NOED Balance Changes

my_name_jeff_69 Member Posts: 95
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So, I was wondering, since the community seems to deem NOED as a unbalanced perk, what changes would you suggest be made to the perk to make it more fair?

Me personally I'd do a few things

  • Remove it being a Hex Totem
  • Since it is no longer a Hex perk, my idea is to add a timer, for 30/35/40 seconds after the last generator pops, you make all survivors exposed and you get 5% haste
  • Have it automatically show survivors the killer has NOED

I think these changes make NOED far more manageable and fair, even though my changes don't change it from being a crutch perk for the endgame, I feel like they make the perk more healthy overall.

What are your thoughts, do you like my ideas, do you hate them, let me know!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    I'm not really seeing the balance here with these suggestions. It's more balanced in it's current form, killer runs 3 perks all game, and it can easily be countered by breaking a totem. I don't see it being very useful to a killer, or even a real threat to survivors with the changes you suggest.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Blasphemy! You're supposed to all clump up at the exit gate and greed it before you know whether the killer has NOED or not. Then while 2 or 3 survivors are slugged due to poor positioning and game sense, you angrily post on the forums about NOED.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I dont think NOED is a good perk its just an annoying one.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    NoED is fine. Giving it a timer would be lame, because Survivors would just hide until it runs out.

    The only 'community' that sees it as unbalanced is the 'Too Lazy To Do Bones' community. They just want to do gens until they leave, and NoED existing as it is now is a threat to that, so they want it changed at all costs.

    The DBD community, as a whole, thinks NoED is fine.

  • D34D_B34TB0X
    D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428

    Hex: NOED is an annoying perk, if your the competitive type or if your doing a challenge. For me it's, "Oh, he has NOED." or "Oh boy, he has NOED!"... As powerful as it may seem, you really just have to either leave, go for the save, or look for the Hex totem and then save your friends. Or just cleanse it for the points then leave.

    It puts extra pressure if someone opens the gate before looking for the totem or going for the save. If I have the time and chance, if I were you, I would try to cleanse all the totems before the gens are all repaired and it's time to leave. Risky, but simple. If he has Undying or Thrill of the Hunt, oh well, ride and die.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    Noed is fine. I simply run map 90% of my matches as there is always a killer with at least ruin or both.

    If you ignore it then you get simply punished.

    You can easily tell killer has noed when he plays fking bad and you can easily genrush. he is waiting for last gen to be finished, hook the very first one and waits for others to come to him

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    No one escapes death used to work exactly like this but with a much longer timer and it was still super easy just to hide until the timer was finished

  • FunkyMunkey
    FunkyMunkey Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2021

    i think noed should be a versatile hex perk. remove the exposed effect, and change the speed from 4% to 5%. have a bunch of bonuses all-in-one. moderately slower healing, vaulting, sabo, unhooking, searching chests, and powering gates. maybe all survs get the blindness effect. maybe this particular hex totem takes 20% longer to cleanse. maybe when it is cleansed, all the effects are gone, but it acts as hex haunted grounds for a short time. noed to me just feels unrewarding and annoying asf.