My personal opinion on the SBM

Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

It shouldn't be even added into the game. Period,

Why do i say this? Think about this. Do you wanna wait like 1-2+ hours to Get One lobby. then to get to wait even more for like 20-30 minutes?

Then going into the game and it only lasting like 5 minutes, With the killer having NO hooks..

You don't earn alot of bp that game. LITERALLY,

Hell. Otz wouldn't be able to do 50 wins ina row series if that is the literal case,

I sure as hell wouldn't want this kind of matchmaking in this game,

Instead. just make Rank and Unranked playlist, Make it hard to reach rank one so the rank reset actually means something,

Took less than five minutes to even think of this idea. literally.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • agonizing
    agonizing Member Posts: 176

    Good to know I guess

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270
    1. I would rather wait extra time to find a game that's actually fair for both sides
    2. You would earn a ton of BP if the ranks were actually balanced, you could run the killer for a while, get lots of saves, and lots of gen time
    3. It sounds like you just want to go against people who are really bad
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Or a better thing would be simple change the emblems slightly, simple nerf to altruism would be a big change.

    MMR is a good thing! But it depends how strict it is, it allows a good point of balance and can give more info on what is a win. Atm I can have games with 12hooks at 5 gens which shouldn't be a thing.

    Atm ranking means so little you have rank 1 players who miss skillchecks cant look behind them and have no idea of loops, perks killers etc. And that's stupid

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Why do you assume you would wait 1-2 hours? Nobody would have that long of a queue unless you were a top tier player....which makes sense, top tier players shouldn't play against new people/casual players. I'm guessing you're a streamer worshipper considering you couldn't even make this post without referencing one of them? Also what you're describing is a normal game of top tier players swfing vs a rando killer.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    im sorry what?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm personally not looking forward to skill based matchmaking.

    The last test they did me and my mate played as a 2 man swf on both days. Here was the results:

    • Day 1: Good enough teammates and average killer.
    • Day 2: Really bad teammates (basically rank 15s or less) and good, sweaty killers.

    I personally don't believe they will get it right. How many times have they released something broken and bugged? In my opinion when SBM is released I think it'll be a broken, buggy mess.

    Now imagine they get a perfect matchmaking system. To me that is also something I don't want to see. My reasons:

    • I don't want all my killer games to be vs really good swf teams. I'm not a god killer but I get a 4K 9/10 games, and I'm not even playing Nurse, Spirit, Hag or Blight. I personally don't want to need to sweat every single game I play.
    • Survivor my SBM will be quite high also. I like to run fun perks and at least play Drunk By Daylight twice a week. Last thing I want is every game to be Ruin, Pop, Tinkerer etc. Facing the same killers every single game also.
    • I have 2 friends as survivor I'm trying to teach the game. They are around green ranks and can't really loop. I don't want them to face sweaty killers every single game because of my SBM rating.

    The TL;DR version of this part is I don't want every game to be a sweat fest. Whether I play killer or survivor I don't want to need to run meta perks and play sweaty every game. I'm not saying "All I want is easy games", I'm just saying I'd rather a good balance.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I would like to play with people around my skill level. If players are good enough to beat the best players they should verse them. I am in no way good enough but get them fairly often as I get into red ranks.

    I like the idea of sbmm and it can't get here soon enough imo.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    The fact that during the SBM test. it took me almost half an hour to a full HOUR just to get one match and an extra 5 minutes Just to get into the game to just barely 3k that game cause i had to tunnel off hook, AND Camp just to force a death hook,

    That is not good game design. i want actual fun matches. not sweat matches 24/7 on my main

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You don't have to "sweat" unless you want to. If you just take the L a few times, your MMR will adjust.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,225

    The moment SBM drops I'm gonna throw the game to lower my rating as killer.

    No I won't be smurfing. I'll just gonna use meme builds and chill around. Probably will let everyone escape even if I can win.

    I just don't want to sweat like raining during my free time.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    And poor Duddley and his band of randoms don't want to face your sweaty nurse. If you want to relax then play relaxed and let your mmr fall to that level.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I'm pretty sure literally nobody had more than like a 10 min queue, even god streamers, so don't try to act like you did.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    So forcing myself to lose the match just to get "Casual" Matches is 100% bad game design

    That's like saying you cannot play a Casual match in any other game since you're the top .1% Hillbilly.

    So now you're forced to wait that long to get the top .1% survivors aswel JUST to get that match. so have fun sitting in Matchmaking,

    That is a huge lie. Don't defend the broken Sbm when it even took dowsey 2 hours for his twins. then an hour after that

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So forcing myself to lose the match just to get "Casual" Matches is 100% bad game design

    No, it's great design. You want to play casually? Then play casually, but you will lose against opponents of equal skill who aren't playing casually. If you want to try to win, then you will go up against opponents of equal skill who are also trying to win.

    The alternative would be you always getting people who are below your level of skill so you can win while playing casually or not. In other words, other people are matched with someone who outskills them and their loss is basically set in stone.

    I'll take option #1, thank you very much. If you want to win so badly, then win, but you're getting a fair trial.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    With bad implementation you will need to wait long, but this can be easily fixed.

    The fact that Otz can do 50 win streak is the actual problem. What's the point of 50 win streak if you most often get low skill opponents?

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    So you don't wanna see him do the impossible 50 wins ina row? ight..

    No it's not,

    Cause it forces you to verse lower skilled survivors than what your actual skill is,

    That and i don't want to play 24/7 sweat. when. EVEN if you play perfect as killer, you still get 3-4 outed because 4 ds / unbreak is easy to play against right'?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Cause it forces you to verse lower skilled survivors than what your actual skill is,

    No, that's the current system, since you can apparently win without even trying to.

    That and i don't want to play 24/7 sweat. when. EVEN if you play perfect as killer, you still get 3-4 outed because 4 ds / unbreak is easy to play against right'?

    So don't play "24/7 sweat", but also accept the losses that come with that when going up against opponents of equal skill. You can't have it both ways.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    So it's alright for low tier killers. mid tiers and barely high tier killers to struggle against good survivors right?

    Cause if that's the case. game is just dead right then and there,

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's alright for players to go up against other players of equal skill (or who are trying as hard as each other to win). That's what I said, I'm not sure how your rhetorical question fits into that.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Nobody wants to lose. There are games where I go in to mess around, have fun and more than likely die. Me and a mate literally killed ourselves 2/3 times trying to go for flashbang locker saves. Though there are games where I go in, especially with extra bloodpoints on the line where I want to win.

    If your not running meta perks and you face your 5th Spirit in 3 hours, you'll probably think "God I wish I had Iron Will and Dead Hard". Btw this isn't a random example, this did happen in one of their previous tests.

    I'm not saying I want easy games every game because that would be extremely boring and unfun. I just want a good mix of tough and laid back games. This game was build of variety and if you play this game at the top level then variety is going to go out the window when MMR is added.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I just want a good mix of tough and laid back games.

    And you can have those! But you will be going up against opponents of equal skill, so you'll likely lose. The alternative is having you go up against less-skilled opponents, and that's not fun for them.

    This game was build of variety and if you play this game at the top level then variety is going to go out the window when MMR is added.

    That's how it is in every competitive game. A meta always establishes itself.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594


    Literally. the top .1% craps on EVERY single killer. including a perfect Nurse / Spirit,

    Even with meta perks, killer still loses,

    Do you NOT see how unbalanced that is,

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I think some people use the term "casual" to mean playing in a fairly chill way but ultimately still always winning, which sounds mostly like matchmaking failure. When the rank reset before last borked and sent me to rank 14 I played multiple games of demo with average perks and addons and got 12 hook 4ks with 4/5 gens up without a great deal of effort. A casual game for me yeah, but I doubt it felt that way to them.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    I don't want to feel punished for doing well in matches with the game raising my MMR higher constantly. You should never have to feel bad about doing well in a game, it's stupid. I'd much rather have a diverse range of games from me getting stomped, to me stomping.

    I hate having to sweat, plus high level play for this game is boring as hell. I really do not want SBMM.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You don't have to "sweat" if you don't want to, but then you'll also have to learn to take the losses as they come.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    No we won't lol I don't mind losing if it's a fun game but it's not fun facing the same perks as killer or facing the same killer and perks as survivor. As I said before this game has a lot of variety which will be lost once MMR is implemented.

    A meta always establishes itself but not every player wants to use/face the meta every single game. I enjoy perks like Appraisal and Aftercare but when MMR is implemented I'm not going to be able to run that.

    All of this is IF they get SBM perfect. Let's be honest it won't be on release and we don't know how long it will take for them to get it to a good state. I don't want to potentially face green ranks or less every game because I'll destroy them and it won't be fun for anyone.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    A meta always establishes itself but not every player wants to use/face the meta every single game. I enjoy perks like Appraisal and Aftercare but when MMR is implemented I'm not going to be able to run that.

    MMR isn't going to stop you from running those perks, though, is it? It's just that you value winning more than build variety. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but don't blame MMR for that.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Meaning the Following:

    A: Every Single Killer will not be played at the Best of the Abilities. Due to them havin' Limits beyond the player's control,

    B: Killers get Screwed over by good Rng for survivors, Meaning that if you don't mindgame properly, it'll hurt your chase if its 4 really good loopers,

    C: Meaning you'll ONLY,, and i Mean, ONLY Face Nurse and Spirit all game. with Ruin / Undying, Does that sound like fun to you?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    1. That's still true now, so nothing's going to change in that regard.
    2. Survivors get screwed by good RNG for killers. Again, nothing's going to change in this regard.
    3. That's only true if you're the very best of the best. Even then, that'll only happen if you constantly "sweat". "Sweating" is a choice, and choices have consequences. I want to play with people who are playing on my level, even if I and/or they can do better.
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    If I valued winning more than build variety then stacks wouldn't be in my main perks for the past few years lol once the event is over I'll probably also run Flashbangs every game too. If I really cared that much about winning I wouldn't be bringing flashlights, flashbang or stacks.

    A meta always establishes itself but not every player wants to use/face the meta every single game. I enjoy perks like Appraisal and Aftercare but when MMR is implemented I'm not going to be able to run that.

    Take what I said here and pretend I'm talking about killer. Let's say I want to run Franklin's and Hoarder (think that's what it's called) on Ghostface. Your seriously not going to say that MMR isn't going to stop me running them. I can run that build maybe once or twice but when every game is potentially going to be very sweaty people will eventually revert back to a meta build.

    Everybody wants to win to some extent. Also this is just me but I purely care about points. I would rather lose with 23K than win with 17K.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You keep saying you don't care much about winning, but then you also say that you can't run sub-optimal builds more than once or twice because you'd be going up against people who are running meta builds (implying you'd lose against them). It's one or the other, not both.

    MMR, if it works properly, will match you with people who are playing at your level of skill. If you choose (because it is a choice) to keep playing "sweatier" every time in order to win, then you'll keep getting players who are better. That's just the way it works.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    I think that maybe the MMR should be visible and replace the rank in the scoreboard. It could be divided like this : Mud, Wood, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Iridescent, and then divided in III,II and I.

    Like current matchmaking it would search MMR closest to you (imagine you are Silver II, you can be placed in a game with Bronze II up to Gold II) And each 90 sec the limits are 1 division wider (Bronze III to Gold III) etc.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    That would make the forums even more insufferable. People already whip out their "red rank both sides btw" before announcing their terrible opinions

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    i guess that it would make it easier to realize people level because right now ranks doesn't matter one bit and only show how much someone is playing ^^

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Well as killer if your running a sub-optimal build the game isn't going to last that long if your facing a good team. You won't get to have any fun because the game isn't going to last long enough for you to do anything.

    That's a big IF it works properly lol I'm still of the belief that when it's released there will be something wrong. What if you get a pretty high MMR rating and then like me you have a day or 2 where you mess around (drinking nights). Those nights will be sooo miserable. Constantly Spirits, Nurses, Hags..........

    What about the others you play with? I have a few friends who aren't great at this game and only play it to play with me. What a miserable experience they will have getting matched with killers too high for them. Currently when we play we get a good mix of killers my rank and some there's so it's not that bad. There are games I need to take control and say do this or do that but others where we can relax.

    This is something neither of us will change the others mind on. Seems like your looking forward to it which is fair enough. I've seen what MMR has done for some other games and wouldn't like to see that added to this game.

  • MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL
    MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL Member Posts: 36

    *approve deez nuuts*

    There will be a lot more low rank killers and a fair amount of midrank killers, there will mainly be long waits at high elo probably like it was in diamond and sometimes plat on league if I remember those tier names correctly. You will also likely run into the same players more often. And once high mmr killers continue running into the same players that have figured out how to play around them and begin to recognize so many of the premades they'll probably get bored and quit or get bored with how tedious and long a time it will take to tank their rank just for another night or two's of fun before they're right back there again. But the rest of the game will probably be fine, still full of toxicity though, like league with every bronze thinking they're trick2g and the rest of us watching it on saltyteemo.

    Only the high mmr killers being frustrated will actually make the game healthier for 80-90% of the playerbase though. And fewer of Those killers quitting will bump up the queue times quality and match quality for lower tier survivors even lower tier swf. And the money comes from the scrubs mostly. So they won't los emuch money on it, and in fact, might even gain a little if more scrub killers or newbie killers started buying skins for their killers too. only high mmr will be a mess between half hour to hour long queue length and boring predictable gameplay. They'll just be playing it out of habit, like they already do now probably, having played it for so long they're too afraid or unmotivated to get into another game and have to learn it all over again.

  • MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL
    MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL Member Posts: 36

    there will be a lot more low rank killers and a fair amount of midrank killers, there will mainly be long waits at high elo probably like it was in diamond and sometimes plat on league if I remember those tier names correctly. You will also likely run into the same players more often. And once high mmr killers continue running into the same players that have figured out how to play around them and begin to recognize so many of the premades they'll probably get bored and quit or get bored with how tedious and long a time it will take to tank their rank just for another night or two's of fun before they're right back there again. But the rest of the game will probably be fine, still full of toxicity though, just like league with every bronze thinking they're trick2g and the rest of us watching it on saltyteemo.

    Only the high mmr killers being frustrated will actually make the game healthier for 80-90% of the playerbase though. And fewer of Those killers quitting will bump up the queue times quality and match quality for lower tier survivors even lower tier swf. And the money comes from the scrubs mostly. So they won't los emuch money on it, and in fact, might even gain a little if more scrub killers or newbie killers started buying skins for their killers too. only high mmr will be a mess between half hour to hour long queue length and boring predictable gameplay. They'll just be playing it out of habit, like they already do now probably, having played it for so long they're too afraid or unmotivated to get into another game and have to learn it all over again.

    approve deez nuts

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    So what yer saying is. I should punish myself by forcing myself to lose, just to actually have fun in a casual / party game..

    Are you kidding me my guy? Like deadass.. You can't be serious,

    SBM. Will. Kill. Every. Single. Killer.
