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What are your funniest end game chat salt moments?



  • Member Posts: 2,924

    I'm pretty sure the devs do not tolerate racist language of any kind, especially the hard R variety

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    This wasn't, like, extreme levels of salt, but I'm going to nominate this for bizarreness.

    Last night I had a Devour Hope Wraith match. It was on The Game, so survivors had a decent chance to stall me, but I caught a bunch of them out of position and I had them dead to rights pretty quickly (plus a couple of them kept healing even though they were perma-exposed.) I got my 8 hooks (yes, even with Devour), had a few extra chases where I knocked people down but left them for someone else to pick up, and once I'd had my fun, led one of the survivors to the totem and farmed pallets while the others did the remaining gens. Wasn't a super long game, maybe twelve minutes, and I was only friendly for the last leg of it.

    One of the survivors waits out the endgame collapse, insists on dying (couldn't have hooked them if I'd wanted to, I had no idea where they went), and then complains that I didn't kill anyone and to 'just play the game.'

    Goes to show that it's literally impossible to make every survivor happy. 🤷

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Salt-wise, I actually had a survivor rant at me for leaving them on the hook, even though the killer was no where near them for the stage he went through before dying with nobody helping him.

    I apologised, saying I was too busy chasing another survivor, but couldn't account for the Claudette.

    Basically, I was the killer and he mistook me for survivor (somehow!)

    Another was claiming I was a n00b for tunnelling (I didn't), and because I reply in character and was Wraith, I gave some poetic garble about reading the words he typed, but I could hear the cowering soul behind, to which he responded: " I still hate you, but man that was beautiful!". Made me chuckle.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    There was a salt incident with a Wraith. I was playing David with my dumpster-diver build: Plunderer's, Ace In The Hole, Streetwise, and I think at the time I had Fixated for the last perk because I didn't have Appraisal yet.

    The Wraith facecamped me on first hook and raged in post-game about 'SWF with map and key'.

    1. We were not SWF. I was playing solo.
    2. Both items were found, not brought.
    3. The key was a broken one.
  • Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2021

    After constantly winning with Stridor Spirit, I gave Nurse a shot. A Survivor was mad I was trying to bait a grab during EGC.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited June 2021

    How dare you disable my flashlight,firecrackers, and flashbang perk! Wonder if itll prevent the stun from jills perk though...

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Ah yes, the old "say bye bye to account :)". I have gotten that message every time and have not been banned yet.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Ping flex, what?

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    The common one:

    “Nice crutch perks (because I ran DS/BT) meanwhile they had NoED/Ruin/Undying” 😉

  • Member Posts: 56

    The rank 15 btw has survived and let his teammates die and camped the hatch. They also wrote after the screenshot something like "Trump 2024!!! He will come back!" According to their Steam profile, they were not from the USA and I am not a US citizen either. Oh, and tunneling seems to be when I port myself to the generator as Freddy and someone is standing there.

  • Member Posts: 3,479
    edited June 2021

    Before turning messages off on Xbox I beat a SWF team with Nurse on Lerys and I had one of those games where everything just went my way. They got zero gens done and after they message me that I was cheating and using keybord and mouse, and saying that it's impossible to play Nurse on console like that 🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    Never got one. How? Well turned off every kind of interraction with community in game gg ez

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    "Reported :)"

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "You main Freddy

    I hope you burn alive

    Son of a #########!"

  • Member Posts: 149

    I've been told several times that I only won the match because I played Legion. I'll 4k a bunch of rank 1s on Mount Ormond, and it's because Legion is OP.

  • Member Posts: 98

    I once had a Kate (who brought a key) tell me I was a trash and scumbag killer because I used my power as Oni. She claimed that me using my instadown as Oni was a crutch because I couldn't win the game without it. Yes that's right she was salty that I used my power as the killer to win the game.

  • Member Posts: 499
    edited June 2021

    I was playing a match of plague and got told there was "no skill required". I was honestly so baffled I didnt even reply.

  • Member Posts: 26

    I had something like that happen to when playing Plague, they said I was "relying " on her. I was so taken back I just sat there and stared at the screen for a moment....

  • Member Posts: 499

    I eventually asked if they meant specifically as plague, but they never answered sadly. I would have loved to hear that story.

  • Member Posts: 178

    Someone accused me of "area camping", once. I asked him what the hell that even meant. Apparently, I was only staying in the bottom half of the map for most of the game, and thus, I was area camping.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I don't think that was the case. It was a 4-man escape and we all said gg. There was one player who played really well, the killer complimented him, and we thought that was really nice player behind the killer character. Until. Two of us had bad points, and he started to insult us for saing gg even though we didn't have a lot of points.

    Technically it wasn't a "good game" for me. I got no unhooks all game because every time I tried, someone else was quicker. Therefore I did mostly gens and yeah, they don't give a lot of points. Had fun however and said gg, but somehow this petty player thought you can only say it after getting enough bp, not realizing that if he don't get enough hooks, survivors literally can't get enough unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Why do keys deserve a nerf, then? Because it seems the consequence for bringing a key is tunneling, doesn´t it balance out that way?

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I played a no perk Clown at Rank 1 against SWFs with flashlights and 4k'd them while not taking the game serious. At endgame chat, I said gg. I got berated a bit then was told that I should run NOED if I wanted to be such a sweaty tryhard. I told them I don't even need perks and they went off saying that only a balding fatass could play Clown and win. I just left a :( my feeling's.

    They told me to stop eating them. At that point, I wasn't even mad xD thought it was pretty funny and said lol. That's a good one and then I can't say what they said xD all in all, it was pretty funny to watch people lose thier ######### on a perk less, non-camping, no tunneling Clown. They lost because they wanted to bully me with flashlights instead of doing gens on Haddonfield. They threw up the map. God, I miss them :(

  • Member Posts: 672

    Had a sort of funny conversation with a Meg who got mad because I was using "OP Perks" (I was running tier 2 Sloppy Butcher, tier 2 Thanaphobia, Tier 1 Nurse's Calling and tier 3 Bloodhound. And I was playing as Pig.). It went something like this:

    Meg: Wow, you're so bad. Using crutch and OP perks to win.

    Me: What do you mean?

    Meg: Sloppy Butcher? Thana? Nurse's? Bloodhound? Those are all OP perks.

    Me: So I'm not allowed to use perks that are given to me in game?

    And she didn't reply back after I said that.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i always get pretty salty when chat filter decides to bann an entirely random word for no reason whatsoever and kills the entire conversation with that :)

    literally just had it censor out a NAME (dunno which name it was exactly, but it was sthg like "john", which really, REALLY shouldnt be banned - especially since one guy in the lobby had that as his profilename)

    please just remove the chat filter already BHVR ;-;

  • Member Posts: 915

    Someone threatend to report me because i blocked a pallet with Wraith while cloaked and then killed him. He said it's bannable, one other survivor chimed in and told him this is how you play this killer lol

  • Member Posts: 868

    Every time I escape using the hatch because a survivor Dc against a slugger for the 4k 😂

  • Unknown
    edited June 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 1,050

    Most recently I got salty messages from a guy that died on a hook after I escaped and I had borrowed time. I could understand why he was angry, but even so, I was wounded and didn’t have self care or a med pack and didn’t really care much about trading hooks for a rando, if I could even make it to the hook before being downed. I didn’t respond back to him, didn’t feel the need to justify myself, but I still get sarcastic comments whenever I run back into him in other games. I find that pretty funny.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Looking forward to getting autobanned from reports from all these folks

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Someone called me a tryhard for playing mirror myers.

  • Member Posts: 319

    Had a group of survivors tell me red glow moonwalking and mindgaming loops was bannable and i was exploiting the game. It was glorious I never wouldve thought someone would think this.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    A swf team with a that insulted me and called me hacker because I can hear grass moving :)

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    My constant is to be told that they "hope" to get in another game with me, because they looped me a few times but still died..which means I'm the trash one. Or i get heat for leaving someone on the ground to go look for the other one and that makes me a bad killer i guess, even tho in the end they both died :)

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    One guy accused me of hacking when I pulled him from a locker as legion. I was like "dude, killer instinct led me right to you" he didn't know it worked through lockers lol

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    It’s always funny to get threatened with a report for nothing against the rules. It happened recently when I hooked a person in the basement just as the final gen waa repaired and I stood at the top of the stairs and other players allowed me to reach Tier 3 Myers, making it impossible for them to rescue the guy. Honestly had nothing to gain by playing it any other way, but I guess in some people’s minds I should just go to the nearest gate that was likely already 99ed anyways or better yet to the far side of the map.

    There was also the hilarious rage quitting Bubba that accused us all of gen rushing because he decided to ignore every gen he passed to focus on one person then not even be able to properly face camp (as Bubba!) without failing at it. That was the best.

  • Member Posts: 446

    Here's a recent one. I don't see how anyone can brag about black pipping lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    My God. Just... #########, man. I don't even know how I should... react to that...

    "How?" wouldn't suffice, clearly.

    "Why?" would be meaningless, since we already know why.

    "Who?" is what I really want to ask, but that would break the forum rules... and subsequently the laws of most countries...

    Just... the only emotion I can really say this inspires is... horror. Sheer horror that people are actually like this. That they can be like this.

    I haven't been here for very long, and I don't know all the context, but... that kind of behavior is absolutely inexcusable. I always try to look at the circumstances someone was in when they did something evil, to try to see if there was something that excuses the offence. You know, trying to see it from any perspective other than "This is a terrible person," since most people aren't actually as awful as their actions would present.

    But it's just not working here. The absolute lack of any sort of sympathy or self awareness required to say those things to literally anyone, let alone you of all people...

    I'm sorry, I should stop ranting like a child now. Just know that I sympathize with you, even if I can't really relate enough for that sympathy to be truly meaningful beyond a superficial level.

    I'm gonna go vomit now... Jesus...

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    So, I got one. At this point I'm new to dead by daylight, I'm playing Trapper and just kept getting demolished by swf. Well, one time. I had enough, I finally downed this runner that was giving me the hardest time, I hooked him and put a bear trap at the exit gate, not below the switch. IN. On the concrete floor, he never told his friends this news. So, I camped him, kinda hard. His friends get him with borrowed time and I chased them all out, except for the runner. He T-Bags me a bit, points, etc. But, then he steps onto the trap. I hook him, then he sends me a message.

    "I hope your mother dies of cancer"

    I was immediately followed by three other messages. If I look hard enough I could find it. This was before End Game was a thing obviously

  • Member Posts: 278

    When I was playing as doctor and got outplayed, but the person who died earlier on said I was working with the survivors and they reported me, but then they proceeded to spam f*** you over and over again until I left.

    Orrrrr as survivor when I didn't make it to the hatch in time and another survivor threatened to come to my house and kill me. They went into great detail

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    last night some guy was arguing that I sucked as a killer when he died to me because I was using a killer that takes no skill (Pyramid head) with good perks and two brown addons :\

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    This was by far my best. It was during the final MMR test

    It was just too funny and goes to show the entitlement of this community

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I've beem messaged a few times about winning matches with the basement game tactic as trapper. Got called a camper as I didn't leave the area, but I responded by saying that every time I tried to leave, a survivor steppped in one of my basement traps, I couldn't get away 🙃

  • Member Posts: 886

    Sums up the whole experience.

  • Member Posts: 5,781


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