Almost A Good Anniversary Stream.

ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Before Reading, i'm just picking out negatives on purpose and thought the stream overall was good and what i thnk they can improve on.

The anniversary stream was pretty good this year. I liked the setup they used around the campfire etc..however the content they shared was really lackluster in coming out and telling us what they're actually doing.

The FogWhisperer stuff was a bit too much...although I think they got quite alot of stick for not involving their fog whisperers more so i guess it was to be expected.

The Reveal for Resident Evil was awesome and kinda allover the place. They talked about the perks but didn't give us any gameplay of the perks actually even being used in the game. Which i found odd since this was meant to be their next big chapter. I suppose it was nice they didn't want to throw cosmetics in our faces in a anniversary event but I'm REALLY surprised we didn't see any skins/legendary skins showcased.

The roadmap segment was pretty much the worst of the stream. While it's nice to know what coming out we're all still none the wiser...4 killers, 5 survivors and 4 tomes...yeah didn't we not expect that to happen already? Then they continue to tell us with health patches, Live game updates. These seems more like categories on what they're working on instead of an actual roadmap.

The person talking about level design should of been told to re-shoot the whole thing. "We want to take our time to make sure we get the environment shading & lighting etc right. To make the people playing feel like they are immersed in horror". Am I the only one who thinks the last 3/4 map reworks have just been awful aesthetically for a "horror" game?...When they showed the Ormand remake next to the old one it made me laugh at how much better the old one looked.

Half the time the people presents were questioning if they could even talk about something that has already been announced or showed. Like the character remodels of some survivors they didn't even show us them in depth and they seemed to think they hadn't even shown the community them yet.

I think the thing that annoyed me the most though was the fact they spoke about new people coming to the game from Resident Evil and they failed to yet again address the grind. I think a new player coming into this game is going to find out they have to level everyone up to level 40 and then buy all the perks on the character they want to main. A lot of new players will look at how overwhelming the grind is and just leave since they're only getting 8k bloodpoints from being killed out the game straight away. I think it was the perfect time to change the grind up with a new bloodweb system or even the bloodmarket from DBD mobile...would of been one of the best things they could of done for the entire playerbase since everyone knows the grind on the game is just god awful.

Also if you doing giveaways in future don't give us a long ass code again.

Anyways those were my thoughts on the anniversary stream. Curious to think what everyone else liked/disliked about it.


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    "Am I the only one who thinks the last 3/4 map reworks have just been awful aesthetically for a "horror" game?"

    No, you are not. I absolutely despise the Realm Beyond, it wasn't necessary to begin with, it made the maps worse without addressing their actual issues, which weren't many.

    But the one thing which annoyed me most was their comment about Freddy. They mentioned him as one of the reworked killers, and how they listen to community feedback when it comes to game health. Like, what? Haven't they seen the amount of backlash? Haven't seen the threads asking for Old Freddy back? That was not pleasant to hear.

    The rest was pretty okay-ish, I suppose.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Yeah the only good reworks are Macmillan and Springwood imo. They kept the tone for what a horror should be...after that though they've just been terrible. I remember old Freddy would of been good to have him back like that but with a buff that's for sure.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Yeah the only good reworks are Macmillan and Springwood imo. They kept the tone for what a horror should be...after that though they've just been terrible. I remember old Freddy would of been good to have him back like that but with a buff that's for sure.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, not really a fan of them but if you like reworked MacMillan and Springwood more power to you. As they say, to each their own.

    As for Freddy, that was outrageous to hear. After all of that feedback, all of those threads...not even a word? Why is it so hard to admit that Freddy's rework was a failure and should be reverted?