Pinhead voicelines

Why are the voicelines gone?
i hate it!
Was one of the reasons to buy him because he was able to say something
not just grunt around like the other Killers.
if they removed it because some idiots make fun and memes with him,
then i dont understand why pig is still in the game!
im really angry >:(
Considering they can't talk about it, as expressed by some of the mods, it's probably licensing issues.
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if thats true, so how could they implement it on the ptb servers?
wasn't that a licence issue then?
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It could've been BHVR didn't think it was an issue, and as soon as the license saw it they told BHVR "No."
It's probably as simple as that. Regrettable, but just as easy as that.
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u really belive they get the licence, make their product with it and only after it is out in the public to be tested then someone came and said: whoopsy we dont want u to use this line"
U really belive no one of the licence holders did check what they did before they brought it into the ptb?
U really think this to be a thing?
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it just sounds like a bunch of smoke up our asses if you ask me
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Yes. I do. The license holders could have easily said, at first, "Oh, yeah, voicelines are alright." then changed their minds.
For whatever other reason would they possibly get rid of the voicelines?
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While I agree that it is most likely the license holder, it is possible that the voice lines were messing with the spaghetti code and rather than admit it being their fault, Behaviour would like to let us think it's the license holder.
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so they made a contract where they could change the conditions whenever they like?
Pretty good job so far :D
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It's more likely a coding/filenaming thing, to be honest. They added voicelines for jonathan, and judging by how common this mistake it is in coding, it might be they accidentally overwrote pinhead's voicefiles with it and had to disable it last second.
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It caused issues with the SFX, i'm sure it'll come back when they fix it.
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Most likely the license holder realized people were memeing about "AND I CAME" and didn't like it, so asked BHVR to pull the lines.
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i saw a video, the chatterer still has his voice, if u wanna call it that.
Guess its not intentional then, just some pretty good programming so far.
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I'm just upset that they're lying about it. "Removed due to complications" - if they lost the rights, couldn't they just be honest with us?
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Thats called business. Considering Behavior doesn't own Pinhead, they are subject to this. Its either they listen to what the holders want or no license. They literally removed Stranger Things from the game because of this. The companies don't care about the game, they want money they see money and if they don't do what they want then no lisence.
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Wouldn't that be listed under "Known Issues" in the patch notes, then? Also, that doesn't sound like a reason for the devs to suddenly be all "We can't tell you any more than what we have already said."
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Their skill at accepting favorable contracts is literally unparalleled.
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I'm honestly kinda glad. I was sick and tired of that meme, it was funny once or twice then after that it was just overdone by literally nearly everyone.
I feel that the whole 'I Came' thing defo has something to do with the 'issue' surrounding the audio for sure.
I wouldn't be buying a character just for that if I'm honest, kinda weird. But each to their own.
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Seeing as of how he talked in the ptb, makes this a case of false advertising. Hearing him talk was one of the reasons to purchase Pinhead since he's the only killer that does. Now that that's no longer the case, it makes me glad that I haven't put my money down yet.
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they even removed his mori voice lines....super weak
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Depends on whether the creative license for the specific line was created in script or by Doug Bradley via creative credit. Might be a different license.
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Imagine you are a dev. You got these voicelines that people are hyped for. you prepare the next patch, run everything through internal testing... and realize you accidentally overwrote the voicelines file with that of a different character, with no backup. Would you really admit that? Not saying this DID happen, but I could absolutely understand it if that is the case.
If it is: Please send that person my regards, we've all been there, and it suuuuuuuuuucks Dx
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That doesn't make sense and seems rather contrived, but yes, you would admit that. The only logical explanation for them not explaining is that they are being prevented from explaining the reason. And the only logical reason for that is a legal reason.
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Naw. my scenario is more likely.
Because here's the thing: It CAN'T be legal stuff cause, NO you can't have cherrypicking parts of a contract. meaning the voicelines are tied to the whole thing. it's either the whole thing or none. and as everything else is still there it's very likely a coding issue.
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It really isn't more likely that they're too embarrased to admit that they screwed up than that licensing issues are coming up. Your scenario doesn't make sense.