Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    That's really sweet. I also like "Coolies". :)

    I played a match against The Spirit on Coldwind tonight. Tough match, as most Spirit matches are. I wound up being the only survivor and made it to the gate but she downed me. "Ah well, good game anyway" I thought. I didn't fight back, which I often don't as a sign or respect to the killer that they played a good game (subtle, and most probably don't notice, but I still like doing it). To my surprise she ran all over the map for a couple minutes before finding the hatch and letting me have it. I nodded, hoping that nods show up even when you're downed, and crawled in. I commented "sportsmanship FTW". Thank you, Gumbananas!

    Then there was this. I didn't do it in any way to be a jerk to the killer (who won a steady game, one in which I played terribly), an opportunity just came up and I went with it for a laugh. You don't have to watch the whole thing but I call this little clip "Silent Bill". XD

  • britturble
    britturble Member Posts: 1

    I'm new to the game, hi! And because I'm afraid of letting people down, I've been playing a bit on killer as Trickster. I'm terrible but I'm having a good enough time -- I'm trying to be mindful of not accidentally being toxic, but I think I'm maybe going so far as to be not very kill-y.

    Anyhow, tonight I was up against a group on the gross rancid farm map for the first time, and I was completely lost. Barely saw a survivor for several long minutes. Wandered aimlessly looking and finding nobody. Eventually stumbled on one survivor, got a few knives into him, he got away. Wandered more. Found another survivor, batted at him, he let me manage to get him down and carry him to a hook! And then I wandered away again, meandering hopelessly.

    Well when I circled back that way next, I found three of the four survivors in one spot. Beckoning me. I walked up and nodded, kind of confused, and they didn't scatter. So I hit them all down, and one at a time carried them to hooks nearby, leaving time for others to get up and rescue them potentially. I think one suicided on the hook maybe? The others managed to get down once or twice, but each time they did they'd just sort of hang out in the area and wait for me.

    It made me laugh, because clearly y'all could tell I was a baby who was hopeless here, but it also really made my night. Thanks so much guys for letting me sacrifice you, and for crawling around my feet and wiggling at me. I hope those guys have a wonderful evening and score many many bloodpoints! :) This community can be so kind for a creepy murder horror game!

  • camed_beand
    camed_beand Member Posts: 1

    I had a pyramid head main lead me through the map and help me do gens. It was great especially as a new player to be treated to something like that.

  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    Was playing against a SWF team as piggy, they tried to be toxic and gen rushed but I still killed them, one of them got there head popped.

  • kassamell
    kassamell Member Posts: 101

    I played against a legion, in the backwater swamp i believe, and he destroyed us, everyone had fun playing against him and he gave us gens after he sacrificed one person, I was nancy or feng I think and I remember one moment in the game that two people were on a gen that only held two people while I couldnt do a gen and he kept trying to point to the gen and I shook my head pointing to another gen and he nodded his head and lead me to it. I eventually sacrificed myself in the end game because I had done enough from unhooking, healing, gens, enough chases and enough totems that would depip me so I killed myself bc i was grateful to the legion <3

  • trashgirl
    trashgirl Member Posts: 28

    I played against a doctor today on the swamp map. He was chasing me and I got stuck between a rock right in front of him but he didn't hit me. So I looked up at him and started crouching to show I was friendly and he ran off to somewhere else.

    The match was really fun. I kept finding him randomly and he kept nodding at the pallets, I think he wanted me to stun him so I did and he would run off somewhere else after breaking them. When the exit gates opened I was the only survivor that stayed with him and helped him break another pallet.

  • MintberryCrunch
    MintberryCrunch Member Posts: 67

    I was playing as Doctor last night, trying to do the sacrifice 6 challenge, I had 3 from previous game because someone DC'd so was just trying to get 3 more.

    Two were dead and I think there were 2 gens left when I was chasing an injured Jake (maybe Dwight), just as I was getting in range and about to lunge he found his blue glyph and started it. So I stopped in my tracks and watched him do it, them promptly downed him.

    Carried him to a hook, then I was a bit shameful in that I stayed pretty close, I didn't full on face camp but definitely wasn't my normal self heading off looking for the last person. I just didn't want to have to do a whole game to get 1 sacrifice if he got rescued and they escaped. I came back up to him as he was approaching the end and hung my head in shame. I think he understood this gesture and hopefully was OK with the death as he got his blue glyph. But still in case you are on here I apologise for the being a big campy there.

    I am pretty sure he was SWF with the last person who once I had downed I carried to the gate, went and closed the hatch and let him leave, to make amends for his friend and give them both something at least. Think the name was Wanillasky and not on Xbox.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I love sportsmanlike behavior in this game so much. I don't care if I win or lose, but when I get a win because the killer was cool it just makes my day. I always try to catch them in post-game and thank them but they're always already gone. I at least try to nod and let them know in-game, as much as I can, that I appreciate their generosity. In fact I was playing as Billy today and I deliberately spared everyone, meaning that I didn't slug or camp, because (A) I don't play that way and (B) I was just catching up an old ritual I never finished with him. When two of the four people I hooked died because I guess I put too much pressure on them, and one person even disconnected, I legit felt guilty. I NEVER want to be the guy who makes someone else so upset or frustrated that they're happier just to disconnect. How am I supposed to play as the killer when I have so much sympathy for the survivors, lol?

    A Legion gave me the hatch today. Great guy. And while playing on Hawkins I was casually strolling around, checking to see what was what near the game start, and as I approached an exit into one of the hallways I noticed that one of my fellow survivors was crouched at the door. I thought "great, what's this, are you trying to block me"? and as I walked towards him it suddenly dawned on me that it was a black-clad Ghostface with a red mask just sitting there with his knife in the air. Once it registered - at about the same time that he sprung forward to attack me - I got literal chills, honest hair standing on my arms goosebumps. It was such an amazing startle. He was just sitting there quietly, utterly still, with his knife ready to go, and after the couple of quick seconds it took for me to realize this I was SO surprised that it honestly felt as if it was happening to me in real life. Best scare I've ever gotten in this game. It was awesome.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Yesterday morning I played against a good Trapper. He was kind of decimating us at the beginning, lots of pressure. We slowed things down a but but after a little while it was an inevitable 2 vs 1 situation with too many generators to go. The Trapper got the other survivor down and I wanted to help her but he knew that I'd been working a gen with her so after downing her he started roaming the immediate area looking for me. Then, using her as bait, he hung around right next to her waiting for me to come for the rescue.

    However, I knew exactly what he was doing. I knew based on the fact that I didn't see him leave the area, and the sense of knowing what I myself would do as a killer in that scenario, that he was using the downed survivor as bait. To ensure this I carefully made my way around parts of the map to confirm that yep, he was hanging right over the downed survivor.

    I felt bad - she had to just sit there for several minutes, knowing that I was just a quick rescue away. I hoped she understood why I wasn't going for her. Instead I devised a counterplay: I faked the killer out. I ran to a generator and blew it on purpose, then ducked back behind some cover to see if I could watch and catch him leaving the survivor's area. It worked. He went to investigate the generator and probably thought "that #########, he's not coming for the bait", lol. I hung around the general area for a minute to see what he would do and, unfortunately for me, he decided to start exploring a wider radius around the generator and I didn't really have any way to get further from him without being spotted. He saw me, clobbered me, and it was game over for both of us.

    In the end-game chat I apologized to the survivor I failed, letting her know that I went for a psych-out to draw the killer away but that he caught me. She didn't respond (which honestly does make me feel bad, she probably thought that I just decided to abandon her when in fact I was trying to trick the killer into letting me save her). To my surprise the killer wrote back with a laugh and a "gg". We traded a brief couple of messages about how he's new to the PC version of the game but is getting better and I told him that he made for a good hunter killer. We basically said "cheers" and moved onto the next game.

    As always, I don't care if I win or lose, I just like to have an enjoyable back and forth game that lasts a decent amount of time. This one even involved a rare bit of cat-and-mouse strategy plays. These are the games I love the most. It doesn't have to be about survivors gen rushing or killers camping, it can be a game where people actually try to do their best in a fair and balanced match and still respect each other regardless of the outcome. I love games like this.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Good for all of you. Sportsmanship is the best thing about this game.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Today was my first time playing in about 7 months after a hiatus. I had two moments that came to mind when I saw this thread.

    1. I played a round where all three of my fellow Survivors disconnected on first hook. The first person did it pretty much right away. The other two were far later when we only had two gens left. I didn't look for the hatch but instead stopped and gestured at the Killer and let them hit me and hook me for a kill. They didn't really seem to get what I was doing and were just super quick/pressed to get me on hook but iirc Killers get less BP for DCs than true hooks so I at least wanted them to get one. 😂
    2. I played against a very new Killer. They missed most of their attacks, didn't understand Billy's charge, but they did some other things really well (like gen pressure). I sent them a message telling them that they did a good job and that it was difficult to get gens done because of it and they seemed really pleased by the message and said some kind things back - including that my compliment lifted their spirits and made them want to keep learning how to play the game.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I had a great match as Bubba the other night.

    The first thing I noticed jumping into the lobby is that all 4 survivors had TTV handles and were playing Dwight with paid cosmetics. They also had 2 keys and 2 toolboxes, which is a rank 1 killer's nightmare. However, it occured to me that they were trying a little too hard to look like a sweat squad. So I prepped for a sweaty match while thinking they were probably just goofing.

    Turns out I was right. The two keys were green. The toolboxes were brown. No addons on any of them. The first thing they did in the match was ditch their keys to loot medkits.

    We ended up having a super fun, chill match. They played pretty well and I have the last one hatch. Then we all stuck around in the post-game chat to say nice things to each other.

    Now we're all in a polyamorous relationship. Quadruple the Dweets equals quadruple the fun.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    Ran into a bunch of Survivors searching out their gnomes. As a fellow gnome lover I decided to help them. So as Mr.Puddles I just followed them and stood next to gens to help them get their tasks done. Once it was done I opened the gate then followed giving them speed boosts so they could all get their gnomes. Once we did it they all formed a nodding circle and we had a fun after game chat. Thank you gnomes!

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Just played a match in Shelter Woods. I was giving Pyramid Head another shot, because he was among the first killers I bought, but I was never able to find my stride with him and gave up on him pretty quickly. Had a pretty standard start of the match until I ended up in a chase with a Steve at a TL wall. He was behind the T wall, and instead of continuing Benny Hill simulator, I started trying to hit him with Rites of Judgement - and I was really bad at it. After maybe three failed attempts, he starts shaking his head at me through the window and walking back and forth. So we started playing an impromptu game where he'd do the shooting gallery thing, I'd fire, and he'd walk back to the window and we'd both shake our heads after I missed. Took about ten tries before I finally got him; he wiggled at me, I nodded, and I sent him off in a cage.

    I played normally for a few minutes after that, but when I ran into Steve again, he went up to me, so I drew him a little heart with my trails and everyone started crawling out of the woodwork to dance on it, so the match fell apart after that. Steve ended up finding the gnome and escaping at the very last second possible.

  • trashgirl
    trashgirl Member Posts: 28

    I was practicing nurse last night and a survivor got really salty that I managed to sacrifice him when I clearly do not know what I'm doing with her (but he also wouldn't leave so that's on him too)

    Anyways he started being really rude in chat but I was just so happy that I managed to hit someone with a blink that I said gg wp thanks for letting me practice nurse and his entire attitude changed. He actually started being nice and then said it was a good game after. I guess killing them with kindness can work sometimes.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Wanted to squeeze in a couple of Pig rounds this morning. Got a lobby and ended up on Yamaoka -- the match was pretty much a slaughter, and I gave the Kate the hatch.

    Very next match, I load into the lobby -- and I immediately recognize the Kate from the previous match! Her teammates were different (one of them might have been from the match before, but it was only the Kate I knew for certain was going to be part of this "rematch"). I decided that, if it came down to it, if survivors started dying, the Kate was going to get hatch/door again, if for no other reason than for the memes, and that I have a soft spot for most Kates.

    Cue up another slaughter. I actually slugged her at one point to avoid hooking her to try to finish off her teammates, but an Unbreakable (not on her, but on one of her teammates) extended the match. Things did work out, though, as I polished off the other three -- before I could find her to escort her to another hatch, she found it on her own (on Lery's).

    If you're out there, Kate, and reading this -- this Piggie will always give you the hatch in the future, since I feel like we've established a bond, lol. Next time, give me a Boop, and it'll make my day. 😊

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had a match earlier where someone died and someone DC'd and it was just me and a possibly Baby Dweet left. We had started the match near each other and he followed me for a bit and ended up rescuing me once or twice. I rescued him and he hid in a locker and I decided that I'd get the Killer's attention and let myself die and hopefully let him escape. Well, I did die and I went into spectate mode and I saw him downed on top of the hatch. The Killer was letting him leave, but he didn't leave. In fact, he struggled free and looped the Killer for a bit before DCing.

    I have noticed quite a few Killers being nice and being insulted and treated badly for it, so I told the Killer gg and it was nice of them to try and let him have hatch. They said they think he didn't understand and told me to have good games and I said "Same to you :3"

    Just a small, but pleasant after match conversation.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I was running to the shack to loop it. A random player was camping the pallet and throw it on me—the Killer downed me, and the Survivor Urban Evaded a bit away.

    It was awesome because I can't believe it happened.

    Probably someone pretty new, I don't think they meant to do it on purpose. I wish I wasn't resetted to lower ranks. 👀

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    I was Bubba before rework and I got teabagged and flashlight mocked by three survivors on Haddonfield...I killed them before 2 gens were done and the final survivor was this Meg that I didn't know at the time, but had only Quick & Quiet equipped. I downed her in seconds and let her have hatch.

    I was invited to the party were the 3 other people antagonized me and said I had no life. Despite those 3, the 4th person was a guy name Eric, he was the most thankful over someone finally letting him have hatch. That was 3ish years ago and he become one of my best friends and still is to this day.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Just had an incredibly frustrating game. I'm pretty sure I got matched against players who got hit by rank reset, because either I'm way worse than I thought I was or those were not purple ranks. Two of the three people I got into a chase with knew exactly when to stay or leave their tiles and made very few mistakes I could capitalize on.

    I start off chasing a Cheryl that successfully mindgames some distance on me after the first hit, so I go back to the most likely gen. Chase Claudette off of it, one gen pops during the chase, pick her up. Get side-blinded by an Elodie and lose the Claudette. There is a pallet in literally every corner I try to lunge around in the ensuing chase, three more gens fly by, it's Azarov's Resting Place and the last three gens are just all over the place, and I'm tired of Elodie blinding me at every pallet stun, so I do what I very rarely do, say '######### this', and stand in a corner and wait for everyone to leave.

    About a minute later, exit gates light. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around. It's the player I haven't encountered yet, Zarina. She drops her medkit in front of me and crouches. Immediately I'm no longer frustrated, just 'aww.' I think she wants me to hook her, but I'm not having that, so I lead her to one of the few pallets that's still standing and let her stun me, then take her to the gates, where she beckons me to send her out with some hits.

    Thank you, Zarina. I needed that. You were on console, but you got a heartfelt thumbs up from me.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    I have none. This discussion is a joke.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    So, there are things that only happen when yoy play the Pig. Like this wonderfully surreal moment: 🤣

  • joedonat7
    joedonat7 Member Posts: 8


    I had the same experience with ghost face.

    This one match when Ghost face first came out the other player seen me from a distance and I started squatting up and down.

    He did the same thing to me. Didn’t even bother chasing me Then every time when Ghost face saw me we both did this to each other and I don’t know why but it was one of the most hilarious games I’ve ever played.

    This Ghost face inspired me to do this to survivors when I play ghost face and have to say I’ve had a lot of funny matches.

    Ghost face is by far my favorite character because I’ve had the best matches as being a survivor or being a killer with Ghost face.

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    I've had a few but I have two favorites. The top fav I have happened when I was playing on this laptop that was absolutely bad for playing DBD. So bad in fact, even with a physical connection to the internet, I lagged (the hardware would cap out and ruin my frames basically). I was Dwight and I was against a Ghostface. Mid-chase, I lag out and suddenly I'm in this corner where two cars are crunched together. He just looks at me for a moment then goes the other way. I didn't survive that game. During end game chat, I thanked him for giving me a second chance and explained the lag issue and he responded with something along the lines of "I figured". Dude was cool for sure. That's the kind of killer I like to be when I play that half of the game.

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    My second story was still during the time I had that laptop, and I was still super new to the game. Like Rank 15 killer new. I was Huntress who I barely played much of at the time. I went against this team who were pretty chill (now that I know what the game looks like now. This was almost 2 years ago) but I still lost pretty bad. No kills but a few hooks. In the end game chat, I apologized if I seemed to camp since before this game, I had a couple others who would call me a campy killer. Again I was still new and didnt know the true definition yet. I found out they were a 4 man SWF and they told me not to listen to those kinds of players. They also told me I had good pressure ( I had a couple of them injured most of the match). Matches like those are always feel good moments.

    I should also say these two moments are why I dont take the game seriously most of the time. When I'm killer, I just mess around and because of that, I never been above Rank 12. The only time I've actually tried in recent games was when this bully squad came in with unbreakable, DS, BT, and exhaustion perks like head-on and dead hard while also having flashlights and BT in a bottle. I was Doc and I slugged most of the game. Only one escaped but thats because she found hatch. 3 gens left at the end. The had the nerve to say I was playing scummy lol I just laughed. Point is, I like to mess around. If you go against someone named THE BUTT STABBER, you can bet that's me out for a good time

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited May 2021

    Its hard to recall,but since, I play killer mostly I'm probably the one who gives the wholesome moments from my side

    But there are matches where killer's wouldn't chase me and I appreciate those matches

    Like this spirit, I think she was just casually playing, but she would come and phase by me and just do her Spirit animations which was very fun to watch, I really enjoyed that match.

    Oh there was a match also just the other day where my teammates kept going down and I think The Trapper realized they we're sandbagging so he chased and down me, but brought me to the gate so that was really cool of him.I think he was in switch I don't think we have a glowing blue Trapper skin on PC and console but that was really cool of him.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I once had a PH chasing me in Leary's and my controller disconnected mid-chase. I rushed to get the other one connected thinking I was probably already on hook by the time I got back (it was o ly a few seconds, but still, who wouldn't take that?)

    Well, PH actually waited for me, as soon as I connected it back, I looked and saw he was also standing there. I iddled and he nodded so chase started again. He even gave me a couple of seconds head start. I died, but I died happy.

    Another P3 PH in Ormond chased me through the entire map u til I got myself in a corner and I gave up and stopped running like: I f----d over and I take the L for such stupid move.

    He looked at me, I moved so he knew it wasn't a glitch and walked up to him. He looked down like this fatherly figure and signaled me to a gen and let me go.

  • Rocky13ukkake
    Rocky13ukkake Member Posts: 1

    I usually play swf because sometimes with randoms... It can get a little.... Well we've all been there.

    I played a match last week, friends weren't around so I decided to go solo.Map was coldwind and the killer was Blight. He had undying, ruin, BBQ, and the cherry on top :Noed lol We got hit pretty hard, took us forever to get 3 gens done. The survivors I was playing with were great though. The best I've played with in a while. Anyways, we finally pop last Gen, everyone has been hooked once and we get to the exit gate. Then I realized I don't think we got every totem. Someone gets down as soon as exit gates opened. Blight hard camping but I have BT. So as I'm going over to the hook, I spot noed. Cleansed, saved the guy, and hatch spawned so close we made a quick escape. It was one of the most intense games I've ever played. Restored my faith in random players temporarily lol

    Also shout out to the numerous killers out there who have dropped me at the hatch. Love yalllll!

    DOUBLE ALSO, if you don't run it or have it in your build. Deception is too good of a perk. What are you doing not using it? USE IT!

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    There's an entire network of toxic streamers and their friends on Steam that exist to make everyone miserable. I'd love to share a wholesome moment but it's been so long in between that I don't remember one that didn't involve playing with my friends. By and large this community makes me sick with this desire to win at all costs. Even worse are the competitive teams.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I'm not sure it could be considered very wholesome, but I had a match earlier against a Ghostface. It took a little longer than usual to load everyone into the map and I thought someone DC'd. Well, it finally loaded into Lery's and I found a gen and started working on it. A Laurie ran over, followed by a Ghostface. I watched them run around for a bit while I was working on the gen. I decided to hide in the corner and watch them because I didn't know if he was stalking or not. Well, he came around the desk and trapped me in the corner. I couldn't get out and he was just crouching and nodding at me so I crouched and nodded back. He let me go and I walked away. He followed me a little bit and I waved at him to keep following me. I found another gen and started working on it while he watched. He was nodding and spinning in a circle while crouched and it was pretty funny. I stopped working on the gen and pointed at it, trying to see if he wanted to kick it for some points. He just nodded at me, so I think he thought I was asking if I could finish the gen. I did finish the gen and he continued to follow me. All the gens got done and I thought I would try to help him maybe find the gnome. Didn't know if he found one or not, I was just trying to be nice. I couldn't find it and time was ticking down and I was lagging so I ran to the exit. He followed me to the exit and I gave him my medkit and left.

    In the chat, they told me that they were lagging a lot and even ran into walls several times. I told them that I experience lag A LOT in the game and told them gg. It wasn't over the top or anything, but it was fun having Ghostface follow me around. I always said he reminds me of a cat and so I had a kitty Ghostface following me around that match.

    It's also good to know that I'm not the only person who experiences horrible lag. My PC barely runs the game so I get lag, freezing, and DC'd pretty often. I play solo and I know people get lag too but it makes me wonder if I'm just worse off than most xD;

  • Opossum_Supremacy
    Opossum_Supremacy Member Posts: 35

    I was a bit worried that running the pride charm would cause a lot of toxicity to be directed my way but my interactions thus far have been surprisingly wholesome.

    I was in a chase with one of the survivors when they ran by my hook, stopped, walked to the charm and pointed at it. I nodded my head, they gave a lil teabag, I rang the bell, and we went our separate ways. Ended up letting them farm a bit since they had a Claud that killed herself on first hook. Lovely group of survs!

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I've been trying to pile up BP, both in anticipation of the new DLC and to Prestige some survivors before then, so as I was playing killer rounds tonight, I brought BPS where I had them (in addition to playing killers with BBQ), hoping for some big rounds. I loaded up a round as The Pig against 4 crossplay survivors, and I wondered if they were a 4-person squad.

    As the offerings go by, I see 3 other BPS besides my own (and an Escape Cake). 😮

    I wondered aloud, "Is this group going to go super-try-hard, or are they going to see my BPS, see that it's the one killer the easiest to meme around with, and will this be a farm game for the ages?"

    As we loaded on the Pale Rose Swamp Map, I headed across the map, and I was getting immediate notifications from someone locker spamming. I smacked a Dwight, who was circling around (I wasn't sure if they were taunting or goofing off yet). When he didn't run, I crouched and oinked -- and got myself a Boop. Followed by another from survivor #2. Then another from #3. And a final one from #4.

    Needless to say, the BP total was huge for everyone. I got everyone two hooked, and everyone got a trap. I didn't want to do the trap and kill anyone accidentally, but they insisted, and even popped the final gen while they were all trapped to add some late-game excitement! I followed the Dwight around to keep his timer from advancing, and eventually everyone got their traps off. I led them to my Ruin and Undying totems (one of which was actually concealed pretty well).

    Boops at the exit gate, I safety pipped at Rank 2 even with no kills, and I -- and everyone involved -- got massive BP in the match (I had a ridicuous number of Ambush attack hits, lol). Considering that as killer I've brought Gauteau Cakes before only to be blown out of the match in no time flat -- and teabagged at the exits by people who barely got any BP, the game went by so fast -- and as survivor, been slugged or tunneled out at 5 gens with Cakes and BPS brought in (and seen the killer involved barely get any BP by comparison as well), I'm sure the survivors in that match enjoyed our time in the Swamp as much as I did. If any of that group lurks here, this Piggie thanks you all!

  • KoboldsInATrenchcoat
    KoboldsInATrenchcoat Member Posts: 22

    This is a rather short one, I remember the time when I was playing wraith one game against a team I forgot what survivors there were other than the Feng player. Long story short the Feng had a bad team so I decided to give them the exit gate, took me a while to convey that I’m not trying to kill them, we said our goodbyes and they ended up friending me after the match

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Faced a Huntress earlier today. Pretty intense match. I'm the only one left in the game after she hooks the last survivor. We managed to get a couple of gens done, after having a rough start. I go to the exit gate after she closes the hatch, and I start opening it, committing to it instantly. She hits me with a hatchet as I'm opening, then I get it open, the door doesn't open in time, but I dead hard past a hatchet, and ALMOST make it out... only for her to down me, and pick me up. Then, she sets me back down and lets me go. I'll never know why, because we weren't on the same platform. But it was very nice of her.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    People gotta heal. What are you supposed to do, stay injured?

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Playing as part of my regular 4-person SWF last night, we run up against a Plague. The match starts normally enough, except for the fact that The Plague went for their Corrupt fountain REALLY early. We pop a couple of gens quickly, and it looks like the match is going to be a rout. Then one of my teammates said, "I think the killer might be farming -- they let me stun them with a pallet".

    As the only one of the group who plays any significant amount of killer, I put two and two together. "I think they might be trying to do the Roft challenge (hit multiple survivors with Corrupt Purge multiple times in a trial)." I get one of my teammates to meet me to approach the Plague and let her infect us, so we can cleanse and she can get another fountain to use.

    It quickly became clear the Plague wasn't trying to kill anyone. We let her get multiple Corrupt downs, we each gave her a hook (I reminded my teammates of that, in case they were running BBQ, so they could get their 4 stacks), we all escaped and racked up large BP totals, including the killer. One of our group is on PC (which the killer was) and I had them message them to see if they were doing the challenge -- and they WERE, and they got it done and were grateful. I felt really good about it, and it was a perfect example of how, even if you're playing opposite sides of the match, it doesn't mean you can't have those moments when everyone works together for common goals.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Just a quick note to say thank you to a player called ttamxx: It sounds trivial, but whilst in the lobby they pm'd me just to wish me good luck.

    I know it sounds like nothing, but to have that sportsmanship at the start is actually very welcome!

    All us survivors made it out and we said "well done" to each other, and the killer also joined in. Genuinely wholesome!

  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 134

    One time, the match countdown had started and I was the only survivor left. (The nurse had hooked the other one.)

    I started looking for the hatch, but the nurse downed me and started carrying me.

    I escaped, only to get downed again.

    It was only at that point that I realized the nurse had already found the hatch and was leading me to it.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Just had a match where 3 people were alive when the gates were opened; me, a Cheryl, and a Jeff who was in the process of getting hooked pretty far away from my exit gate. I 99 the gate and go for the save. (Cheryl immediately pops the gate behind me, which I was :| about at the time, but it ended up saving everyone else's lives - the wisdom of rank 16s in action.) There's a closer gate to Jeff, and I contemplate opening that too, but he doesn't have enough time left on his hook for me to pull it off. I go for the hook, where Myers is waiting - I take a hit and BT save Jeff, and go down at his hook while Jeff runs off. Myers almost gets him, because the gate is on the other side of the map and it's just too far to run, but Cheryl pops up out of nowhere to save the day and takes guard behind him.

    Jeff barely makes it out, Cheryl doesn't. Fully recovered, I start crawling for the exit gate. It's on the opposite end of the map, but what else do I have left to do, right? Cheryl disappears into the sky. I don't hear a hatch open, so I keep at the target I know. I can't see it, because ground POV isn't exactly stellar real estate on a corn map, but I know what direction I should be going in and luckily it's parallel to my corn row so I have a bit of stealth.

    I make it past the cow tree and see Myers searching around for me. He misses me twice and moves off towards the direction I came from. I continue the arduous crawl. Somewhere in the distance, the hatch closes. At last the cornstalks part and the grand arches of the exit gate enter my sight. My bleedout timer's more than halfway gone and the EGC is even farther. Myers wanders past me again. He's closing the net, but still hasn't seen me. Few times have I ever been so thankful to be playing Ace.

    I'm right at the rim of the gates when suddenly a red stain falls across me. I despair when he picks me up... and promptly carries me the short distance I had left to go and drops me again.

    I swear, Myers players are always the coolest people. Wished I could have thanked him for the assist, but he was on console. </3

  • kira31219
    kira31219 Member Posts: 35

    So my son is the one who got me into playing DBD a few months ago and I will always remember our first farming match with a killer. We were so confused at first it was hilarious. The killer came up to us on gens and just started spinning in wild circles, I was wondering if his character was broken or something, but he just followed us all over the map and led us to gens twirling like a creepy ballerina the whole time! It was great! We were laughing so hard by the end of it we were in tears.

    Also, I will never forget my very first pig match. It was on the Game map, I was in the basement bathroom with only one exit. This was only a few days into me playing the game and I wasn't watching behind me enough. Well as I go to rotate the camera to look behind me as soon as I swing the camera she lunges at me and grabs me off the gen. Scared me half to death, I actually cried out! Talked with the killer after the match and she ended up giving me some tips for playing pig.

    Speaking of Pig...during my very first match playing Pig as killer I was up against a SWF and they all happened to be streaming together. Well after the match one of them messaged me to say that I did a good job and she wanted me to know I scared her to bad with my first gen grab that she screamed into her mic. All 4 of them were on separate gens and I guess they all hit skill checks at the exact moment that I grabbed her and she screamed. Causing all of them to blow their gens at the same time cause her scream scared them LOL. I later went back and watched the recording of her stream and she sure did scream, and dropped her controller. It was so funny.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I really have a hard time playing Killer because I'm always against people with like 10 ranks higher than mine.

    Thanks for all the Survivors who just play normally when they understand how bad I am instead of clicking their flashlights or teabag. Much appreciated!

  • VanitasRyuzaki
    VanitasRyuzaki Member Posts: 110

    Not sure if its wholesome, but I remember a match I had against Michael Myers. I was doing a gen on the Macmillan estate, I think, and it was in a corner with a small window vault. I was working on the generator and I suddenly see this long, pale leg coming through the window and I'm "#########" and then I see Michael Myers' mask and I scream. I ran off and just laughed at the whole situation after.

    Another, again a match with Myers, on The Game Map. My friends and I were doing a gen on the ground floor. After finishing it, all 3 up the stairs and I stay downstairs to find gens; I turn the corner and walk smack dab in Myers chest! I screamed so loud that you could've probably placed it in a horror movie and my grandmother came to check if I was okay.

    It was so funny because it was the classic girl walking into killer scene from movies.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    +79 pips, who to beat me? XD

    (By the way, GG to my teammates and to the Killer. It was a nice match.)

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I haven't played in close to a month, but I decided to play for a bit today because I'm really excited for the new chapter coming out.

    Most of it was the same as usual, but I had a nice Michael for my last match. He didn't kill me and my last teammate when he really could have. I was really grateful because I needed the points. He took me to his Ruin totem and let me destroy it and he let us heal and finish the gens. When the last gen got done, I ran to a hook and pointed at it. I wanted him to hook me since he was nice, but he said no. I was going to go out the exit, but I ended up going to the hatch and he let me leave. I was going to say gg and thank him, but the game said the connection was lost and so I didn't get to see their username or even thank them.

  • BronzeHandModel
    BronzeHandModel Member Posts: 116

    Every moment a low Rank killer or someone who just started playing a certain killer dont gets teabagged or a gg ez is a bright moment in the game. When they try to learn the mechanics, give them good advices in the afterchat. But we all know what the most people in the DBD community do when they dominate the game!

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    idk I was playin blight and saw steve hiding and let him go cause steve = mercy and let him go and he was wholesome in post game but it was ruined by someone who was mad that they didnt get hatch but he did, ruined a wholesome moment