Please consider instant regression for kicking gens without Pop

It's such a simple change. Just 5% or something. I shouldn't need to bring Pop to feel like kicking gens actually has an effect when regression can be stopped so easily.
If this change were to happen, Pop wouldn't be such a necessity and I could actually run gimmick builds with just slightly less of a struggle.
5% would be too much, that's a Brand New Part skill check and 3% away from Surge. It's just not reciprocal to the time it takes for survivors to repair 5% of the gen, which would make it slightly unfair, as repairing for 5% takes at least twice as long as the time it takes to kick it. What I do think should happen instead, is that after kicking it, for the first 10 seconds or so, the generator starts regressing slightly faster than usual. That way, you would kinda either force survivors to hop back on it, which could put them in an unfavorable position, or if they don't, at least not have it pop the very second you leave after kicking it.
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I mean tbf it takes them what? a frame to stop a gen from regressing and when its a 4v1 match shouldn't a killers time be worth more then a survivors. That being said I'd prefer that they get rid of gen tapping instead of having a baby pop as base kit.
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well it takes the 4 seconds to repair 5% of a gen, and 2 seconds for a killer to kick a gen, that x 4 survivors = 10% regression, 5% seems pretty fair if not low, and punishes survivors for tapping the gen to stop regression since a killer can sap away some decent amount of progress
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To force the survivors to go even in the time it takes for a killer to damage a generator it would take 2.5% (survivors repair 1.25%/s before modifiers) so overall it must be at least 3%~ for it to be a time positive action.
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That change, along with making the gen start regressing the moment you start to kick it would be nice
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All I ask is killers are allowed to fully kick the gen before blast mine nearly blows my head off.