I won all my killer games for a year. Here is everything I learned. (Long post)



  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76


    I don't love the aura traps, I feel that I get enough infro just from the phantasm. Setting speed is addictive though haha.

    I always play with the same cosmetics. Blue coloured default hag and weapon. Twin terror hair.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    So you say. I don't mind. I am happy with the post and many of the responses. Not for you? Also fine.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,721
    edited September 2021
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406
    edited September 2021

    You guys are funny. You asking who cares if its true, when you care about. So theres your answer.

    You and others make it seem like he boosted with the 700 wins as if he had found the cure for cancer. But he never boosted with it and he certainly shouldnt. 700 wins is impressive, but not a sign for skill. More a sign of impressive luck or exploiting the broken matchmaking. Dont get me wrong, you still need to be good, but thats it. Its nothing compared with no hit runs in DS, its even less a sign of skill then reaching the highest rank in Apex, LoL etc.

    So why would anyone care about this anecdote before the information?

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,721
    edited September 2021

    I was saying who cares if it's true in relation to the reason why he posted it in the first place since he only wanted to show tips and experiences with Hag. Of course people will care after reading such a claim so it takes away from what he was trying to do.

    The claim of 700 wins is also the biggest in DBD history. As far as I know I don't think another killer streak even comes close which would make this guy some DBD Legend. There was one with 200 on Twins and I saw a Nurse one with 185. If you know any that's higher I'd be curious to see them.

    You're short-selling the claim IMO. I think it'd be a ton easier to no hit a dark souls game then it would be to get a 700 win streak on any killer. Hell, Otz has an all bosses no-hit DS2 run and he struggles at times to get even 50 wins playing as sweaty as he can.

    Edit: I forgot his streaks were addonless so it takes away from my point a bit but even with add-ons I don't think he'd be able to get even close to 700.

    A 700 win streak is not only a huge sign of skill an ability but also of astronomical good luck. It's way more interesting to talk about then any random Hag tips and tricks so asking for proof or even some minor gameplay is warranted. The fact OP refuses makes it seem like they're lying and that in turn also takes away from the tips and experiences they posted.

    Post edited by ohheyitsbobcat on
  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646

    Well one time my Doctor won 50 matches straight before losing. This was just before Blight had came out. Clown and Trapper has yet to “lose”. They always get 3-4K per match. Never Entity Displeased. I lost track if their winnings. Clown is well over 50, but I’ll use purple add ons (Pinky Finger is basically overkill). Trapper is probably 30. Whenever he is about to lose he magically turns the match around. 😂

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    So. Is this like a "my dad works for EA" scenario's?

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I am in the DBD discord, but I cannot find you.

    Can you DM me on reddit or tell me how to find you in the channel?

    Thanks <3

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 120

    Name is Michii (picture is the middle node of the blood Web)

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited September 2021

    I asked for proof, got nothing, and decided to leave the thread (that is until, this gem caught my eye - joy!). Of course, I always enjoy these sorts of responses from people trying to make a ton of assumptions about me based on nothing other than asking the op for something tangible to go on. Video proof, specifically.

    Outrageous claims, outrageous proof. Winning all your games for a year straight is borderline impossible, and if you were actually embarking on such an ordeal, why not document it? Seems bizarre to go through all that effort just to make a post claiming something you cannot substantiate. But hey, logic and requiring reasonable proof is being self-important I suppose.

    Thank you for being an example of why this community is seen the way it is. Much appreciated.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Most people would be able to tell after 5-6 R1 games whether it's a godlike Hag or not.

    This reminds me of that Clown guy that kept talking about how great the Yellow bottles were/are - The threads are probably still kicking around if you search for them.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I am not going down a rabbit hole of what is and is not enough for everyone. I did not provide proof. Believe what you want to.

    I think the rest of the post is useful. If you disagree, thats fine.

    GL in your games.

    Also, yellow clown bottles have potential! I don't get the hate for them tbh.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    No proof would satisfy everyone except for 700 vods. I did not collect that data, so I can't prove it.

    I hope the rest of the information in the post can help people. I am not interested in convincing random users that the streak happened.

    For those who want to read about Hag, I hope the info use useful.

    I am also here to discuss the Hag and topics related to her.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Here's the thing - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're an excellent hag player. Fine, that's not an unreasonable claim.

    My question is: why include a streak you cannot prove in the title of your post, rather than naming the thread based on its intention (which seems to be sharing hag knowledge for those interested).

    "Played Hag For a Year: Here's What I Learned."

    Seems to be a more honest title, no?

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

    I would never say this in a post game chat because I don't want to be rude to a killer, you're opening up yourself for it though by having this thread.

    God Hag is so annoying to go against. For exactly the same reasons you stated, I don't want to adjust.

    Congrats on your 700 win streak.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited September 2021

    They definitely do, for sure - I picked up some stuff watching Otz get some wacky hits with them.

    The person in question mentioned them and their applications non-stop and people wanted video evidence because they could not emulate what was being said/may have been doing the techniques incorrectly.

    Those people are now skeletons.

    I did take a look through their post history to see if I could find the specific topic (there were way too many), but I did notice that there was one there that said they were looking for players to make a video guide - If that video was actually created, then I am wrong and that person actually delivered - I'll take the L.

    I did see a topic complaining about the lack of Hag counterplay, though, that was quite popular - Figured I'd mention it because of your own thoughts on Hag counterplay :P

    In contrast to their topic, and in your defense, I've previously said that the information you posted was valuable/helpful. On top of that, it's easily identifiable in game and can be emulated by most skill levels in a match - being able to explain things in a clear, concise, and relatable manner is a talent, for sure, and definitely helps your readers.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I appreciate your feedback. IMO, if a few people feel the same way as you do, that is enough to call the post a success.

  • Wheatbread28
    Wheatbread28 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2021

    What was your in game name? I'm East and curious if I played vs you. I guess you can DM me it if it's against forum ToS

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I am not sharing that info.

    I will say that I always play as a blue hag with the Twin Terror hair, though.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406
    edited September 2021

    It doesnt take away anything from the tips he posted. Why? Bc none of those tips is new. Its stuff, which everybody who plays hag on a decent level knows and you find the same tips in every hag guide, most of the time in the beginner section. Most guides are far more detailed, too.

    The sad part is that there are so many players, who dont know this things. Not many play hag, but as experienced survivor you should also know this things. This lack of understanding is the part, which makes hag suited best for such a long winstreak among all strong killer.

    Lets take Otz as example. He said that Hag was the easiest winstreak. He didnt even try, used meme builds, no perks and he lost it over 50 on purpose. Addons make it easier and have you any idea how helpful map offerings are?

    If you would have watched Otz in his DS2-time, you would know that every winstreak, even the Nemesis, which was one of the hardest, was a joke compared to DS No-Hit. It took forever and if you only watch the two videos, you will see how frustrating it was. 700 is a lot longer, but its not really high concentration the entire time. The Nemesis streak shows also the best strategy to get a high winstreak. Otz failed so many times, but why did he get it suddenly? He used something against streamsniper, but the important thing was that he changed when he played. Later in his streams the opponents got suddenly weaker. If you use that, its makes it a lot easier to win consistently. And if you only play 2 matches per day its possible. Otz plays 700 matches in less than a month.

  • Yea I did a 5000000 win streak with Trickster instead

    Sorry, but I don't believe you at all

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,721

    It takes away potential interest which is pretty important. A lot of people in this thread didn't bother to even read or look at the rest of his post after seeing the 700 wins. When I first read the post I had no interest with the tips or experience he had and only wanted more info about the streak. Had the 700 win thing not been there I feel a lot more people would have taken a deeper interest in his Hag tips which is what OP wanted in the first place.

    As you said, a lot of people don't even know about Hags existence so any post to garner more interest in her is nice. It just feels like a waste since so many people aren't going to bother to read it or acknowledge the info after seeing the 700 win streak comment as you can already see with some of the posts in this thread. I just think it's a shame.

    I think we're going to have to agree to disagree with the Dark Souls thing. I've got around 1600 hours in dbd and maybe a 150 in DS2 (which granted isn't a lot for either game) and I feel like doing a hitless run would be a lot easier and more consistent then doing a 700 win streak. It'd be more nerve racking on a constant basis due to the length but I also feel it'd be more consistent at a certain level. With DBD it'd be more luck then skill (though still a lot of skill needed) at that point.

    I've really only watched Otz's few videos he has of the DS2 runs and some of his streak challenges live and I just can't see DS2 hitless being harder. I just might not have enough experience in either game to have a proper opinion but going from what I've seen of his videos and my own time in the games, I just can't see it.

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    how is stbfl an obvious choice for hag?

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    STBFL gives you a lower cooldown after a successful hit. Ideally, this allows you to act much sooner, letting you TP again to another trap that goes off - negating the speed burst you gave the survivor and surprising them before they can figure out what happened - or start a chase with much less of a disadvantage. Being slow already, the Hag needs any advantage she can get if she is actually going to get stuck chasing.

    I have gotten a lot of hits (often without a TP, or shortly after one) only for the survivor to run into a nearby loop. STBFL just increases the Hag's lethality in those situations by a ton.

    Hag is very much about time management. Every second you save helps you better control and keep up your web.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Very nice post. Has some good information for new Hag players, and for Survivors looking to up their game. So many of them wet themselves as soon as they see it's a Hag because she is rarely played, and it turns into an absolute shitshow as they feed her.

    I'll have to try STBFL myself now. I usually run MYC, M/A, and then whatever 2 others I feel like at the time.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I'm really glad you liked it.

    Try Franklin's, too! Watch survivors lose their minds chasing items that couldn't help them anyway.

    One of life's great joys.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    STBFL is a solid choice on most killers that use M1 to get hits, Hag or not.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Maybe i just overestimate Otz in DS2 and its a lot easier for other people. I never played the game myself. But i never can see me doing such things, while 700 wins seem possible for me. Every time i lose with hag its my fault. And i still have a winrate over 90%. Even against old object teams i won consistently. I got only one team in 3 years of DbD, which really countered hag. Granted, i dont play her much anymore, so its more like 2 years, but i have atleast around 1000 matches with her. So if i would play consistently, learn hag more and had enough luck to not get the 1% sweat team, i could get this. I would need to use the time of the day, where i have a chance with trickster without throwing knives at red rank, to have the lowest chance possible for a sweat team.

    700 wins are around 120 hours and you are not allowed to lose a match. But you can make mistakes and you can decide matches in four minutes against the average team. So you dont need to be fully concentrated. But maybe i dont care about it so much, bc its a feat of luck and DS2 No Hit is a feat of skill.

    For the point with the information. I think without 700 wins most would have never read this post. Nobody wants to play hag, cares about hag or wants to learn counterplay. Otherwise there are plenty of options to get this information without this post. 700 wins have atleast the chance to spark some interest.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    OP played 700 killer games without tunneling and camping and won ALL of them. Find the mistake.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    The games were in one year, aka 2 games a day. Can't find the mistake.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Doesn't matter if it was only 2 games a day or 20. Nobody wins EVERY game within 700 trials.

    But sure, you're free to believe that.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    The thing is that most people tend to overlook the "for one year" part. If this guy was playing as much as Otz let's say, then undoubtedly 700 ws is clearly impossible. But at 2 games a day, odds go up a lot.

    Is 700 ws a stupid number and a huge claim? Yes. Is it possible, yes, but very unlikely. Does this claim make those legit great tips less valid? No.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited September 2021

    people are weirdly focusing on the 700 wins...

    let's say you manage to convince op to say "ok, I didn't get 700 wins in a row, I lost some games here and there". then what? what's that doing for you?

    the information about hag they shared is solid. the counterplay is valid and work. and if you didn't know about them, it should increase your ability to play as and against hag.

    You certainly don't have to believe on the streak, I don't. but it doesn't change anything about the actually useful stuff they posted, so why bother? they didn't even post their channel or even username, so it's not like they are trying to gain a following with it or something like that.

    and before someone goes "but why say you got a 700 win streak if it doesn't matter?", would you not talk about a 700 win streak that you got even if you can't prove it? I would.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900
    edited September 2021

    I think the problem is Hag is rare to see for most people that it's kind of difficult to learn how to counter a good one when you get one. She is definitely the killer I see the least of. I can go weeks and not get a Hag.

    Also not every Hag is a good one when you get her.

    Post edited by Dwight_Fairfield on
  • stormy_
    stormy_ Member Posts: 208

    make totally new account.. which most have 1 main account other smurf account

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    This is what I have been trying to say.

    Thank you.

    There are a lot of people who I clearly bothered with the post. I am glad some people can look past its limitations and get what I hope is some pretty useful information.

    Go beat some hags!

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    It's irrelevant, given how the ranking system works.

    That would also leave them without any meta perks.

    You're doing a very poor job of shooting this person down / understanding how the game works on a basic level :-/

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I'm really happy that some people are getting what I wanted from the post.

    I hope you use some of the info and enjoy your matches as or against hag a little more!

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    i would disagree. Only people stbfl is good on are the ones that can damage without m1

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    Oh God this click bait is still going?.....

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    I'm not sure many killers get more from this perk than the Hag. It interacts very well with her power.