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Objection mandy's opinion about Nurse



  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I play every single killer, no matter how strong they are.

    Again, there are no OP killers in this game.

    If there were than there was a 0 escape rate against them.

    About being fair, everyone have their own belief that the way they play is fair while others find that way they play very unfair.

    Yes some people like to win, same goes for me.

    But i play and depanding on the team I go against I either go fast and give them little chance or try to go slow on them.

    The problem with playing killer (at least in red ranks), is it's hard to judge the team you go against.

    By the time you know the team is really weak, the game is basically over.

    You think from the start the team is weak and go slow on them.

    hey surprise now you are on your back foot as the gens were popping all over the place.

    If i realise that the ream I go against is weak and it's pretty much over, than I give the last survivor the hatch, same when 1 dc.

    And slugging I don't do as I find that boring as hell

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    That's why i said "basically the same way of looping and counterplays"

    The problem is that you want to be able to know exactly know what the killer does so you can react to it at that moment In time, you don't want to think multiple steps ahead.

    You proven that with the points you made with spirit and nurse.

    When i get chased by any killer I already have multiple routings planned out depanding on the action from the killer.

    You can't see spirit when she's phasing, but you can still mess with her in so many ways.

    Just because you can't see her, it makes her OP.

    Remember that she can't see you either and has to go off by sounds.

    And if you pay a little bit attention than you will know you can manipulate sounds as survivor.

    And guess what, suddenly you are in her had and she questions every action that she does.

    Same with nurse there are so much more ways to go against her and survive.

    As long as you stay unpredictable and done follow in routine.

    Hell nurse even has a cool down and slow down after every 2nd blink or 1st blink if she doesn't continue it.

    She's also the slowest killer in the game when she doesn't use her powers, which is hard for her to use when you block line of sights.

    Just don't blindly follow the mass, do your own testing and see what works and if what other tell do work.

    So what if you don't survive?

    Trust me, the game is way more fun like that if you don't play to survive.

    I never play to survive and would even sacrifice myself to get others out.

    I rather go for chases than go for gens (not that I don't do gens), which is probably the reason I manage to survive a lot against spirit and nurse.

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    Thank you for feedback to my post.

    But first of all, you need to know something.

    The reason why I showed other player like streamer is they are more representative than my play. I'm killer main but I thought it can be too personal idea. So I refer other TOP player.

    And also, 3% survive rate is not normal. The player I showed you played a lot of character (He is official fog of whisperer appointed by BHVR)

    But 3% rate didn't happened in other killer.

    Before that, He started this experiment because he also thought nurse has problem. You need to know that. So, If he played other killer, result would be different.

    And most of all, I pointed "Hard to play" doesn't mean "It has to be strong".

    As I said, in TOP killer players, Nurse and spirit with specific add-ons setting are considered as OP not the strong.

    Most of that players don't play them because it's too boring.

    But I think just nerf is not the solution. So my message is that Dev need to find other way to catch "tricky play style" and "User friendly power".

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited May 2021

    I just don't think BHVR really balances about high end players.

    Did Marth's depip squad spur any changes about SWFS back then? Did it entice them to close the gap between solos? No, and I doubt this kill streak will change anything. Every time it was brought up, "not everyone plays like that", "how often do you go up against people that good?". I don't even remember the last time I saw a Nurse compared to other high tiered killers, and I sure as hell know it's not just because they think "she's boring to play" when they come in with nothing but slowdown perks on slowdown perks.

    The only thing they care about is stats, and the stats say Nurse is 'whatever'. Do we know better? Yeah. But these are the same people that made The Game a pallet haven, and changed nothing about what made the farm maps strong. Strong and easy to use loop tiles are still spawning in a straight line around the edges, but the map just looks prettier I guess.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited May 2021

    Nurse is in a great spot despite her speed and blinks being reduced, how is it fun to have a killer who can't reach you on the other side ,and are only reduced to M1 attacks ,and that's not fun for killer side being reduced to M1 only.

    The loops are mean't to buy you time ,and when one loop has become useless you move to the next ,but having a killer who's only ability is to cause hits and not change the direction of the current run ,is plain miserable.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    they cant precisely teleport through anything 2 times and be given a free lunge. hag has to place a trap and then teleport to it and pyramid heads attack is delayed

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    nurse really isnt as "hard to learn" as people try to make her out to be

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    This is such a weak argument, it is clear that she is difficult to learn or master, the whole "nurse is so difficult " talk didn't come out of nowhere.

    Your own experience with her is not representative to that of the community.

    The argument is essentially that any killer that is known to be difficult to use yet very strong should be nerfed or changed because my anecdote shows otherwise.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    this game is pretty basic competitively from the get go with its whole design as a multiplayer game. sure theres alot of perks, status effects and killers now, but at its core its still pretty basic. it was never meant to have any skill gap, but any semblance really just happened from work on abusable design being abused, and any work they put into balancing around that is ignored by nurse. or in this case, a "good" nurse.

    i never said nurse was easy, its just some people are acting like playing nurse is some career that takes alot of time to master. its really not, if you arent on the level of a f2p weekend trapper who doesnt understand the game. sure it will take a few weeks or months depending on how good or bad you are in general to be good with her but acting like changing nurse is a "massive ######### you" to the people who "spent time learning her" is just very stupid.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Again, that may be your experience but it is clear that it is not indicative to the experience of the community concerning nurse.

    She does take a lot of time to master as the community has expressed many times. Your experience is the exception and nothing more.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    i know, though i would say "a lot of time" for mastery for not so good players and just "time" for decent players. you dont even really need to completely "master" nurse to do good with her unless its against a swf. but calling it an "unfair and massive ######### you" because some people learned how to play a free killer that ignores the games mechanics and then the killer was changed is stupid, this isnt freddys launch situation

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Reworking her would still be a nerf. Shes strong and hard to master. Red ranks play nurse yes but it takes a while to get there with nurse. People don't think about the trials before where they probably got 0 kills.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I agree with everyone just a little bit.

    I think that a killer shouldn't be unstoppable just because they're hard to play. But I do feel like if the strongest killers should also be the hardest killers to play.

    I don't know if the Nurse goes too far, but I do feel that it's way better that the nurse is strong but hard to play rather than strong and easy to play.

    I wouldn't be against nerfing the Nurse but making her easier to play, but the Nurse and her power is iconic and I don't feel like she's that much of a problem personally.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021

    My only issue with Nurse is the buff they gave her awhile back after they changed her. She use to only be able to do a small, short swing so you had to be accurate with your blinks. Now she has a normal lunge after blinking so you can be a bit away from a survivor and still hit them. That's what I don't like. Old blinks required you to land almost on top of a survivor to hit them. Now you can be in the ballpark and hit them.

    (Edit: changed if to is)

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Concerning the lower half of your post, you are directing it to the wrong person, I did not mention that.

    Also, yes she is nothing like Freddy, she requires skill, he does not.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    i mean the freddy situation as in paid character weak as is being nerfed to the ground a week after release, which is actually a "massive ######### you" to players, not freddy taking more skill, because he doesnt. if you are trying to say nurse takes skill i never said she didnt, i only said some people like that other guy are making a way bigger deal out of it than there is, nurse isnt a career, nurse is a free killer who takes more skill but ignores game mechanics the game has been being balanced around.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    You're just regurgitating your own argument at this point. I am aware about what you said, it doesn't need to be repeated.

    Yes, I know that you said that nurse isn't a career and that she doesn't take a lot of time to master, I said that was only your experience and not indicative of needing a nerf. You then tried to go into the semantics of time and quantify how much time a bad & decent player would need to master her.

    It's not that complicated to understand, however given your borderline word salad posts, there may be some misunderstanding here.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    swf isn't the issue. map sizes and potentially gen speeds are

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Ofc she's not hard when people play her with double recharge add-ons and slow down perks. Play her basekit with no slow downs, see how far you make it

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    No problem 👍

    But I'm not sure what killer that streamer plays a lot, but the more you play a certain killer the better you get to understand his/her strength and weaknesses.

    And once you know that you get stronger with that killer.

    I bet if he spent the same amount of time in a different killer, then he would be most likely have the 3% rate that I'm very positive about.

    Than you have (at least here in the EU) the time of day you play.

    At a certain time you go against more chill survivors, while at a different time you mostly go against sweaty survivors.

    There are multiple factors in play why he got to that percentage to be fair.

    Also being a fog whisperer doesn't mean much tbh.

    Even you and I can become a fog whisper, something the devs said themselves.

    All it gives you are shards (on that i might be wrong), auric cells so you can promote outfits easier.

    Chapter codes, bp codes, charm codes, etc. To give away to people who watch your stream.

    They don't care how good or bad you are or what your playstyle is.

    Hell I even watch 3 games from a fog whisperer and all 3 games went the exact same way.

    Found a survivor, downed the survivor, hook that survivor and then literally went facecamping.

    1st match I thought it was because maybe that survivor did something toxic or something.

    But all 3 games went like that.

    So yeah being a fog whisper doesn't mean much other than that you promote their game and get paid a little in auric cells.

    About add ons, there are no real OP add ons.

    Even iri heads I personally don't consider being OP.

    She still needs to hit you with it and when she misses, she has nothing.

    Even when I play my all seeing wraith the say that add on is OP because I can see the aura's of the survivor.

    Even though I have to be at least 12m away from them before I can see them and have to be clocked.

    Even in spirit and nurse add ons are not OP but only very strong.

    But i can understand that when people have some trouble playing against a certain killer, that they will say that the killer is OP or their add ons are OP.

    While in fact it's just a matter of adapting to it.

    When i play survivor I always try to look at signs to what perks and add ons a killers is using and adjust my playstyle accordingly.

    I don't think most people don't play strong killers because they find them boring but rather that they have little room of learning a killer well in high ranks.

    If you never played nurse in red ranks and you want to learn her than you get dominated by the survivors rather than that you dominate them.

    Many will say "aaah I don't play her because it's not fair or not fun for the survivors" while in fact it's "I don't play her because I don't get a chance to learn her because the gens fly and it's a 3 or 4 man escape almost every match".

    That's all that there is to it tbh

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2021

    Well, I respect your opinion but don't assume about me just by your own head please. It is very rude.

    As I said, I brought example streamer because he won many leagues and he is actually TOP player. Because I thought my opinion could be too personal, I showed this example. I don't know why you understand this as "He is god, So I follow him! He is majesty !". Again, The streamer thought Nurse has been broken, so he played so many times to show it and it was meaningful. And I played her many time and I thought he could be right. At that time, many people argued about it and it came Nurse's some change but it was not enough actually.

    Maybe it could make you think I've never played as killer, but I told you in comment "I play as killer main".

    And, I played nurse very much in red rank. As I told you, I played killer main. But I could always slaughter survivor even though they were all red rank. It was too easy and boring. So I suggested this post. Now, nurse is boring powerful character and for new user, she is too hard to play and too strong to new survivor players.

    Of course I understand somebody tell Nurse is not OP and else. I also think very little change can make it reasonable.

    But you forgot my post and just are talking what you think only without reading post.

    Please look the end of this post and my reply. It's not matter of buff or Nerf but design of character and it is not good for this game's future balance as well.

    Please focus on main subject.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    No, solo will always be weak because matchmaking it's crap, even if they massively buff solo q, the experience will still be miserable, the only things that solo q need its a rework of the current matchmaking.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    Please, edit this post and cut the part where you talked about e sport. Dbd it's a casual game, and talking about e sport or potential e sport it's just stupid, this game as too much crap to be considerable competitive in any way.

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2021

    There is no reason to do it. Currently, there are many leagues. Competitive game doesn't mean game is bad. Every game has competitive element. Most of players want to win. They don't want to lose. At the same time, many players just want to just FUN also. Both players are worth to getting respect

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Where did I said he was a god killer?

    Where did I say you followed him because of that?

    Where did I say you don't play killer?

    I never said either of those things, I just talked in general.

    I already gave you my thought on nurse and she doesn't need a change as I said before.

    Yes she is strong against new players, that I agree on with you.

    But then again, what killer isn't strong against new players?

    For new players all killers are strong or as most will think in those ranks, that they are OP.

    That is because they are still figuring out how the game works and have to learn all the basics.

    Once you get to red ranks than killers will become very easy to counter/juke.

    Byltw I don't mean you personally, but just in general, before we get some misconceptions.

    But again to be clear about the subject, I don't think she need a change.

    She's fine where she is.

    Slight note and this is my opinion, but leagues and tournaments in dbd are a joke as there are to many rng variables.

    Once again, my opinion nothing more

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    @Phasmamain @Dennis_van_eijk What is this formatting? Your posts are taking twice as much space as they should. Stoppp.

    Dennis you just defined OP as 100% winrate. That's your opinion and spirit and nurse don't win every match. Go look at some of the best Nurse/Spirit mains in NA. I've heard Dowsey claim 95% win rate on spirit and there is lots of clips of him beating really good teams. That is a balance issue. Look at some professional csgo, lol, dota players stats (their winrate, winrate on particular champion etc) it will be within the high end of the bellcurve on the binomial distribtuion of all players naturally, however, it is not greater than 90%! These killers reek of bad design in balance. You put the best survivors against the best spirit/nurse. They lose. That's bad balance.

    This game is a laughing stock in its attempts at tournaments. It's because of bad balance. That's why Phasmamain is more correct than you Dennis.

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2021

    Well I think dennis doesn't listen other people's opinion :S

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Unfortunately I do listen to the opinions of others, and respect them all.

    But that's what they are, opinions.

    And that is exactly what I give too, my opinion.

    And as far as I know, we are still allowed to have opinions 🤔

  • Bambizzle
    Bambizzle Member Posts: 15

    Stealth is her counter play. Play stealthy. Every killer has counter play except death slinger. The only thing you can do with death slinger is pre drop pallets. The nurse is fine as she is.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited May 2021

    You can stealth a slinger too. In fact any killer besides doc and legion can be stealthed fairly easily

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    the misunderstanding might be that you also think that nerfing or changing nurse is a massive ######### you to players who spent "time" playing an outdated free killer, and acting like nurse, aka a harder character in a basic as is multiplayer game is a career, and you like to just indirectly agree to that by saying "community said nurse takes skill this, nurse takes time that". yeah, what kind of vs game has a character that doesnt take time to master? just because a free killer takes more time doesnt make it a career and just because it took time that doesnt make it a massive ######### you. i dont get whats so hard to understand.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    i barely touch nurse but did her tome challenges some weeks ago with only plaid flannel and got 4ks with the challenges. well, it literally tells you where to go which made it stupidly easy but without it wouldnt be hard if i actually wanted to play her more and put time into it. like wow, you master nurse and then you basically get no more competition and you ignore all the mechanics the game has been being balanced around for years. so much fun. intense gameplay. fair competition. survivors are just bad.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    No, I don't think that at all, they could completely change her power & I wouldn't over react like that, no offense but I get that some people can get overly attached to fictional characters.