The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
I'm not sure if this 100th page is supposed to be good or bad
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Well, to be honest...
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Body is 1 character too short.
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I love when I don't even get value from BBQ aura reveal because my game freezes just as I hook a survivor. Yikes, BHVR.
I don't think reaching 100 pages is something to be happy about. It just means this post went TOO long without the main issues being resolved (and they actually got worse).
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I don't think reaching 100 pages is something to be happy about
Yes and no.
I agree because the fact that people have had to dedicate their time into making a thread reach 100 pages because of console optimisation is a worrying sign.
I also disagree because we as a community have a come long way to getting ourselves heard on this thread.
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100 pages!! Here’s to 100 more (well hopefully not)
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I was browsing through the optimization forum and found this from a year ago that is still in a pending status.
I'm sure everything posted gets read at least by a mod but is anyone actually doing anything with this information from this section to try and verify issues being posted about?
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if we get 100 more I don't think optimization will ever be addressed
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Honestly we may not even get that far (knock on wood) but if we do that would of course be sad.
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I hope we all quit the game before 200. For our sanity.
At least until we switch to next gen or pc one day.
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I switched to a high-end PC a couple of months ago and I don't regret it. It runs super smooth. I highly recommend switching :)
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I had to turn off the game for today. Freezing combined with rainbow rank teammates against rank 1 killers (mostly pc) consistently using sloppy and slugging/camping everyone at 5 gens.
Nothing against it, it is in the game to be used but freezing is unnaceptable in matches like this where you don't stand a chance anyway. Not gonna play for 1k bps after waiting for eternity for a game.
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A celebratory fluffy pony would like to congratulate you all on 100 pages
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Since when did you have an obsession with shetland ponies?
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Are you complaining?
(I got to pet one- I cannot share the video of the petting so please accept this photo of a babu stealing grass)
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It's a ######### horse?????????
but it's ok i get it, you hate any form of happiness in life
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and I'm a ######### dragon
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Even my evil ass didn't go there. Yikes!
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yes, I do give this information to the correct departments and they've also seen the videos that Pulsar posted which highlighted many of the issues very clearly.
And with the comments re Devs not responding on here, that is technically my job. The forum is a Community forum after all and the Developers that drop by here are mostly on their own time (except for QA who are here, locked in the bug report section). We occasionally get a couple of game designers dropping by, again that is on their own time and of course the issues discussed in this thread, are nothing to do with game design.
Also as a member of the Community Team (I'm a Community Coordinator), it's my specific job to bring up issues, feedback etc to the team as well as give as much information as I can to the Community. Sadly I can't share details of when fixes will go live, but I can share that the team are actively working on numerous "hitches" including the one with Dead Hard.
Edited to add - can we also please not derail the thread with cute pics, it does kinda make light of this issue that consoles are having and also bloats the thread :( Sorry to be a killjoy....but I do think this thread is important.
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my bad- it was meant to be a one off
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he always has. Oh and he also loves cows
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I never knew until today 😪
And no I wasn't complaining @GoodBoyKaru, I just never knew.
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This thread is getting way too off topic. We all have legit complaints and issues and while it's repetitive to mull over the same discussions...having a hub thread for it is at least important continue to illustrate the many ongoing issues...I'd rather this thread not get locked/taken down.
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the best thing is when your survivor and the game lags as you get a skill check
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Well now I feel bad for saying that it would be nice if the devs actually acknowledged this thread.
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The thread has gotten so long and off topic among other things that I wouldn't be surprised if they even pay attention to it anymore. The OP seems more interested in counting the pages of replies than the actual content of the replies.
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Good point. Please stay on topic about performance issues!
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Any idea if plans are to release individual fixes as they go or wait for one big patch of fixes? Know you probably can't answer but figure I'd check to see if we're waiting on one big patch or multiple individual ones.
Edit* I think they should give you fancier title on the forums because I think many see mod and don't realize you have bigger role at BHVR.
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I’m getting random freezes and I don’t know what actions happened around me for it to happen. Wondering if it’s other players wifi?
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Not even sure, it comes and goes. I get good games, and then bad games. My frames start to drop when starting chases at times and has nothing to do with my internet. Usually it is just lower frames on average, not completely game ending, but pretty distracting to the point where I will mess up because of it.
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Mandy,could it be possible for you to ask the team to give as a basic explanation as to why it takes so incredibly long to fix these performance issues even though they were known years before?
You all did that already with hitboxes/latency and i think at this point we deserve at least an explanation WHY things take literally years to fix.
We would really appreciate it
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Sometimes I think that it actually may be other people as well
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Glad i’m not the only one than.
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I've been having that since the RE chapter. I can only guess there are other specific triggers in the game happening across the map that I just don't see - either old trigger that now screws over everyone or new trigger I haven't figured out yet. I don't think other players connection should freeze your game because dedicated servers.
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To date I have no news of fps drops, which is good, but I hope they improve the optimization of the game for everyone as soon as possible, has not there been any news? It's ridiculous that no Dev answered this thread knowing that he is the greatest of all.
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That's not really my question though. BHVR created the optimization section so we could provide information to them to help them fix optimization issues. When I see that thread from a year ago that points out the HDD/SSD issue that is still in pending status and not acknowledged yet is now disclosed as a known issue from what seems to be this thread and/or other more recent threads that have been taken more seriously because of this thread, it makes me believe that section is ignored. Most of those threads are not acknowledge yet many of them give example of the issues that this general discussion thread has helped push BHVR to do something about, at least in our perception.
It's great to hear the team is working on the issues. I'm sure you understand because of the length of time some of these issues have been hampering game play and the lack of communication we feel BHVR has provided us that some of us need to see the improvements to fully trust they are actively trying to resolve them. And it is frustrating to see many of these issues sitting there in the optimization section, looking like nothing is happening to them that could have been looked into a year ago.
How do we prevent having this feeling of being ignored to the point we have to rally together in a massive thread to get any action taken? It doesn't appear the optimization section is working as intended or at least to a level that satisfies the community. What is BHVR's plans to fix this communication gap?
By the way, so my intentions are not in question again, I am not trying to hold you specifically accountable for the optimization issues and lack of communication around them. I fully understand you are in most ways not a decision maker for the company in this aspect. I think many of us do believe you are a person that genuinely does care about our game performance issues and as much as you can, have been a representative for us to the company you work for, and I thank you for that. You are however, the one on the front line that our questions and concerns need to be routed through.
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Mandy has been nice and said they’re trying to fix console performance. But no timeline as to when they could be patched.
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which is slightly concerning
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yeah I guess but at least shes been responding here.
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Hey, look, it's the guy who suggests you troubleshoot but whenever questioned, they say that "you have to do it."
He also suggests you buy a PC to fix these issues, instead of giving meaningful advice!
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Just ignore him and hopefully he goes away from this post. Worked to hard for troll to ruin it. He is definitely just trying to bait you, especially when Mandy like a page ago said she's read every comment on this post and passes on information from it to the team.
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I have seen another surv vault and zoom away with Lithe, which does a half-second freeze for everyone. Happens alot in the reworked maps.
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This was probably just my internet or someone elses. But Nancy screamed at the pallet like she went down but the servers denied it or something.
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Or when you're doing these yellow shards from the tome and you repeatedly scuff it because your frames can't chill for 5 seconds.
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Some more modern videos. This Feng didn't have Lithe, she just fast vaulted.
Next up, we have a nice Dead Hard freeze.
Next, we have the succ tech. I don't really know what this one is.
Finally, we have a comparison video. Red Dead Redemption 2 is being showcased in a very very poor scenario. For one, me and my buddy are messing with the angy bridge, which causes the physics engine to flip the ######### out. Two, by flying off into ######### Narnia, I am forcing it to load an enormous portion of the map at once. No freezes, no frame drops and no crashes. Except for me, when I hit the ground, but that's different.
All of these clips were taken with the same Xbox One X within 5 days of each other.
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Next-gen system are mostly free of issues.
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Too bad the next gen consoles are so hard to come by to this day :(
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I played 6 games this morning, 3 of which ended when another player crashed during the loading screen.
I don’t know, but I’m assuming it’s a console issue.
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Um you do have to troubleshoot your system. The key here is that the game stopping issues your having are not being experienced by everyone. That is a big hint that it is not the game.
About this thread. It has gone pretty far off topic. I may not think your more recent posts are inline with getting the issues you are experiencing fixed. They are however more informative on the specific issues you're experiencing. This thread has become a mess. Go through and read several of the more recent pages of replies. Many of them have nothing to do with the issues you post about or troubleshooting at all.
If the developer of a game and came along a thread this long, hard to follow and in many cases off topic would you not understand why? It's like the analogy too many cooks in the kitchen.