Unpopular opinion: wraith is not op

I’ve been playing survivor recently & played a decent amount of wraiths & they seem to play decent, if you know how to loop you should be fine. If you’re on a tile opposite of wraith, when he uncloaks go the other way the direction he’s facing it’ll take most of his momentum away. Is there good people with wraith before his buffs: Yes. Is There people who’re experienced playing wraith the way he is: yes.those games ofc are going to be hard going against an experienced killer. That doesn’t make him op. I guess the people who claim he’s op are casual players or very little experienced. His lunge is meh, if you run a tile perfectly; it shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe watch a YouTube video or ask some of the forum members about wraith’s counter play. He does have counterplay, unlike spirit.
Is he strong? Yes, but he's far from overpowered. He is relatively easy to pick up, but struggles in the chase if the survivors are good. He also, to an extent, suffers froklm the same counter that pigs ambush does, which is if he cant see you, you should just run away from the tile if you suspect he'll uncloak, works often enough if they're not suspecting it.
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He definetly isn't. Windows are his Achille's heel and used right they force him out of his power.
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Wait... survivors think that pathetic M1 killer is OP? Holy #########...
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This is not an unpopular opinion. He is the strongest stealth killer though IMO
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I played against plenty of red rank Wraiths and excel against them in chases. I know how to play against him because he's the exact same killer he's ever been.
Looping is what hinders him, and looping is an absolutely necessary mechanic in this game that everyone needs to learn how to do.
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It really depends on the map. (And smart Wraiths just abuse cloak/uncloak). He's strong, but not as strong as Spirit, Nurse, or Blight.
Wraith on autohaven can be frustrating because he can just uncloak while you're in a deadzone, cloak, and repeat.
If you get good vault set ups on Lery's you can vault before he finishes uncloaking, etc.
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Not sure why this thread exists. Who thinks wraith is op (apart for very new players)? He has gotten a lot stronger, but not thinking he is op is the opposite of an "unpopular opinion".
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If anyone out there genuinely thinks Wraith is overpowered, I think they should stop playing for health reasons, Spirit or Nurse might give them a heart attack or something.
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This isn't an unpopular opinion, in fact, this is the popular opinion.
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He’s not OP; he’s just not all that fun to play against. Before anyone jumps up my ass, I’m NOT saying he should be nerfed or anything like it. I just see him often and I’m bored of him.