SBMM should show killers are overpowered

In the last 10 matches, I’ve seen nothing but Ruin and usually Undying too. Not to mention a dramatic increase in tunneling and slugging. The killers all won and that’s very bad balance.
For how difficult it is for survivors to increase their MMRs, the data should show an overabundance of killers using Ruin, Undying, and other slowdown perks that is artificially increasing MMRs of killers. Survivor MMR is not taking this into account, every match is still no chance of survival. This is why there are so many killers with high MMRs and hardly any survivors except for SWF that is able to somehow do the hard to do gens. These perks are not fun to verse every single game and I’m looking for a discussion from the devs on addressing this problem. It has to be acknowledged.
Haha sure.
Before my teammates were terrible. Since MMR, 80% of my games end in 4-6 min with all 5 gens done and killer having max 3-5 hoooks. Pure solo survivors with not even meta perks at all, just good survivors vs killers with meta build, all of them. blights, spirits, wraiths all of them lose.
Maybe improve your gameplay so that you get good teammtes too.
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The developers would be blind not to see what we see. The age of the 4k is coming to an end. They need to rework keys so that you can leave without completing any gens, I think that would balance this power dynamic and bring the fun back to survivor.
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If you think killers are over powered, you're not in a very high MMR.
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at lower ranks yeah
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How many hours of survivor have you played?😎
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Sluzzy might be on to something.
Killers are feeling forced to use slowdown perks. That's something the devs don't want. So i wouldn't be surprised if they nerf slowdown perks even more.
Can't wait for the 20+ minute survivor queues...
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What about the survivor perk meta...
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Time to do what I always do and lend you a veneer of credibility.
What the hell are you talking about? All it's going to show is that solo's need some form of basekit coordination, and that 3-4 person SWF teams just do gens so quickly that they have time to mess around and bully killers.
Something you cannot do if killers are OP.
In addition, you aren't mentioning second-chance perks, Exhaustion perks (fun fact, skill can replace exhaustion but it can't replace slowdown), or keys and medkits. Very telling, that, isn't it? I wonder what possible reason you could have for ignoring those?
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killer queues already show it
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Sluzzy's actually a very good killer.
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You can absolutely play without slow-down if you're good enough. Go to twitch and look up KaiZ. He plays without slow-down with every killer and does really well. Send us some of your high MMR games as survivor where you bully killers.
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Trapper would like to have a Word...
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Not against opponents of relatively equal skill. And since MMR is a thing and is vaguely functional, you should now only be going against opponents of relatively equal skill, instead of noobstomping and bragging about it.
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Well... SBMM making things worse was expected.
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My survivor matches are showing that killers can't compete with team efficiency. Same meta perks you describe, but completely different outcome.
Wonder what your teams are doing wrong?
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I am saying killers are OP because they can increase their MMR much faster than that of survivor and killers are almost always winning. If MMR is working correctly, I'm still seeing killers win too much when I play survivor.
I wish you can compare but nothing compares to massive slowdown. The inverse would be a speed-up, which survivor doesn't have that luxury. Exhaustion is only one time per chase, Wraith can spam a long uncounterable lunge greater than dead hard. A survivor is paralyzed to keep DS and keys still requires doing most of the objective.
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The game is not balanced at the top. Definitely strongly survivor sided.
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Sounds like your beef is with those two perks, not with killers.
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I’m on mobile where it doesn’t show the thread creator and assumed this was a Sluzzy post before I clicked on it. Good to know some things never change.
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Well, Sluzzy's got a point there. The huge queues on high SBMM prove that climbing up MMR is way easier at killer than at survivor. If the game is killer or survivor sided is another discussion because it doesn't revolve only around high MMR, but the fact is against a lot of killers only 4 man SWFs can compete against, and on a game where the majority of the survivor playerbase plays on solo/duo I highly doubt people who say "killer is sooo hard".
Imo, stacked active slowdowns should be looked at.
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"Uncounterable lunge", aye? Good to know. I'll remember that I'm hacking the next time I vault a window.
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If anything SBMM has shown how survivor sided this game is. Go watch some good killer main steamers. They are losing a lot more games now, and are struggling for what wins they get. I really don't see how anyone can say this game is killer sided. As soon as you run into a decent team as killer, you struggle. If you are a decent 4 man SWF on coms, you only struggle vs like 3 killers, and the killer player also has to play well.
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For real! I hope they remove all killer perks except for territorial imperative! Killer perks are just so op. TBH why stop at perks? Force killers to channel for 10 seconds to start gen regression, or better yet, remove gen regression. Next let's make all the killers fluffy bunnies so that my phobia doesn't kick in. After they are bunnies, then you can remove their weapons.. wouldn't want anyone getting hurt. It's okay, killer plays are resilient and can take infinite constructive "changes" to gameplay!
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They did say they are looking at problematic perks and their correlation to winning. we all know this isn't referring to survivors.
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Now that I think of it. The upcoming boon totems might be actual high risk, high reward perks. Now parting from the current survivor meta perks as how strong a "normal" perk is...
The new survivor perks might get over the board in strength. With killer slowdowns, stun locks, and all the nightmarish stuff the devs came up with in previous years.
It will all part from the strength evaluation of both sides that comes with sbmm.
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I almost got heated till I realized it was you lol
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You're both hilarious. The meta is like 6 perks on each side. If you think BT, DS, Unbreakable, Dead Hard along with BNPs and medkits and such isn't at least as problematic as Ruin Undying or whatever, all I can do is laugh
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SBMM should show how bad of a surv you are
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Undying Ruin can be completely ignored during the match though. Since they have 0 impact on survivors hugging gens.
The same can't be said about certain survivor perks.
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Most killers end the game with 1-3 hooks 80% of the games like kebak said. no clue what sluzzy is on about. I just wonder why 20% of the games, your teammate feel just little bit off but its often no issue if you pick up slack of your team in the oddball games.
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Please define won in your post. 4k 3k 2k or 1k
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You need to tell me what perk you use yo stay on gebs when the killer shows up
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The killer can only chase 1 survivor. Which means the other survivors can do gens. But Repressed Alliance is what you are looking for. It blocks the gen for 30 seconds.
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Oh ######### I completely forgot about that one, thanks man
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If his point is:
Killers get to high MMR easier. -> then yes, but for different reasons. It is not because of meta perks (survivors use that too). Thing is that you need only your skill to get high, that is not same for survivors. You will often lose MMR, because of weak link as survivor.
Killers are stronger than survivors. -> Yeah, no.
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It's a very common occurrence. If survivors were stronger, this wouldn't be happening so much:
3 is dead, 4 gens still untouched. Finding Ruin on this map is way too much of a killer advantage.
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Look, each has their faults, each has their overpowered components. Acting like one is bad and one isn't just isn't a valid argument. The meta is stale and narrow for both roles.
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But for different reasons.
Survivor meta hasn't changed in 4 years. Because up until recently, the perks were either buffed to be stronger (BT) or didn't change at all (IW). DS was getting stronger and stronger up until the last version. Where it finally changed to a anti tunneling perk.
Meanwhile the killer meta constantly changed in the same time. Right know, killers are stacking gen slowdown perks. Not because they get easy wins, but because they struggle with gens when they take other perks.
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Survivors have several perks to help find totems and there is also item for it. You have several maps with multiple confirmed location spawns and survivors can spawn actually looking at hex.
You forgot that killer plays late game without 1-2 perks, because of it.
Haddonfield is not hard on totem spawn, you have like 2-3 confirmed locations. Racoon city is hell tho.
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Yeah, there will always be meta and Sluzzy is using DH, DS, Unbreakable and Soul Guard. He really has no right to complain about meta builds...
I would like to see patch full of perk buffs, so there is change in meta. It is boring to see same perks over and over again.
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Yes, there is an awful lot of perks that are simply trash. Changing/buffing those would be a better idea than simply nerfing whats meta right now.
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Fine lets all ignore how broken and easy survivor is..
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Well I'm not a pro Spirit mainer, but I used to play it quite well (reached up to 5-6 ranks). Now with MMR introduced, while playing Spirit I'm devastated by SWF almost in every single match. And ruin doesn't help much: my ruin stayed untouched with all the 5 gens repaired. 😂
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Ahahahahahahauaga..... Can u tell me what exactly is difficult? 4 man gen rush team is difficult? Bnp and gen pops in 30 sec, is it difficult? Pick key, escape with hatch, it's difficult?
I honestly think killers suffer from mmr more than survivors and lower tier needs either buffs or map resize to be competitive.
Not to mention decent swf counter most killers.
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It doesn't matter how or when they get used, the fact is that survivors always bring the best perks, so nobody has any right to complain about killers doing the same
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Use Small game. Hexs are becoming obsolete
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Last thing unbreakable and soul guard fix the problem with slugs if you have ruin in play. But hey. Complain that your job is too hard. Play a killer come to this side and see your whining is actually mute whenever your hex is found due to small game in 30 seconds or let's say anything else? Try a killer you have no right to talk until you have clocked time.
Small game makes all hexes obsolete and useless so long as 2 people run it.
Post edited by SabunoHakia on0 -
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I'm not trying to be rude here Sluzzy but, you must not know about oh I don't know totem perks? Do you ever use Small Game, Counterforce, or Detective's Hunch? Course you don't. Something tells me you don't play to well over all as a Survivor if you complain about killer being OP. Sure some are super good and OP and Ruin and Undying makes them better but there's stuff to help you. Why don't you ever use that stuff it doesn't make sense. If you hate Ruin and Undying run those perks it's not hard.
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He uses DH, DS, Unbreakable and Soul Guard and then complain that killer is using meta perks... Hypocrit
He can use perks, item and on most maps you don't need it, because you have often several guaranteed spots for totems and you can spawn looking at hex (which is really dumb). Only map where you need it is Racoon city.