Tunneling is worst than ever, stop defending it

Venzhas Member Posts: 684
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Yeah another tunneling topic, yeah we know the song its a legit strategy but wow, now as a solo Q I feel lucky when i'm matched with someone that doesn't hard tunnel every game, or camp

And there is most of the time no genrush, no toxicity, to me its not a question of counterplay, its just "i dont want to play fair, because i dont mind about other people fun so let's bully them for no reasons "

I had to bring back my DS which is, even added to BT, still not enough to counter it in my opinion

Plus this event is totally failed, since they get tons of BP for playing like jerks. The idea was to reunite people, but it divided more than ever.

I cant imagine new players on DBD how this behavior can keep them playing ?

This + lag issues = Unplayable game.

No thanks

Post edited by Venzhas on


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,394

    I honestly haven't experienced that much hard tunneling. It's really not that wide spread as people claim.

    Also, chases are supposedly the most fun part of dbd so what's the real issue if the Killer decides to chase you the entire match?

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Ok (?)

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    Let's see if I can explain a bit(Full Disclosure: I am a Survivor main, and occasional Killer):

    Not everything is tunneling. There are a number of reasons that a Killer might do what is referred to by Survivor as tunneling. On my own part, most of that 'tunneling' is due to overly aggressive and unsafe saves by Survivors. If you are going to unhook someone right under my nose(i.e. while the hook is still in my terror radius, and I don't need a noise notification to see that the save has happened), then I am going to punish you and your team for that unsafe save by knocking that Survivor over and hanging them right back up. Don't like that? Use Borrowed Time. If you're not going to use Borrowed, then either don't perform an unsafe save....or, accept the penalty.

    Another instance where Killers will tunnel for reasons is abusive play by Survivors. If you're going to exploit objects and geography, tryhard, flashlight spam, body-block a hook, or other blatantly exploitive ways to abuse the Killer and the game, I am going to run you down, knock you over, and hang you up. And in really egregious cases, I will camp you on top of it, and just shake my head at others when they come in to save. And sometimes, just sometimes, once the offending Survivor is sacked, I'll go open a gate and let the rest out, just to put a period at the end of the sentence.

    That said, some Killers do tunnel in a manner that either speaks to their inexperience(they don't yet realize that tunneling a Survivor for a whole minute plus is actually a gift to the Survivors), or, yes, they're deliberately being a tool, which is unfortunately going to happen from time to time.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    1 - Of course its worst than ever since i'ts instant T , im playing since 2018 and i never met so much tunneling before. So yup i guess it will be worst again in the future

    2- stop talking to me as an newbie, i know that the killer wont leave an hooked surv if someone nearby. Im talking about the ones that are in the opposite of the map but that gonna come back just to sue you to death, that have the choice to start another chase but that gonna choose the easy way out and ruins someone else game on purpose. Yeaah its part of the game... just like making a fishtail in a F1 race

    3- No, if a killer wants you dead, he will eat the DS and the BT no matter what. You can be unlucky with the map structure but stop calling someone's gameplay you dont even know potato, at this point its laughable

    4- because the event is just basically this. The killer tends to play more unfair since he will be rewarded anyway

    5 - once again, no. I can answer that maybe other killers can catch on, have 3k or even 4k without being jerks ? We wouldnt have such DC's as survs if the game were fair. And i dont know why you talk about queue times but ok.

    5- im on PS4, and its awful i can tell. Anytime the killers hits someone, anytime someone use dead hard, and some randoms moments for no reasons, you got a 0,1 sec freeze.

    For others yeah sure i'm a survivor entitled blah blah blah git gud blah blah blah..

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118
    1. Not talking to you as a newbie. I'm deconstructing your arguments. Now attached to that, if you get unhooked with the Killer being across the map and he comes back and immediately finds you, that sounds like you're either leaving scratch marks to your position, or you just stood under the hook to get healed. If I as a Killer do a Gen patrol and I don't see a living soul along the way, and the only notification I get is where you were unhooked, I'm naturally going to go over there. Hopefully to get the Survivor that unhooked you. If you're the ONLY person there that I see on my way back, I'm naturally going to chase you and down you. So if the shoe fits... lace it up.
    2. I most certainly can, mistakes happen. If RNG is on your side in terms of vaults, pallets, and tiles and you're STILL messing up against someone who is equally skilled or worse than you, that's bad play on your part. Or in other words, being a potato Survivor because I've seen it and done it myself from time to time.
    3. Event doesn't correlate with being tunneled.
    4. DC's still occur regardless of whether someone get's tunneled or not. I've had people DC on me for being the first ones downed. I've seen people DC when a Killer plays Freddy or Spirit. I've had people DC on me just out of spite right before I hook them. People will even DC when they get hit after dropping a pallet. DC by tunneling is not as common as you think. And DC is only more rampant now since they removed penalties for it.
  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Tunneling is not worse than ever. With the changes in perks and base mechanics its easier to prevent yourself from being focused down now.

    BT- it works in every situation so there's no reason not to run it, its a guaranteed safe unhook.

    DS- while you cant be immune and do actions in the killers face it gives you the chance to save yourself, stun the killer, and make distance.(they also made obsessions always present so killers have to assume there's at least 1 DS)

    We'll make it- 8 sec heals

    Resurgence- you're unhooked with 50% heal progress

    Lucky break- no blood or scratch marks for 1 min.

    There are options for survivors to not be tunneled but most don't put any effort in and expect the killer(who isn't your friend) to take it easy on them for no reason.

    Instead of complaining about tunneling try and reflect on what got you into that situation and adjust in the future.

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    Haha, no.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    But.....the devs said it's legit! Ps... Same devs that has completely broken game for 20 days now for 50% of community but hey they said so

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    You say that like it means the completely biased playerbase (on both sides) knows the balancing better than the devs. 😂

    If that were the case, this game would be a bigger mess, and Survivors would start on hooks and Killers would never be able to kill anyone.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's not really that legitimate a strategy, it only works on teams you could have killed anyway and is useless against sweaty survivors becuase they just leave you to it and do gens.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    If devs knows balance they wouldn't do nerfs/buffs strictly to playerbase suggestion and rant and let's be real just look at ds it was playerbase asked and suggested nerf and it turned out as great nerf and balanced and when they buffed some perks on their own what happened? Ah yes it's same as if they don't even exist in game because nobody is using them... Playerbase indeed knows the balance better than devs because players play this game each day and knows what's up with it I'm 100% sure players could make better nerf to ruin undying than what devs did they made combo useless as such plus gave survivors multiple perks to destroy those totems in first min of match.... Great job btw

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    You think they make buffs and nerfs based on player suggestion? You really don't know how game design works.

    Sure, they may use the forums and other social media as ways to get a players-eye-view of the game, but they go by information they get behind the scenes to determine what to buff or nerf next, and how.

    Does this mean they don't make mistakes? No.

    But to assume the player base; most of which wants to remove camping, tunneling, slugging, NoED, Nurse, Spirit, Doctor, and D.Strike, Dead Hard, pallets, the DC penalty, etc. Knows better is incredibly laughable.

    Just because you're salty over some changes does not mean the devs don't know what they are doing. Perhaps, just perhaps, you're opinions on their changes are biased towards whatever role you enjoy more? Or just biased in general with 'I don't agree with this change, so it's bad, which means the devs are bad'.

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477

    Targeting a recently unhooked survivor, choosing to ignore easier targets to ruin someone’s game.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Yes they do actually ds nerf is 100% copied from forum suggestions when they nerfed ds on their own years ago they made even more powerful ds than it was orginally aka the last ds we had they simply don't know how to make things right in this game that's a fact just look at state of game right now we're celebrating 5 years of broken game and it's never been more broken anyway we went out of subject tunelling is still a dick move and I never said to remove it because it's impossible to remove it I just said they said it's fine in sarcastic tone I have no intention to argue over this everyone have different opinion and that's it I won't change mine neither will you yours have a nice day

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    100% agree. Every time I try to play survivor to take a break from killer I just get tunneled out of existence just cause I just happened to be the first person found (been spawning right next to the killer a ton so not sure if its a bug or just getting unlucky).

    Like I get it killer is hard to play at red ranks and killers do get the short end of the straw. I play a red ranks as well its stressful as F. But my god do killers just LOVE to play victim and take it out on people who are just trying to enjoy the anniversary. It always gets like this during any event an increase in Tunneling, Camping I would include farming but thats not AS annoying.

    Killer mains are starting to become just as entitled as survivors mains and they honestly don't see the irony.

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477

    The unhooked and injured survivor is not the easiest. First of all borrowed time is a thing, second of all I have seen many killers ignore other injured survivors to go after the recently unhooked.

    There is no excuse for that. If the devs knew how to deal with tunneling/camping, it wouldn’t be a thing.

    You need to stop playing this way, because soon you won’t be able to win without making it unfair for the other side. If the devs make it bannable how would you win?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Considering I only tunnel if I really need to apply pressure (IE: 3 gens pop in 1 chase), or if I just happen to run into the same Survivor again (Bad luck for them, but why TF would I walk away?); yes. I win without tunneling all the time.

    There are perks to counter it. Survivors need to stop demanding the entire game tie Killer's hands, then tell Killers to 'git gud'.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited July 2021

    "i dont understand killers, im only using a perk

    Survivor: The killer used NOED. That's cheating!

    Killer: I'm only using a perk >.>

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    With all the totem perks survivors have been getting lately. The buff to small game, detective's hunch, Inner Strength and now Jill's counterforce perk. I wonder if the devs are secretly telling survivors to "cleanse da #@$%ing bonez!!!"

  • the_new
    the_new Member Posts: 175

    sometimes it's impossible for a killer not to tunnel when a survivor gets unhooked and the killer going towards them sometimes the survivor who unhooks the person just disappears and all you have to chase is the unhooked person and there point of leaving chase because it's free pressure

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    People defend valid strategies that are over exaggerated in how often it is and how annoy or whatever it can be.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Yeah but I've had many Survivors scream that I'm tunneling when I return to the hook to find them healing each other. And if I hit the injured guy? Tunneling!

    Because Survivors demand I play badly & let the injured guy go while I chase the healthy Survivor for a minute and a half, eating 3 more pallets along the way.

    I'll keep saying it; When Survivors demand Killer's 'Stop tunneling/camping/slugging', even if they don't realize it, they are really saying 'Stop trying to win'. Because they are asking Killers to stop using effective tactics.

    It would be exactly like Killers demanding Survivors stop 'genrushing'. Rushing gens or tunneling kills; both are about doing the given objective as fast as possible.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    If your an easy target, there is no reason for the killer to make things harder on themselves.

    Assume that every killer gives no chances and treat the first chase like it is the only one you get. Stealth is highly effective and looping until downed is not your only option.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So how is this any different from survivors going for a gen that is at 90% and regressing instead of going for another 0% gen?

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572

    Some jumbled thoughts on the state of tunneling and DS from someone with a collective 1k hours as killer and survivor:

    The existence of tunneling and its current counters make (non-4 man SWF) survivor much less fun than it should be imo because it feels like you pretty much have to dedicate 2 perk slots to anti-tunnel insurance, stifling build diversity.

    I've been activating DS on killers more than before the nerf lately, which is insane to me. If teammates are touching gens and you're not half bad at looping then eating a DS should cause the killer to lose unless it's a crazy Nurse, Blight, or Spirit.

    It still feels bad that it's only a single use though so after they eat it they're free to tunnel you off second hook if they end up catching you again and they know it.

    Doesn't help also that red rank solo queue teammates never run DS either and suck at looping so if the killer decides to tunnel them they just instantly die and you play a heavily lopsided 1v3.

  • femotek820
    femotek820 Member Posts: 119