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Why does the devs listen to survivors more than killers ?



  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I don't believe you're actually real, but if you are i'll live in #########' wonderment that the kinds of people I make jokes about existing actually exist.

  • Member Posts: 657

    They did nerf Spirit.

    • Prayer Beads reworked
    • Removed collision in Phase
  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Naturally, the feeling of devs prefer X is subjective.

    And if you dig deeper, the reasons become a bit weird.

    Let's take the recent pallet stun and breakdown bugs:

    The stun bug was acknowledged as hindering and was supposedly fixed (it was sorta fixed but not entirely and there's other palett bugs in addition), while the breakdown bug was acknowledged as existing, but we were told that it's not reportable.

    Why? why is something that is objectively hindering (breakdown) deemed less hindering than something subjectively hindering (sometimes matches go by in which no pallet's thrown at all despite long chases).

    I think it is simply the old lack of communication and unwillingness to admit to mistakes. best guess is that the stun bug was quickly located, while the breakdown bug wasn't, and no one dared admitting it.

    Another reason people are very wary is the outward randomness with which game elements are greeted by the devs:

    Tunneling, slugging and camping are annoying and, no, they are not a valid tactic. they simply mean you can't deal with not winning. it's a pain in the back to a lot of survivor players, yet despite these approaches being nothing more than a poor show of the killer player, devs shrug it off. either cause they don't want to admit they don't know how to tackle it, or they know but don't want to out of fear for losing those players.

    Same vice versa when you look at certain builds and items. Keys are a mess. moris for killers got nerfed, but right now there's an unaddressed key-bug that isn't tackled. also there's no definite plan on what to do with keys in general (best way would be either to remove them entirely or have it that they can ONLY be found in chests after a certain point). multiple flashlights, usually a sign a squad's out to annoy the killer? shrugged off by the devs.

    In short: it does come down to the lack of communication and the resulting sense of the devs mocking the entire palyerbase, killers and survivors alike.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    Yes it is. God loops are still in. Unmindgameable pallets are still. Breakable walls are somehow a survivor sided mechanic, don't know how the devs managed to screw that up. You're so in denial that survivors are the power role, even with whatever significant buffs killers supposedly are getting all the time.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    "Survivors need another objective." "Let's destroy this perk that gives survivors another objective because it's 'op'."

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Please refrain from creating killers vs survivors posts in the future. This forum is already bad to deal with it as it is now, thank you

  • Member Posts: 340

    What are you smoking? I never said anything about who the power role is, just refuting the idea that the devs only listen to survivors.

    Sheesh, either get better at trolling or get better at putting together cogent arguments without resorting to ad hominem or other logical fallacies.

  • Member Posts: 3,453

    Not true, you can now get hit through pallets that have already been dropped.

  • Member Posts: 3,453

    That "other objective" also gave killers a visual cue when that objective was being worked on. Implying that all it did was slow the game down a little bit is silly, Undying could single handedly win games for bad killers because of how much pressure it put on survivors when combined with Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    meanwhile object of obsession was reworked and decisive strike was nerfed. keys are gonna see the light soon.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    This whole post was about survivors being the power role because the devs don't listen to killers. You're one to talk about trolling when I saw you say "get good" on someone's post. Anytime someone brings up a killer problem in a post, you immediately decide to be against whatever they say.

  • Member Posts: 16,771

    Yep. Happened 3 times during the last two days, was fun. Even more fun that this Wraith who hit me through a dropped Pallet was nodding his head. Made me even more mad than the Hit through the dropped Pallet, like if you get an undeserved hit, dont be cocky about it.

    Hopefully this is fixed in the upcoming Midchapter-Patch.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    Whatever happened to working through Ruin? If you stay on the gens instead of getting them to 50% and then looking for totems the rest of the match, then maybe they'll just fly anyway. Guess what Ruin/Undying did to competent and adaptive teams: nothing. They used logic to figure out a solution but the devs don't care about that, because they changed it anyway, and shortly after the perk was released as well. Killers can't have anything strong except same old Nurse and Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 340
    edited May 2021

    So you read every single post I've ever made?

    No, I only go against low effort killer problems because literally every other killer problem post is a repeat of "keys are bad," "iron will is bad," "borrowed time is bad," followed up with either awful balance ideas or just general sympathy against the mean survivors. That's of course opposite the problem where every other survivor post is some rehash of "bbq is op," "spirit is uncounterable," so on and so forth.

    And "get good" is the usual argument I see killer mains put forward when a survivor complains about something (rightfully or not, lol bbq being called op), so you come off as hypocritical calling out certain individuals' posting of "get good."

    If a thread is low effort, I don't usually expend more effort than put forth.

    Now, I'm done talking to you. This conversation bores me. I hope you have a good day.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    But they are.

    People don´t understand that there is a difference between planned changes and bug fixes. The later one might take longer, due to the spaguetti code. But its cristal clear, that the devs only nerf survivor things, when survivor queues are long and people complain about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    I'm a killer main but I'll say this:killer mains stop making yourself a victim just play and practice

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    They take ######### ages to fix anything on either side.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I think its hard to say which survivor things need nerfs, because what the devs dont seperate is swf and solo. A perk might be needed in the solo queue to not make killers op, while it unbalances swf completly.

    I think its the inability to balance both versions of the game but holding on to the fantasy you can balance the game around both at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Give survivors ingame voice chat. Then balance around it. Its simple and effective.

    If you fear communication problems because of other languages, then just add a "prefered language" filter, that matches survivors with the same choice.

  • Member Posts: 628

    80% of the match is survivors, but they can't have matches without killers (unless they turn on AI). So, killers are the bottleneck to queue times being longer for survivors. So even though there are more survivors they need to take care of the killers since they affect overall gameplay. No killers= no game.

    But with that being said I think they have been balancing the game between the two roles. Look at Small Game. Its a huge buff for survivors (totem counter, decreased cone for more accurate detection) but also a killer buff (no more traps detected so buff to Trapper, Hag, etc.). Even OoO got a similar treatment. With it being every 30s, the killer can set up without being blocked at every turn while survivors get to figure out the perks with the aura reading

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Let me give some examples on how that isn't right:

    Complaints about Spirit? Still not changed/nerfed.

    NOED? Still not reworked.

    DS? Nerfed.

    Pallets? Still not fixed.

    I'm sure there's more examples.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Not likely. Queue times for survivors are way shorter than queue time for killers, which means there's an excess of killers.

  • Member Posts: 686

    When has this ever happened? 😅🤣

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    LoL What?

    Yesterday i powered up DbD during prime time. Solo survivor queue = 6 minutes. Killer queue = instant.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats just one of the issues. I play in europe, with a lot of russian players. Lets just say beside communication problems due to the language, they play rather...different than the rest. Its quite common if i have 2+ of them in my games, that i die on first hook against non-camping killers, not getting healed to be the easier target if the killer shows up, and other.

    The swf gap is not only due to communication, its also reliability, which solo play lacks.

    and lastly, the game is designed around a lack of communication. Thats why i still play solo survivor instead of swf. Giving that to all players, changes the basic feeling of the game, and i wouldn´t want that. But since i dont have any influence over it, we will see what happens.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The first issue would be solved by the skill based MMR.

    The second one by ingame voice chat.

    The third one by balancing around the new information level survivors have.

  • Member Posts: 632

    Love how you only mentioned undying and not the other changes. And no, survivors don't need another objective, at least not one as oppressive as old undying. Hex perks like ruin are incredibly powerful and are only stopped by the fact that they're a hex, undying made it last much much more longer than it was suppose to meaning that it would singlehandedly win games. it'd be the equivalent if a 4 man SWF was running OoO, Ds, Dh, and Ub.

  • Member Posts: 98

    Infinites still there

    flashlights still annoying

    communication in SWF unfair

    object unfair

    the sheer number of pallets now unfair

    the safety granted to mistakes made by survivors unfair

    basement is irrelevant now

    gens pop in 80 seconds or less most times 3 gens are done by the time I get a hook on one survivor if I’m lucky they don’t have 3 second chance perks

    i get punished for tunneling even though the game forces me to or gens get done way to fast

    i get punished for having a hex totem they get destroyed before I can even use it

    the amount of loops in the game that are too reliable

    the map bias towards survivors (this is literally calculated by tile values on how good they are for survivors and spawn at the max value slotted for that map)

    survivors having 4x the players but 5x easier objectives

  • Member Posts: 369

    i think this depends on region mine takes like 5-15 mins for killer while survivor is instant. nowadays i play survivor more than killer. even though it is not like this 6 - 12 months ago

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Infinites arent a thing anymore

    something being annoying doesnt mean its op, just look at a wall

    solo q is unfair

    object is getting changed

    more unsafe pallets than ever before on most maps, also a lot of dead zones on reworked maps

    safety granted to killer tunneling and camping is unfair

    basement is still the same

    If you get a hook only after 3 gens at done, it's a you problem

    new maps have better totem spawns

    survivors need loops, and like i said above, a lot of them are unsafe

    yes, who would thought a 4v1 game has to be balanced that way

    game hasnt been this easy for killer before.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The only moment survivor is short than killer, is early in the morning.

  • Member Posts: 632
    1. Moris were the most overpowered thing in the game at the time. If your arguing against this, then your hopeless.
    2. Yeah, which maps have gotten a buff to their number of pallets? Even if they added more pallets, like you said, they're unsafe which means they could be mind gamed relatively easily and even ignored.
    3. Most of the survivor perks are also unusable due to how awful their affects are, like power struggle.
    4. Infinite loops are gone. They were removed a year ago.
    5. Yeah, not sure what your even going on about dude. DS, UB, and Adrenaline were perks since the beginning or close to the beginning. Nothing wrong with second chance perks.
    6. Some maps are more killer sided and some are more survivor sided, its just how it is.
    7. You can abuse the fact that survivors rely on your red light and do moonwalks to get hits on them. Those tools are necessary, otherwise you'd turn every killer into a stealth killer.
    8. How is that a killer problem? The reason why not many perks affect basement hooks is because if they did you can easily take advantage and camp around the basement or inside of it and punish the survivor for simply just being there. Even if there was a decent basement perk, no one would use it because why would you? There's ten times better perks than that, it'd be way to niche.
    9. Some things about SWF are being addressed, like OoO, and anyways the problem is much more complex than you think. Nerfing SWF outright would harm the game and wouldn't fix any of the problems they bring.
    10. If your asking for hex totems to be made permanent perks, then you are seriously biased and don't understand a single thing about balance, which makes this list more understandable now that I think about it. Making devour hope or ruin permanent would break the game. Period.
    11. Keys are broken but they exist just like how mori's exist. Both act as a second chance in order to save time.
    12. Killers are faster than survivors, it really isn't that hard to hit a survivor unless they're extremely good and your playing trapper or trickster. Killers like Blight or stealth killers can get easy first hits in.
    13. Some Killer's are weaker than other, but no killer is unwinnable or unplayable with. Every killer is viable to play with, and just like how some survivors like to call killers sweaty tryhard's there are also killers that will slander you just for surviving. Don't act like its only one side being entitled. And if the devs truly did create a game for survivors to win, why buff killers or nerf survivors at all? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of letting them win? Better yet, why do they say they want to balance the game around a 2k? If they wanted to let survivors win wouldn't they make it a 0k? Your logic makes no sense because people like you have their head so far up their ass and refuse to see the other sides problem and only acknowledge your own, because blaming the devs is easier than saying that you aren't good at the game and the lose you probably received was justified. There are BS scenarios in this game for both sides, no one side has it worse than the other. For every killer who gets tbagged by a 4 man there is a solo queuer getting tunneled and watching on as a Claudette sits in the corner while meg self cares with sloppy butcher.

    If you think that survivor is an easy playing experience, then you've got another thing coming. Don't act like your good at the game, because its clear from these messages you have roughly 100 hours on this game maximum, and maybe 10 hours on survivor. You don't understand anything balance wise for this game and have only seen the problems on one side, refusing to acknowledge the other sides problems. You refuse to acknowledge the buffs and nerfs on the killer and survivor side and instead choose to live in ignorance. Play both sides for at least 200 hours and you'll understand how awfully wrong you are.

  • Member Posts: 292
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  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Weird. That's definitely not what I'm seeing. I'm getting instant survivor queues and am waiting 5-10 minutes for a killer queue.

  • Member Posts: 5

    As soon as pallets are fixed I'm making the most toxic build I can and teabagging every killer for at least a week because of this one dumb comment I haven't been paying attention to time but pallets have been broke for at least a month I solo queue and I'm never toxic but no matter how good I play if I go down its a face camp head shake and slaps till I die on hook just for surviving I hope next update completely screws killers seeing how much y'all cry is disgusting same as survivor mains I just want to continue playing this game once or twice a week but have it actually work while y'all have the greatest advantage but you're so butt sad it makes no sense this community is trash both sides

  • Member Posts: 181

    @Johnnynitro208 whatever floats your boat sir

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I think that the devs listen to the survivors more than they listen to the killers to balance out the fact that they listen to the killers more than they listen to the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 369

    yeah same happening to me too, queue time for killer just really bad for me, makes me play survivor more since i can't play killer if i dont wanna waste 5-15 mins.

    nah not really, this forum is more killer based, some killer just whine more than survivor if you wanna see survivor complain you can go to reddit or steam forum

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Ok but did she get "nerfed into the ground" like I said, or did they simply change one of the most overpowered add-ons in the game and one of the most overpowered features of her power? And is she still a very strong killer that the Devs currently have no plans to make changes to for the foreseeable future?

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    hmmm let me see oh "Undying is sooo oppressive!!!!" 3 months after they put the perk in the game they nuked that into the ground. let me see freddy's being nuked, survivors mori's are oppressive! killers keys are broken! moris get nuked, keys ignored 6-7 months. need I go on? oh yea spirit's prayer beads are too oppressive! changes them to map wide, making it a meme thing only like legions iri button but there is no second action for prayer beads like button.

    it's been a great deal lately and very LITTLE nerfing on the survivors side... oh they do some but not to the extent that the killers get it. in this up coming package huntress, freddy and two others are getting nerfs and one nerf is accompanied by a small buff. and DS was changed to what it should be and is deserved. freddy's gutting was not deserved!

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