Doesn't Bamboozle deserve a nerf?

It shuts loops and takes away any ability to play around them. No skill needed, just hop over a window. Even a shack pallet goes down after a while with the perk being active. It performs too well in a 1vs1 chase, you need to burn through pallets to avoid going on the ground.
Bamboozle needs to be changed immediately, it ruins any sort of ability to prolong chases without dropping every single pallet you see!
Cranky cause you got outplayed with bamboozle?
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Doesn't Any Means Necessary need a nerf? It resets pallets, just hold E. Even shack pallet can be reset. It requires no skill and ruins the late game for many killers.
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Pretty much every bamboozle killer plays predictably. When you go to shack run away the instant you get there since he will vault the window.
It’s boring and skilless but hardly OP
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Not really.
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Bamboozle is perfectly fine. I use it on Mikey and its amazing.
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Based on the threads you keep making, it sounds like the real issue is your own skill.
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It was killer's choice to leave it. Bamboozle can't be compared to that at all.
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No thanks, Bamboozle is fine.
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This has to be bait. Cause i can think of 5 killer perks better than bamboozle.
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They have a Solo Survivor icon... Sluzzy has a Laurie icon... you think this could be a alt?
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Do you all care to explain your point? I've provided a solid evidence that certain strong places become miserable, it requires to go from a pallet to pallet too quickly leaving nothing to work with by the end of a match. Doesn't sound too powerful at ALL?
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Only 5?
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Possibly. Could also just be someone who's a fan of their work.
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I mean i can think of more. But seriously survs need to chill with the whole "this is op pls nerf". Or my favorite "this is boring"
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That's not evidence that it needs a nerf. That's evidence that its doing what its supposed to. Its supposed to make certain loops weaker that force survivors to use a pallet or move on. Plus not every loop has a window.
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Sure, whatever I guess.
Bamboozle has counterplay. Once you realize they have Bamboozle, focus on that pallet instead. Let them break it and then go to the next loop. They Bamboozle a window? Find another loop. Most maps have plenty of pallets so you won't lose much either way.
And once you get downed, go on and post about how broken and OP the perk is, instead of blaming yourself.
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Bamboozle is such a meta, I can't even think of any other better perk on most killers. Sure, Nurses and Spirits don't need it but there are plenty of killers who can't get downs without it and the perk serves them kills.
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Bamboozel is fine I like running it in legion for the added bonus of pallet vaulting being faster
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Yea? Does it?
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Easy to identify, it's only one window at a time, most windows are next to another window. Has nice synergy with some killers but doesn't do much with others. And not good on others. And main building loops are long and you're back to it by the time the blockers gone.
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Wait, Bamboozle's considered meta now? Like, meta beyond helping Bubba/Billy mitigate a weakness of their chainsaws?
Uh oh, probably a bad time to bring up Hex: Crowd Control then.
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You are supposed to lose in a 1vs1 in this game.
Imagine one survivor would be as strong as one killer..
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While we're nerfing killer perks we should add a pig nerf on top of it ... just for good measure
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Gotta get that pig nerf quota for every update.
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Nerf Bamboozle?!? I had to double check to make sure this wasn't a Sluzzy post
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Just go to t&ls
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Bamboozle is more than fine, the only problem with it is the sound bug that is present for a lot of other stuff where sounds originating from behind you are completely silent. So you don't always hear the bamboozle sound effect after the killer vaults the window.
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I feel like this guy is trying to imitate Sluzzy, but is doing it really badly.
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Bamboozle isnt even a meta perk, if you have to use the pallet imidiately, its because you dont know how to loop, and if you dont know how too loop, its your problem not the game. If you wanna know how to counter Bamboozle try to use as much as you can a pallet, window loop usually have jungle gyms or pallets near it, the shack pallet can be used after tons and tons of plays around it dont teven needing to use the window. If you see that you are gonna have to take the hit if you dont drop the pallet, drop the pallet, but if you are gonna be hit or downed, dont use the pallet, if you use it, you will just be giving the pallet to the killer, the Shack Pallet especially can be run for several times, if you can, take the hit and dont drop it, take the hit andrun for a several more loops and then you drop if the killer is almost capable of hitting you.
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lol right!? If pig hasn't been nerfed, can it really be called an update?
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Pumping out low quality bait I see, you didn't even try with this one; 1/10
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You could say the same about a lot of perks that they “take no skill to use.” Y’know, perks helping you in the game is kinda their job.
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it's very meh right now... very situational but damn does it feel good to use on like a tractor loop cuz they didn't hear the sound effect of it going off
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Once you realize they have Bamboozle, they’re gonna play every loop very predictably. Once you see them start moving towards a window to block it, what you gotta do is you gotta hold W until you get to a different window.
I know, really difficult counterplay.
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Don't give the dev's any ideas 😳
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You really need to practice survivor if this perk is a problem for you. I think someday there will be practice modes and free play for both survivor and killers.
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Hear me out.
What if Pig gets a buff? Nothing gameplay changing just you know wider? Really bring home the infamous fat shaming?
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It shouldn't make vaulting faster for killers.
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You assuming i play Predictably?!
I'll assume you left shack while i fake vault you filthy survivor main!
And then i shall facecamp you as WRAITH! but invisible,
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I don’t think Bamboozle is too strong at all. Only 1 window can be blocked at a time. And they are usually predicable
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If a killer vaults a window with bamboozle it is literally countered by going to the next loop
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Valid suggestion. We do need more thicc killers.
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Sluzzy is way better stop copying, and find something else to do
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Does definitely not deserve a nerf. The perk's purpose is to shut down loops.
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