Red Ranks Hypocrisy

Dear oh dear, how I love how people are crying here about swfs while guess what, after 2k hours, as a solo survivor, you will get a sweaty killer in pubs with all gen regression/tunneling 1 guy out of the game startegy once in 2 games, while your clueless team mates are running around the map, not doing gens and have no idea who's doing what.
Killers are facing sweaty SWFS once in a while but solo q survivors need to face the sweaty ruin/undying/pop/corrupt killers every 2 games in red ranks.
So please stop crying about "BUT BUT THEY HAVE DISCORD THEY CAN TALK", try and play solo Q survivor and I pormise you that no matter how good of a looper you are, once you get these noob team mates who just roam around the map and waiting to unhook asap you'll see how sad it is.
Yes this is true. Also playing killer is really not as hard as people are making it out to be.
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Exactly, playing killer these days with all the buffs they got is easier than it ever was.
Killers here are crying cause they can't stomp Swfs the same way the stomp all the solo pubs with a cup of coffe in one hand.
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People have been asking for BHVR to buff solo players and then buff killers if needed.
Things like Kindred base and a ping system or quick chat wheel would buff solo players without really giving anything new to swf on coms.
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I don't think you understand what hypocrisy means, friend, because that is not it.
SWF can be just as much of an issue as this game and the struggles of playing solo queue, I don't really understand why you're making this into an imaginary argument with made up hypocrites.
"Bro, you can't complain about SWF, solo queue is way worse" Solid logic. Here's some for you: I can't believe you're comparing SWF to solo queue difficulty, do you have any idea how difficult this game is as someone who just bought the game, and also has no arms? Absolutely ridiculous how hypocritical people are. I promise you if you play without arms or eyes you'll realize you're just an entitled killer main.
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It's nice but I'm talking about the current state.
All I see here are posts crying about swfs, gen speeds and "tunneling is a start".
They all come from salty killers that once they lose to a coordinated team, they are angry cause they weren't 3-4gen stompable like most solo 1 pub games they get with their sweaty gen regression builds.
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SWF Is not an issue once you bring to the table the tunneling/massive gen regression arsenal. it is an hypocrisy because all the killers that are crying here aren't crying when they destroy a solo team with their bamboozle bubba or tinkerer slide blight.
I prefer playing with friends not because of the escaping part but because I know that the 2 minutes I've ran the killer wouldn't go to waste because some a noob3 wannabe nea is chasing me for a flashy save she won't get cause the killer isn't the dumb, or survivors that just leave everything they do just to crowd near the hook to get the unhook.
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Aren't you the same dude that made several threads complaining he keeps dying to Nemesis' Zombies?
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Yeah cause it happened to me a few games in a row and it was frustraing. tbh now It doesn't happen quite much and I don't consider him a strong killer, i just play against him sorta like I would against huntress.
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It isn't that they lost. its that nothing you can do matters depending on the swf and killer you are playing.
They make so many perks and even powers in this game useless
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Really? go tunnel a guy off hook against a swf(which killers do in solo q a lot anyway) and see how easy it is to beat them. they go in frenzy and become altrustic and u can make at least half of them lose only by that start alone.
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SWF is an issue, if it wasn't every Killer would win any "pro" game of DBD by tunneling, but they don't.
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Oh yeah, cause every SWF is made of 4 god survivors who play sweaty and can loop the killers in a pro level, I forgot.
My agenda is this:
Yes, a strong SWF is hard for every killer. but a solo q team is usually easy for every competent killer, they are matched 10x more against solo q teams that they beat than sweaty good loopers team yet still cry a lot.
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Can I see the statistics you have access to where you saw that you are 10x more likely to get a solo Q team than a SWF team? Since you must have access to some data directly from the game developers.
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No. but I know many people who play the game and most of them are killer mains and all of them told me that they don't encounter strong swfs a lot of times, usually duo but never a full 4 man, and even if it's a 4 man there are always 1-2 weak links that u can abuse.
Also I'm saying that as a guy who plays killer a lot in red ranks and i can agree with them. maybe we should do a poll in this forum about this.
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Also, if strong 4 mans were so common, otzdarva and people as him would never get 50 win streaks in a row that easily, u can see in his streams how rarely he faces a strong 4 man and usually stomp pubs.
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there is a direct connection between solo q and killer but this isnt it. The devs refuse to balance for swfs so killers feel like they need to play like this because they do not know if they are facing a sweaty team or not. So the ones who suffer most are solo q but its because of swfs ultimately. Play both at high level and you will see what i mean.
The real fix for this game is to nerf down swfs and then after you've brought swfs down to solo q or solo q up to swfs level. Address scummy killer tactics, but as it stands those ways of playing are a killers defense to an unbalanced game
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Fair enough, even I when i suspect a swf when i see 4 pc gamers, bring my strong build BUT, if i lose to them i don't come here to cry in the forums about them cause before that match I was in a 5-8 win streak with normal matches and my normal builds.
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No because a poll isn't going to be that much better data than you simply saying "my friends said this". A poll can still be biased and isn't going to give us a real indication of the whole community (a very small portion of the player base goes on these forums).
You are making out as if the games are either a sweaty SWF with 20K combined hours, or Solo Q potatoes who fail skill checks and dive hooks. The reality is something in the middle. You can get solo Q games where the players are actually good, and you can also get SWFs which are actually just casual and playing the game for fun.
Also it doesn't have to a be a strong 4-man, a well co-ordinated 3 man, or even 2 players together can create problems even for a good Killer, especially if they are not running strong slowdown builds.
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Still, I believe that we can agree that most of the killers that cry about SWFS, are doing that after they played against solo q teams usually which are in the bottom of the food chain. If you as a killer get to play against the bottom of the food chain mostly, why would you keep crying after you face a strong team who can challange you? Even I beat 4 mans sometimes if i play smart and barely do mistakes.
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No not really, I think most people complain about SWFs for valid reasons, regardless of how often they are actually playing against them.
Adding a party indicator in the post game lobby would be good so Killer's could be educated on when they've lost to a SWF and when it was solo or partially solo.
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Well let's agree to disagree.
It's valid to be annoyed by SWFS, but crying about them while enjoying the more common part of the spectrum, the solo q disaster is kinda dumb for me.
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Well it is enjoyable to win, and sometimes, good solo queue players can still be a challenge, and bring you down to 0/1/2 gens. You mention about Otz winstreak, sure he gets to 50 wins, but it's not like ALL of those wins are complete annihilations. Yes he has some games where he kills everyone before they can do a single gen, but he also has lots of games which are still challenging. That is why people watch him, and that is why not everyone has 50 win streaks on almost every Killer.
So I don't think it's dumb, as you say, for someone to enjoy winning against Solo players. In fact, that was literally what the game was designed for.
People are more likely to complain about something that causes them distress, which is why people complain about SWF. It makes sense to me.
Yes, Solo Queue will usually lose, yes the balancing of the game needs adjusting to make Solo Q easier, and SWF less strong, but it's not easy to give Solo Queue tools which won't make SWF even stronger. And while at high ranks, a large portion of the players ARE playing in SWF, you are going to see people running these strong anti-SWF builds, and unfortunately for Solo Q, you are going to get rolled by them, as the Killer often has no idea it is a SWF until it is too late.
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Yeah, rank 1 killers should use their istincts to realise the team in their lobby is a solo team and so they need to change build last minute and make it more solo Q friendly so everyone can live happily ever after
Why not complain about solo Q not being balanced instead of blaming killers who can't even know who they are facing?
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This. Not only is it risky to adjust your build based on if you think it isn't SWF, but you often don't know it is SWF until it is too late and 3 gens pop.
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To be perfectly honest, that should be how the red ranks are. The decent SWF and 4k killers SHOULD be playing against each other. That is why people hated mmr. It was actually finally making that happen on a consistent basis.
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You don't have the sweaty SWF teammates because you're playing solo. Sweaty SWFs are, generally, a 4-piece. As such you wouldn't be likely to encounter them while playing survivor.
Playing red ranked killer, sweaty SWFs aren't super common, but the real sweaty ones are absolutely demoralizing. Like stop playing for the week bad.
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The balance of the game imo is the most important part. Once the balance is fixed, if ever, all other issues could be addressed. So I think people have a right to complain about it. Just as you have a right to complain about them complaining XD.
I wish the meta drastically changed so that my builds dont have to be focused on gen defense. The most fun I have in DBD is when i bring non meta fun builds, but those builds are almost going to guarantee a loss at high level play. When I am beaten I want it to feel like I was beaten, and then I'm fine with it. When the games unbalanced nature beats me I have issues with that.
The worst games are ones where i smoke every survivor in chase but the still manage to do all the gens and/or escape. Survivor gameplay is so relaxed and inconsequential when compared to killer gameplay. They can make many many mistakes and all get out. The killer makes one and it could cost them the game. Its not a good thing for the health of this game.
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Agreed. I read a lot of comments in this forum but finally I see an honest one without bias.
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bullshit. I main killer. I know how hard it is.
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There is basically another thread that was posted today that is basically the killer POV version of this.
It's clear this game doesn't feel fair to both sides
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can u link please?
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Sorry but i don't want to link because i know the people here are going to start an argument on that one.
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Nah I'm actually working I won't even comment, just wanna read out of curiosity.
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I would agree with you but the hours I play is like peak time in California when everyone is home from work / school. I feel like 80% (whether it be a 3 or 4 man) of my games are SWF. I cannot confirm most are swf because of private profiles.
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Of course killers have to pick sweaty builds anticipating SWF. It's not like there are two separate queues for playing against SWF and solo survivors. And that "occasionally playing against SWF sweat squad" means literally 8 games out of 10. Most killers don't even check if the survivors in the lobby are in SWF because it takes too much time and effort and most of the time it is indeed SWF, so they just assume every lobby is SWF and play accordingly. I don't see any "hypocrisy" here, it's just SWF are breaking the game apart.
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They don´t matter about Solo Q. Im red ranks you almost only see sweat tryhard killers with meta perks going for camp tunnel strat. And then killers complaint because they have difficulties dealing with good SWF and can´t abuse them like on Solo Q. It´s ridiculous.
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ruin/undying/pop/corrupt ?
Can we backup here a moment. You get 0 value from Pop till both Ruin and Undying are removed, so this "Sweaty Killer" started the game only playing with 3 perks. After 2 minutes they lose Corrupt, so now if you didn't cleanse both those totems the Killer is only playing with 2 perks.
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Lets see that statement after going against a good swf that can read your mindgames..
Then you can see truly how hard Killer is.
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HOW does this game still not have proximity chat?
Friday was 10x better than DBD and I'm only here because of the copyright lawsuit. The survivor gameplay was so much more immersive, and killer never felt hopeless
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Im frankly not that bothered in general. I've never been one to complain too heavily regarding this stuff, but i do find the overall sweat of the game rather annoying. I wish killers and survs played more casually.
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survivor main moment
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Solo vs SWF is as different as night and day, and there's no good way to fix it.
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Yes that's true 👍
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Wait, Swiffer is an issue because it is the only thing preventing tunnelling from having a 100% winrate?
Sounds more like Swiffer is the solution and tunnelling is the problem, tbh.
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2K solo survivor hours and you haven't tried the opposite perspective? Give it a shot, might be a nice change of pace.
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I played a lot of killer at least 800 hours of these but now I'm playing survivor for a period of time.
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It was a nice read until I've read "I tunnel at 5 gens". I really don't want to tell you what i think about killers like you, but I'll tell you that playing this role isn't for you if you need to tunnel at 5 gens.
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Playing a role has nothing to do with how good at it you are. That is like saying survivor is not for me because I cannot run a killer for 10 seconds. If I like survivor, I like survivor. That has nothing to do with my skill level or playstyle. I go treasure hunting and I am sure most of my teammates hate that, but guess what? That is fun for me. The thrill of brown box or green flashlight thrills me to no end.
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I'm really not gonna have a discussion with someone who protects a guy that tunnels on 5 gens. that's absurd.
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He does not need my protection?
I am just saying that gatekeeping people from roles because of how they play is silly.