Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • AlphaBeta
    AlphaBeta Member Posts: 11

    Had a game as the sprit, had a full on exposed and mori set up, start game, one player is AFK, i hit him once leave and he DC's shortly after, another player DC's upon being hooked the second time, at this point i am a little annoyed but think whatever at this point i realise the other two have stooped working on gens and are just waiting for me to kill them to end the game, we spend the next 30min working on gens for me to kick droping pallets onto me for me to break, hitting them so they could heal, short chases where they would chase me and i would hide using haunting and we would play hide and go seek one guy lets me hook him three times in a row and the other wants me to hook him but i end up carrying him to the hatch.

    Felt super wholesome and happy afterwards, to that Dwight and that Felix i wish you many many more escapes ahead.

  • Oreo7
    Oreo7 Member Posts: 56

    I never thought you'd see my comment lol! But yeah your comment actually made me go "aww that's adorable" lol

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had a match the other day against The Pig. She had downed and trapped a teammate. I followed him to a Jigsaw box and waited for him to get the trap off and then I healed him. I went to work on a gen and I saw The Pig chasing him, so I ran up to block him. She slashed me once and I was like "I've never really booped a Pig...I wonder if she'll like it..." so I booped her. She paused for a second then nodded at me and left me alone. My other teammates kept getting downed and hooked and one kept trying to flashlight her. I stood between the guy trying to blind her and her and I was like "Stop trying to blind her, she just wants boops!" So she downed the guy, hooked him, and he tried to kill himself on the hook but I unhooked him. The Pig came back and I told the guy "Watch! -boops- You boop her NOW u8<" He cautiously approached her and booped her. Then my other teammate came over and booped her too. She ended up letting us all escape and she thanked me in the chat. I play as The Pig just for the boops, so I told them "I too like boops to my snoot :3" As I said, I've never actually booped The Pig. They usually just seem to want to kill me and that's it xD

    Then I had a match with a Ghostface who teabagged us. He did hook all of us at least twice, but he also let us rescue and heal if we teabagged with him. The Nea and I figured out what he was trying to do, but the other two teammates didn't and just gave up. He let us go because we teabagged with him. Pretty funny xD

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173
  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I talked about this earlier but a few days ago I was in a match against The Huntress. She was really good, had some good timing and accuracy on her axe throws. We engaged each other in several close calls, but she usually caught up with me sooner or later.

    By the end I was the last survivor and I dodged her axe throw by a HAIR without turning back to look. Because I didn't turn back though, she got me with another thrown axe just as I was completing a window vault. I said to myself "ah, good hit. Fair enough. It was a fun match". To my surprise though she didn't hook me, she plopped me down at the base of a hill and walked up it with another axe throw readied. I got up initially unsure as to what she was doing but she continued standing there so I figured oh, she wants a direct skill challenge - my dodging versus her aiming.

    I thought why not? So I indulged her by juking back and forth, dodging multiple throws until she eventually caught me with one. She came down, propped me back to life again, and retreated back to the hill for another round. I waited until she got into position, letting her know that I was willing to engage her in this way, and dodged a few more axes before getting caught one more time.

    This time she picked me up and started walking. I didn't wiggle, I wanted to see what was up. After a minute or so she found the hatch, dropped me in front of it, and threw an axe at it to let me know that she was setting me free. I wiggled in an attempt to let her know that I appreciated the gesture, and crawled in.

    It was very cool. I very much enjoyed our back and forth, I feel that we had mutual respect for each other, and I was flattered that she apparently thought highly enough of my performance to let me win. The user was named Lycan_Leviathan or something incredibly close to that and I hope to encounter him or her again. In a game so full of scummy players it was a pleasure to be matched against someone who demonstrated maturity and sportsmanship.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Another fun one happened today on the Switch (well, Lite).

    I and three other randos were in Haddonfield against Amanda. We were kicking ass, knocking generators down without her being able to catch up and down us. Until the exit gate was opened. Then, BOOM BOOM BOOM. Within the span of about thirty seconds she managed to get everyone smack in the middle of the street. They must have been traveling together, as I was upstairs in a house fixing the last generator. As soon as one went down, the others quickly followed suit in an attempt to help.

    Naturally, I made the same mistake I always do of going to help instead of just gunning for the exit. My humanity overruled my sense of survival. I figured that since I was at a distance I'd be able to sneak over and help even ONE person, which could domino the chain back in our direction. What I hadn't counted on was that Amanda was already going back and forth down the street and turned around to head back from one end to the next just as I was walking out onto the street.

    As soon as I half-unhooked someone, she got me down and stood there to watch what everyone would do. One hanged person died. Another person with a reverse bear trap bled out. I just sat there, knowing I had no chance, as the other hooked person died. Then I noticed that the hatch was RIGHT up ahead of me by just a few feet. Right there in the middle of the street.

    But Amanda did something I didn't expect. She put a reverse bear trap on me and helped me up. I knew right away what she wanted me to do: Could I make it to the correct key box and escape before the endgame collapse, which had already begun?

    I ran to the closest key box. She followed and watched. Nothing. I ran to the next closest key box. Nothing. I ran to the closest one after that. Success! Rather than being a cheap ass and killing me right then and there, she turned in the direction of the hatch. I ran, DESPERATE as the collapse was just seconds away. She ran with me to see if I'd make it. I got ON TOP of the open hatch, not quite making it to the collision box to trigger the escape, and time ran out. I died right there, directly atop the middle of the open hatch. Amanda closed the hatch as I died.

    I don't know if the person behind Amanda was trying to roleplay or not, but either way they totally succeeded. Did I have the desire for life to try to make a go for it and get it off of my head before it was too late? She didn't kill me, she gave me a choice to save myself. And if not for literally ONE SECOND or less of timing, I would have made it out of the map and won. But she gave me a chance, in true Jigsaw fashion, and I thought that was not only awesome but also very sportsmanlike, just like the match I described before this one.

    This really is a great game to be a storyteller with. And while I gave the Amanda player props, I sadly didn't think to catch their name. So if you happen to see this, know that you're great!

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 203

    Dawh, that's great ;0; Yeah, thank goodness for email notifs for these forums. I wish you more wholesome trials to come :>

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    When I started playing, I was at the Coldwind Farm. I was playing as Claudette and then I was facing a Hillbilly. The Hillbilly was a good player, but when I was playing this first round, I did not know how to do skill checks on a generator and a med-kit. Then I was running and then I was killed by the entity by being scarified. I will never forget that day, Lol.

  • austinatlantis
    austinatlantis Member Posts: 1

    I had been struggling to complete the "12 pallet stuns" challenge and was on my last two. For this I decided to play as Laurie so I could run object and get the killers attention more easily. By coincidence, the killer ended up being Myers and we were on the game map. I got into a chase and was dropping pallets left and right, but he was respecting them and I wasn't getting any stuns. Eventually, he must have understood what I wanted by all my pointing and "come here" motioning and he let me get a stun on him. I span in a circle as thanks and he hit me once and moved on. I didn't want to bother him too much, so I continued to play the game normally, but we did meet again and he let me get the last stun I needed.

    Obviously a bond was formed because he left me alone after that and let me get the hatch afterwords. It's always a fun time when you meet a killer that you can bond with in some way or another. :)

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    I'm learning Pyramid Head right now and kind of struggling (his huge blind spot on the right side is really screwing me over). Being a bit short on perks that seem to be of worth on him, I had green NOED slotted just to have something in the slot.

    Was a challenging game on Osmond due to my ineptitude and the fact that at least 3 of the survivors were competent. It got down to the wire in the end. No... literally. It was like this...

    I got my 3rd sacrifice, the Claudette. And in that moment, the last gen popped. Doors were somewhat close, but I didn't like patrolling between them when there was a hatch in play. Then I get this idea.... let's open a gate. That will start the EGC and maybe fool the remaining survivor into thinking I found the hatch and force her to the gates. And when she sees the open gate, she may go for it.

    So I gambled - I knew there was a good chance she'd get away, but having NOED in play made me willing to take the gamble. I opened the gate and started a WIDE patrol around the gate to entice her to try and go for it.

    I spotted her behind a rock a good 2 and a half tiles away from the gate. I started the pursuit. She made her way toward one of the raised sheds. It looked like I had her....

    It dawned on me just as we hit the steps she might be trying for a Balanced Landing play, so I was ready for it.....

    She broke left off the stairs and platform, I took aim and prompty got a weapon collide animation off of hitting the edge of the steps. She sprinted toward the gate with me in hot pursuit hoping my NOED speed boost would be enough.

    I caught up to her just as she crossed the finish line. Gave her a hearty GG because I'll admit, she got me in the end and it was a brilliant play. I didn't get salt back, I got "OMG, that was so close, and you had NOED, my heart is pounding right now GG MAN!"

    That felt good - that felt damn good running into somebody who appreciated the close shave they just had, and how close they really were to being put on that hook. GG guys

    NOED isn't in that slot anymore though. I prefer perks I can use for most of the match.

    Post edited by FrenziedRoach on
  • PhoenixShade
    PhoenixShade Member Posts: 1

    My story was as a survivor. I was against a trapper, and was last of two. At this point, both me and my teammate knew we were doomed, even though there weren't very many gens left. She saves me on the hook, trapper downs her and hooks her. I ran far enough away that I find hatch, but realize that my teammate was only on first hook. I wasn't gonna be that one toxic person who waits it out (the killer would have found me, anyways, I think), so I go back for the save. As I do this (the killer is right there, too, but we didn't have a choice), the killer swings, hits both of us (so at this point I'm trying my hardest to crawl to the hatch) and kills my teammate. He finds and closes hatch, and thanks to adrenalin, I run over to the door to try and get some points before dying. Instead, the killer let me open it, even if they downed me again and had me crawl out of the door.

    Really wanna say it was some form of pity for attempting to save that teammate of mine.

  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    i love the moments....

  • MouseOnAPlatter
    MouseOnAPlatter Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2021

    Had a Billy a few months back on one of the swamp maps (the one with the large building not the ship). Brought in a beefy medkit with the white ward. I looped the killer a bit around the main structure, the game progressed normally, etc. 2 people got sacrificed, just me and a Claudette remaining. Killer got me under the main building with M1. The killer had Franklins - RIP medkit. However, it seemed he did not want to finish me off, he kept coming back and looking down at me, then speeding off in chainsaw sprint. Finally, he picked me up and brought me to a hook on a hill, then looked like he changed his mind, so I stopped wiggling. He ended up going twice around the whole map looking for the hatch which had spawned as there was only 1 gen remaining. He had me on his shoulder the whole time. Walked by Claudette hiding in a bush, who looked really confused. Finally, she figured out the killer was messing around so she started working on the last gen. I and Billy could not find the hatch however, so he let me wiggle out just as Claud finished the last gen. He walked me to a gate and made me leave then killed Claudette XD. I remember him fondly.

  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195
    edited April 2021

    Was it me?😃...i like them corners...not swamp but.....

  • Kuchiyose
    Kuchiyose Member Posts: 4

    I have a short story;

    Me and my newbie friend were playing against a hillbilly. The hillbilly was decent in my opinion, got us hooked all of us twice. So only 1 gen left and he managed to get 1 survivor. We knew he was gonna die and hatch was gonna get spawned. We used the offer so we knew hatch was gonna be spawned in the killer shack.

    We made our way to killer shack with a key on my friend's hand. The only thing we didn't calculate that the killer also made his way to killer shack. As soon as we reach the killer shack, hillbilly came out and I started a loop with him while my friend was looking for the hatch.

    She said she found the hatch near it so I started to yell "Nice, open it now" while I made my way to hatch. She said she can't open it, as it says nothing on my hud to open it and I kept panic yelling "IT'S LEFT CLICK, LEFT CLICK LEEEEFT".

    After she held like 15 seconds while I was yelling, hillbilly finnaly got me and as soon as he got me my friend menaged to open hatch and got away and I got hooked. I couldn't even wiggle cuz I was laughing on the floor.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Two Survivors on The Game disconnected against a Trickster.

    He farmed with us, the last two, all game and let us get out but I gave him my life so he got at least one true kill.

    I learned Trickster mechanics and stuff with him throwing knives at us and letting us heal up, completed a Tome challenge, and got a daily done. We all left with as many points as we could get. Smiles all around.

  • MouseOnAPlatter
    MouseOnAPlatter Member Posts: 6

    I don't know, it happened a few months ago, unfortunately. I am on PC though and the killer was on a different platform. If you pull off stunts like that, though, kudos to you 😀

  • 20_Henry
    20_Henry Member Posts: 26

    Trapped in basement by four nodding baby Megs :)

  • ReaperZAJ
    ReaperZAJ Member Posts: 1

    I was playing as Ghostface a few days ago on Rancid Abbatoir, all of the survivors were decent at looping, but most of them got downed because they weren't looking at me when I was using my power, so I took them by surprise.

    This one Yun-Jin Lee was running in the main building on the area where the gen is and there's lots of railing, and happened to run into a corner. She crouched hopelessly, I crouch as well before downing her. In the end, I let them all go for giving me a good laugh.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    Super short since im at work.... i was getting murked by a group of rank 1s. They outclassed the heck out of me. After the gens were done, instead of leaving they all stayed to get eaten by the entity. I got loads of bloodpoints because nobody escaped

  • Rectal_Prolapse
    Rectal_Prolapse Member Posts: 60

    Well, I've demolished a very strong 4 man SWF on fractured cow hell (pre rework) as trapper, brown add-ons and they've brought about 3 Insta heals and a key (back In the day where Insta heals were actually Insta heals).

    The game was a torture from beginning to end and I don't think I got more than a couple of hooks before the gates were powered, but I prepped. I was able to deploy some very, very non ortodox traps around the jungle gyms by the exit gates (they were deployed on the same side) and managed to snowball after they got cheeky with the body blocks over the guy I was chasing. Had to deal with 2 unbreakables and a couple of OG decisive strikes but, in the end, I soaked their sweat in a tip of a hook so that was fine.

  • Sylthea
    Sylthea Member Posts: 5

    Was playing a round at Forsaken Temple as Dwight with Myers as the killer. Last one alive with 3 gens still needed for the exit gate. I forget exactly why I was in the basement (not hooked) when who else but the killer walks in, so having just mentally given up at that point I just stand there in front of the hooks to await my fate. Killer obviously sees me at this point, as they walk up to me but don’t exactly do anything. They go up and down the stairs a few times without ever completely leaving. Upon coming back they make some attack stabs at empty air, but still not actually trying to hit me? They go over and start repeatedly stabbing a chest and so acting on the weird impression that they maybe want me to open it I dubiously go in to do so. Healed myself from an injured state with a med kit. They make a bunch of air stabs while going up the stairs, so I end up following the killer as air stabs seems to be their way of trying to direct my attention or something. A little less wary of them at this point, I continue following them all the way to the exit gate. Again they do the air stabs at the exit switch, but since there are still 3 gens to go I really can’t do anything about it even at their knife waving insistence.

    Since there is an unfinished generator nearby, I go over and try to start fixing that up. At this point they straight up grab me, and thinking that they’ve maybe lost patience with me at this point. Like a sack of complacent potatoes, I didn’t give any fuss as they wander around the entirety of the map with me slung over their shoulder. I guess logically I could have tried to break free and make a run for it, but unnecessarily prolonging the round didn’t appeal much to me. Also, it would seem sort of rude as they had already passed on so many chances to kill me earlier; I thought if they suddenly decided they needed the blood points from sacrificing me then I was just going to let them have it. What ultimately happened was me getting dumped right in front of the hatch. As I safely exited, I silently thanked the merciful saint disguised within the skin of his deceased mother’s face.

    I really wish I had been paying more attention at the score tallying screen, as I would have liked to have gotten their username. To this day, I’m still not certain if they decided to let me live because their dailies/objectives were taken care of - or if I was just in that pathetically pitiful of a predicament that killing me wouldn’t be worth it.

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Moments like this one are rare but are so funny, I remember dying while this happened. I just randomly blinked up and saw this

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    when i was playing survivor i was versing a ghostface who killed my entire team in 1 gen. he saw that i was the only one being productive so he gave me the hatch. i typed "thanks ghostie" in the post game chat and he replied "np your teammates were literal morons". unfortunately this is really rare considering most people arent generous enough to do that. seriously, a friendly killer in dbd is a once or twice in a lifetime thing.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    Just had a game last night where i was doing Adept Nurse. There was a survivor who just straight up DCd because i was nurse. Played legit at first until all survivors started meming and crouching up to me. Giving me items. I let them all go downed them at the gate opened it for a slug race out was pretty fun.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615
  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195
    edited April 2021

    matchmaking locked a time to remember and come on, my stats show I am no quitter....." still havent seen my stats but need want to sometime as i read i could check dbd stats, my stats has got to be pretty pristine" "editing comment since my second matchmaking locked as i type man i opened a browser to put music on and i think it made me lag super bad like 1 frame or something anyhow i did not quit....

    Post edited by Rellewd on
  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    First Match in about 2 weeks or something that i just played 😎

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I was behind on several killer rituals today (Ghostface, Wraith, Legion) so I decided to do them all in a row. I was playing just for the ritual points, I figured that there was no reason to get sweaty and overly aggressive about it. As I always say, I play to have fun, not necessarily to win, so I relaxed and just did my chasing and stabbing, lol.

    I could have gotten a number of kills and while I got a few hooks I made sure to take off and let the person get rescued. Points for me, points for them. In one match I met the survivors at the gate and while one of them was already starting to teabag and two others were spinning in circles I just stood there and nodded. They all took notice and stopped what they were doing. They were utterly confused. I nodded again. A couple nodded back, so I walked away. In all three games I let them go. I'm getting more than 30,000 points for each of the three matches, plus another ten or fifteen for the chasing and attacking, I can live without the wins. Let them have them.

    In all honesty I wish I could have gone one step farther and been one of those cool killers who, after downing someone, brings them to the hatch or the exit and lets them go to make it clear that I'm not messing with them, I'm just being decent. The opportunity didn't come up. All the same, after each of the three matches I sent a message in chat that said "Just doing a ritual today. Enjoy your BP everybody! gg!" Don't know if they all saw it or not but at least one person did, and thanked me. You know, it honestly felt...good. I wish that there was a "Mad Puncher" non-killer in this game who's known for attacking people but being conflicted about what he's done and letting them go. XD

    I participated, I played, I just went easy and let everyone live. I got some easy points, they got some easy points. We all had fun. Everyone's a winner.

  • Callisto_
    Callisto_ Member Posts: 46

    The hunter becomes the hunted

  • WormMilk
    WormMilk Member Posts: 118

    I was playing a game as survivor and I could tell there was something off with the killer, he would find the survivors and then walk away but it didn't seem like he was farming or anything, just confused. Finally it's the end of them game the gates are open in the first few minutes and two of the survivors are out and it was just me and this other dude in the basement with the killer. We figured he was new and got him to hit us but he wouldn't put us on the hook, time was almost out so I barely made it out of gate but the other dude stayed behind till time ran out so the killer got a kill. It's nice seeing people who can really understand body language even through a game, and it was nice to see the guy lose the game so the killer could get some blood points.

    I also had a time this dude was slugging so me and this other dude just crawled to each other and started spinning in circles.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Someone played a good Legion game tonight. He managed to hook me twice, both times I was rescued. Finally I was down in the basement trying to heal and he had the notion to come down there and see if anyone was there. He came walking towards me and I just knelt and lowered my head like "You win, I lose. Go ahead". To my surprise he stopped. After a second I looked up and him, ducked again and nodded to again say "it's cool, you won, I won't put up a fuss". Surprising me even further, he shook his head "no" and left the basement. Expecting a trick I slowly made my way up, and I think it was not long after that that the gates opened. We all made it out, and I don't know if he noticed it or not but I left him my medkit as a thank you as I left.

    After the match he and I both almost simultaneously typed "GG!" and while I don't remember what else was said a couple of the other players basically said that they'd had fun. He said "y'all have a good rest of the night, lads". We thanked him. I ended with "Sportsmanship for the win".

    I wish every match of DBD could be like this. It really makes a difference.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I decided to play some Killer rounds last night because despite me being a Survivor main, I pretty much only get Killer Daily Rituals and I really needed the points. I decided to play as Michael my last match and I had a Survivor that was AFK all match. I try not to down and hook AFK Survivors because I feel bad - I don't know if they had to go do something or not and it's unfair. Since the crows make noise, I was going to go down him and hook him because the crows got on my nerves and I knew his teammates would save him. When I got over there, he was running so I walked up to him and was like "Look who decided to join us! What're those? You got some friends up there. -looks at crows-" And then he pointed at me and I was like "Did you...just boop Michael Myers?" I reached tier III and downed him and then I decided to pick him up. I was like "You were brave enough to boop Michael Myers, so I'll let you live." I don't know what he was doing, but since I play as The Pig just for the boops, I chose to take it as he booped me.

    I also played a match as the Demogorgon and I found one of the Survivors shortly after the match started. They decided to DC because I found them early in the match and so I decided to let the rest of the Survivors do gens and leave. Well, I noticed the Claudette in the basement so I walked over to her and smacked her. She waved at me so I downed her but I didn't hook her in the basement. I found the Meg and chased her for a bit and hooked her. I eventually found the Yui and was chasing her and she threw down a pallet and I started breaking it at the same time she tried to reset it. I was like "Oh, I'm sorry!" so I chased her and she threw down another pallet and tried to reset it and I nodded at her saying "Go ahead!" I ended up hooking her because I wanted to hook them all once and they must have found found a key because they opened the hatch and left. I made my way back over to the hatch and the Claudette waited for me to get there before she left. I nodded at her as she left xD

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Had a match recently where someone suicided on hook first thing. The Ghost Face let the remaining three of us survive to finish the gens. Once the gens were done, he killed Adam, then it was just me and another survivor left. I rescued her instead of trying to escape, and the GF of course downed both of us. He put her back on the hook but carried me to the hatch and even nodded at me. Very nice of him, dunno why he chose me, but thank you. 😀👍️

    I had another match against a Trickster where someone disconnected early on. I was working on doing a stun challenge (and working towards the new stun-and-run achievement), so I tried hard to keep him busy chasing me the whole time. Despite my antics, he was still very nice at the end of the match, letting everyone go, so I went up to a hook and pointed at it. He nodded at me, and even though I'm sure I was a monumental pain in his ass (being hit with pallets is never fun), he hesitated before hooking me to make sure it was what I wanted. Sorry I stunned you a bunch, Trickster, it was nothing personal and I was really happy that you sacrificed me. ❤️

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I was playing Clown last night (I'm a bad clown). I had 1 dead and 1 exit gate was opened, and I managed to hook another Survivor 5 feet from the open gate

    Through guts, quick thinking, and a flashlight, the Survivors unhook her, but trade a different Survivor in her place. The Survivors leave, because they are now both injured.

    The one PC Survivor (the other 3 were console and could not use end game chat) starts with 'Camper!' and I say 'I have meat & and open gate; why would I move?'

    Survivor: ...That's true.

    Me: Plus; look at this stomach; I did not get this fat chasing Survivors!

    Survivor: Lol! gg :)

    I'm kind of proud I turned even a little salt into a laugh. And kudos to that survivor for taking it in stride! Because I did camp! But if I left, that Survivor would have been unhooked & out the gate in 3 seconds. It was the only smart Killer play I had left.

  • RealKamakaze
    RealKamakaze Member Posts: 117

    Well it was late at night and it was taking around 20 minutes to get into a game as survivor so I played killer instead to pass the time. After a couple matches (all unfair against sweats) I went against a SWF all using flashlights. These kids decided to gen-rush, t-bag in front of pallets, constantly flashlight save and click the flashlight. Clearly these kids have no respect for people that play killer so I DCd and do you wanna know why I enjoy that moment? Because they waited 20 minutes to get into a game and be toxic for nothing. They had to wait another 20 minutes because they had no respect for the people playing killer. Respect the killers, I always do because without them the game is nothing.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had a match earlier where I decided to play as Meg because I got a new outfit for her. I joined a match with two Claudettes and I don't remember who the other person was, but they changed into Meg too so there were two Claudettes and two Megs.

    Match started and I found a gen to work on, but the Huntress chased the Claudettes near me, so I tried to leave the area when I ran into the other Meg. She followed me around the map and I don't know why. I don't know if she was trying to see if I was doing actual work or if she was new to the game and was lost or scared or if she was just playing with me. Anyways, she followed me for a while until I ran up to help one of the Claudettes finish a gen. The Claudette waved at us to follow and we did, but I saw a totem so I stopped to do it. I try to do at least two or three totems a match and this was my second one that match. Well, the Meg stayed with me and she got in and out of a locker so I thought maybe she had Inner Strength and I let her destroy the totem. While she was destroying it, I started to go find the Claudette and she stopped destroying it and started following me again. I told her to go destroy the totem and I stayed next to her while she finished destroying it. We made our way near the killer shack and she decided to go into the basement to loot a chest so I followed her. While she was opening the chest, I crouched next to her and was like "Ooooh what're you gonna get!?" She got a flashlight and I was like "Coolies!" but she hesitated before taking it and I said "You can have it xD" so she took it. We ended up getting separated because the Huntress downed her and one of the Claudettes. I managed to help the Claudette up, but the Meg got hooked. I tried to take the Huntress far away so the Meg could be saved and they could heal. Well, the other Claudette finished the last gen and when the Huntress finally hit me, I went down immediately due to NOED. As she was picking me up, I was like "Please go save the other Meg - don't worry about me!" I got hooked and I guess one of them had a key so one Claudette and the Meg left and the other Claudette was opening the gate. I killed myself so the Claudette wouldn't try to save me.

    All in all, it was a really fun match eventhough I died. I'm a big sister irl and it reminded me so much of being a big sister, having the Meg follow me around xD

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I started playing Trapper recently. I like him a lot more than I thought I would, at least on green ranks - he wastes a lot of time early on, but catching survivors in traps is just so dang satisfying, and he gets better returns than I expected.

    On maybe my fourth match playing him, I got Disturbed Ward, basement in main building. Pretty normal match start, I'm doing alright, and then somebody goes down next to the basement. I put them down there and then lay a trap on the stairs, because that's what you do as Trapper, right? I wasn't intending to camp, I walk away to check gens, but the person kills themselves on their first hook. So I'm like "Huh. This is the power of Trapper."

    The next person I down also ends up being near the basement, since they tried to loop in main building. I put them down there, and pick up the trap I laid earlier so there's nothing blocking a save. They also suicide.

    At this point, I'm just feeling guilty about this; it's 3 gens left and I don't like steamrolling this badly. I spot the Jane and she just kind of stares at me from a distance. I stare back, and then nod and leave so she can get some points something. I wander off elsewhere and see Nancy disappear behind a corner, evidently not as resigned to her fate as Jane. I don't hear a sound cue, but I do see her health pop up to full ten seconds later, so I open the jungle gym locker and there she is.

    Then Jane runs up behind me, and I respect this Jane's attitude, so I drop the Nancy in front of her and gesture at her like "fix this." She does, and because momentum has been thoroughly lost at this point, I just lead my pet survivors around to gens and chests. (There was a gen spawn in the disturbed ward's window room that game, it was kind of neat.) Jane shows me a key, so I go and locate the hatch while they're working on gens. It's in the ruins of the greenhouse, so I have a blast of a time gathering up all my traps and creating a minefield around it that they've gotta defuse before they can leave. When it's done, I start hitting walls until they follow and I bring them over to my diabolical creation.

    Out of friendship for me, they disarmed each one with their feet. <3 I'm not sure they had legs left by the time they flopped through that hatch, but godspeed out there in the fog, Jane and Nancy.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    There's games where things are deadly serious ... and then there are games where you find yourself playing a different game inside of a DBD match ...