Nerf wraith, it's too op

Nerf him please
I mean, you did ask nicely...
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wha- huh I can't tell what- what is this
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I wish people would actually have a serious, objective and unbiased discussion about Wraith.
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He is balanced as it is he doesnt need nerfs if anything he needs a slight buff
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What do you propose of, for a Wraith nerf?
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Honestly I'd just buff him to make his movement speed while uncloaking faster, in other words, the way it was before his buff. I don't think that nerf was even necessary.
To compensate, I'd nerf his "All Seeing" - Blood to make his cloaked movement speed 126% with said add-on.
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No speed wen he use the ding ding, the possibility to hear him like spirit, just the teeth is not enough,
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I agree. Wraith is OP and needs a nerf.
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Wraith was underpowered for years. Finally he got some long needed buffs and survivors instantly want him nerfed.
God beware we see other viable killers than nurse and spirit.
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I think they should either reduce his post-uncloak speed burst to 1 second down from 1.25 seconds, or decrease his cloaked movespeed to 5.6m/s down from 6.0m/s. Adjust Windstorm add-ons accordingly. Either he should have incredible mobility in his stealth, or a good anti-loop tool with his stealth. Not both as basekit in my opinion.
Wraith isn't OP or even A tier in my opinion, but he is a bit too strong for how easy he is to play. His post-uncloak speed burst goes for just long enough so that even if you predict which way he's going to go and run counter to it perfectly, he will most often still hit you, which just feels bad to go against. Plus, I don't like Wraith becoming the new Freddy or Spirit - an easy to play killer who is very strong without much in the way of counterplay and thus becoming hated by the playerbase.
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that we can pass through him when he is in invisible mode
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I would like to see a rework on wraith but not like a nerf or buff cuz he is not op but ı think he is buffed in a wrong way he is not to fun go against and doesn't require skill much considered what he is capable of
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So you think easy to learn Killers have to be C-tier or lower?
The only nerf I would do is rework All-seeing blood to only show injured Survivors or just shows the aura of blood.
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Sounds like someone needs to git gud.
Or just use spine chill and keep an eye out when it turns on. Best generic survivor perk in the game.
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No, but easy killers should not be amongst the strongest - and should definitely have counters. Killers who have nothing to learn about them should not be contending with anything above B tier.
A good example of an easy to play killer is Bubba. He is simple to pick up and play, and is strong, but has measurable counterplay while being fun to go against. He's also got a skill curve, although not the highest, and a good Bubba is noticeably distinct from a bad Bubba. He's a very well designed killer and in my opinion the ideal strength level for easier killers, resting just around the mid-B tier in my eyes.
A bad example of an easy to play killer is reworked Freddy. Reworked Freddy has no skill curve or things to learn about his power whatsoever - there's no techniques you can practice or ways you can improve your gameplay that's specific to his power. The closest thing there is to a learning curve with his power is faking your teleport, which has no risk of punishment for doing it wrong in the slightest. Aside from that, he is quite literally a bog-standard M1 killer whose power plays itself. There's nothing wrong with this (besides the fact they gave this power to Freddy and got rid of his old one) but pre-nerf Freddy was incredibly easy to play AND incredibly strong. Now, he's just easy to play and decent, being the epitome of lazy killer design. Even Trickster is more interesting.
Wraith falls in the latter camp. There is very little to learn about his power that will distinguish a good Wraith from a bad one, and most Wraith games play out the exact same way regardless of the skill of the Wraith. His power also has lost a good amount of its counterplay because of his buffs - massively increased speed and true invisibility means that you are not going to be able to spot him until he's right on you, so being aware of your surroundings is largely unhelpful, and the super-lunge means when he does get to you it's almost always a free hit unless you're directly next to a loop because of how much distance it covers now. Not only that, but the super-lunge works as an anti-loop tool where even if you predict and counter it correctly you will still likely be hit. One of these two things needs to go - either you should be able to discern him coming if you're aware, making the free hit a punishment for not keeping your wits about you, or he should sneak up on you easily but give room to evade his attack. What's the point of an uncloaking downside if he's going to get a guaranteed hit almost regardless of what you do?
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You can hear him while stealthed as he Grunts/Roars like a freaking DEMON with only the oni's/Demo's roars being LOUDER!
Its actually quiet hard to not hear it but much like freddy's lullaby you'll actually need to know what to listen for.
Plus he walks like an elephant making his foot steps insanely loud at all times even while undetectable much like Demo's footsteps.
Also I have played back when he didn't have the first version of windstorm baseline(Post stealth sprint burst used to be an addon) and trust me it made his power an active detriment as you'd always lose distance while uncloaking making his power unusable in chase.
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I seriously, objectively, and unbiasedly think his name is Phillip Ojomo and he worked at autohaven wreckers.
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If you take away his movement when using his power then he goes to garbage tier. He already can't move much but that slight movement is very important for seeing survivors around loops and zoning (similar to nemesis after he hits or breaks a pallet with his tentacle). Also, he does not have a super useful power for a lot of chases/loops so that would reduce his effectiveness even more in this area.
As far as noise, I think he is fine; I mean he is supposed to be a stealth killer. Spirit is not a stealth killer she is a chase killer.
Honestly, imo Wraith is fine. He can feel very oppressive against people who arent that good or teammates if they play super uncoordinated but that is more on the teams then him.
He also has a very high skill floor, like Freddy, that makes him generally take less skill to do well with, so generally playing against most decent Wraiths will feel similar. However, a Wraith still needs to know how to play and use his power to do well, especially at higher ranks. He also has a much lower ceiling then the top killers like nurse, spirit, blight, etc..., so nerfing him (especially in the wrong way without counter buffs) just puts him back in the garbage pile.
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what is even this?!
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By most survivor standards, the only killers that aren't too easy to play are the ones that move at base movement speed, everyone else needs to be nerfed/slowed or more pallets need to be added to the maps.
I will say that I curse under my breath when I
seehear that it's a wraith. But, I'm not nearly as worried as I would be if it were instead a billy, nurse, spirit, deathslinger, huntress or oni.Also, being easy to play shouldn't make him weak, otherwise why are survivors so strong? Often times I feel really lame while playing survivor because I can loop rank 1 killers just as easily as rank 10 killers. The real difficulty as survivor is knowing how to piece tiles together, and once you figure that out you are practically untouchable with a team that doesn't waste pallets.
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I think the Wraith should have to remain immobile for a bit longer when cloaking and uncloaking. Far too often he can appear and attack with far too much speed to be enjoyable to go against.
Either that or reduce his cloaked movement speed - it feels more natural to remain slower when cloaked rather than faster to protect being 'stealthy'. Either one of those two things seems fair.
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Ah yes, let's nerf a Killer that isn't even that good
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Agree to OP. I'm thinking just remove the speed he gets while uncloaking and it should be fine
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Yeah Wraith is just too easy to get kills with at the moment. All his chases come down to is uncloak -> 99% guarenteed hit -> cloak -> chase down -> repeat.
You get him to a safe pallet then survivors have to correctly judge if the Wraith is committed to uncloaking or not. Get it wrong and I remain cloaked, then it becomes either an easy speed boosted pallet feed and you go down 5 secs later after I uncloak, or the survivor vaults the pallet, I body-block to prevent them vaulting back, uncloak, easy hit. If it's an unsafe pallet then the scenario is an easier Pig because I can see where the survivor is on the loop because I'm not crouched and the speed boost pretty much guarantees I can reach either side of the loop.
It's the same scenario with windows; a survivor wants to vault a window which goes into a good loop for distance, I stand next to them and body-block the window and get an easy hit or they vault it, after which I vault it, chase them down and, well you should know by now... And for those pesky window loops which can be a good counter to wraith (because the survivors aren't in chase while I'm cloaked) I can just bring bamboozle, block it and then they have no way to make good distance.
Survivors try and stealth? Too bad, I have the "All Seeing" add-on! (I actually choose not to use it out of shame, it's come to that)
See survivors equipping flashlights in the lobby? Bring Franklin's Demise!
I honestly don't blame survivors who want to disconnect or suicide against a Wraith because it's less fun than going against a Spirit right now.
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Tbh, the only thing i would do is to make pink the addon that allow you to see auras while invisible. Its very strong, but ok as pink.
Rest its ok.
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He literally has no chase power, just speedy stealth. Practice looping and you'll be fine. The majority of killers in this game can't handle SWFs already, only Spirit truly needs a nerf