New Franklins Demise nerf is amazing!!!

Since i no longer have to worry about those pesky keys being dropped and picked up by someone else i've implemented and successfully completed a few times now the 4k no hook challenge!
Fun for all ages(not survivors apparently though), some restrictions apply.
Thank you BHVR for encouraging this new strategy.
Where is information about the change because I haven't seen or heard anything about this perk being changed. Also I hate this perk and think it should be removed from the game.
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have you tried looking in the patch notes
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Items carried by survivors lose a % of their charge on hit instead of dropping the item.
As someone that never ever went back for his item I'm down with the change.
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I was just in a match and it made me drop my item not lose a percentage.
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Oh I'm not in game yet, I looked it up here
So I apologize if I'm wrong. I'll log into the game when the patch stops downloading.
Edit: Patch downloaded and I got into the game. Franklin's still makes survivors drop their items. OP is crazy. Carry on.
Post edited by Heartbound on2 -
This is the best thing ever. Franklins literally ruined the game for me before this change and probably for a lot of other survivors. It should be this way now. At least now survivors have a chance to escape with their item instead of the points being wasted due to it being deleted by a forever perk.
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Ok so which is it? Why does the link above say one thing but it does another in game? Is it a change coming or what?
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According to the patch notes the items lose a % of their charges based on the time they're on the floor for.
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So... You 4man slugged teams because of a nerf to a perk?
This isn't the epic protest you thought it was.
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Oh, is that why this person made this post, to slug? Whatever makes them sleep at night. All over a video game....
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This was the only Perk against keys. Now its nearly useless, unless against healing and repair kits. Franklins was op? Good that keys are not...
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I was confused and wasn't sure if it still dropped the item or not. Does it and if it does it drains percentage instead of deletes the item? If thats the case, its a small improvement but not enough. You still have to collect the item which in my opinion makes franklins too powerful by giving you an extra thing to do if you want the item.
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It drops the item definitely.
I can't confirm if it drains percentage over time it's on the ground or just deletes a certain percent of charges. However it doesn't destroy the item anymore.
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This is the counter to brown medkits we've all been waiting for. Too many games I've seen a survivor with a medkit for that one heal they might need. Now you hit them, take away one or two charges and now they'll not only spend time healing, they won't even get a full health state anymore!
How embarrassing!
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Which isn't really all that fair. The medkit is supposed to give you that 1 heal or more if you have addons for it. That is the point if spending points you earn from playing the game on something that is supposed to give you a benefit in a match. Franklins was basically a blood point deleting perk in many situations where if you got hit before even using your item then you had a chance on permanently losing the item which means the BPs you spent on it are gone too. Charge items don't last forever. The killer's power can be used over and over. I can't use a medkit over and over. Franklins has only ever made the game unenjoyable for me. I see it as toxic and annoying to play against. Luckily there are more things about the game I enjoy than I dislike, especially now with the new RE chapter but its always those things I dislike that ruin the fun much faster than you want them to.
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That is better than how it was before. I still think items should not be dropped to the ground when hit by it. I think the items should just lose some charge power each time you are hit. I do think survivors hit with franklins should be able to see their items highlighted on the ground at the very least with how it is now.
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So, how do you propose we counter Keys now that Franklin's is nerfed?
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Hook all 4 survivors before they get to use it. There is nothing wrong with keys. Keys are conditional. Don't let those conditions be met and survivors will have a harder time using them. I always feel like many killers in DBD have this attitude of they could have several good or "fair" matches but that 1 match where a key is used just changes everything then suddenly keys need to be nerfed. I main survivor and every time I play this game I usually play for about 7-10 hours. In that time frame when I am playing solo I see maybe 1-2 keys brought into a match and even less actually get used. I don't know if its just based on personal experience or what but in my now 1,300 hours played of the game I have rarely seen a key used successfully. I wish they were used more often because it would be a switch up from the usual get to the door and open it before you die play.
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Oh, okay.
You have to be trolling.
Are you Sluzzy?
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I'm sorry you feel like I'm trolling because you disagree with me. I don't waste my time saying things that aren't my genuine opinion or that I don't believe are true. So don't waste my time saying I'm trolling if you don't care to read what I have to say.
Also my opinions are my own. Don't mistakenly question them for someone else's as you did here.
Post edited by KateMain86 on2 -
Are you dense? Those key conditions are met no matter what, even if you're doing extremely well as killer. Hatch will spawn once a certain number of gens are done and survivors killed. There's no stopping that. Keys should not open a hatch with no charges period.
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You also think survivors should keep their items and add ons even if they die too?
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No, they're not. You're making an assumptive claim over something that literally is conditional. If the survivors even make the hatch spawn, then that is fair play for them to use it by however means they can to escape. The purpose of the hatch is to give survivors an additional means to escape. The keys are there to help in that regard. Again, if the survivors aren't dead by the time they escape through the hatch then that is your fault, not theirs and not the key's. Keys are not broken. They are not overpowered. They do not need to be changed.
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No. There would be no purpose for blood points beyond the initial find of the item and addons in the blood web if this were the case. If you die, you should lose your item unless it has a white ward attached. Why would you assume I think this way because I'm giving my opinion about something you disagree with me on in the game?
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My point is, the whole purpose of items is to be like little goodies, similar to a killer's add ons. Items should not be a given, especially keys and really strong medkits and toolboxes. Bringing a brown toolbox or medkit every game is understandable because they're extremely cheap out of the bloodweb and the most common finds, but expecting to just be allowed to bring in your items risk free is silly.
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I mean I just won't bring Franklin's anymore...but the survivor with the key won't get up off the ground for the entire match...and I will throw the match and watch said survivor bleed out so have fun.
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It didnt steal your items. You were free to go back for them. And for your complaining about stealing, it seems that you by "unknown reason" didnt included tiny fact that survivors can loot items from chests and keep it.
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Thats very easy to say but not as easy to do. Against a 3 or 4 man SWF with comms they're probs gonna get 3 gens done. Thus that key becomes usable if you kill two people.
Sounds like a typical surv thinking kills are easy for Killers and if a killer cant get 2 kills before 3 gens are popped then BAAAAAD.
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What makes it an unfair perk? Just because the killer has no right to steal a survs items? Thats a weak argument. Can you enlighten me a bit as to why you think its an unfair perk instead of just crying about how unfair it is?
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Difference is, whatever items you dropped can be reaquired again via chest in game.
So for that should Killers also get chests which allow them a random addon in the case a survivor "takes their addons" as you stated.
Your arguments are ludicrous and one sided. And thats coming from someone who plays surv and killer equally.
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Are you really complaining about killer camping an item? Really? For killer to camp item, they gain literally nothing, for throwing game. For item to disappear they have to stand in one place, and do nothing for 90 seconds. In that time 4 survivors can pop 4 gens. And guess what big brain. When you win that game and get PBs, you can go and buy yourself 3 copies of that item from bloodweb.
If you want to play defender of justice so bad, why are you not fighting about totem spawns? Or killers being unable to loot add ons from map like survivors with items? You actually want to take them away as i see. Do you really need your advantage so badly?
Keyes have no place in this game. They are literally old moris, survivor version. You skip part of objective and go for a exit/kill. Same rules apply. You game as killer can be PERFECT, and survivors can just bail anyways. That fair to you?
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The person you're trying to reason with is one of those trolls who plays heavy in to survivors being victims all the time. Many have tried to offer actual solutions to their problems but it goes in one ear and out the other and they continue to cry about the game being unfair for survivors.
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So i asked you to explain how franklins demise is an unfair perk and you didnt explain it at all. You just garbled out mumbo jumbo about other perks.
Personally i wouldnt even say a build of franklins/ruin/undying/pop is that powerful. Get the hex totems and thats 2 perks gone already. Or even if you dont...just do the gens and spread out. Dont try to be over alturistic rushing for saves everytime a survivor goes down. Theres always a counter to whatever the killer does. Franklins doesnt cheat survs out of a fair fight. The fight is already weighted in the favour of the survs no matter what tactic. I usually play in a 3/4 man group and i cant remember the last time more than one of us died in a trial. And lately ive been playing solo and i survive 8/10 times.
You're also using two hex perks as examples...Hex's can be and usually are cleansed by any half decent survivor. They're powerful for a reason. Because you have the ability to cleanse them.
So its easy for SWF's as you admit but not for solo survs. So make it easier for solo survivors and even easier than it already is for SWF's? Seriously? This game should be making it harder for SWF's not easier pal.
You are seeing everything purely from survivor side and nothing from the killers side. There is a counter for almost every tactic the killer has, even with solo queues.
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Oh god, so i am not the one insane here. Praise be. Thank you kind sir, and may you get many boops in game.
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Hook all survivors before they use the key? You do realize they need to do 2 gens for 1 escape, 3 gens for 2 escape, 4 gens for 3 escaping right? No way that would work in red ranks. 2 gens can go quickly theres no way a Trapper could slug that quickly. You're right keys are conditional but its not really fair if the conditions are do 3 gens and 2 survivors can escape. Keys are used more often now from challenges to just because. And with the Franklin nerf im sure ill see more keys. Which the only counter now is dodging key lobbies which I do often. But I'm not surprised this point of view is coming from a "survivor main".
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Right because being toxic about a perk change is the way to enjoy the game and make the community better...
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Gotta combat keys some kind of way...devs seem to want to take away more and more tools that killers have. So I will use what I have left.
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I'm not actually seeing anyone bringing keys today which is nice. Has anyone actually tested out franklins to see if it does or doesn't make them drop the keys?
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Sounds like you think every match is a SWF. The only communication survivors have in solo play is a point and motion follow. Good luck letting everyone know you have a key like that. And again, keys are conditional. SWF or not, you still have to get ever so many generators done to even make the hatch spawn and then you have to find it. Without offerings or a map that is another obstacle you have to do to even use the key. Keys are not a problem. Killers just get super offended when one is used against them while forgetting that the survivors earned the right to use the hatch.
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Thats not combating keys though. Thats literally being toxic for the sake of being toxic because you're mad about a perk change. How about actually playing the game instead of relying on toxic behavior to prevent a key from being used? Other killers do it. Why can't you?
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Keys get dropped, it's not just the survivor that brings it killers have to worry about, it's every survivor who could pick it up. No they can't say 'i have a key' but it's plainly visible in the hand and to pretend other survivors don't know you have it is untrue.
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If the developers are smart (that's up for debate sometimes), then they're IGNORING about 95% of what gets posted on this forum, particularly from so-called "mains" of either survivor or killer, who more often than not, are ignoring what's actually good for the balance of the game in favor of their biased self-interest, usually arrived at due to a complete lack of understanding of game mechanics from the perspective of their oppponents.
If they want feedback, there are some people here who have good, solid constructive ideas to share, and the hope is that the developers would take notes from them. But most of what's posted here -- the continual "change/nerf/etc. XYZ" threads are little more than a lot of noise than buries good ideas under the weight of the nonsense.
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I think the main problem is that even when a solid and good idea gets the spotlight, it makes little to no difference.
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That's a fair point. As an example, something as simple as giving the Trapper the Brown Bag add-on as a simple QOL change is something that almost everyone (other than the most biased people) could get behind, and it's something that's been suggested forever (including by some very prominent names in the community whose opinions should carry a lot of weight about game design/balance) -- yet, somehow something seemingly that simple hasn't been done. That alone is almost enough to make you shake your head and wonder how it hasn't been done yet, and how much longer it might be before it gets implemented (if ever). And that's just one example.
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Precisely. It is honestly disheartening to see all of that feedback being ignored, as if those threads were created for nothing.
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Slugging isn't toxic...and I will play the game how I want to play it.
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Franklins Demise demise or is it a demise x2
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Ehm how are those conditions of "number of done generators plus 1" ever not fulfilled at some point? And even a 3k at 5 gens let's the hatch spawn.
Kill 3 people -> hatch always spawns
Kill 2 -> hatch spawn after 3 gens (the norm for good survivors at the time of the first Hook)
Kill 1 -> 4 gens, even with tunneling the first found survivor to death, the rest would have enough time to finish those gens, given the lack of pressure camping and tunneling brings
(Kill 4/0 -> well no hatch needed either way)
There is no possible way for the killer to avoid a hatch spawn with the possibility of survivor finding and using it outside if a 4 people simultaneous slugging.
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Cool when is the implementation of the two-way street of killer finding add-ons in the map during the match? At the same time? I guess that would be never.
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I'll never understand this analogy
Both survivors and killers already lose their add-ons at the end of the trial, unless they used an offering or a specific perk
Items are NOT add-ons
Killers don't have to buy items in the bloodweb in order to use add-ons, Survivors do