The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
I only crashed once, was Doctor on Coldwind map. I made it almost across the map when game froze for like 30ish seconds before it kicked me back to the "press x to continue" screen. Later when I was playing survivor faced a Doctor on same map that after about 30 seconds DC'd so guessing probably same thing happened to him. Since the Mid Chapter patch I keep getting Player Level Update Error after either killer or survivor matches. Had a Trapper match where I couldn't use the trap in my hand, could only reset the traps that spawned on the map which are pretty terrible. End of match had this error message so ontop of performance issues messing with matches also have this.
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I just get the chainsaw noise and then I get booted to the dashboard.
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Playing killer on Ormond is as bad as it was after the RE chapter. Everything causes the game to freeze on that map.
I hope the update on tuesday will make the game run better...
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The patch fixed a lot of things, but not enough. The game is more playable for me on a HDD ps4, but the lagspikes when certain perks are activated are much worse pre RE-patch. Dead hard and sloppy butcher are the most noticable.
Things like a hook/unhook and a gen that gets completed are still causing lagspikes for me.
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Where did they announce an upfate for this tuesday?
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I tried playing Pyramid Head for the first time ever....the game lagged/stuttered every time I would use his was really an awful experience.
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Twitter. Can't find it right now but it was fairly recent.
Post edited by GrimoireWeiss on1 -
Playing on xbox one and it sucks so much, I've stopped playing killer for a bit because any time I go for a lunge everything freezes for a second or I get booted to the main menu and eat a DC penalty
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That was the update for switch for last tuesday, not a patch for console in general for coming tuesday.
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It's literally at the end of the tweet: "With that, weโre shifting our focus to a bugfix patch for all PC & console platforms, currently planned for next week."
This was posted on the 2nd, so he's talking about the week that starts on the 8th. I'm calling the day because updates always come on Tuesday.
Considering it's a 2 week break between updates, it MUST be something related to optimization. Minor changes always come on the week after.
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Ormond has felt terrible survivor too. Usually I like getting that map buy now I dread it since performance is so bad.
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I'm sorry, I didn't read it correctly. My bad :)
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I'm not exactly hopeful about it.
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Still stuttering a fair amount less but still a lot worst for killer
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they made it a little better on XBOX, but its still an insult the this is their "fix"
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The Back 4 Blood early access beta is up. I played a bit on PS4 earlier. It is running so smooth and there's so much more going on than in DBD. I really don't want to hear anymore BS of PS4 being too old to run DBD when Back 4 Blood, a brand new game, is running just fine during the beta on PS4.
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Rtx 3070, 9900k, 32gb ram and I still get at least one random stutter per match that lasts several seconds.
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@Pulsar I don't know how you did it. 90 pages holy #########
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It wasn't really me, it was all of you guys <3
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If that happens on your PC just imagine the performance on the consoles, in particular out dear Switch cousins...
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this is good news. Hope it works out.
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The DS skill check is too small for console. I had it pop up over 10 times today and I only hit it 2 or 3 times. Not exaggerating. On console there's a delay between hitting the button and the spinning meter stopping. You could say "press it early," which yes, I try, but the inconsistent framerate and frame drops make this a misery. The skill check shouldn't be so small that the performance issues have such a devastating effect. Like I said, I was able to hit the skill check about 20% of the time.
While optimization is needed no matter what, it's obviously not coming tomorrow, but changing the DS skill check to be larger could be done tomorrow. It really should be. The choppy framerate on the Switch makes normal skill checks very difficult.
Playing killer with the Switch's choppy framerate is an absolute nightmare. No fun at all. I'm only doing it to get challenges done and then I'm not touching killer again until this improves. The little globe icon should tell people which platform you're on, that way they'd understand why I stopped playing after getting 5 downs: "Oh, no wonder, it was a Switch player. That poor bastard."
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Have you tried the yellow glyph challenge yet? It's pretty terrible on console.
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It was fun actually fun on PS4 (with an SSD). A bit heart-attack inducing, bambambambambam, but an entertaining challenge. I'm disappointed I can't make them spawn in every trial forever.
On Switch, my friend couldn't do the Yellow Glyph at all. I had to do it for him, and I struggled a lot, too. It was bad. Really bad. It definitely highlights how poor the performance is.
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I'm on ps4 but no ssd, it was rough especially when against killer or on a map that made performance worse. I wouldn't mind them attaching it to like BNP or keys but only if they fix performance issues first, if they don't then it should remain only as archive challenge.
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Hey, guess what? Frame rate is still terrible when you use pretty much any killer power. Guess there's always next update, right?
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Iโm still having a little trouble using Bubbaโs chainsaw.
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@Pulsar i think once this thread hits tripple digits the devs should raffle off 100 ssd's to our PS4 brethren. Think of them as purple medkits for those hurtin for certain.
I last played DBD two days ago. First match was as a surv against Freddy on Lery's, and all Xbox despite Crossplay on. One surv dc's shortly after the start wadnt even found yet, so I assume hated Fred or map. One gen pops in the opposite corner, and I'm on the center gen.
Fred and a loud Bill come through the middle, I get the usual skill check while letting go, and am greated with a slow-motion slide show as I turn my cam. Felt like a drunken water sprinkler with low pressure.
Bill vaults a window and the frames drop further, so I'm guessing Lithe. The Freddy swings and misses, stops movin, and dc's. Fun had by all.
Haven't fired up this game since.
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That truly is the Dead By Daylight experience.
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Whenever I load in and see that it's a Freddy match I get so bummed because I know performance is going to be terrible. I've stopped even trying those matches, I commit to a gen until Freddy pulls me off because I don't feel like dealing with a slide show chase.
I'm wary about the hotfix on Tuesday. I want to be hopeful but after the other hotfixes just making things worse I'm kind of dreading what performance will be this time.
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I think we all dread what a patch will do to performance
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Pretty sad we worry about patches more than being hopeful. They've seriously done a number on player morale.
On bright side if it does get worse atleast there's no more events to miss out on until October and the current rift is pretty lackluster. Won't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not playing.
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I saw now some videos about this laggy stuff. It's really annoying and horrible to play with that.
But I'm on Switch and things like this never happens to me. I really don't know why ๐.
Maybe a short freeze because the killer fly out or FPS drop but never such a stuttering lag.
I wonder how this game runs on Stadia.
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Hey guys, are there any more performance updates planned for last gen? I didn't play for two weeks.
Game is a little bit better but still not good enough like pre re from what I have seen.
Any news while I was absent?
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You've pretty much summed it up. Game performance has slightly improved over the last two hotfixes, but overall it is still worse than before RE came out.
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There's a patch planned for tomorrow. Fingers crossed for having something related to last gen.
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Hmm I read about it but it seems vague, I have a feeling it is nothing groundbreaking.
Btw I tried to play with crossplay off on my ps4 but had to give up because so many killers dodge lobbies for some reason. Survivors too.
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I'm just stupid. Don't know why do I still have hope for this game. I think it's time to move on.
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Yeah or just play with crossplay off for more fair experience I guess.
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Crossplay off lobbies on PSN take half an hour and consist of the same 5 SWFs and 5 killers on my region. I'd rather find another fun game.
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Im eu and don't wait much. The only problem for me is when people dodge lobbies.
Today was better than yesterday in that regard. And I don't mind going against same people as long as we all have disadvantage.
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Just played a Pyramid Head game, probably the worst killer after 5.1.0 update, and he actually felt better. My game wasn't dropping to the single digits whenever using his power which is something. I still froze whenever someone used Dead Hard though.
I can't play anymore now, but will test Oni, Plague and Bubba later.
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Yesterday I played with Nemesis in Crotus Prenn and it was fatal on that map, then I played in Dead Saloon and Nemesis's performance improved.
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Dead hard still causes freezes btw. Same goes for some killers powers and perks.
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I guess wait until chapter release to see if they do anything then but I feel like it's more likely to go opposite way. ๐
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I haven't seen any improvement in performance.
How unsurprisingly disappointing.
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We should already be happy if the performance doesn't get even worse with the next chapter at this point lol
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Played a few rounds tonight. In Match on circus map against Legion it was so bad. Any time Legion entered in/out of Frenzy I would freeze. One time at end I froze for about 10 seconds in middle of slow vault through window of church while Legion stayed close to hooked teammate. Guess Legion didn't see my frozen Zarina in the window when they walked by twice. Teammate ended up dying during struggle because I couldn't get to them in time. ๐
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Just like what Tychus said: "What a damn shame."
I'm happy that most people care except the devs won't do a single thing about it.
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Performance feels worse after the patch today