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The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun



  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Oooof, two people crashed on RPD.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    On Xbox? I take it I'm sorry I was super happy to see some people saying things have improved for them 🥺🐷

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    I know this topic is for old gen consoles, but I just wanted you guys to know that on PS5 everything seems to still be smooth and fine.

    ...we survived another update :P

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Well, I didn't have so many problems at Yamaoka today and I enjoyed playing easy with Iron Will against Spirit. But Autohaven's previous game in the middle of a chase with another Spirit started to stutter. Sometimes I worry but I think that RCPD could have been solved for me? I will have to try and come back with my conclusion about it. But yes, I have noticed very well the fluidity in the lobby and in the blood network.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It isn't specifically for current-gen Console's, but it is good to hear that next-gen is still brute forcing their way forward

  • Member Posts: 124

    I’m on Xbox one and the game still lags and drops frames like crazy. First 10 seconds of the first game after download. Nothing has changed with my play experience

  • Member Posts: 7

    I'm on Ps4 Pro playing on external 7200rpm HDD.... and just played as Blight on Haddonfield. It's actually playable now. I got one minor freeze when Dragon Grip triggered for first time. I think it's because the notification was on screen. Otherwise I had no glaring issues when rushing or attacking. I'm pretty sure I sensed a few frame drops here and there, but overall it didn't really affect my gameplay. The draw distance of grass still loads in too close to camera but whatever.

    Going forward, if everyone could mention their specific platform and HDD situation, that'd be helpful. If you have a regular external drive, I'd reccommend playing off that. It won't be as helpful as an SSD, but it's probably faster than the stock 5400rpm drive in the PS4.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Yup yup, took about 16min for me. Most of my non-sports games are less than 20g

  • Member Posts: 6,340
    edited July 2021

    Lithe still drops frames, especially on the RPD map but Azarov's as well. So does Dead Hard and Sloppy, and D-Slinger firing apparently.

    Three games as killer and three more as surv, no crashes yet.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I play on an Xbox1x which already has a SSD of sorts in it. I believe Pulsar tried using an external SSD on his 1x and saw little difference.

    If a SSD helps out our PlayStation cousins that's wonderful, but kinda doing the devs work for them a little imo.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    When I played RPD 2 players DC'd, one on hook when they hit second state and one I thought on first down. I wonder if they legit DC'd or if they were crashes.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Just played with Pyramid Head on Prenn Asylum - Disturbed Ward and it was unpleasant. I got a ton of stutter when charging my power and it got worse as the match went on. It looks like this update is hit or miss depending on map and killer.

  • Member Posts: 4

    RPD is completely unplayable for me, every time I walk into the main room I drop frames like crazy and lag all over the place. I've only had one game so far where I stayed on one side of the map and was able to avoid my computer taking a dump. Killer is entirely unplayable on that map, I can't swing without teleporting and dropping down to 1 fps. :( It's worse now that the offering has been reenabled because now it's showing up more. I'm going to have to start DCing because I'm useless to my team and useless to myself.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I specifically asked the two who DC'd if they crashed and they said they did upon entering the bathroom.

    They could be lying, but there really isn't much reason for them to.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    give it a try and see if things have gotten better from your experience and let us know here.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I tried to play in RCPD and in some corridors my fps were lowered and then they returned to normal at 50-60, I don't understand why this map is poorly optimized for me compared to most closed maps that all run me up to more than 70 fps, even the new Lery runs me better than before.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    So I played a few rounds both sides and I can say for now they fixed majority of the optimization on my end. Xbox One S. The big thing for me to show it worked was Nemesis running smoothly no game breaking lag only two stutters but they didn’t have a game loosing impact.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    First surv game, against Bubba.

    Muuuuch better. Forgot to use dead hard to test. No sloppy tho but if I remember correctly I got long freezes before even when being hit without it.

    Fingers crossed it doesn't deviate much from this experience. Definitely playable for me. :)

  • Member Posts: 264

    I can't say it was perfect on my ps4, but definitely improved.

    On surv side is playable again, I had some issues playing Freddy, tho, while placing snares the frame rate started to stutter.

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited July 2021

    Didn't play killer in a while and I used another account for it. I don't have nemesis so I am not sure which killer would be suitable for the test.

    Had a game against sloppy huntress. Noticeable freezes but less than before. Dead hard works at least.

    I have mixed experience but mostly positive when compared to how it was before. Have yet to play against nemesis and rpd. Two people crashed at the start when those two were together in a game and the killer dced shortly after.

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited July 2021

    I have Oni. I will play tomorrow night and post my experience. I will do a few Mikey games too for old times sake because I mained him but dunno how helpful would that be. I can slap sloppy on for good measure.

    I will also post my future survivor experience as well.

  • Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2021

    I've had some good games tonight with small bumps of frame dropping, it's definitely improved. The only bad thing to happen really is that a killer quit just before the game began, the match still started like usual and loaded into the map but the game froze at that point and I had to close it and lost 2 pips.

    Post edited by Paul0121 on
  • Member Posts: 550
  • Member Posts: 264

    after 3 games as Freddy and 2 as twins I must say it is still a disaster on ps4, Freddy stutters when placing dream snares, and the game froze multiple times while playing twins and using Victor, especially during chases and right before charging the jump...result: still unplayable.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Just wondering the ssd should be 1tb only to see improvements?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    My SSD is only 1 TB, but my decision was based on cost. You could probably buy any size you want; the bigger the SSD the more games you can fit on it. A large SSD is expensive as hell, though.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Played a lot of killer matches yesterday. Here's what I found

    • Ghostface's Night Shroud still lags a bit, now it's half a second, used to be a full second for me
    • Stalking no longer lags
    • Survivors using dead hard in front of you won't make you appear in the other corner of the map anymore
    • Lithe still lags
    • If multiple survivors throw pallets, jump windows, or make any loud noise at the same time, you get lag
    • Flashbang doesn't lag anymore

    Also, and this is just a side note: Hit validation for pallets is broken. Not broken as in not working as intented, is broken because it rewards survivors for greeding pallets too much. There's no reason to chase after a survivor in a tight loop with a pallet now because they know they can just stun the killer and get away with it. Before it was more of a punishment for extending the loop too much You got a hit because you were greeding it out, now survivors can keep running and if you respect the pallet they extend the loop and if you get too close, you get hit.

    This game has two sides and one of the sides can get up to 80% of the playerbase, but I don't think this is fair for the killer.

    And on that topic as well: hitting a survivor feels different now. I played a lot of killer matches yesterday and I kept missing even though they were close enough for me to hit them. Same thing happened the other way around: an Oni was chasing me and he attacked me and I could see the freaking sword going through me and I didn't get hit. Can anyone here report if they had the same experience?

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I was chasing an injured Jake earlier, thought I had downed him at a pallet because he screamed as I swung and got stunned but he was still up. No adrenaline cause there was still one gen left. And I was playing as bubba.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Playing against Wraith on Dead Dawg, he was wearing one of his glowy outfits. Anytime I used Flashbang or he kicked gen that had Blastmine activated my game would freeze for several seconds and I'd be pulled in different direction from where I was running. Previous matches against Trickster on Lery's, Bubba on Hawkins, and Demo on Dead Dawg there were no freezes when using those. Also regular fps drop when NOED activated.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Playing Nemesis, I get frame drops when a survivor uses the antidote.

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    Wraith uncloaking still seems to lag a lot. Makes it hard to use his speed boost.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    I've got an update from midrange PC: The menu's are fan-#########-tastic. I don't have to spend 10 minutes waiting for the menu assets to load. Survivor is way better as well, there's still some serious lag spikes but although they're worse than ever they're also few and far between. I get maybe one a trial, sometimes two.

    Killer, though, is completely motherfucking moronically unplayable. Now my motion gets set to 0 with every little freeze and everything that survivors do makes me freeze. A survivor clicking a ######### flashlight makes me stop dead in my tracks, it doesn't register any input during the lag spikes any more. Killer was borderline unplayable before, but now it's physically not letting me play.

    Edit: I kind of want to edit my game files to lock myself out of killer in case I forget what a horrible experience I had last night, but I'll get banned for hacking the game because EAC is such a fantastic anti-cheat.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Played yesterday against a SWF, Midwich.

    I was chasing after one. The person was injured. They went pass a pallet in a turn and then dead hard back to the pallet, we were close to each other and I pressed attack.

    What happened? They screamed as if they were down but the pallet took away the hit.

    This isn't fair, it's rewarding bad plays now.

    Mind you, I'm a rank 2 killer, they were all red ranks too. They KNEW what they were doing. They knew they could just greed pallets because of hit validation.

    This isn't fair, what the hell were they thinking with this?

  • Member Posts: 550

    This patch is weird. Some people are saying they saw improvements, some people say it's worse, and some people that have never had problems before and now saying they have stutters.

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