

    Blows my mind.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Because babies that want easy wins are spitting their dummies out as per usual.

  • Member Posts: 827

    No, I've played against these blights and I don't need some stupid video arguing that it's okay for me to know it's not okay. Don't need to watch racist propaganda to know racism is bs either.

  • Member Posts: 640

    How you can compare a video in defense of J-flicks to racist propaganda is beyond me. That's not an argument, it's just speaking from ignorance.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    J flick is gonna get removed forever, periodt. Exploiters don’t deserve it anyways.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    While part of my post was just a self-indulgent and somewhat obscure film reference, yeah, I honestly don't understand the point of getting into such deep back and forth debates about something that the developers have already condemned as wrong, and claimed to be getting rid of. It's kind of a moot point by then, you know? The glitch isn't going to be saved.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,075

    I'm closing this discussion here, the team is aware of the issue and it will be taken care of, being it an unintended mechanic.

This discussion has been closed.

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