The tremendous increase in cheaters needs to be addressed.

Now im sure none of us are strangers to cheaters in DBD, considering were on a forum literally dedicated to DBD i can assume most people reading this have played the game for a fairly decent amount of time. From videos to first hand experience, hackers have always been a very rare, but consistent sight in dbd. They never really dissipated, but they were quite rare for a while. As of recent though, this has not been the case. In the last 2 months i have encountered, and seen in others posts and videos, more hackers than i have in the last 4 years combined. Personally i have encountered about 6 of them, one just last round who had instaheal/couldn't be hooked. The tremendous increase in hackers has been felt by everybody, and its becoming a pretty major issue. Tons of people are getting screwed over by hackers more than we ever have before, and BHVR has been completely radio silent about it. Of course, addressing a rising hacker infestation is bad PR. But it really needs to be heard by the community that BHVR is aware of the issue and is working towards a better anticheat, considering Ez-Anticheat is already very questionable. . Its a big problem and its only getting bigger, and i think we as a community need to be more vocal about this.
They should do what Max Payne 3 did, Hackers in their own lobby.