Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • stormy_
    stormy_ Member Posts: 208

    i do that some times LoL

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    Just had an encounter with a Bubba. He didn't face camp but from the get go of the game, he knew what was up immediately. I had the locker build on just trying to have some fun instead of being so serious with my matches and he kept dancing in front of the locker twice because he just knew I had the locker build. Messaged him after he won the game saying ggs it was funny to me you knew what was up from the get go. He knew which survivor I was instantly. It was just a neat short conversation. It's not everyday I find a killer who has their messages open and wanted to spread some good luck in future games.

    Contrary to popular belief, not every survivor who dies is salty. :)

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,000

    I once had a match on Azarov's resting place where very early into the game I got someone off a hook then quickly got downed and hooked myself. Despite unhooking someone no one came for me. I even had the kindred perk on so all other survivors could see I was hooked, see killer was nowhere near me and what each other were doing and still no one came. One guy even was repairing a gen right on front of me (and when I say right in front I mean it: the hook was just left of the little lodge, the gen way by a hill in front of the lodge! I was honestly flabbergasted. Clearly the killer was too as they messaged me afterwards to say how they couldn't believe that no one came to even try and that they had tried extra hard to make sure they all died to avenge me. I know survivors are supposed to have solidarity with other survivors, but we had a great killer-survivor bond lol.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Fully expecting facecamp clips

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    This pig Just now wanted to Kick Gens for the archives. So I sat there tapping the gen, while my team (sadly) did the gens pretty fast. I threw a bunch of pallets for her, and she let me boop her snoot. <3 That pig. Hope you get your challenge.

  • Therealdrummer
    Therealdrummer Member Posts: 8

    I just had a wholesome moment where I earned my adept wraith trophy and you didn't give it to me. I'm tired of not getting the trophies that I earn.

  • TsumLeia
    TsumLeia Member Posts: 11

    Two people DC at the same time, before any gens could get done. I'm assuming it was a connection error. I felt bad for the remaining two survivors, So I made them do all 5 gens and let them escape.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited August 2021

    I wouldn't expect a killer to LET us do all 5 unless they made it clear we were going to farm some points first. This happened with a Demogorgon killer a few days ago. We ran round the map doing pallet breaks and vault grabs etc. It was quite fun actually.

    Maybe allow them to get three gens done and carry on as normal as it tends to be about three gens done when two killers are sacrificed a lot of the time. You deserve a chance too.

  • PlayEvilDead
    PlayEvilDead Member Posts: 91
    edited September 2021

    I repeatedly proxy camped an area with close hooks, gens and hexes and occasionally slugged and got a genuine gg afterwards once. I honestly didn't know how to respond to it since I was expecting nothing or something vitriolic so I awkwardly backed out of the end game screen. But you say a wholesome moment and that's the only one that comes to mind.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Recently I've been wanting to start learning more killers since I've gotten pretty good with my main (huntress). So I had a demo game at red ranks, bare in mind this is when performance issues were at their worst awhile back too. On console.

    So they're an optimal team, I'm getting destroyed and the lag was making it worse. I felt so defeated so I stood in the corner just waiting for them to finish the last gen and leave. I kept hearing a toolbox being dropped and eventually turned around to see a claud tbag me in a nice way.

    I went to the exit and hit it as I didn't want her to die since she was being so nice to me, she moved her character in a way to say no then ran back to the corner I was previously in and crouched facing the wall and died to endgame. It made me feel really happy honestly, it restored my faith that not all people are toxic in this game.

    Then I had someone the other day message me after a long game of me trying to defend a 3 gen as huntress and praise me so much. They apologised for others tbagging and even said I played tremendously well and I'm extremely good at huntress. Once more, I was just really happy he acknowledged I played well and they all played extremely optimal, I couldn't fault them honestly. Was a great game.

    Lastly, when people say hello to me and tbag me at the start of a game as survivor. So simple but yet so wholesome and cute.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    I played a game the night before as nurse - by no means great at her but managed to get each survivor hooked at least once, if not twice, and just missed killing one. Got a nice message at the end saying ggwp ❤️ It’s messages like that I really appreciate. And I will often do it too.

    got curbed stomped by the best wraith I’ve seen in a while and told them it was nice to see someone playing wraith with such skill. I know there are many wraith players now, so it was even nicer the fact theu hadn’t BMed, tunnelled, etc. The only time they slugged is if they realise they’d only just hooked that person and let the other revive them.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Ended the gaming session last night on this high note because I didn't think I'd get that nice of a group of survivors again. Super solid group, was a lot of fun for my first time back on Triangle Face after a long time off.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    edited September 2021

    Had 2 crossplay survivors who enjoyed watching my performance in my mori and decorated the body afterwards. We sat around the campfire and also purchased a couple of teddy bears at the Gas Heaven. Most wholesome beans I've ever been nice to. They also wanted to be mori'd at the end even though I wanted them to escape. GG Dwight and David ❤️

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Huh, when did this thread get unpinned? Bringing it back with my last game. Pyramid Head, the embodiment of guilt and punishment for one's sins, just got thoroughly beaten at his own game today. Enter the Disapproving Quentin.

    Haddonfield offering, kind of a bad start. I find a Mikaela on a gen and whiff a couple of ambitious Judgements before I just start M1ing. Towards the end of the chase, I notice a Quentin walking down the main street, but I want the down before the inevitable gen pops and I ignore him.

    I down Mikaela before a pallet and she crawls under it. Suddenly Quentin dashes in, wastes the pallet, and unleashes his master strategy - standing in my way and shaking his head 'no' while I'm stalled breaking the pallet.

    I try to push around him. I can't. I go the other way around the car and he moves to block me from that side too. I shake my head 'no' back at him and he 'no's harder. I could just whack him and phase through his body, or chase him off, but you don't understand this guy's energy. It'd be like punching Gandhi. Or Gandhi if Gandhi was really bad at DBD, which he probably was, all things considered.

    Fine, Quentin. Have your friend. You've amused me and I like your attitude. I will go beat up someone else for now.

    Like that, I have made a terrible mistake.

    I find a badly positioned Feng and she goes down within fifteen seconds. She goes on a hook - in hindsight, the speed of the kill was the only thing that saved it. Jane runs for the save from the same way I'm heading and we get into a decent chase. She gets me with a pallet, but ultimately it doesn't take too long before I'm hoisting her up.

    There's Quentin again. Standing across the street, next to the nearest hook. Watching me. His freshly HD eyes bore through my tarnished metal helm and pierce my soul.

    Fiiiiine. Take the Jane. Gens are moving slowly, probably because you're too busy judging me, and hitting you now would just be awkward. I am going to go chase someone where you are not.

    Yeah, no. I've given Quentin far too much power. I go to the other side of the map and he's there. He's everywhere. An omnipresent specter of divine chastisement. Sometimes when I'm moving, I hear a soft breathing beside the gasps of my prey, but when I turn over my shoulder, nothing is there but crows and fog. Down the Feng again? Quentin emerges. Mikaela? The slow headshake of disapproval.

    God. Tinkerer goes off while I'm breaking a treat pumpkin and I warp speed into the basement house and line up a perfect shot on Jane and Feng, both running for the god pallet. Feng goes down with it and Jane makes it upstairs to the front door before she, too, kisses pavement. I hear rustling and look up.

    Quentin is there. He gazes serenely upon my carnage. Mikaela crouches after him, having learned that the shadow of death does not fall on the ground where Quentin stands. Argh. Go heal your Jane, I've got another one on standby. I go back downstairs to pick up the Feng and find that the exits of the house have been plugged by survivors, all slowly closing in on me.

    I have entirely lost control of this situation. I go onto the main street, where all of the survivors assemble, and draw a big question mark.

    Quentin points at the gen.

    And that's how you beat DBD in a pacifist run.