Resident evil chapter possible mechanic [CORRECT]

This is more of a random thought but I wanted to share it anyways.
What if the killer with this new chapter had a passive secondary power that basically formed 3-5 zombies on the map. They would be ai controlled and would wander around at 25-50% movement speed. They could smell and find injured survivors, and they also could swipe at survivors and deal a health state or some type of infection status effect.
Again just a random idea /prediction.
It would be cool but I dont know what to think about AI in dbd..
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The devs have said they don’t want to make an AI based killer power right now (I think it was kn one of the Q&A dev streams after Binding of Kin was released)
but they also once said they wouldn’t make a Clown as a killer so who knows... I believe that an AI based killer power will eventually come, be it Zombies or a pet like a wolf or something else..
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Perhaps if it is hooked, zombies can appear from the ground and kill the survivor, something similar to Pyramid-Head cages.
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i feel like animated, but stationary, zombies would be props on a map
entity magic or whatever is manifesting them but having them be immobile
like the corpses on the game or somethin
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I feel like, above all other RE mecahnics/features/whatever -- if they chose Nemesis as the killer; and he DOESN'T get the ability to instantly come barreling through breakable walls imid-chase nstead of having to spend X secs to break 'em - then we will have been robbed.
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