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General Discussions

What do you guys think of the update so far ?



  • Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021

    After playing over 12-13 Hours from yesterday till now, i want to share my view as a killer main with you.

    The Cold-wind Map


    The Design and the graphics have a really great look

    The Brightness is very unique because it is even brighter than Dawg Saloon


    As a Killer you see a wall, when you look at the corn. For stalking killers like Myers and Ghostface it is even worse than the old version.

    But its not just a problem for stalking killers, like i said before in the killers view its just a wall.

    / And please disable it that cold-wind is 90% of the games actually and i mean 90% without being sacrifice

    Killer (Freddy)

    Freddy is still a solid killer, but the changes of the addons are ridicules. I don't think that most players will run them anymore. What helps it to make the noise of something louder - when i want to hear more i play stridor. This alone makes the whole add-ons useless.

    KIller (Huntress)

    There are some interest changes in the add-ons. Most survivors couldn't realize, that the huntress is suddenly so fast with the new purple.

    Killer (Twins)

    Why ... i am just asking why. Twins did really feel balanced overall - not op - not weak. This nerf from 3 - 5 Seconds are a very bad decision. Yes you can move while he is in Frenzy but without the speed addons you get kicked every single time. When Survs run together (what they do most of the time ( THANKS PROVE!!!!!!!) you mostly have no chance of getting them downed. It really feel unrewarding when you hit someone with good ol victor.

    Killer (Demogorgon)

    I´m very very disapointed that still 95% of the Addons features the portals. Aren´t there any ideas for making the shred more fun?

    --- Survivoraddons from the killers sight ---

    BT: I like the idea that BT hits when the surv gets from the hook - so far so nice - BUT its been abused as [Bad Word] It is a perk that the Killer can get you right of the hook again. But it is not for bodyblocking or take a tankhit for a mate. I got this in the most of my matches now and hell suddently i like to tunnel this survivor.

    Lucky: 45? Seconds not making scratchmarks or bleeding? Together with Iron Will you are Invincible for the Killer. Still WAY to much time!!!

    Everything that has to do with totems....

    WHAT THE ACTUALLY [REALLY BAD WORD] - My Hex Totems are so fast downed ... most of the games 1-2 minutes and they are done. Its not like Totems can be spawn everywhere - they have there spots - you can learn spots and you have the addons. Totems are pretty useless atm.


    Did you really think, that the time the hatch is open is the problem?? From 30 to 10 Seconds will solve the problem? The Survivor with the Key waits till the very last second and than he jumps into it - and mostly 1-2 of the survivors just jump in it too. Its still the same.

    HELL NO - The problem is still that they get ALL an free escape. It should be for ONE SUrvivor - NOT for all.


    DC Into Hatch: Dear Devs could you please .. pretty pretty please make it possible that the hatch DONT SPAWN if ANYONE DCS - AFTER The first gen is done. I know the most survs will now complain now and say, its pretty hard when you are only 3 people or less - I totally get it that it is hard but you can still archive everything!!! You can get everything done and get full points. This is not possible for Killers. And btw its totally frustrating when you dont even have time to search the hatch when a surv just dcs so his mate get the hatch for free and instant.

    New Hookmechanik in 2nd state

    I really like it - and it could get even better when the suicide wouldnt be still possible. Kick the mechanic out with 2 skillchecks that are not be done. Skillchecks to the end please. Suicide on purpose is still bad for killers and survivors.

    Have a nice day - and happy hunting/escaping on RIFT DAY :)

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I like the update. Haven't played much tho. Didn't really have the time to check out this update. But if I make a conclusion from the patch note, I really like this update xd

  • Member Posts: 64

    This game is nearly unplayable as a survivor on the Xbox, I cant perform a rushed action that the game doesnt freeze or stick. I cant go out a window without being hit because I get out and stand there for 2 seconds while the game catches up. Dont run and drop a pallet cause again you just stand there. Hit boxes are still garbage, make it around a wall and 2 steps past a wall and then bam, hit from the other side of the wall its ridiculous. I literally just run and drop pallets early cause I cant use windows anymore and I gotta wait to continue running again. Please change the way this game plays or I will have to quit permanently this time like most people I know.

  • Member Posts: 868

    I'm agree with if the hatch don't spawn if killers can't slug for the 4k

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You are proof that a tiny bit of communication goes a long way.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    What's wrong with it when implemented alongside stable fps?

  • Member Posts: 686

    Not that I've seen yet.

    But then I dunno what sort of changes you mean, he's pretty strong striking my bills knickers with his Carter perk anyway 😳 all depends what changes you mean and was hoping for. I personally think he's fine the way he is and still is up there with ghost face and Michael to go against.

  • Member Posts: 279

    Very very great update, all that's needed now is further improved animations with transitions back, is there any info you can give on that? @DeathByGiggles btw cool to finally have another cool new community manager

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    revert charlotte's collision change.

    why did you shadow nerf the twins?

  • Member Posts: 372

    Lol why people crying like babies over the lucky break buff? 45 seconds isn't even OP. It's weak. They should have made it 60 and if they actually watch then they will change it to 60. BT is even weaker. It would not have been OP to keep it at 15 seconds. The twins didn't need nerfed at all. They need a rework ans a buff to stop the camping. IRI heads and forever freddy needed nerfs. I'm so glad they got those.

  • Member Posts: 372

    Nah survivors should always have a counter ro camping, even end game camping. You're not entitled to that one kill.

  • Member Posts: 587

    I have played on all coldwind farm maps.

    Fractured Cowshed and rotten fields is too big to me.

    Torment creek gotten a bit smaller.

    The Thompson house doesn't seem to change other then the main builing.

    Rancid Abattoir seem the same balance wise.

    most of the loops in all maps are very safe and a few are mindgameable but it doesn't help.

    The aesthetic are good but the balance of the maps aren't great.

  • Member Posts: 173

    Not camping when you hook them and the pull them off in your face. What's a killers counter to borrowed time? Seems like they dont get one...

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    @DeathByGiggles Are there any plans to change the huntress's ultra rare addons? The soldier's puttee is weak, and so is the iri head.

  • Member Posts: 85

    don't like the coldwind update. not saying it's made more killer friendly even though it's true but the fact that it's that bright now is something I didn't like.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    my personal opinion is that its poorly balanced, not overpowered. losing the first survivor solely due to a perk is annoying and kills your pressure- and if more than one person has it, its even worse

    and im not crying about it, the perk is just annoying

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