Imagine killing 1 person with NOED and thinking you're a good killer.

I'm just really salty that you can earn free kills because of 1 perk that has no reasonable counterplay.
Rant over.
10 -
What? No reasonable counter play?
Damn, better nerf Hexes... no way to counter.
35 -
It has counterplay tho... It is just not that easy to find survivors willing to do what has to be done.
27 -
The perk is relatively fine, it's just poorly designed to work way more effectively against solo queue. Otherwise, it can easily be shutdown by doing totems.
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16 -
Imagine it being the year 2021. After a year of civil unrest and suffering through a pandemic, you find yourself on a video game forum upset about a perk that sometimes secures one kill.
Just busting your balls.
7 -
Aww, it happens all the times when I finish setting traps as Trapper and 4 Gen done because I never use slow down perks. Thank the lord Noed always give me 1 free kill.
Because Survivors refuse to do 5 totems when they're at 12 hooks free but focus on the last Gen.
1 -
Imagine thinking 1 game is a reasonable sample size to determine a player's skill in a game with so many RNG elements.
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Normal hexes are fine. It's a hex that you have to do 5 dull bones to cleanse.
6 -
the counter play is not to be such a captain save-a-bro and just escape.
1 -
You can just cleanse NOED after the totem gets lit from the last generator being done.
10 -
Best perk in the game btw.
0 -
Oh so when do you do it? Before or after it actually tells you it's active?
4 -
I killed 2 before the last gen popped, downed 1 as the last gen popped then downed the last one with nied. Didnt even get to use blood warden. Am i a good killer?
0 -
Imagine being that one survivor who died because of noed then coming onto the forms to complain about a mediocre perk.
8 -
I bring a map or Detective's Hunch. Not only do I get a ton of bloodpoints but no Noed... ever.
Funny how doing objectives works eh?
3 -
I've had situations where after the killer downs a survivor with NOED, they camp them and then me and the rest of the survivors go looking for NOED, cleanse it and go for a save.
I've went past dull totems that I later come back to after the last generator finishes and see it is now lit up and cleanse it before the killer gets any value from it.
Sometimes, the totem I'm currently cleansing will light up when the last generator finishes.
3 -
Imagine not knowing that it's used constantly in tournaments. It's top-tier for a reason.
2 -
NOED discussions are very old at this point and this one does not have much to add to the galactic borders of NOED threads buried in the forum
1 -
I love this 'free kills' BS Survivors spew to pretend some perks are unfair. Newsflash: If the Killer hit you, downed, you, picked you up, and no one saved you before he hooked you; it was not a 'free kill'.
NoED needs one totem to go uncleansed for an entire match, THEN not get cleansed in the end game. That's not a 'free kill'. That's risk vs reward. And his risk was rewarded by Survivors being lazy.
But I know, I know. Killers never do anything right; our kills are either 'free' or 'toxic'. No Killer has ever gotten a legit kill, according to these forums. 😂🤣😂
5 -
And if counterforce isn't good enough:
Or bring a map. And if you wanted to get some benefit from doing totems, inner strength exists.
And if you're gonna bring up the argument that you shouldn't have to bring in an item or perk to hard counter a killer perk that's not even good to begin with put it this way: they had to bring that perk and only use 3 perks the entire match to get their 1 kill secured at the end. And they're also running the risk of not even getting value from it if they're really that bad.
3 -
Well then if you don't think it's good you can not run it. But the killers who continue to be rewarded for losing the game will keep using it. The meta doesn't revolve around what you think is or isn't useful.
1 -
Imagine dying
5 -
It's used in like every tournament for a reason. They nerfed gen speeds, DS, OoO, and Iri Head, it's time for NOEDs turn. Lol victim thread? I'm just talking about how a perk is overpowered and needs to be changed, ######### are you talking about lmao.
2 -
Killers have not 'lost the game' until the Survivors escape. And at that point, NoED can't hurt you.
Any earlier than 'Remaining Survivors left' and the game is not over, because the Killer can still kill you.
All this 'rewards failure' and 'already lost' tripe is just propaganda to pretend NoED is better than it is.
9 -
Yesterday on Midwich, I was looping the Killer for our final gen. While injured, the Killer managed to hit me just after the final gen popped.
BANG! NOED activated but didn't matter cause injured.
I got hung on the hook and the Killer patrolled my hook like any good killer would. With the auras, I could see my team running around the map instead of opening the gates. I knew exactly what they were doing. I held on as long as I could and I could see the Bill working on what seemed to be a totem.
NOED was gone. The boys came over and ######### pulled my ass off. Was some tense moments and one of our teammates got downed near the gate. Instead of hooking the downed player, the Killer tried to down more of us as we tried to open the gate. One teammate managed to get to the gate and open it(it wasn't 99%'d lol) and runs out getting injured from committing to the gate.. All this while our downed teammate continues to crawl into the gate. The Killer turns his sights to me as I try to loop as long as I could and prevent him from picking up the downed survivor. The killer downs me out of the gate and tries to pick up the downed survivor but they've already made it past the exit right behind me.
The Bill, left behind, eventually makes his way out the other gate.
Not SWF. Thanks and GGs were spread among the PC survs while the console Killer couldn't respond back but was probably punching air behind his monitor.
First time I've seen NOED proc'd in probably half a year. Was fun to have a team that knew exactly what to do and wasn't SWF.
5 -
Ikr. Kinda cringe.
2 -
You are losing the game when you lose all gens. It doesn't matter what you say, the killer lost 5 gens and the survivors are almost escaped, that's losing the game. NOED is the equivalent of a Mario Kart item that you use when you're in last place and it boosts you up to second or first place.
3 -
killers aren't being rewarded because of NOED though, unless the survivor team really screws up. Unless you count the sacrifice bloodpoints as the reward. A single kill thanks to NOED isn't a win for the killer. It's not fun to be hit by NOED, and it's badly designed and 'cheap'. But it's definitely not rewarding killers unless they are content with losing and getting at most a single kill (usually it's only a down, then NOED gets cleansed and they get out anyway) thanks to a perk.
0 -
Man, this game has so many things to rant. This person has this problem, another person has another problem. You just dont come to this forum and input every thread with "stop embarrassing yourself and play better"
People eventually be better, but there are always aspect they dont like.
2 -
The game isn't over till the survivors are out the gate. That's why there's perks like Blood Warden, Rancor, No Way Out, Fire Up!, Remember Me, and of course, NOED. Perks specifically designed for that late late game to help you get an edge before the survivors are finally out the ######### gate.
And then you also got ######### Tombstone Myers who's willing to drop all 5 gens to get his Tier III stalked up and then massacre everyone as they panic with all gens done.
3 -
Well thanks for being embarrassed for me, you're a good guy.
2 -
Losing the game is when the game is over. You don't get to invent new loss events.
Until you leave, the Killer can kill you, and has not lost yet. Whatever spin you put on it literally does not matter, because the game does not say you won, or escaped, if you are still in the match.
So NoED does not reward a losing Killer, since he has not lost until the game is over. That's how facts, and this game, work. Sorry. 🤷♀️
5 -
Bro you didn't read what I said lol, he is in the losing position. He has not lost the game yet but he is losing.
2 -
But he has not lost yet. The game is still on.
And some Killers pick the perk solely to have an end-game perk. It's called 'planning ahead' not 'playing badly'.
And it's not 'free kills' since the Killer still has to find, chase, and hit you.
And it's not 'No counterplay' because you can do bones, with any of the perks and items that help you find and cleanse totems.
Any other buzzwords Survivors want to sling around to pretend NoED needs a nerf that it clearly does not?
3 -
omfg lmao. If you are in a race and you are in last place you are losing. How clearer can I be? How can you be winning if you are in last place? The race is not over but in an F1 race the person in last place doesn't get a speed boost. You know why? Because they don't reward the person who is in LAST PLACE. He deserves to lose the race because he is losing.
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Aren't you the same guy who was complaining about SWF? Dude you just need to pressure gens, it's so easy. I think your view of the game is very misguided.
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You should watch some tournament footage. There's literally a Bubba who beat the best SWF team in the world. If you can't beat SWF then I don't know what to tell you, you're just bad.
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imagine crying over a perk you can easily counter.
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I prefer Killer to has his First Kill at 6-9th hook, then I die because of Noed at his 10th hook.
Rather than Killer tunnels me out of the game at his 3rd hook. Or even at 1st hook because camping.
0 -
I would rather the killer use their actual skill to kill me instead of downing me in 1 hit because they happened to put on a perk that game.
2 -
imagine crying on the forums because u got noed camped x3
2 -
My problem isn't with NOED itself if you actually read my post. I have a problem with people thinking they're skillful at the game when they're forced to use a perk to get only 1 kill. You literally just relied on a crutch perk to only get 1 kill.
1 -
cope harder ur maulding over noed
1 -
What lol. Literally every single killer complained about DS and then they nerfed it. NOED is the next perk on the chopping block because it was made with the same philosophy as old DS. Try harder next time lmao.
0 -
My guess is rank 15, am i close?
3 -
still coping and still seething x>
0 -
Man, if you think the complaining is bad now wait till No Way Out + bloodwarden + noed becomes meta in 3 weeks 😂
2 -
No I've been playing for 3 years and I almost never leave rank 1 lol. Literally the only people who use NOED are people who are rank 15. Is that what you are?
0 -
Counter to Noed
Remember sneaky/difficult totem spots in maps
Cleanse difficult totems
Remember where the easy ones are but don't cleanse them.
After last gen pops check the totems you left if they are lit.
Cleansing 1 totem and remembering the location of 2 is already a 50/50 on findind and getting rid of noed with only 16s of work and assuming your entire team did absolutelly nothing to prevent it