How can gen speeds be slowed that is fair for both sides?



  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Quite frankly just no. It woul dmak ehte game much more boring for survivors which is a bad thing and honestly it just taking longer would not adress a lot of the issues with them like the pisspoor base regression or big maps/

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    From the stuff i have seen the only killer to even get close to 3 kills on average is Freddy who just got nerfed. I cant find any data showing that high a kill rate on red ranks. In red ranks the game is ultimately decided by the survivors do they make good choices or not? Now a good killer will make them pay for bad decisions while a bad killer will not. I think base kit ruin (even if you slow it to 150%) would help balance the game in natural way. The biggest thing is killers are almost force at red ranks to bring atleast one most likely 2 gen slowdown perks. The regression of a kick takes to long with no real benefit as survivors can tap gens much faster than the kicking animation. Even if you dont want ruin as base kit you have to admit the regression on gens when they are not being worked on is not enough

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,814

    I have links to the stats from 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020 in [this post]. Kill rates were in the 70% ballpark at red rank in both 2019 and 2020.

    I feel the game is decided by decisions on both sides. Maybe you're right and survivors are actually in the drivers seat, but if that's true there must just be so few survivor squads capable of playing clean enough to retain that advantage that it's basically irrelevant when talking about red rank game balance. If an appreciable number of squads could do this kill rates would not be so high.

    I seldom run meta builds on either side and probably 2/3 of my ~1200 hours on this game were spent playing survivor. I still consistently perform better as a killer in red rank than I do as survivor. As a survivor I die most of the time. As a killer, I 4k or 3k + hatch most of the time. This is purely anecdotal and therefore not meaningful, but it's also pretty a pretty standard experience given the kill rates at red rank.

    In my opinion regression doesn't need to be changed because 1) the mechanic is not fundamentally flawed and 2) stats show that killers are already doing well overall. Killers just need to not kick gens at disadvantageous times if they want to improve their play. Most killers kick gens way too often in my opinion.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    So i seen the post. What im wondering is it taking into account d/c, killing yourself on first hook or disconnects? Im just asking as i did not research further. i believe unless you have a breakdown of how these stats are obtained (which i will definately look at if you do). These kill rates are definately flawed to a major extent.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Devs admitted the statristics only tracked the killer ranks. For all that it's worth.

    Red rank killer vs rainbow survivors sure is reliable in showing "red rank" stats.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 185

    I just dont see the reasoning, i dont have statistic in front of me but i would bet 75 to 80 percent of all killers run one if not two forms of gen slowdown. Why do you think that is? Because unless you are going against an uneffiecient group say rainbow colors. Without it you will lose minus certain killers that can cause map pressure. So if killers have to use two perk slots to maintain a balance that gives them a chance to win how is regression not flawed?

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    I actually just made up a perk for this in the "make your own perk" thread. I designed it specifically so that it will take more time away from generators than it gives back, but it gives back the time in the late game and thus survivors might voluntarily pick this in order to counter "3-genning" and other fun late-game scenarios. My hope is that it would extend the early game while making the late game a little less painful.

    It was inspired by the fact that I am currently playing dbd when I should be productive:



    You have always been terrible at getting things done early, but you always make up for it at the last minute!

    You suffer a permanent 30/25/20% speed penalty when repairing generators.

    For every 60 seconds spent repairing generators you gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 5 tokens.

    While repairing a generator, you can press the active ability button in order to consume all tokens and instantly increase generator progress by 10% per token.


    10% sounds crazy high, and I originally thought I would suggest 5%, but the benefit was way too small for survivors to be interested. For the sake of playing the number game:

    Total generator time with this perk (5 gens completed) = 480 seconds (up from 400)

    Total time gained from this perk (assuming 5 generators are ONLY worked by people with this perk, and never regressed) = 64 seconds

    In general a full team of survivors can't get more than 8 tokens (as a team) and that's assuming that they spread it around in the most efficient way possible (very unlikely). However, more tokens may be generated when regression perks are used (such as Ruin) or generators are getting kicked a lot.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    If you speed it up there is a large possibility that you could loose 2-3 gens before you find the first survivor making you unable to use it