Why devs allow dead hard to exist

If you would quit the part of extending chases would be okayish but fixing mistakes when the other part need them to commit em is extremely bullshit
I literally cannot understand what this post means.
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Dead hard is fine, the people complaining about it are just not comprehending that the issue is the game design as a whole. It is literally the only second chance that survivors have control over which is why it feels so powerful when used properly.
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Lmaoo, seriously
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Dead Hard is a good and fair perk, and this is coming from my experience against it as killer. If you can bait it out of them, it usually results in a down a few seconds later. Likewise, putting pressure on them could make them dead hard into a wall or something.
It's strong, but far from a balance problem and really - when baited - it's just as beneficial for the killer as it could be for the survivor.
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I- why spirit exists? When's she's free kills basically, why keys exists when they are free escape? Why tunneling and camping exists when they're no skills? Etc etc etc etc
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Yeah thats the problem right now that perk shouldnt exist.
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Okay to evade a hit is fine but what about to use it for distance?
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Spirit have a counter guessing what they gonna do half of spirit down there go straight like it would be a normal killer hell I ve even stun spirit 3 times in a row.
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How do you bait a DH to a window or pallet?
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It's fine because it only gives you 1 sec of distance instead of 3 seconds of distance. 1 sec of distance and a chance for an evade make up for the other 2 seconds of distance.
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1 secs that made a chade of 20 secs another chase of god only know how many more.
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So Spirit is a fair killer because guessing is "counterplay" but Dead Hard isn't a fair perk? Surely if you can just guess what a Spirit is going to do, you should also be able to bait out Dead Hard every time?
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The spirit power is mindgame thats why its 110% yeah its guessing or more likely think what would the killer do.Thats why his power is not instant so u can make a decision.
With spirit is guessing but dead hard to reach a structure or pallet have nooooo counter.
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The problem with Dead Hard is when its used for distance. Good survivors won't use it to dodge a hit, they'll use it to get more loops which they wouldn't be able to without Dead Hard.
Now, this usually only means they get another loop out of it, but that's easily 10-20 seconds of additional time they've wasted of the killers. If every single survivors has dead hard, and it happens multiple times, it quickly adds up.
That's the problem with Dead Hard and exhaustion perks overall, they waste so much of the killers time that its basically a necessity to bring ruin/undying/pop/corrupt to compensate for this. Plus its boring, there's no interaction or counter-play I can do against a distance-used dead hard unless I'm one of three ranged killers.
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”Fixing mistakes” when the survivor literally only extended the chase because they knew they had an extension through a perk. Because they knew you were going to think “oh now they are f*cked” but really it was just to bait you.
Perks are suppose to give you an advantage in situations. Kinda like how other perks work. Who would have thought.
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Soo that day has come now even dead hard is a problem
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This is new to you?
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In the 5.1.0 ptb there was a "bug" that made dead hard work the same, but not have the speed boost. It was horrible anyways. Good they didn't make that happen as actual nerf
Post edited by Angelicus23 on0 -
So does dead hard yet we're here that was only an example of this bs thread
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My chases against dead hard users are actually shorter than my chases against sprint burst/lithe users. Good thing for me to see more of the former than the latter
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Dead Hard doesn't "fix" mistakes. The survivor greeds the loop because he knows he can Dead Hard to safety again. If you remove Dead Hard you'll just have way more pre-dropping and holding W, which I'm sure nobody really likes.
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I understood the title but that was all I understood.
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I agree 100% if you use dead hard improperly you end up hitting a wall or it only buys you 2 more seconds
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Okay, remove Dead Hard, but make face camping and tunneling a bannable offense.
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A one-off brief speed boost to hit a vault is the best way to use it, but even then comparing Dead Hard as a speed boost to Lithe or Sprint Burst, it doesn't have that same impact. Plus, if a killer chooses to chase beyond, Bloodlust will counter that. The distance is minor really. Certainly far from being unfair.
Either way, it's an exhaustion perk, so it needs to be used wisely.
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You don't. You bait it to make them avoid a hit. If you think they have it and you are approaching a vault or pallet, you look for a way to catch them by using mind games. Anyway, it can only be used once before exhaustion sets in and it's only a short, brief burst. Hardly an issue to declare the perk is unfair. It's defensive.
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Thats the thing there is no bait just press a button to extend chase.
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Lol its been a prob since a ton of time.If your game is not balanced and you add more OP perks.
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Maybe I would becuz the map has an end.
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Okay you get that surv perks cant be stronger than killers right? Becuz we got 4 surv abusing a strong perk.
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See a smart survivor will use it to make it to a pallet or window before your close enough to swing and extending the chase for at least one more tile.
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I do not hate Dead Hard that much.
A good Sprint Burst is far more annoying than any Dead Hard because with the latter I get a chase with the first a chase does not even happen or happens on a very unfavorable tile. Which is why I take Dead Hard over Sprint Burst any day. Also Dead Hard allows for cool play like deadharding through the Killer to dogne him and confuse him. Good stuff.
They could however buff Lithe and Smash Hit a bit to make those perks more even. I would like to see more varity on my opponents and I think that especialy Smash Hit is underperforming for its requirements.
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You can't. People saying that DH is not that good bc you can bait it out doesn't understand that DH for distance is the real issue, specially in the fastest meta we ever had in DbD.
The DH that alllows you to reach the pallet can extend the chase 30 seconds or more, which basically means another gen gets done. Now imagine this in all 4 survivors, its crazy to think about it.
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True, but whatever the intellect of the survivor, they will only get to use it once so they have to be selective when to use it. Even then, if they were to Dead Hard into a vault and they already have a bit of distance on you, it is possible to change your chase route entirely and avoid any time-wasting of doing mind-games by looping round.
For me, Dead Hard works as a good defense, but even then it can only grab a few extra seconds in the grand scheme of things. If it wasn't an exhaustion perk, then absolutely it would be overpowered, especially with Lithe or Smash Hit! But that exhaustion tag removes anything other than a brief, mini spurt.
Try kiting survivors into corners, or pushing them into trickier areas where Dead Hard becomes more risky to use. That helps me a lot.
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A bit of distance on me that its cut off with a good hold m1 attack.
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actually yeah ı'm using forum for months ı am not that old here and this is the first time I'm seeing someone complaining about that Dead hard which tottaly fine it doesn't even give distance comparing to other perks
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Ok. If you give it time you'll likely see more requests for dead hard to be nerfed.
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Its the balance, surv ask for killer nerfs so we do with their perks.
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Have you considered watching some good players on YouTube? I feel your problem might be something else than dead hard. Try someone like FunGoose (he explains a lot and voices his thoughts).
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Dude... the type of play you are talking about for Dead Hard? Most players don't fire it that way. And the few that do? You're just gonna have to get good enough to deal with it.
Dead Hard because it's manually fired and on such a long cool down is a fair and balanced perk and has plenty of counterplay
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And what about the Killer feeling like they have control? It's a 1v4 game, where the Killer is supposed to be the threat.
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im gonna dead hard u 👊💥
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I have no idea how people are saying dead hard is "fair".
There is no counterplay to dead hard outside of "hope the survivor is dumb".
Dead hard feels amazing to use as survivor because it's busted and strong. Just use it for distance all the time and you'll extend loops when you never should of. Not to mention you still have the back up plan of reliably dodging projectiles.
The only people who think it's fine are bad survivors or boosted killers slapping down bad survivors.