I'm Just Tired
basement bubba? lmao i got rank 1 killer 100hrs in the game with all the adepts 600 hrs in. Ive been playing survivor a lot more and i just realized how easy it is, always getting carried by maps and perks.
Make 1 mistake as a killer? Lose gens, get closer to losing
Make 1 mistake as survivor? Get hit
Make another? Dead hard
Make another? Down
Killer slugs? Unbreakable, repeating the last 2 steps
Unhooked? Repeat everything until you finally die
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Yes, you should totally get off a gen every time you hear a TR...
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I think you are smart, you can understand is killer coming you or not. Also killer has to get you down with 2 hits. Even you get one hit, you still have time to go loop area and make killer busy. I do not know point? Maps are already survivorside. You wanna pallets and windows everywhere?
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Rank 1 with 100 hours? So now I know why I keep getting trash killers.
Not everyone runs dead hard, just so you know it barely even works. You get exhausted on the ground.
You need to get better at the game.
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Oh you want me to list every other exhaustion perk that gives you another chance? Open your mind a bit, i won't expect to fully understand what i meant, you probably haven't graduated. Exhausted on the floor? It happens to you a lot cause you're greedy instead of playing safe
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Want to pip ? Bring BT, farm people. EZ rank 1.
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My mind is open, I think you should open yours, classic killer mains. And you are probably the one who hasn’t graduated, go and play some Fortnite man.
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Wraith is broke? I didnt notice.
But what is with franklin nerf and lucky break Buff? Ds neede a nerf as it was but i admit that it needs a little Buff now. Anyways its clear that most killers cant stand a chance against swf.
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Lucky break buff is still not that good, and franklins demise was a well needed nerf. By the way most people who play swf are playing casually, you are not facing the best of the best. Maybe you need to get better.
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Correction, most killers can't stand a chance against tournament SWF. The everyday SWFs you encounter are usually easy to beat because they just play a game with their friends. They're predictable- they'll want to save their buddies and they'll want to have fun. It's easy to exploit against them.
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Swamp??? Has good pallets??
That map has pallets??!!!
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No. Absolutely not.
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Yes. Absolutely yes.
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This game is not killer sided whatsoever. (Minus spirit and sweaty nurse) what should be changed is bt body bodyblocking. Or maybe survivor audio getting fixed. Coldwind being safe pallet city. For survivor its so much easier because there are 4 people who can use whatever they want, which means unbreakable and ds bully squads are a thing. This game is survivor sided
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I never see em. On either side
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Of course i must get better. Same as u maybe.
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No, it is killer sided and everyone with a competent brain knows it. You can tunnel and camp without ever being punished, tell me that isn’t killer sided.
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I’m already good.
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So are the basic Killer Players. You can also read them.
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That wasn't the point of my comment, nor does it really hold any relevance to my point.
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Survivors can still tunnel gens without punishment, tell me how that isn't survivor sided. /s
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Ok then the game is unbalanced. When you are good, killers just op
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This goes to both sides but thats something you are too young to understand yet.
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What does my age have to do with this? Am I too young because we don’t agree? I would rather be too young playing video games than a 30 year old living in their parents basement.
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You have got to be another level of bad if you can’t pressure gens.
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Sorry maybe english is trash. Then i completely missunderstood you.
I thought you mean only tournament swf are op. But normal good swf not. But every Killer is op against "normal" players.
Sorry for misunderstanding
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Not that every killer is op vs normal players, of course not. It's just that a normal swf isn't unbeatable as a normal killer- the swf are still stronger just not by as big of a margin as many people say.
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You're right i havent graduated, i skipped 2 high school years and went straight for my degree. I main killer but unlike you, i clearly know how to play both sides
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Who said I don’t know how to play both sides? I play killer nearly everyday just to prove to everyone that it’s not as hard, and swf are not as busted. In fact I main pig and I consistently 4K without camping or tunneling on a killer that is considered to be one of the weakest.
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I bet you also play in dbd tournaments and consistently 4k with legion
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You know that survivors can spawn at the other side of the map? Add a toolbox and Prove Thyself and the first gen is finished before a non mobility killer is there. So following your logic, the killer is bad?
Thats because most survivors aren't good at decisionmaking and are lacking map awareness. Red ranks are filled with people who cant even do a gen if they aren't getting spoonfed by their swf mates.
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Corrupt intervention is perk btw. And are you facing the best survivors ever or what? You are most likely going against average survivors, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, you shouldn’t be able to 4K several games in a row.
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If we talked about the game from 2-3 years ago I would have said that the game was extremely survivor sided on every aspect but right now it feels extremely killer sided, and I say that not only from personal experience but by watching other people, I have seen youtube collaborations of 4 red rank survivors each with at least 4k to 6k hours of experience go down to killers that don't even have 800 hours.
Most games try to balance their characters/weapons/items around a 50- 55% win rate, the fact that the ''worst killer'' has a 65% kill rate is something that needs to be looked at, a 65% would have defenetively called for a nerf in any other game let alone having every other killer hover around 70%.
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just get better at the game.
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I agree with you 100%. People need to realize this!
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I get that that sucks but what do people expect the devs to against that? Balance the game so that even with potato teammates like that the 4th solo survivor can win? It is still a 1vs 4 and none can help if the 4 can't work together.
A proper matchmaking would be the only help in my eyes. But because most people think they belong into the top 10% of the skill based bell curve and would end up with the only 3 really viable killer there (Nurse, spirit, blight) or death squads instead of floating around in the middle were variety would be plentyful, they scream bloody murder everytime behaviour tries and stops after 1 or 2 days.
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I think making Kindred base kit is still an incredibly good idea. It's pretty much a must have for solos anyway. And it sucks to have to dedicate your few perk slots to info swf just get for free in larger doses.
Another good idea is making it so that the obsession "I am being chased" icon is just a thing for every survivor. I see no reason why we only get told the obsession specifically is being chased. It still doesn't even come remotely close to the info just having Discord open with friends makes.
And we're never going to have proper killer or map balance until the devs actually follow through with their "buffing solo" promise. I mean, most SWFs are simply carried by the info they have at their disposal allowing them to optimise their time, not because they're actually good.
If that gap was closed even just a little bit it would give the devs a clear idea of where certain killers ACTUALLY stand in balance. Remember "Micheals kill rate is high, we have no plans for him"? Anyone with more than a few hundred hours would consider him one of the weakest in the game but because of unreliable solo teams his stats are boosted. He's atrociously weak against a good team but teh devs don't think so "cus stats".
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Please keep it civil. No need for insults here. Lets just discuss the topic at hand.
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I agree wholeheartedly with this comment. They should simply make the 11 or so info perks swf potentially gets for free via coms basekit and close the gap between solo and swf IF (big if) the don't leave killer in the dirt.
And yes the killrates and way inflated but not only because of solos but in my eyes mostly because the bell curve of survivor player is not peaking at rank 10 (an even distribution) but way more than 50% of it sit at rank 1. The same (but not to the same degree tho) happens on killer side. And swf throws another wrench into the matchmaking together with the imbalance of killer vs survivor player base size (I guess something like 1:8 or more instead of the perfect 1:4).
Without building those foundations there will never be a chance to correctly balance this game but most people have become to accustomed to the status quo because change would maybe break more than it already is in the transition time until it gets better and don't have the patience anymore in today's fast society for that.
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That's another good point. The skill disparity of red ranks survivors (and a fair few killers) is staggering. I regularly get red rank players in my game that will insta drop strong pallets on the first loop or throw a game commiting to a generator when there's still 3 left to do.
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Solo queue can be rough.
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65-75% kill rate. Killers say swf is cheating, so solo escape about 20-25%. Also in this forum always killer say they always escape as solo, so survs main solos escape about 5-10%
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Same. Experienced the same this week so far. As this point I'd rather play the bot tutorials so that I can actually have a bit of fun - I have been meaning to learn Trapper so the "Kill the bots" tutorial is proving to be very fun for me at this stage.
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My all-time favourite analogy. Red rank in dbd is like low gold in league of legends, it can be reached simply by investing a bigger amount of time between resets. But their is a whole world above it, in league more gold, platinum, diamond, master, grandmaster and even challenger bordering on pro play. The problem is dbd ends there and everyone gets matched against each other leading to those endless winning sprees and winning while goofing around from streamers because they belong to the top and get matched against everything below them.
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The toxicity does get old, especially since it has been on the increase for the last 6-8 months. Prior to that, I'd say it was probably 60% of my matches had toxicity. Now? It's closer to 90%.
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It's been like this since last two updates andnm it's getting boring I don't understand the need of some killers to slug 3 survs on 2 gens and already having 1 dead person (my case) it's 3 of us even if one somehow managed to escape through hatch or whatever u still won and most likely piped but no let's slug all 3 survs at 2 gens because I feel entitled to 4k each match
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you serious?!
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Killer mains:swf is cheating
Also kill rate:57%-75%
Killer mains:nerf survivors they op
Same goes for survs who thinks this game is heavily killer sided guess what it's not
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Killers disabling their opponents early is smart tactics. Your problem is that you expect them to play 'fair'. Are you going to do the same and ease off of gens if the Killer is doing poorly?