Insidious Bubba needs a fix

TauNkosi Member Posts: 282
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know. I know. Just do gens and leave. Okay, but what about the guy on hook? Why should his game be ruined, sitting on hook doing nothing while everyone else at least gets to actually play the game in some capacity and earn BPs? Hell, insidious Bubba is the most boring and anisine thing to go against. It's not fun. It's not challenging. It's bullshit that such a thing is even possible and it's needs to change. Survivors deserve a fighting chance to save those on hooks and not be downed instantly and I have just the fix. Here's my suggestion:

INSIDIOUS: Standing still grants the undetectable status effect after staying still for 4/3/2 seconds until you move again. You cannot activate your power for 9/7/5 seconds after moving.

There. An easy fix to give survivors and the hooked person a fighting chance. No longer can the killer just get free kills for doing basically nothing.


  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146

    I wouldn't be explaining or suggesting anything good since my previous threads were debunked inside and outside of forums. But I tell you this: "If something stupid can be done, will be done" - c Claudette's law

  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146

    also your suggestion to nerf insidious instead of reworking it, so people would use it in other ways is just blatantly stupid and came out of nowhere. I guess you were insidious camped by Bubba without a kindred and you all got downed in a basement.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    The guy on the hook sacrificed their life to save everyone else.

    Plus I'd be blessed to be facecamped by Lord Bubba.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Basement Bubba is fine. It is pique Bubba. Stewed to a perfection. How could you even consider taking that away from him?

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Being camped by a bubba is a privilege, smile and take your blessing from the cutie.