Can the gen and hook bubbles go already?

They're annoying and obscure information, replacing them with white auras for the same duration should be enough
the point is to obscure information.
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same, when somebody unhooks and I can’t find the rescuer it’s so tilting.
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This is why Bitter Murmur isn't used as much.
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It was mentioned in the weekly dev stream one time, back when they still did those.
It's a purposeful design choice, to give the Killer time to get away from the hook hopefully unseen, and to give the Survivors an opportunity to slink away from a freshly completed generators.
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Hmm then maybe if that's the reason, why not give a small buff to bitter murmur and have it also remove said gen bubbles? So that they don't hide bitter murmurs aura effect like that bubble sometimes tends to do.
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Its an outdated mechanic that should be changed
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It's crazy getting a hook bubble when you're staring at the hook on a gen too. Then the survivor screams or gets killed with the most bass boosted noise ever, I literally can't even hear a Nurse teleporting to me when it happens.
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Stop! The bubble on the hook helps me to know the timing with BBQ!
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If the point is to obscure information how come bitter murmur is a perk then
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It’s unfortunately necessary. If a survivor is blind, without the bubble, they wouldn’t know where their teammate is hooked which would be a disaster.
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You can also rely on healthbar glowing.
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Yes, I wish at least Bitter Murmur would cancel those bubbles when equipped.
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You could also just... count down the 4 seconds? That really doesn't seem very hard.
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Honestly, it doesn't matter why it was an intentional design choice. What matters is that it is now an outdated mechanic that hinders both sides more than it helps.
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Dunno if it's outdated, if it hinders. Cause, like, its the point. It still works as intended
Edit: also if its not obvious the positive to it on both sides is Survivors have a chance to not been seen after a gen, Killers have a chance to go an unseen route as well after a hook.
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Agree. I hate them; they actually make it harder to tell what's going on.
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I even sent once a video of one my games to show how hard it was to understand what was going on when you are looking in this direction... They haven't really came back to me.... just thanked me for my feedback and bla bla... But yes definitely these are annoying.
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