This is genuinely the worst Archive Challenge you've ever made.

I have done every single challenge in every other level of every other Tome except the most recent one, for context. I know what all of the challenges are, and I know how garbage a lot of them are.
That said, BHVR, what the absolute flying ######### is this?!
No, seriously, what the hell were you thinking when you designed this challenge? There's so many flaws in it that a high-rise apartment gets envious, swiss cheese craves the amount of holes this challenge has. What in the name of every known Deity is this?
Yes, I'm angry.
EDIT: You all seem to be missing the fact this is solo survivor when matchmaking doesn't function
... just do gens with a buddy.
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There's a perk that can help with this....
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Use bond run around until you find someone a gen.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
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Just, like, use bond and visionary and play for generators. What's the problem?
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4 sacrifices in the basement and that plague one have this beat
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Goodness! What a great idea!
Get my boyfriend out of work and my friends out of college and I'd love to!
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Took me 3 trials, wasn't that bad. Nobody in solo does gens so I got it easily.
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Better Together and Prove Thyself? Because uh
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LOL right. I still have not done this. This one takes the cake for sure.
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I've been using this build for ages and have yet to finish it because nobody in solo does gens take a guess what the issue is
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They weren't that bad. At least they didn't need me to rely on solo teammates
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Nothing in the game at all aside from your own lack of awareness is keeping you from walking up to a survivor on a generator that you can see with bond and/or visionary. That's all you.
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This is not even a contender for worst archive challenge.
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The moment you select this challenge, is the moment you will get teammates who do not wish to do gens. It is like getting a healing challenge to go against the Plague.
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######### add me then if you want to be a sour sport! I'd get this challenge done with you as fast as possible. I'll commit to a gen, I'll eat 70 hatchets. If you seriously need help, just add me.
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Apart from them not doing the generators but okay
Seriously, I have gone through several games where I have singlehandedly repaired all 4 completed generators (then we all died). Mostly today, when I'm trying to do this challenge, because for some reason a rank 4 and a rank 20 are completely compatible matchmaking wise.
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I just farmed for the plague one and haven’t even attempted the basement one but I can’t recall a single game where I’ve had 4 deaths in the basement
At least the one you’re on is completed over multiple games
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...So just run circles til you see someone start a generator and help them with it?
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i get your frustrations but realistically speaking none of the multi-trial challenges are that hard, they're meant to just be things you can work on in the background
some of the single trial challenges though can bite my *** with a side of choke on it
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Considering I've done almost all of the other "worst" ones in under 5 trials please let me know which ones are so horrible.
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This is the one you're taking issue with? Not 'be the one to complete 4 generators' or 'hide within 10m of the killer for 60s in one game' or 'sacrifice all four survivors in the basement (with nobody DCing)'?
Just find someone doing a gen and go on it with them. Solo queue is not so hilariously, memetically bad that nobody ever does a gen.
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Bestie they do not do any generators I don't know how I can make this clearer
Then give me your teammates because current EU solo is filled with the exact survivors you're saying don't exist.
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You haven't seen them do generators because you're not running visionary or bond.
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It wasn't that hard ngl, I played insidious Bubba the day after Rank Reset. Two trials.
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So you're saying nobody on the EU solo servers except you do generators. Not just on the occasional horrible game, but ever.
I'm sorry, but I do not believe this claim. Solo queue is bad, but it is not that bad.
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Better Together shows me all survivors whenever one goes down and I'm on a gen. A lot of the teammates have Kindred equipped. Also whenever I'm downed, I can see all of their auras.
Try again.
(Visionary doesn't even show the auras of other survivors lmao)
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Today, currently, during the daytime when all I'm being matched with are yellow ranks and below, that's exactly what I'm saying. Ever? No, of course not. That's such a stupid claim. Today, whilst I have been trying to do this challenge, yes.
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I thought the same but once you go for it it's not too bad. I recommend bubba or trapper and you can do it probably first try. Iron/aggitation get one in there and snowball from there.
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Yeah true but now I just have no incentive to do it since I got the charm from the other path
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Visionary shows you the aura of generators that survivors may be on right before you swing the camera around and miss their get up animation 🙃
All I'm saying is it sounds like you're avoiding using any form of generator detection for yourself and instead blame everyone else for not coming to you and helping with your challenge.
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Once you start a challenge like this you will probably only get teammates that do my favourite bullshit challenge: Hide within 10 meters of the killer for 120 seconds. ;)
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If it took you more than 5 trials to do this challenge then that is a you problem. I got it done in 3. Very easy.
Any of the tedious grind challenges are worse e.g. cleanse 20 totems. The Dwight the brave challenge that required you to just follow the killer around like a fool to stay in their terror radius for like two minutes without being spotted. Sacrificing four survivors in the basement in a single match. The Plague one was ridiculous.
All this challenge needs is Bond. Find team mates on gens. Its simple.
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This doesn't seem that bad at all.
It'a something that will happen eventually on it's own. If you leave it as last it will eventually happen even if you don't activily try to do it
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Can confirm. Got it first try back then.
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This ones super easy though, run bond + better together + prove thyself 🤷♂️ I play solo almost exclusively and did this pretty quick
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All of them except Bond and I have yet to have anyone but me complete a generator :)
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Drop iron will for bond until you get the challenge done.
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As soon as I take off Iron Will I will face Samantha 3 trials in a row, because that's what's happened every time before (and WGLF is a comfort perk due to it's meaning to me).
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I'll take co-op while solo over these two challenges.
Really hate the escaping through hatch with a specific item one - have to hope the randoms will just leave instead of teabagging the killer until time runs out, the killer doesn't close hatch first, that killer isn't running Franklin's and hit you before you can go through hatch, and that you have enough maps to try and complete the challenge. Many of the challenges they put out are definitely meant for 4swf not solo or even 2swf.
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Godtier Spirit player, known as one of the best, genuinely has £2500+ headphones and is almost impossible to outplay. Very fun.
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Okay yeah that Hatch challenge seems abysmal the one I'm complaining about may take 2nd seat when I try it.
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I got this in 3 matches at rank 10. I used Bond / Better together/ Prove thyself. I brought the offering where I start the trial w someone else. Sounds like bad luck.
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Must just be having really ######### luck with teammates then :/
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It seems really tame compared to other challenges. I think you're just stressed out, and that's fine, everyone does.
Solo queue isn't fun and I agree but don't feel hopeless. However the issue seems like it's solo queue, and not the challenge itself.
If you completed the challenge before I said all of this then whoopies.
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They're all yellow ranks. I'm in red and have been rank 1 for ages. :)
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I feel your pain. This took me about 20 trials. I mean I didn't dedicated a build to it but I tried to go out of my way to work on gens with others but every time the survivor would stay for about 5 seconds then they left to unhook or work on another gen or the killer came over.
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Hatch one is really going to be luck more than anything if you don't have 4swf. I was looking at my characters inventories and even though I go out of my way to get maps on bloodwebs (started going for those and flashlights after seeing them on tome challenges) on my p3 50 maxed out Zarina I have 25 maps total meanwhile I have 137 brown medkits. Like atleast if the challenge is escaping through hatch with a specific item have it be one that is a common item not rare or ultra rare.
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You can do it man!