I Think I'm Done With Killer

I'm fairly confident that I am retiring from playing Killer. I'm upset and worked up, so don't expect logical ingenuity.
I've tried to give MMR a fair shot, but most if not all of my matches have been miserable.
I've played around 50 Pinhead games, 10 Freddy games, 30 Nemesis games, 2 Blight games and maybe 25 of a variety of other Killers. I have routinely received the exact same Survivors, regardless of the Killer I play.
I have NEVER played Freddy on my account. I did not even own him. My first match with no perks and no add-ons and I get put up against a 4-stack I had just played as Nemesis. There is no individual Killer MMR, or if there is, it means nothing. I'm calling BHVR out on that.
The final straw was today. I've been trying to play Blight for days, but queue's are so long that I can't seem to manage it. I finally got into a match. I took one chase and 3 gens popped. Took another chase and two more popped.
Two hooks. 5 gens. Everyone gets out. Incredibly fun and engaging gameplay. Especially when I SAT IN A QUEUE FOR 45 MINUTES.
Those are their hours. Here's mine.
I don't give a ######### anymore if the game is balanced at high Ranks. Just make it fun because Jesus Christ, this system sucks and I am pissed beyond belief that it went live without any changes to the game.
Sorry that you feel this way man. Honestly the devs have made it clear that they don’t know what best for the game and what keeps the game fun so I don’t blame you.
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In those type of games you best just focusing on doing challenges for the bp and not the win
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And don't you think that's a problem? Don't you think that having a game that is so fundamentally unbalanced that you would be better off doing asinine challenges instead of trying to win is a problem?
These games are NOT infrequent anymore. It's one of these, then a game against complete babies.
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Survivor is much more fun because having 3 competent teammates basically guarantees at least 2 escapes.
The game is so unbalanced when Survivors understand their jobs it isn't even funny.
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Before the SBMM went live, BHVR said that most matches should end with two kills and two escapes. Now that the MMR is live again, they stated that that should be happening more often now, however anyone who plays this game on a regular basis knows that simply is not true.
We all have bad games, it's inevitable, but when it's consistently bad, that's when there is a fundamental problem with the game. Gamers with hundreds of hours or less are consistently being matched against players with thousands of hours. Not only is it not fun, but it's starting to make more and more players, especially new players, turn the game off altogether.
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I don't wanna be a debbie downer, but behavior are not the ones to ask for fun gameplay.
Do whatever's possible to make the game fun for yourself and manageable. If playing killer sucks donkey D then don't do it. Never feel like you're compelled to do something just to have fun if it's not fun.
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Look i never said it was a fun alternative I was just trying to put a positive spin on a bigger issue that your having
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It's clear that they make more money from survivors so they need to keep them happy.
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And yet, BHVR continues to ignore feedback.
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That is verifiably true.
I don't think BHVR has some huge Survivor bias or something, but I do think that when it comes down to it, there are more Survivors than Killers and you want to keep the majority happy, that's just good business.
It's also probably hard as hell to figure out how to balance higher MMR DBD and they just don't want to do that.
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DbD heard your skill floor was naturally higher.
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SBMM has absolutely no benefit to killer, its only a benefit to survivors. The higher your MMR goes as a killer, the sweater teams you will be facing, at after reaching a certain threshold of rating you will be playing against survivors who all know how to run and loop well, know all the strats and outplays to every killer and every map.
As your MMR climbs higher on survivor, you get to sit comfortable knowing that every teammate you get will know how to run and loop the killer, and will be doing generators.
How does MMR positively effect killers? It doesn't.
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It sure seems that way.
However, at a certain level, you just can't compete unless you play Nurse or Spirit (which I do not.)
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Don’t you know? Killers only exist to make sure survivors have fun
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It must be stated that, whilst playing Survivor, you will end up at a level where there exists only Spirits and Nurse's.
That isn't fun either.
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Sorry to hear that. But just switch to survivor. At this point it should be clear that survivors are the desired power role.
On regard of the 45 minute queue, i can only imagine that it's because of the patch problem (X-Box). Because my PC killer queue is usually between 1 and 2 minutes (and getting shorter each day) but has never been longer than 5 minutes. So it might be a bug or something, when your queues are so long.
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Welcome to the dark side, i've also mostly switched to survivor since i still want to play this game. Until some fixes come we'll just have to endure this.
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I wanted to give him a fair shot.
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45 minutes? Something isn't right. I usually find games pretty quick. Maybe take a short break and try playing again.
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Because bhvr is busy producing more skin, it will not deal with unreasonable bugs of killers, nor will it weaken the voice cheating of team formation, because human 4:1 killers make better money
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I will make a picture soon, similar to the one I drew today, which proves that the human advantage bug has been used for more than two years.
I will propose how to modify the balance of the game more reasonably. Let me do the game planning
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I don't know if you can share games on xbox, but maybe you can try out an alt account to try how that is? I don't say that you should stomp survivors, but seeing your other thread about performance, I think you're the right person to investigate how it can/will affect the gameplay (and also maybe get you some more fun matches in the meantime as killer).
And if you want to play survivor, you switch back to your main account.
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You can't weaken the voice communication when it's a third party software or imbedded into the console software.
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I know, you can change the generator to the default 100 seconds. If you are in a team, let them have a halo under their feet, and every 2 people in a team will increase the repair time of each generator by 10 seconds. Three people in a team will increase the repair time of each generator by 15 seconds
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Really? Weird.. I'm mostly playing killer too and my games are consistently sitting between 5-10 minutes (usually playing at prime time).
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What would you have me test?
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Wait didn't they say there was individual mmr? Is it bugged or something?
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Mmr has been a failure imo. Survivor has also became quite a boring experience recently.
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I'm pretty much agree with you. Most of the time I get destroyed and I get sweaty games. I tried to play with Huntress on PS4 (I barely play her) and I got sweaty survivors.
It seems like the skill of the survivors I get really depends on the part of the day, I play. While we had the rank system I got the more challenging survivors during the day. Since the MMR went live I get sweaty survivors during evening time.
I can only win, if I tunnel or if I bring a specific map which is beneficial for that particular killer. E.g Impossible skill check doctor on an indoor map.
I was really hoping that slowly I can move away from the meta build, but even now with meta build I can barely kill 2 people.
Btw how did you get the playing time stats on ps4?
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They have said a lot of things.
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I'm certainly not a great Pinhead player, but I think he can be pretty good. I wouldn't mind him receiving some small buffs, though.
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Yeah it hasn’t been too fun for survivor either imo. All I get is either insanely good blight’s nurses and spirits or a fresh install wraith who thinks he’s playing Friday the 13th
Did BHVR seriously think they could pull this off?
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Maybe its a region thing. Playing EU.
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Didn't they say they wanted games balanced around 2 kills and two escapes?
Which seems nuts to me because who wants a survival horror where 50% of the game is destined to escape by design. The play seems to represent this too...
When I play survivor I often don't even interact with the killer as they are hard tunneling two other survivors because if they don't we'll all get out, so you get 1-2K and 2-3 escapes aparently that's balance.
When playing killer I sweat like a beast to get close to a kill or two or I just have to meme around and accept that there is no threat to the other players at all from me.
Its almost as if matches are now designed that only 50% of players intereact for the game and you can choose to play it an dprobably die on hook or not to play it and just sit on gens till you walk out the door. Its an odd design and not much fun.
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Also playing on EU. EU West to be precise.
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From the looks of it its either horribly bugged or they decided to remove it for whatever reason.
Given the developers actions they probably removed it on purpose without telling us...Again
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I also play EU West and at the evening. I get my Killer matches with around 4-8 minutes maximum usually its just 2-3.
The problem seems to be the lack of individual MMR for the Killers on Pulsars side. This is just bad and ruins the fun especialy when you take the Feddy example. Also there seems to be little to no decay in MMR when you let people escape and this is bad too, MMR should adjust downside a bit faster to get people to play more again.
Or another theory: The MMR of Killers is just higher overall when you are good with one Killer and survivors tend to have a lower MMR over all compared to Killers. Example: You best Killer is a 10, you "new" Killer get a 8 and survivors only have a 7. This would place your best killer against the same survivor as your worst Killer. Thus explaining long que times and bad matches.
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I welcome you into the "retired killer main turns into survivor main" group
It was a lie, dataminers found out that if you, let's say, play only nurse and are godly with her, your MMR with other killers will also be higher.
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Sorry you’re having a frustrating time with the game. I’d really recommend taking a break, I got really frustrated with the game a few months back and stopped playing it for a while and when I came back it was much more fun. Try out a different game, I think DBD has a tendency to suck people in and become the only game they play and I think it causes a lot of frustration.
That or switch to survivor for a while. I’ve done the opposite, gone from 60/40 survivor/killer to 70/30 killer/survivor because I’m having a lot more fun playing killer than survivor at the moment.
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Can I still be in this club even if I've actually just come full circle from survivor to killer to survivor?
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100%. Killer is vile to play at the moment. And i agree with you about the MMR.
I've played around 100 killer games in the past 2 weeks, averaging around 7 per day id say. 40% playing Pinhead, 40% playing Pyramid Head. 20% other killers like doctor, freddy, wraith etc.
Pyramid Head is a character before MMR came in i usually got a 4k on. I literally cannot remember the last time i got less than a 3K on him. Yet in the past two weeks ive had occasional groups who go full sweat gen rush and thats fine....but im also getting at least half my games against survivors who play like they're extremely new. They cant loop, they cant dodge my POTD, they get caught out by such silly things.
This would all be fine except on Pinhead, Wraith, Doc and the others, i continually get matched with survivors with a total combined playtime of around 20K hours, if not more (30k in a few instances). These are killers i average out as a 1-3K when i dont tunnel/camp and yet i get better survs playing the killers im obviously weaker at.
So for me its
Play the killers im stronger at = Get potato survivors
Play killers i dont do that well on = Get 4 stack SWF sweat teams who average out at 8K hours each.
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I'm sat at the killer mains club right now, its just me, on my own, eating all the sausage rolls, watching the survivor mains through the window partying next door.
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I'm with you, bud, the killer role blows. I, too, am finished with it.
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I'm still hanging out here too! It's just very close to the door and every day gets more tempting because they have cows, there, Mr. Jaws. Cows.
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I am not on the Series X.
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Then i don´t know whats the problem. Yesterday i had a killer queue of 3 minutes when i started playing at 17:00. Which got lower the later it got. At 19:00 i had a queue of 1 minute.
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It is individual but difference is very tiny. Like -200 from your current mmr so u still face strong survivors even if u never played certain killer.
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100% yes, especially since it is you.
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Funny cuz sometimes I think about becoming a killer main when I play solo queue. 😂
This has literally been me seeing no one on a gen as I am on a hook after running the killer: