Whats with the DeadHard nerf threads?

Did someone figure out some super op dh technique that i have missed?
What is with all the sudden "DeadHard nerf" threads?
Just people whining. It's the killer equivalent of nerf billy threads.
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Sudden? You mean like over a year... Ps look at threads and you will see why
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Because when your going to down a survivor because they outpositioned themself and they E to a pallet its pretty undeserved and fairly annoying? I don't personally run it because i hate its E to outplay factor.
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As a killer main I've never seen dead hard as a big issue. More often I see survivors DH into a wall, or waste it elsewhere.
The few times I see them use it to get to a window or pallet I kinda respect that as a "well played". Annoying for few, but still.
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Here come the "It only works half the time! I don't get it!" comments.
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It's the never ending cycle of nerf this or that for both sides, some are less noticable as something else is talked about more. Once a change is made they move on to the next thing.
For survivor it was DS over DH. After the DS change DH took its place for top spot.
The same happened with Freddy and Spirit. There were more Freddy posts until the announced changed but Spirit was always posted about.
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One side will never be happy until they can happily stomp the other with no effort. One thing gets nerfed and something else becomes the target of the week.
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welcome to killer mains need something to complain about and after ds got nerfed theyre on the dead hard hunt dont be shocked when they want inner strength to not counter sloppy butcher
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A good survivor has 3 lives with dh. ( Against a m1 killer). If you play at a high level you are aware that dh for distance is insanely strong, hence ever good survivor runs it. Why is it a problem? Like old ds, this perk is so strong, even if a survivor doesnt have it, killer have to respect it, and in the hands of a good survivor a m1 killer will need to catch the surv 3 times for a down ( when the killer would catch the surv the 2 nd time he will use dh for distance to reach a vault/ pallet), which is not what the game is balanced for. This is only a problem at high level play, bad surv will not use dh to its true potential.
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You still need to down the survivor even if he has or doesnt have DeadHard.He will probably loop you too, ragardless.
DH for reach is annoying but not OP.
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Without dh you know you will need to catch the surv 2 times. Already, a good surv is not easy to get 2 times. With dh you wont get him the 2 nd time becaus he will use dh for extra distance to get to a vault/ pallet, but of course only when he needs it(if the killer would catch him a 2nd time) So having to catch a surv 2 vs 3 times is quite significant time difference.
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Because ds is nerfed and now they will go for dh and than who knows they won't stop until survs have most useless perks in game surprisingly no-one complains about killer powerful perks or combos because as u know this killer main based forum and they're not crazy to ask for own nerf even tho they know it's powerful enough because it's easier to stomp other side for no reason. there you go
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DS got nerfed and now DH is the next target. After DH, they will most likely go for Sprint Burst (which is more annoying to face IMO, but whatever).
Last time DS got nerfed (when they added the Unhook-Requirement), Killers were mass-opening Threads to nerf Adrenaline (a Perk nobody talks about nowadays).
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Dead Hard is a free health state rewarded to survivors quite literally for failure. There's nothing fair about it. Survivors who use it aren't going anything skill based.
Much like killers who rely on bloodlust, or slowdowns. Except Dead Hard buys FAR more time if used for distance for survivors than even Pop Goes the Weasel does for killers.
"No one complains about powerful killer perks or combos"
You must be blind.
It absolutely IS op if used for distance, and unfair as all hell. Why are you rewarded a free distance boost and iframes at the press of a button for free? Dead Hard will get nerfed, eventually; and on that day, survivors will have to get good.
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Like slowgen perks? Free aura reads. Perks that remove objective progress. Imagine complaining about a small distance perk when you have all these perks that do the "job for you" and a killer with no counterplay and Wraith that can literally spam dead hard multiple times per match.
Yeah, killers need to "git gud".
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I appreciate you, I really do. You're an artist who takes their craft very seriously.
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99% of survs perks are trash. They killed MoM. DS, BL, LB, OoO, so now it’s time to ask for nerfs for DH and BT. Killers want you to use deja vu or boil over
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No killers are asking for BT nerfs. I fully support BT, as well as current DS.
MoM was broken. The entire community almost was united on that, as was OoO in most circumstances. BL was overtuned, and Lucky Break? 90 seconds? It was busted. Even some of the most survivor sided killer mains out there shared these sentiments. There's a difference between good perks, and having second chances handed to you on a silver platter with every single perk. Old DS did, and DH does.
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Dead Hard is the epitome of second chance perks. It's extremely versatile, it's incredibly strong, it's mindlessly easy to use, and it only comes into play to snatch an incredibly important down from the killer. It's essentially has the same counterplay as Spirit, but in perk form: Hope the survivor somehow screws up in a big way.
Edit: sorry, I meant "Hope the survivor screws up in a big way three times"
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Why do some people always try to make this an killer vs survivor argument. A lot of us play both roles and only want what they think is best for the game. I play both killer and survivor, and would like adjustments on both sides: high on the survivor priority list for me is a key/hatch rework (is happening) and a DH and iron will nerf. But i also want a noed rework/nerf, bloodlust (tier2 and above) removed, spirit nerf, and more perks for killer that encourage/reward them to play the 12 hook game.
And i would think that with the change they made to DS, i think it would be good for the game if you could use DS 2 times (since it only works against hard tunneling now anyway) So the people that call for a DH nerf are not just some killer mains that want a easy game.
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You only have to look at half the posts in any thread like this to realise 90% of the players here only play one side religously and don't have the slightest clue about how the other side plays or how to look at balance from both sides.
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I guess you see more of them because DS got nerfed so they move to the next perk in line. Similarly survivors started complaining more about spirit as Freddy got toned down a bit. It's never ending cycle.
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I guess problem problem with DH is that best of the best survivors nearly always run DH. Deadhard used correctly is third hit for a survivor. Downing good survivors is already very difficult and once you add second chance perks with non existent requirements it can become issue. Still dead hard is one of those perks that are hard to balance without making it useless.
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Personally, I'm of the opinion that they should remove it's invulnerability so that it's just an on-command dash. Suddenly it can't counter powers or mindgames, and is about as annoying as Sprint Burst.
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Morning Sluzzy
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It is how it should be, I remember when undying with blight went live. Oh boy oh boy, even with weak mobile killers, like legion, i could 4k very capable survivors (they looped and did gens all the time, and it was a struggle still). Old undying was busted, people complained rightfully so and it got nerfed (it is still used for mobile killers that spread pressure).
I dont think there is such a thing as perfect balance, but some things are obviously busted( as a killer i am in shock when i play spirit and compare it with the other killers, i can "outplay" almost all tiles against strong survivors with her power that i would need to work hard with mindgames and waste a lot of time with other killers) Same with Deadhard, it is so strong, everyone and their dog knows it. The killer that suffer the most against DH are the weakest ones. They should not nerf to the ground, but make some adjustment. Or another thing , new coldwind farm reworks, cowshed and rotten field comes to mind, the amount of strong tiles (T L, Gyms, and save pallets is a joke when you play a weaker killer), need a rework too.
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Dead Hard isn't a problem. Never has been; I'd rather see it than Lithe or Spring Burst.
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Because the way people use it is to use it to get to a pallet or window after the killer did a successful skillful mind game. Iron Will may be my least favorite survivor perk to go against but Dead Hard is the most unhealthy survivor perk imo.
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I always hate this argument. No, not every Survivor Perk is trash. Wanna know why I think this? I use perks that are considered "trash" in almost every single one of my matches. You don't need meta to win as a Survivor.
Most of the perks you named here got changed because they created a bullshit scenario.
They killed MoM because it was quite literally a free extra hit to waste even more time and make up for even more mistakes. It also didn't help that it made bad M1 Killers worse and good Killers better (especially since Nurse's Blink Attacks for whatever reason didn't count towards MoM).
They nerfed DS (it's still perfectly useful BTW) because it, especially paired with Unbreakable, created situations where either you eat a DS and each Survivor gets to waste incredible amounts of time with not only >15 meters of guaranteed distance but also a 5-second stun each, or you slug them and then they just get up or someone else picks them up and then they just do a gen (possibly still having DS up too).
They nerfed Balanced Landing because of two reasons. One, it had an unfair advantage over every other Exhaustion perk, by having a use while Exhausted. Two, it made maps like Haddonfield and Badham become near infinites (even though these maps are still problematic) and still is incredibly good on some maps while being awful on others.
They nerfed Lucky Break because, let's be honest, being able to escape like 5 chases for free is ######### stupid. It got buffed in the Resident Evil PTB, by the way, where it's now 60 seconds instead of 45 (unnecessary buff, the perk's still insanely good even before the buff).
They reworked Object Of Obsession because it was too good in Survive With Friends and required a full build and playstyle to be made around it most of the time. It also made one of the weakest Killers in the game, Trapper, pretty much pointless when you had it, along with Hag.
Borrowed Time is probably the most balanced meta perk, even if I hate the playstyle it can promote where Survivors just bomb the hook for free safe unhooks.
Dead Hard is a problem. It either is useless if used wrong or completely stupid if used right. I don't want to get into it too much, because this post is already long, but the basic rundown is that it creates unfair situations and pretty much counters everything that a Killer can do. Chase power? Dead Hard. Sneaking up on you? Dead Hard. You failed to predict a double back or ran into the wall? Dead Hard.
It needs an entire rework, not necessarily a nerf. It's overall worse than Sprint Burst anyways.
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Well played. You know how to aim your camera.
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Because survivors are
Just kidding.
People suck
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Morning :)
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...So you wants Keys/DH/IW nerfed. ...But don't worry because you also want a perk that good killers never use nerfed, a killer that I play, enjoy and don't think is OP at all nerfed and a bunch of buffs for killer so that 4k becomes the new standard. You can't even make this ######### up... Not surprised coming from the same forum where I saw a guy arguing that Red Herring is a good perk or all those people who think Counterforce deletes killer totems from the game.
Survivor perks suck. I run DH and BT and half the time the last 2 slots are filled by whatever I feel like at the moment because it barely even makes a difference. People think IW is OP I guess, but ehhh? Just run Stridor, although I admit that is difficult and easier said then done when you have so many good perks to choose from... ;)
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Because survivors using it to get to a window or pallet or recovering from a mistake is a not allowed move.
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Survivor perks suck ? DH, IW, SB, UB, BT just to name a few, are insanely strong. There are countless others too. ?
When i read posts like yours, i wonder, are you serious or just a troll? What level do you play, green ranks ?
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Killers hate Dead Hard because they've had bad experiences with it on survivor-sided maps.
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3/5 of the perks you mentioned I already talked about. Unbreakable does nothing unless you get slugged which I never do. SB can't be used with Dead Hard.
Oh btw no I am red rank. Of coarse now watch you shift the goalpost to "rank means nothing."
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Your argument is that survivor in general, and DH, should not be nerfed, because survivor perks suck. That is not true, i listed 5 very strong perks, there are plenty more that are good, some in combination (spine chill with resilience for example to make a vault build).
You either have no idea what you are talking about or are a troll.
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While I agree with you, nerfing everything on both sides is not the correct course of action IMO. This game should take some notes from games like Supersmash bros and for honor, bring balance by buffing things at the bottom and only slightly tweak the things at the top.
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All the perks you mention killers wanna nerf lol. Except unbreakable which I don't think is that great.
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my issue with dead hard is he frame drops it can cause on castle thats more of a game issue than anything else
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It doesn't drop my frames. My problem with it is that it's insanely strong with no skill requirements. If it took skill, I'd have no issue with it.
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what do you play on. I'm on console and like the first time it actiavtes each match there's a frame drop
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Your point being??
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Post edited by DangerScouse on0
Well. DH needs to have the invulnerability addressed, I mean DH is meant to be used to avoid a hit by boosting the survivor forward, now if a survivor literally runs through you then it deserves to get down... the same goes with trapper traps... it's not fair that a survivor can dead hard toward your traps... I mean, traps are literally the only resource a Trapper has and they end being negated by a perk.
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Decisive Strike got nerfed and Lucky Break ended up not being as OP as people expected. Now people are making fun of Dead hard for being 'Press E to win.'
If they get their way and nerf dead hard to the ground people will start begging for Iron Will to be nerfed for 'Countering me without doing anything.'
Then after that it'll probably be Unbreakable or Borrowed time.
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Well. You could argue the whole game is clicking buttons. No skill in any of it really.
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Only if you get baited into trying to hit them just before they activate. Most I come across panic and hit the button to extend the chase before I down them by what? 2 seconds? Therefore I don't see it as a big issue.
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Fair enough. If that's your experience.