Which killer perks need to be nerfed, in your opinion?



  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't see any reason to nerf any killer perks. If anything a lot of them need massive buffs.

    I think noed shouldn't have the 4% speed buff though. In a game where if a killer camps or tunnels people say "rush gens" and then getting hit by noed because of this feels a little cheap sometimes. Just would like the speed reduced a little but that's the only perk I'd touch on the killer side.

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566
    edited June 2021

    In my opinion, no perk or killer should currently be nerfed, heavily that is, or reworked before the SBMM system comes out, to get proper matchmaking data on how the perks/killers perform.

  • Swimming_Bird
    Swimming_Bird Member Posts: 48

    I had no idea this many people in the DBD community genuinely believe BBQ is OP and deserves a nerfed. Of all the perks in this game...BBQ?

  • Swimming_Bird
    Swimming_Bird Member Posts: 48

    Yeah, good point. It's just mind blowing. I understand frustration with perks like NOED and Rancor since they can feel bad to get hit with. I really don't get how BBQ is even a part of this discussion tbh. Unless people are just jealous that four stacks of BBQ are easier to get in a match than four stacks of WGLF, at least while playing normally. Which is understandable given the grind in this game.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I'd say none but

    Nerf: Pop- Reduce to 20%

    Buff: Brutal- Add a 5% regression to gens when kicked

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't really think any perks are OP or in a need of a nerf. But there are perks that are weak or just pointless, like:

    • Beast of Prey.
    • Distressing.
    • Gearhead.
    • Furtive Chase.
    • Monstrous Shrine.
    • Play with Your Food.
    • Trail of Torment.

    I think all of these perks are in need of a change. Rework, buff them or whatever. They are in such a bad spot right now.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That's a weird one honestly,because i feel like Infectious Fright is in a really good spot right now.

    The effect has to be earned by downing a survivor and even then, not every location ping from Infectious should also be acted upon.

    You need a good amount of decision making and game knowledge to effectively use this perk or else you make bad decisions and potentially throw the game for yourself.

    I dont really get why Perks like Surge or Knockout have Basic Attack Requirements, but Infectious Fright, which is way stronger, does not have this restriction

    Those perks shouldn't even have a basic attack requirement anyway

    Like, it should not be possible that I play Billy and have 3 people slugged at the start of the game. They are not even able to get much distance, because the Terror Radius is still 32 meters and especially the high mobility Killers have no problem catching up.

    I mean,if survivors stay grouped up like this and fail to spread out then it's on them.Not because Infectious is too strong.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    OP baited y'all good.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Only by players who don't have better perks unlocked.

    Despite needing constant BP for the grind (since I'm prestiging a ton of survivors at the moment), I pulled BBQ off of killers who it doesn't work with at all if you're actually playing to do well, like Trapper or Hag, since you ideally don't want to leave their "territory" to go on a wild-goose chase across the map for someone who, if they're any good at the game, won't be there by the time you lug yourself over there. Pulled it off of Doctor as well, since he has a form of tracking built-in, and Ghostface, since there's simply better builds without BBQ. If I didn't play Pig so much, I would have yanked it off of her too. Not having it is making the grind worse, but builds to stay competitve at Red Rank can't afford perks that are there mostly for a BP boost, and there are just better options for all of the above if you actually want your game to go well.

    Take the BP away from BBQ, and I suspect the killers will be running Thrilling Tremors instead, a FAR better perk for every killer for info. Why would I want to see an aura of someone halfway across the map crouching behind a wall doing nothing, when I can have a perk that literally tells me what generator I need to go and pressure next -- and a perk that works at any distance? I already see TT used by a lot of good killers -- nerf BBQ, and that will probably be the new go-to perk -- which will then be inevitably followed by posts saying it "it gives info for nothing", "OP -- please nerf", and the other usual silliness you see around here (from both sides) about any perk that actually is useful in one way or another.

    For the record, I'm in favor of buffing WGLF to make it easier to get stacks, to have the survivor equivalent closer to BBQ (finishing a heal on another survivor or picking them up off of the ground, for example, could give a stack). With the insane grind currently in the game, messing around with one of the only ways to mitigate it would be a short-sided example of poor decision-making (which is why, I guess, with the current state of affairs in the game going on right now, I probably shouldn't be shocked if it WERE done 🙄).

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Nerfing BBQ would make less people use that perk and there will be more camping instead. But I have nothing against camping so might be better than killer seeing someone on a gen far away. But I see no problem with BBQ when playing survivor I just hide in locker or if I want killer to chase me I stay in the open close to a loop.

    That said there is no killer perk I see as OP so I would not want any of them nerfed.

  • CrossMode
    CrossMode Member Posts: 20

    starstruck... unfair.

  • Kwikdraw
    Kwikdraw Member Posts: 3

    Why? Because it's 2021 and everyone deserves to be handed everything for zero effort?

    Heaven forbid killers have a perk that encourages survivor to play killer for a change. I mean... Could you imagine if a survivor main used BBQ to farm survivor perks, and also gain an understanding of how the other side feels and plays? The blasphemy...

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Perks that have BP gain associated to them prevent the devs from reducing the grind because then the already inflated BP gain with BBQ would be even worse.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    no perks need a change, but I got a solution to ruin and NOED… just do bones! There are three perks that show you and help you find hexs. Or do you rank 20s need a fourth one?Solution to pop, use jills mine or repressed alliance.


  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    In you opinion which killer perks need to be nerfed?
